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A Kayak for One

Page 8

by K. L. McCluskey

  Chapter 34

  Thursday September 24th, 2015


  She heard her cell phone bleep its alarm. Charlene opened her eyes and thought about coffee. She forgot to get the percolator ready last night so she would have to do it blurry eyed. Thanks goodness she set the alarm last night or she would have slept in later than she should. She slipped on her moccasins and padded out to the kitchen. Her legs were tired and she felt old. It was a long night and standing in the damp really chilled her. Even the hot shower she had before she crawled into bed didn't stop the cramping in her calves in the middle of the night.

  She got the coffee from the can in the fridge and filled up the percolator with enough water to make a full pot. Six cups of water would give her three big mugs. Just as she put the coffee on the burner and started to walk to the bathroom to wash up, she almost jumped out of her skin when she heard, "You better have put enough java in that old pot of yours for me too Staff!"

  "Oh my God! You scared me Sarah!" she finally managed to blurt out.

  Charlene walked back to the kitchen and looked over the table to see the sleepy-eyed detective peak over the back of the chesterfield in the adjoining living room, holding on with one hand as she tried to pull herself upright and push the hair out of her eyes with the other hand at the same time.

  "I forgot you were here," she added.

  "Well I won't be forgetting I was here this morning," Sarah said giving Charlene an exaggerated eyebrow wiggle.

  "Oh shit," Charlene said looking down at herself before turning and taking her naked self to the bathroom.

  "Hey. Come back!"

  "I'm telling Patty," Charlene replied before closing the bathroom door.

  As she washed her face, the events of the night before came flooding back. Poor Lori. Who killed her? Why would he kill her? It would take strength to hold onto that fishing wire that tight, tight enough to cut so deep into her throat and also be able to withstand Lori's struggles. She was sure Lori did struggle. Her face was set into a fierce grimace and her finger ends were all bloodied, probably from getting caught in the fishing line as she tried to get a hold of it and pull it away from her neck. Her neck was all scratched too. What was that all about with Ashley accusing Greg? What was that all about when Ashley yelled at Dan? Greg fell apart as they group walked back to the cottage. What was going on inside that cottage right now? How are Lori's parents taking it? They're not, she thought. They can't even have taken it in yet.

  Charlene got dressed and went into the kitchen to turn the percolator down to medium heat. Sarah was hopping around and as soon as she saw Charlene she rushed past her and went into the bathroom.

  "Christ Staff. It took you a long time," she yelled through the closed door.

  "You could have used the office bathroom".

  "Now you tell me. Wait. You have an office bathroom?"

  For the second time that morning Charlene jumped.

  "Sorry Ms. Parker," Officer Edwards said as he walked into the kitchen from the back hall. "You should have locked that door last night like we told you to."

  "If I did you wouldn't have been able to just walk in," Charlene said with a trace of annoyance. She saw the look on James' face and apologized. "Sorry James. I forgot I told you to use the key and come in."

  Charlene gave him an extra key last night as he was leaving to go home to get some sleep. She knew he would be back early to relieve Officer Wendy Miller who was on crime scene watch all night shift and she didn't want to have to get up to let him in in case she was not dressed, which, she realized, she almost wasn't.

  "Is that coffee I smell?" he asked.

  "It is but the first mug is mine. I forgot all about Sarah crashing on the chesterfield last night and that you would be back, so I didn't make enough. I'll put another pot on once we all have our first sips. Make yourself at home. I have to get ready to take the students to the landing and be ready for the Porters in case they need something," Charlene said.

  "Forget about the students going out today Ms. Parker, at least not so early. After the doc went with the body, I mean Lori, with the body removal guys, Sarah and I took the initial statements from everyone and it took forever, so they were up late. That is everyone but Ashley. Wendy was watching the scene from the front porch of cottage #2 and she told me that Ashley insisted on sitting up with her. She only lasted for a few hours then went to her bedroom though. Rookie. She hasn't come out yet so she hasn't had a chance to talk to anyone. I know that when Tracy and I stayed here for a night last summer that cell phones don't work from inside the cottage so she couldn't talk to anyone by phone either.

  "Anyway, Sarah wants everyone at the station for proper video interviews, so they can't do their rock stuff. As soon as Sarah says so, I will relieve Wendy at the scene until we are finished with it."

  "When will that be?" Charlene asked, fully expecting not to be able to use that area for a few days or more.

  "We won't be much longer Staff," Sarah said coming into the kitchen with a towel around her head. "I hope you don't mind I took a shower."

  "No I don't mind. I had a good hot long shower before bed to try to clear my head. If you want another shirt, you're welcome to one of mine."

  "Thanks Staff, but I've got a clean suit at the station. I'm going to get James to boat us all over to the landing soon and meet them at the station for interviews. I've got the day shift officer in to monitor the video equipment while I talk to them separately. I have to talk to the Porters first though. James got their info last night but I really wanted to deal with the students and professor first. What was with that other chick?" Sarah asked Charlene.

  "That's Ashley. Of course you heard her name mentioned last night. I thought for sure it was her in the kayak. I'm sure that's her blue hoodie Lori had on. There was something going on with her and the other student, Haiden. I'm pretty sure he had a thing for her that she didn't have for him. She was almost cruel to him at times when I saw them together on the boat rides across. Did you catch her yell at the professor too?"

  "Yeah I think I better wake her up and get her statement before I walk over to see the Porters. Cottage #5 for them?" Sarah asked.

  "Yup. They are early risers and probably want to take the rental boat out soon, so they'll be anxious that you are not there yet."

  "I Roger that Staff, the Porters are first then," Sarah said with a mock salute to Charlene. "By the way, thanks for the bowl of stew and buns last night. I didn't think I could eat but I gorged myself so I am still full."

  Charlene was happy to have been able to help by feeding them. She put the stew in the crock pot on the table in the office and plugged it in to keep it hot. She set the buns and butter with the dishes and cutlery and told everyone to help themselves.

  Sarah and James and Wendy had some but Joe left with Lori as soon as the funeral home guys came to take her on the gurney to the morgue for further examination by Joe today. Charlene took them over on the pontoon boat, making it easier for them, with Lori's body and the kayak on board.

  Even at that late hour the young guys, one of them the son of the funeral home owner, came dressed in dark suits with ties under their wind breakers. The rubber boots didn't detract from the solemn and respectful way they went about their jobs. They too saw things most people didn't, and they would have to deal with seeing Lori like that last night, maybe thinking of their wives or girlfriends or sisters.

  "If you want I can take everyone over on the pontoon boat when you are ready," Charlene offered. She wanted to have a look at them all and see what was going on.

  "That would be great, thanks. Right now I better get a move on. James, take our boat over to that cottage across the lake and see if anyone is there before you relieve Wendy." Sarah sent Officer Edwards a look that sent him almost running to the door.

  "Okay Mum," he replied.

  "You've been watching those British cop shows again James. Cut it out."

  "Yes Mum," he said as he left.r />
  "What cottage?" Charlene asked.

  "The one right across from you. The guys told us last night that some old guy from over there picked them up at the landing yesterday and brought them over here," Sarah explained.

  "I thought Dan got them and brought them over," Charlene said. "I keep forgetting there is anyone over there. It sold last summer. I see the boat come and go sometimes but I wouldn't recognize the new owner if I was face to face with him.”

  "What kind of boat does he have?' Sarah asked.

  "A fishing boat and a kayak."

  "A kayak? What colour?"

  "Yellow," Charlene said.

  "Does everyone have yellow kayaks around here? By the way are you sure the kayak Lori was in was your yellow kayak Staff?" Sarah asked.

  Charlene took it for granted it was her kayak. It was on her rack. It looked like her kayak. Shit. She should know better than to assume.

  "I don't know Sarah," she said. "It sure looked like my paddle. It must have been mine. I paid almost $200.00 for it. It's graphite and strong but really light, and has some scrapes along the side. If it it isn't my kayak and paddle, then I'd like to know where mine are."

  "Shit. This is getting worse and worse," Sarah said.

  "By the way, Staff, I need a statement from you too. I hate to say it, but I do. It's your place, probably your kayak, and I know how you feel if anyone uses your kayak. If looks could kill, a lot of people would be dead now, just getting close to that kayak of yours."

  Sarah smiled. "I'm serious though, I need a statement."

  "I knew you would. How about it I type one out on the computer and you can question me later?"

  "How about we do that over more stew and buns?" Sarah asked as she turned and walked out of the kitchen and back into the bathroom to dry her hair.

  Chapter 35


  Edna and Jack came into the office. Charlene was sitting at the desk staring at her lap top, trying to figure out what to do with guests who were supposed to arrive and go in cottage #4 for the week-end. They were expected to come tomorrow about 3:00 o'clock and leave either Sunday or Monday. They were hoping to watch the eclipse and do some hiking. They only paid a deposit for Friday and Saturday night but hoped to stay Sunday if their sitter could stay over that night too. The young couple lived in Little Current and the woman's grandmother offered to babysit so they could get away for a few days. They had two boys under three-years-old and needed a break. They rented the little cottage close to the lake last year in late September, probably liking the discount for that time of year. Charlene thought she would let them use a canoe for free. Last year they hemmed and hawed asking about the price for renting a canoe and Charlene liked them so she only charged them for one day and not two. They practically hugged her.

  That was one of the great things about running the resort. She loved to see guests who truly loved the outdoors, and she knew what it was like to try to stretch a dollar. She did it all the time. The furniture in the cottages was mostly second-hand and mostly more than 30 years old at least, except the mattresses and fridges. All those she replaced with brand new ones the first year before she opened. She hated staying at rental places with lumpy beds or noisy fridges. Anything worth a coat of paint got one, and the old chairs and tables she found at used furniture spots like the Salvation Army or St. Vincent de Paul found a good home in the cottages in a kitschy sort of way that guests seemed to like.

  Charlene should have asked Sarah if she could have guests come with the crime scene still taped up, with proper police tape, she noticed this morning. She would have to ask her before she left. She was now in cottage #2 getting a statement from Ashley before heading to the station for the interviews. She guessed Ashley would have to go to the station too for a more formal video interview. She would hate to have to cancel the guests.

  "Charlene?" asked Edna

  "Hmm? Oh sorry. I saw you come in and then got deep in thought and forgot about you," Charlene said. She knew the Porters were the type that she could be upfront with.

  "We figured," Edna said. "You must be in such a state. A murder on your property! That poor young girl."

  "Did you meet Lori?" Charlene asked.

  "No. We haven't been around to talk to any of the students. By the time we get back and get cleaned up and have a late dinner we tend to stay in and go to bed. We get pooped from all the fresh air being out in the boat and hiking on the little islands we stop at. That detective wants us to pop into the station to give a more detailed statement. We thought we would go from there to the trading post and get some fudge."

  "Or ice cream," Jack said. "I love those waffle cones and the ice cream there is so good."

  "Anyway," Edna said rolling her eyes in Jack's direction clearly not liking the ice cream idea. "Do you want us to bring you back some fudge?"

  "I would love some, but I eat way too much once I start. Thanks for the offer though. I think I will wait until the resort is closed then treat myself then. Do you want me to boat you over?"

  "Oh no. We will take the fishing boat ourselves. We're not sure when we will be back and we don't want to disturb you," Edna said.

  As Edna turned to leave the office, Jack looked back over his shoulder and gave Charlene a wink before following his wife as he was used to doing.

  Charlene closed her lap top and thought she better to some laundry. She had her own sheets to wash. It was another nice sunny day with a stiff breeze, so the sheets would dry quickly on the line. She almost always hung the clothes on the big line that went across the back behind the house. Only the rain stopped her. She provided sheets for the guests and made sure to hang those up to since they loved the fresh air smell. Some guests had never smelled sheets fresh off a clothesline. That she could hardly believe. When a string of sheets were billowing on the line most of the kids did not even know to run through them. She showed one little girl how to time it to run through the sheet when it was carried up by the wind. When the mother saw her running through the sheets she ran out of the cottage and quickly told her to stop and apologized to Charlene. She seemed quite unsure as to what to say or how to react when Charlene told her it was fine, that it was wonderful to see. She too was clearly unfamiliar with the game.

  "Charlie. I almost forgot. Edna and I found these glasses when we stopped for a quick late shore lunch yesterday. They look pretty new so we thought we could give them to you. Maybe one of the canoeists or your guest or someone out for a shore lunch will come in here looking for them," Jack said as he came back into the office up to the counter and gave Charlene the glasses.

  They did look like new glasses, very funky, like a lot of people in Quebec would wear. She noticed on every trip to Quebec City or at stops in Quebec, that people wore the coolest eyeglasses. Charlene took them and put them on the counter.

  "Okay Jack. I will leave them on the counter with a note in case someone recognizes them," said Charlene.

  "Thanks Charlie. See you. I'll sneak you a piece of fudge anyway," he said as he left the office.

  Chapter 36


  Bob rubbed his eyes as he waited for the coffee to drip into the pot. What a late night. He managed to get into bed. It got too dark and he couldn't see anything across the lake so he had one drink, then another, and took his third whisky into the bedroom and sat in bed thinking of what he was going to do next. Then it was morning and he walked out to the kitchen and heard a boat and saw the police boat going across to the landing. They're still at it then, he thought.

  He reached for the sugar and powdered creamer in the cupboard and almost banged his head into the cupboard door when the knock behind him at the front patio door made him jump. Shit, he thought, when he saw the police officer standing on his deck.

  He went to the door and slid it open.

  "Good morning sir. Sorry to bother you. I'm Officer Edwards. I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes if you have time."

  "What's going on?" he asked.

nbsp; "Do you mind if I come in?" James asked.

  "Ah..ah...I was just getting coffee, but it can wait," Bob said as he stepped toward James causing him to step back, and walked onto the deck and closed the patio door behind him.

  "Okay," said James, wondering why the guy practically pushed him away from the living room door. Most people around here invite him in and ask if he wants a coffee or a drink or something. He tried to get a look at the inside of the cottage but could only see his own reflection in the glass of the patio door.

  "I understand you went over to the resort parking lot yesterday and picked up some guys, the students staying at the resort. Is that correct?" James asked.

  "Yeah, I did."

  "What time was that?" asked James.

  "About three or so. Maybe a bit later. I'm not sure."

  "Why did you pick them up?"

  "I saw them getting out of the van and figured since I was already out in the boat I might as well give them a lift. There were only three of them and they could all fit in my boat. It would save Charlie, I mean Charlene, the trip," he said.

  "That was nice of you, helping out Ms. Parker like that."

  "Yeah well she's always so busy so I figured it would save her the trouble."

  "Do you know Ms. Parker very well?"

  "I've never met her," he said.

  "Oh," said James wondering how he knew how busy she was.

  "What were you doing on the lake yesterday? I mean, why were you out on your boat and what time were you out?" he asked.

  "I go out almost every day in the boat. A bit of fishing and a bit of just being on the lake. I'm not sure what time I went out. I'm retired. Time means nothing to me anymore."

  "Where on the lake were you yesterday?" James asked, trying to figure out what questions to ask.

  He could feel the trickles of sweat going down between his shoulder blades. It was a warm day and his undershirt didn't seem to be keeping him dry under his uniform shirt and bullet-proof vest over top. He wished Sarah was here to ask the questions. No. He wished Ms. Parker was here. She made him feel like he was making the right choices. He needed some help. He found looking at the guy a bit disconcerting. He couldn't put his finger on why he felt that way, the guy looked perfectly ordinary, at least ordinary for a lot of people he had dealings with. He looked like a drinker, smelled like a drinker, and had a gut like a drinker, but there was something else. Maybe it was his eyes. They were small and dark. He was clean shaven but probably should have had a mustache or something. James noticed his upper lip was a lot smaller than the lower lip. His hair was still in the bed-head position, whatever hair was left was gray and thin and messy.


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