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Page 7

by Stella Stone

  She snorts. “Yeah, fucking with me you dumb slut. By the way, I always knew fat chicks were desperate and hungry for dick, but Jesus I didn’t think it was as bad as it really is. You’re fucking ridiculous for that cop,” she snickers.

  I bite the inside of my cheek, wishing that I could lash out and beat the absolute shit out of this twig bitch. I don’t though. I decide to play it a bit smarter. She’s seen me with Grant, she’s seen us together, which means she and whoever that guy is has been following us. I wonder if this is who Grant has been looking for, if it’s their house he’s been watching at night?

  “Yeah, are you going to cry now, fatty? Maybe it’ll do you some good,” she barks.

  The door opens behind her and the man appears. “What do we do with her now?” he asks.

  “Ransom the bitch. We’re getting money one way or another, since my ex is being a fucking asshole and doesn’t give a shit if I live or die, apparently,” she sneers.

  That’s when I know that they must be connected to whatever case Grant is working on. It’s this moment exactly, I’m a bit sorry I told my dad to get rid of my guards.

  “Cops don’t make much money, Karen. Do you think this was all a good idea?” the guy asks.

  Karen, turns her head, and I swear, I see actual steam coming out of her ears. “Shut up. We’ll call both of them. Liam and the cop. They’ll think it’s a serial kidnapper or some shit, they’re both fucking stupid, they’ll buy it.”

  She turns her head and gives me a wide smile. “Let’s take a video of her,” she says sweetly as she pulls out her phone. “Now bitch, plead for your life. We want a mill, so make that perfectly fucking clear. If he doesn’t bring it, then we’re going to kill you, but before that, we’re going to sell you,” she cackles.

  I want to roll my eyes, she’s so fucking stupid, but I don’t. The way her man, looks at me, I don’t doubt that he would be the first customer.


  The video loads as soon as Griffin pulls up the location on Elise’s phone. It's from an unknown number, but I know, I just know it has to do with Elise. Part of me doesn’t want to see it, the rest of me knows that I have to.

  “Got a video text,” I mumble to the chief.

  He grunts, sitting down in his chair while I pull it up and press play. It’s Elise sitting in a plain room, windows drawn down, and nothing of significance in the background.

  “I’ve been kidnapped,” she begins her voice strong and sexy, even in her predicament, my cock still twitches at the sight of her. “Ransom for my safe return is one-million dollars. Please, Grant, give them what they want. If you don’t, they’re going to-to-to sell me,” her last two words are on a whisper. “Wait for further information in a text,” she breathes before the video ends.

  “Tell me about your relationship,” Griffin demands.

  Looking from my phone, then to him, I let out an exhale. “She’s mine, chief.”

  He nods once, his blue eyes meet mine, but he doesn’t respond. “Get everyone ready, we’re moving in on this house. I have a location,” he announces.

  I lift my chin, knowing that this will not be the last of this conversation. I’m sure he has more to say about me and Elise, but I honestly don’t give a fuck if he likes it or not. She’s mine and I’m not going anywhere.

  It’s all hands-on deck as we walk into the center of the station. The room is full of every police officer on and off duty that works for the department, and a few volunteers as well.

  Chief Griffin gives instructions on how to approach the house and warns everyone to use extreme caution as we do. I want to chime in, but I don’t.

  I try not to growl, to force my way in the center of the room and take over. My instinct is to protect my woman, everyone else be damned. I don’t do that as much as I want to, because her father should be the one to do this.

  “Anderson, you’re with me,” chief Griffin announces.

  I grunt, lifting my chin and without a word I jog after him as we make our way toward his car. Once we’re inside and headed toward the house, he clears his throat.

  “When did this start?” he asks.

  I shake my head, not wishing to get into this with him, not now, not ever. “A while ago,” I murmur.

  He growls but doesn’t respond. He lets out a breath. “Me and Ellie don’t get along much, it’s my fault. I know you’re a good cop, and I don’t hear much shit about you in town, but I need to know you’ll take care of her. That this isn’t bullshit,” he grumbles.

  Lifting my hand, I scrub it down my face. “I’ll always take care of her,” I murmur.

  He lifts his chin as he turns his headlights off, and we head down the street where Elise is being held. I almost hold my breath, as he creeps down the street, stopping across from the house. We wait a few minutes while the other officers show up, doing the same thing we did.

  “As long as I know she’s taken care of, I’m okay with this. No games,” he says turning his blue gaze to me.

  I give him a small smile. “Elise was never a game, chief. She’s always been mine,” I announce.

  “Fucking shit, you’re going to be my Son-in-Law, aren’t you?” he asks, shaking his head.

  My smile grows into a shit-eating grin. “You got that fuckin’ right,” I state.

  We slide out of the car at the same time, guns drawn, and loose at our side, ready for battle—ready to collect my little doll.



  The man stares at me from across the room. Karen left a few minutes ago, and I’m kind of glad. Her voice is like nails dragging down a chalkboard. He tips his head to the side. “You ain’t fat,” he announces.

  I look up at him but don’t say anything. “Karen’s like fuckin’ a bag of bones. Her voice is annoying too. I’m only here because she promised me a cut of her money. Didn’t think this shit would be so damn time consuming,” he shrugs.

  We sit in silence for a few more minutes while he stares at me. His eyes move down from my face to my chest and I hold my breath, for as long as I can, so that my breasts don’t move too much.

  His eyes flick back up to my face before he speaks again. “Even if he makes the drop tomorrow, I’m still going to take a piece of that pussy,” he announces.

  My stomach rolls, and I hold back the vomit that threatens to escape, but just barely.

  There’s a sound somewhere in the house and we both freeze. Then I hear Karen scream. The man stands, running up to me and yanks me up from my spot, pulling me in front of him.

  “Your mans here, but he’s not taking you without a fight. I’m not going back to jail,” he whispers against my ear.

  The door bursts open, just as I feel something cold against my throat.

  “Drop the fucking knife,” Grant shouts.

  I look up and whimper. He’s looking at me, his face hard, but there’s something else hiding behind his eyes, fear maybe? I’m not sure.

  “Fuck you cop,” he shouts behind me. “I’m taking her with me. You can throw Karen in jail, this was all her idea, but I’m not going,” he shouts.

  I wish I knew his name. That’s the only thought that floats through my head as this entire scene unfolds. Then I wonder if I’m going to live, if this is the end or if I’m going to make it. If I do, I hope that Grant tells my father about us soon, I really want to be able to walk around outside with him. Maybe it sounds stupid, but I want that.


  My heart pounds, the blood roars through my ears as I stare at this stranger holding a knife to Elise’s throat. Karen Thomas is in handcuffs, already being hauled to the back of a police car. This fucker, this unknown man, he’s got my woman’s life dangling at his fingertips.

  I take a step forward, but freeze when he presses the metal against her neck a bit more. Blood trickles down, and he screams at me to stop moving. My fingers hold my gun steady, and I know if I get a shot, I’m taking it.

  This fuck is going down.

��Grant,” Elise whimpers.

  He jerks her body and I try not to look into her eyes. I want to reassure her that everything will be okay, but I can’t take my eyes off of him.

  “You tell your friends to let us walk out of here, or she’s dead,” he sneers.

  I almost laugh in his face—almost. I hold my hands up, in a show of surrender as I take a step to the side. “Where are the rest of your friends?” he barks.

  Clearing my throat, I still don’t look at Elise. He holds his palm out and I slip my gun inside, against everything inside of me that fights to take this fucker out right now, I put my weapon in his hand.

  “Living room,” I lie.

  He lifts his chin. “You follow me, and I’ll slit her throat before you even have a chance to protest,” he states.

  He walks toward the back of the house, Elise as his body shield, like the pussy he is, and I watch them. I want to scream, to throw him to the ground but Elise’s delicate throat is in jeopardy, so I don’t.


  Grant lets this stranger; this sick asshole take me away and does nothing to try and stop him. I want to be pissed off at him, but I can only hope that he has some other kind of plan at work. At least I pray that he does.

  Once he guides me outside, to the side of the house, I inhale a breath of fresh air. Everything around me is flashing with blue and red lights, and the man’s body tenses.

  “Drop the fucking knife,” my father’s voice growls.

  Moving my eyes to the side, I look at him with my peripheral vision. He looks pissed, beyond anything I’ve ever seen before. A surge of pride rolls through me. This is my dad, and he gives a shit, he actually cares.

  “Fuck you. Like I told her fuck buddy, I’ll slit her throat. Let us pass,” the man growls.

  My dad lets out a bark of laughter. With my dad being so close, I lift my foot and smash my heel into the arch of his foot. He lets out a cry and loses his tight grip on me, just long enough for me to wriggle out of his grasp and drop to my knees.

  Chaos erupts. I expect my father to shoot the guy, but instead, Grant comes out of nowhere and tackles him to the ground. I stay on my knees, afraid to move even an inch as men move, shout, and wrestle around me. Keeping my eyes pinched tightly, I try to keep my breaths calm, inhaling and exhaling as slowly as possible.

  “Little doll,” a deep voice rasps.

  I shake my head keeping my eyes closed and then I find myself being lifted into the air. My eyes open and I turn my gaze seeing that Grant is the one who has picked me up. He gives me a sad smile, lowering his face closer to mine, and I gasp when I feel his lips brush my own.

  “You’re safe now, Elise,” he murmurs.

  My arms automatically wrap around his neck and I pull myself closer to him, burying my face against his neck and inhaling his delicious scent. My eyes close as I continue to inhale his smell, letting him and his safety surround me.

  “I’m going to set you down here in your dad’s car, you going to be okay?” he asks as he lowers me down to the passenger seat.

  Reluctantly, I release my grip on him and look into his dark green eyes, nodding once. “I’ll be okay,” I lie.

  Grant dips his chin and presses his lips to mine in a slow sensual, closed mouth kiss. He presses his forehead against my own and let's out a shaky breath. “Lock yourself inside. I won’t let you out of my eyesight,” he rasps.

  I exhale a shaky breath and jerk my head in a nod. “Okay, yeah,” I breathe.

  I’m awarded with a wide smile, a brush of the lips, then Grant closes the door. He stands up straight, turning around and jogs over to my father.

  They’re standing in front of one another and I can’t see my father’s face, but I watch as Grant places his hands on his hips and narrows his eyes. He turns his head, spitting on the ground, then frowns. He nods his head, then I see his mouth move as he speaks to my dad.

  I wish I could read his lips because it looks like whatever he’s talking about is beyond intense. Leaning my head back against the front seat of the car, I close my eyes. Letting out a sigh, I try to stay calm.

  Tonight, has been crazy, and the ending, it could have been a million times worse. Grant and my dad, they found me, they had me, and they protected me. I will be going home alive, safe, and sound because of them. I let out a shaky breath.

  Life could have been forever changed tonight with me. I shake my head. I need to stop living a life where I’m focused on the past and only look forward to the future. My future—with Grant.



  Chief Griffin narrows his eyes on me, and I truly believe if he could get away with it right now, he would murder me where I stand. I’m not backing down though. Elise isn’t going home with him tonight, she’s coming with me, and he can fuck himself.

  “I thought about it and don’t approve,” he growls.

  I shake my head, my eyes meeting his. “I don’t really give much of a fuck, chief. Elise is mine, has been, and will be,” I shrug.

  He growls, reaching up he points at my chest and I wish I could twist his arm around his back, maybe break it for even attempting the move.

  “You watch your fuckin’ self, Anderson,” he threatens.

  He doesn’t realize that his threats don’t mean shit to me. He doesn’t know that in a few months he won’t even be my boss anymore. He doesn’t know, but I’m not telling him either, not yet at least.

  Ignoring his threat, I walk past him, but he stops me by wrapping his hand around my arm. “You don’t take care of her, I’ll kill you,” he growls.

  Lifting my chin is my only response, and he clears his throat before he continues. “I still don’t approve, don’t think that I do,” he states. I almost laugh at him, but I don’t.

  He releases me, and I shake him off, walking toward Elise. She’s leaning her head back in the car, and she looks fucking exhausted. Grabbing a rookie, I tell him he’s taking us home. He nods and rushes off toward his car.

  Opening the passenger door, I bend down and slide my arms beneath Elise’s body, picking her up and cradling her against my chest.

  “Did you work your macho shit out?” she asks curling closer to me.

  Her words make me chuckle, and I wish I had a better answer for her, but I don’t. “Sorry, little doll we didn’t. It’ll take time,” I rasp.

  Her eyes open and she looks up at me, adoration clearly showing in her features. “Do we have that kind of time together?” she whispers.

  My lips automatically turn up into a smile. “We have forever, Elise. You’re mine,” I state.

  She moves even closer to me as I approach the car that’s going to be taking us home. Our home, at least for now. I hold her the entire ride to my house. I don’t tell her where we’re going, but instead whisper how happy I am that she’s still alive as I hold her.

  “Where are we?” she asks as soon as the patrol car stops in front of my small two-bedroom ranch style home.

  Thanking the rookie, I climb out of the car with her still in my arms.

  “We’re home, little doll,” I inform her.



  Grant hasn’t brought me to my apartment, no, he’s brought me to his home. I can’t deny that giddiness and excitement fill me at the idea. He slowly sets me on my feet once we’re inside. His living room is bare, but clean and I look around, trying to soak in the fact that I’m really in his place.

  “What do you think?” he asks, after a few minutes of silence.

  I turn around, tipping my head back to look up at him. “I think that this is finally real,” I breathe.

  Grant closes the distance between us, his hand coming up and cupping my cheek. “It’s always been real, little doll. Maybe not conventional, but fuck, it’s always been real,” he breathes.

  Opening my mouth to respond, he doesn’t allow me. His lips crash against my own and his tongue fills me immediately. He swallows my moan as he walks us somewhere in the house.r />
  My back slams against a wall before he leans down and picks me up. Automatically, my legs wrap around his waist and I pull him closer. His hips press against mine and I groan when I feel his hard length against my center.

  Grant slowly breaks our kiss, moving his lips down my neck. “I thought I lost you,” he murmurs against my skin. “I was about to go fucking crazy,” he grunts.

  “Me too,” I breathe. “I knew you would find me though,” I admit.

  He chuckles, wrapping his hands around my ass, and moves us again. This time when he sets me down, it’s on his soft bed. He’s above me, looking down at me and his eyes roam all over my face.

  “Swear to Christ, thought I would never see this face looking up at me again, little doll.”

  Lifting my hand, I wrap it around his neck and give him a squeeze. “I knew you would rescue me, my hero,” I smile.

  He smiles sadly down at me and gives me a shake of his head, as if he doesn’t believe me, but he’s not going to argue. His lips touch mine again, then his hands start to pull my clothes off.

  As soon as his hand slips beneath the waistband of my pants and his fingers touch my center, I whimper. All thoughts of what happened just a few hours ago, and what I was going through are gone.

  Now, I can only think about Grant and the way his touch makes me feel.

  His fingers move my panties to the side, and two of them fill me immediately. Ripping my lips from his, I throw my head back with a moan.

  “Grant, baby,” I whimper.

  Reaching for the hem of my shirt, I pull it from my body, throwing it behind me, then do the same with my bra. Grant lets out a groan, lowering his head and captures one of my nipples between his teeth. He sucks on it, nipping it lightly before he moves to suck on the flesh of my breast with more intensity.

  My hand dives into his hair, my fingers gripping the strands tightly as I hold him to my breast while my hips shift and roll against his finger’s touch.


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