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Page 23

by Angel Payne

  And shit, the room! Even it had been transformed. The guest bed was still here, though she barely recognized the thing. In place of its demure art deco comforter, the mattress was now fitted with a tight cover in a shade of royal blue, in what looked like a leather texture. A steel truss system rose up around the bed, with several attachments already in place…including leather cuffs that seemed to wave at her in welcome. She swung her stare over to take in even more. In the corner opposite the bed, there was a big X-shaped cross just like the one she and Garrett had used at King’s Medina kink mansion, along with another piece of equipment that appeared kind of like a prayer bench lined in dark-purple velvet.

  Wow. Wow. Wow.

  Okay, maybe she already was in church. Or heaven. Or a wild, glorious combination of the two.

  “Damn,” she finally got out. “Garrett…sweetheart…this is—”

  “Just the beginning.” He cut her off as he pushed away from the door and stepped over, his strides given a more menacing air by the heavy motorcycling boots he wore. “That is, if tonight goes well.”

  She laughed, trying to make light of the fact that his boots alone had just made her wetter than the Puget Sound in January. “Oh, I definitely think it—”

  He snatched her words from her again, along with the very breath behind them, by grabbing her chin with his palm and hitching her face up. His stare sent a long lick of blue fire straight to the deepest parts of her pussy. “You’re not in here to think, S.” His murmur smoldered hotter than his stare, descending deeper as he addressed the confusion that must have risen in her eyes. “Do you have any questions about that?”

  She managed to get enough moisture into her mouth to speak. “Are…are you saying you want to go further with this, Sir?”

  He smoothed his fingers across her face. His gaze consumed her with its fierce possession and pure adoration. “Oh yes, sugar.”

  She swallowed hard. “H-How much further?”

  “That’s a journey we’ll take together. It’ll be in steps. But listen to me, and hear my promise to you. My need to dominate you will never quell my need to make you happy, to make you soar.” He pressed a soft kiss on her lips. “To keep you safe.”

  Sage smiled. “I know.” She raised her hand, meshing her fingers with his. “So…what happens now?”

  Garrett let their hands fall apart. Gone was the cameo appearance from his gentle Dom. The hard-hewn conqueror was back, standing before her with an agenda in his eyes. An agenda that didn’t involve a lot of couch cuddling anymore.

  Shit. Shit.

  “Kneel for me, Sage.”

  Yes. Yes.

  That simple act pulled her mind and body into deeper focus on him. She heard his quiet rumble of satisfaction and rejoiced. She felt him step to her again and melted. As his long fingers descended atop her head, a long sigh left her trembling lips.

  “From now on, when you choose to come in here with me, you are no longer Sage. You will be only S. And I will be simply Master. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, Master.”

  “We’ll certainly discuss things that Sage has done, perhaps to address how she’ll be disciplined for them, but Sage herself belongs to that world out there. She belongs to the place where you have to worry, to think, to care. S does none of those things. In here, Master does the worrying. S is here merely to be a receptacle of things on Sage’s behalf.” His hand spread harder against her scalp. “Do you still understand?”

  She lifted her face. Dear sweet God, if this man was stunning as Garrett, he was resplendent as Master. Every inch of his gaze exuded power, strength, control. He was huge and mighty and confident, yet every molecule of air he breathed on her, every inch of his touch on her, was composed of his loving care, his fervent protectiveness. She was terrified of him like this, yet her body, her senses, her very blood and breath never wanted him more.

  “Yes.” She gave it to him on a raw rasp. “I still understand, Master.”

  “And…do you still want this? With me? Even after everything I’ve told you?”

  “Oh, yes!” Hoping he excused her for the burst of beginner’s zeal, she grabbed his other hand and pressed a kiss on his upturned palm. Garrett used that hand to guide her back to her feet. She was greeted by a beautiful warmth pouring from his cyan eyes.

  “That pleases me,” he told her, “but I want you to be sure.” He nodded toward the bed. “You see this equipment and you know what it means, right? That when I say you’ll be a receptacle for Sage, I mean for rewards and punishments. You will always have safe words. You’ll always be able to slow me down or stop me if you need to. Then we’ll take it outside and talk.” His fingers alighted on the column of her neck, trailing possessively along both sides of her wind pipe. “But when you’re in here, S…when you’re in my realm…you’re mine. All of you belongs to me.”

  By the time Sage remembered she had a voice, let alone how to use it, he’d trailed his touch down, coming to the black bra clasp between her breasts. “I still want this,” she insisted. “I still understand, Master. Ohhh, Master…oh…ummm…”

  She interrupted herself as he played with the fastening. His voice alone had turned her nipples into nubs of sheer need. Now she literally couldn’t talk from the intense need. Over the last week, he’d been fond of learning what her breasts could endure. Because of those test runs, both those peaks were hypersensitive to the tiniest brush of arousal, especially if that brush was in his hands.

  But the real challenge here was…Garrett knew that too. A stolen glance up at his face confirmed that fact with crystal clarity. He was like a bronze container of serenity and composure. She, on the other hand, could think of nothing else but letting his long, magical fingers roam all over her aching breasts.

  “Did you need to finish that, S?”

  “Y-Yes.” She forced her voice into compliance, even though he teased at the clasp in maddening experimentation, making her bend toward him in a wanton grovel. “Yes, Master, I did need to…to…”

  “Focus,” he murmured. “Lock your hands behind your waist and concentrate. I’m right here, and I’m listening. Now continue.”

  “I’ll…I’ll try. Oh! Ohhhh…”

  Continue? He expected her to continue, to concentrate at all, when he opened the bra and pushed it down her arms but did nothing with her exposed swells except run his knuckles along their undersides?

  “Yes?” he prompted. “I’m right here. I’m listening, sugar.”

  “I know!” she finally snapped. “I know, okay? But damn it, Gar—Master—please!”

  He simply kept up the maddening teasing. His fingers traced heat into the flesh of her breasts, but he went nowhere near the puckered circles that tingled in their centers, squeezing and hurting for his touch.

  “I’m gonna let that outburst slide, because you followed it up so sweetly,” he stated. “Do not unlock those hands, S. Use the stance to help yourself focus, to give me the words. Tell me what you’re feeling, my heart. Say it.”

  “Are you kidding me?” She couldn’t help it. The pressure was loaded so damn high, pushing at her nipples with tormenting need, and it was his doing. “God, Garrett, can’t you tell? Frustrated. I’m frustrated, okay? I feel trapped, and helpless, and—and you won’t do what I want you to. What I need you to!”

  She averted her eyes, now getting to pile awkward and embarrassed onto that heap of adjectives. Exasperated and enraged joined the list when Garrett moved his hands back in, framing her face completely with them, forcing her stare back up to his.

  “Now you’re getting a glimpse of how I felt when Sage took on King’s guards all by herself.”

  She dropped her jaw. That’s what this was all about? “I…I was trying to save our asses!”

  “We’re not discussing you. We’re discussing Sage. Who was naked and unarmed.”

  “Not for very long.”

  “A pair of whips doesn’t count as armed, damn it.”

It worked, didn’t it?”

  His fingers curled into her scalp again and he growled. It wasn’t his usual mountain lion growl, either. This sound belonged to Bigfoot, or something worse. Scratch that; it was worse. The rumble didn’t just resonate with a big dose of angry. It vibrated with pain. And yes, fear. He was battling to hide that part from her, but she saw it flashing through the smokescreen in his gaze too. She’d terrified him that night with her daredevil move. Yes, it was the step that swung the advantage their direction, but it very well could’ve been the stunt that got her killed.

  Her gut twisted, followed soon by her heart. He really had been a knuckle-dragging, overbearing beast since they’d gotten back, but he’d had damn good reasons for all that chest beating. He was a different creature now, and she had to learn his different sides all over again—just like he had to learn hers. And, quite possibly, just like he’d have to corral in some parts of her beastie side from time to time.

  They were learning together. Growing together. And this room was going to give them some of the most fun and sexy ways to do that.

  With that conclusion at the forefront of her mind, she dipped her head and gave her Master a resigned nod. “You’re right. It might have worked, but that didn’t make it the sanest action plan.”

  Garrett inched closer. He kissed the top of her head. “Thank you. I accept that, as well as the sweet sincerity with which you gave it. Now”—he lowered both hands to her breasts again, though this time he thumbed both nipples with enough pressure to make her sob—“you’re going to accept my discipline for it too.”

  She thought about protesting. Part of her wanted to. Her heart had seriously been in the right place. The trouble was, her head hadn’t been. One more factor led to the second soft nod she gave him with her head still lowered. She wanted this. Needed it. Had craved it since the first swat Garrett gave her pussy back in Thailand. She’d spent so damn long making all the decisions, doing all the governing, worrying about her very survival. For a while, she longed to be a little reckless and have someone else call the shots about it—which meant that for a while, they were probably going to be in this room a lot.

  She tried not to smile about that.

  Just like she tried not to let a few drops of fear sneak into the dutiful response she whispered to Garrett. “Yes, Master. Of course.”

  Another low rumble rolled out of him, but this time it was laced with an undertone of anticipation. “Very nice. But you’ll look nicer with those panties off, kneeling naked in the middle of the bed for me.”

  Sage moved to obey. With every step she took over to the bed, her mind seemed to ambulate as well, shifting into a zone not reality or fantasy but a surreal place in between. The fog of the headspace was only thickened by the ethereal music Garrett had plugged into the sound system’s speakers, a dreamy melody backed by a throbbing, blatantly sexual dance beat. Almost instantly, the depths of her body responded to it, coiling on themselves to squeeze out more drops of anticipation into her tight channel, her pouting pussy lips.

  “Are you ready, S?”

  She let out a soft laugh, hoping he didn’t take it the wrong way. “Hell yes, Master.”

  “What’s your safe word, S?”

  She laughed louder, unable to help it. “Cauliflower, Master.”

  “Is something funny, S?”

  Her nervousness spiraled into a moment of punchy stupidity. “I don’t know, Master. Is something funny?”

  Hell. She was going to regret that. He confirmed that the next second, grabbing her hair and twisting it hard. She whimpered as he yanked her head back, positioning her for his plunging, devouring, tongue-tangling kiss. When he finally let her go, he kept her jaw captive for a moment longer, letting her fast gasps twine with his heavy breaths. Sage pushed toward him again, yearning for another kiss, but he yanked his hand away in order to grab one of her wrists, pulling it directly over her head.

  Trepidation did a fast trample on her desire as he secured a leather cuff around her wrist and then hooked the restraint in place with a distinct clink of a carabiner hook. He climbed onto the bed behind her before doing the same thing to her other wrist.

  She was strung up for him now. Literally. With her arms locked over her head and her legs curled at the knee and pressed against him, she wouldn’t be scrambling out of this anytime soon.

  Her heart pounded against her ribs in time to the fuck-friendly music.

  But as she listened to Garrett readying numerous toys behind her, she had a feeling that a little of her Dom’s fun was coming before the fucking.

  She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. Another.

  He stole the calming effect of both gulps when he fitted his mouth against her ear and his hands circled around to tug hard at her nipples once more. “So, S’s tits are begging for a little attention tonight, yeah?”

  She licked her lips and replied, “Yes, Master.”

  “That’s damn fortunate, because I was thinking that S’s nipples need to share Sage’s punishment tonight. After all, they were naughty during that escapade in Medina, too.”

  “Uh…yes, Master.”

  She was happy she got that out, because her voice said a scared-shitless sayonara again in the next second. Garrett had dropped his finger teases on her nipples for a moment, only to bring his hands back bearing new toys for them. Okay, the clover clamps weren’t exactly new. He’d brought them home a few nights ago, excited about the possibilities of controlling how much tension he could deliver to her nipples with a tug of the string attached to each clamp. Sage had barely made it through one tiny pull on each string before pleading with Garrett to take the clamps off. The bastard’s smooth humming made it clear that he remembered every moment of that too—and planned on taking full, erotic advantage of the information.

  Keeping up with his quiet control, Garrett stretched out her left nipple. The pleasure of his fingers on her skin almost outweighed the dread of knowing what was about to come.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  Oh, shit.

  “Yes, Mas—owwww!”

  He didn’t let her prepare for the right clamp. It didn’t matter anyway. Her breasts were turned into a pair of squeezed, stinging pinpoints, dominating every breath she took as Garrett turned and readied other playthings in the space she couldn’t see directly behind her. Sage winced. Oh, yay. More toys.

  “Breathe through it, sugar,” he finally said. “They’re going to be on for a while.”

  “Crap!” she snapped. “Why?”

  His reply was a hard pair of spanks, one on each ass cheek. She let out a high yelp as her ass flared with fire. At the same time, the clamps swung on her nipples, pulling the flesh in tormenting new ways.

  “What part of ‘punishment’ didn’t you comprehend, S?”

  She hissed but managed to bite back the creative oath that came to mind. “All right. I know. I’m sorry.”


  His question was sincere. She wanted to answer it that way too, but this was overwhelming to process. Being helpless had been a lot more glamorous to think about, maybe because it never came in the combo package with having to be responsible for an apology at the same time. “Yes! Fine. I’m really sorry. Damn it, Garrett!”

  She knew what was coming before he delivered it, and she squeezed her buttocks to ready herself for the spanks. The preparation still didn’t save her skin. He’d gone for an upgrade. Instead of his bare palm, he wielded a hard paddle on her ass. Sage screamed from the shock as much as the pain, especially when he didn’t stop with just one blow. Five whacks later, he threw the paddle away. He had the gall to press his body against her instead, caressing her ass cheeks with long steady sweeps, grazing her neck with hot nips of his teeth and tongue.

  “You have some nerve!” She was seething, despite how good those rough kisses felt. “You know that, you fucker? You have—”

  He sucked out the air she needed for the rest of that by pushing himself even tighter aga
inst her. Hell. He was damn near wrapped around her, gripping her hard to ram her hips into the cradle of his. Gone was the Dom who’d been patiently explaining his moves to her. Returned was her prince of blatant carnality. His muscles pulsed against her limbs. His lungs heaved against her back. His breath was a wild firestorm in her ear.

  He lowered his grip, hooking his hands into the valleys that joined her thighs to her torso. “Who are you in here?” he snarled.

  His voice was so low, so vehement, so primal, Sage hesitated to answer.

  “Answer me.”

  Ohhhh, God. His demand was bestial now, stirring the darkest caves of her sexual instincts. She shivered and gasped. Her muscles dissolved. Her sex blossomed. Her heartbeat thudded like the downed prey of a ravenous lion. Yes. Consume me. Take it all. Please.

  “Who. Are. You?”

  A long breath escaped her. Sage listened to every second of it departing her body, flowing past her lips…knowing that she’d just let go of a lot more than a sigh.

  “I am…S.”

  He didn’t let up an inch of his proximity. “And who am I?”

  “You are Master.”

  “And who do you belong to…when you’re here with me?”



  “Yes, Master. Completely.”

  The words did something bewildering to her. And magical. This was even better than the fog that had infiltrated her mind earlier. She was released, floating, carried away from…well, everything. From King, from captivity, from the media wanting her to relive it for them—even from her own memory, which would never fully let it go. It was all gone, and now that she was light and free, even the feel of the claws on her breasts changed, radiating heat into her skin instead of pain. And her Master gave her wings to soar even further.

  With gentle precision, his fingers slipped inward to find the center of her sex. He glided and kneaded, tugged and spread, and then finally pressed at the sensitive button that waited, trembling and tight, for his direct contact…


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