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Talking Sense: Sensual Healing, Book 3

Page 8

by Serenity Woods

  But no, no, no. She mustn’t go down the route of thinking about this long-term. He was going back to Ireland. This wasn’t about forgiveness or consolation or moving on. This was all about sex. Concentrate on the sex.

  He lifted his head and raised an eyebrow. “I’m doing my best.”

  “Shit, did I say that out loud?”

  He laughed and lifted himself up, moving between her legs. “Stop thinking.”


  “And stop apologising,” he scolded. “Now, tell me, is this nice?” He sucked her nipple.

  “Mm, yes.”

  “What about this?” He sucked harder while he plucked the other one with firm fingers.

  “Fuck.” She tightened her fingers in his hair at the pleasure-pain. “Oh God, yes.”

  “Hmm.” He kissed back up her neck to her mouth. “I’m beginning to think you like it a little rough, Mia Nicholls.”

  “Be as animal as you like,” she said breathlessly, taken aback at the raw passion in his eyes.

  He kissed her. “Oh, I will. How’s the back, though? Don’t want to put you in hospital.”

  “What back?” She meant it—her muscles felt warm and loose, the sharp pain having faded to little more than a distant, dull ache.

  He laughed and kissed down her body, manoeuvring himself between her thighs. “Excellent. Let’s see if we can’t get you even more relaxed.” He curved his arms under her thighs and rested his palms on her stomach. Then he brushed his tongue right through her hot centre.

  “Fuuuuuuuuuck.” She clutched the bedclothes.

  “Oh yeah.” His vehement reply told her he liked her being vocal.

  He went on to arouse her leisurely, exploring her folds with his tongue and fingers, trying different strokes and pressures, changing if she said, “Slower,” or staying put if she said, “Oh yes, right there.”

  He slid his fingers inside her and stroked the front wall of her until he found what he was looking for, and the pressure on that spot, combined with his hot mouth and teasing tongue, tipped her over the edge once more.

  She came, fast and furious, aware of his deep, satisfied groans, and afterward she could only lie there exhausted and impressed as he withdrew his fingers and kissed slowly back up her body until he lay next to her again, nuzzling her hair.

  Chapter Twelve

  “You want to go to sleep?” Colm asked, kissing her cheek. She looked so beautiful lying there, face all flushed, completely relaxed like warm, kneaded dough. She’d been surprisingly easy to pleasure—he’d wondered whether her comments about her previous boyfriend might mean she took a long time to come, but that had been far from the case. It confirmed what an idiot the guy had been. Colm wanted to punch his lights out for making the gorgeous Mia doubt her own sexuality.

  She opened her eyes and brushed her thumbs against his light stubble. “Mm, no, just give me a minute.” Her eyes widened. “Unless…you’d rather go to sleep?”

  Jesus, she thought he didn’t want to make love to her. “Er, no, Mia, I don’t want to go to sleep. I want to screw you senseless. I was being polite.”

  She giggled. “Such a gentleman.”

  “It’s all a show.” He glanced ruefully at his erection. “To be honest I think I’m going light-headed considering all the blood in my body has been in my groin for the past hour.”

  She burst out laughing. “We’ll have to see what we can do about that.” She trailed a hand down his chest and closed it around him. “Mm.” She stroked him a few times, her eyelids sliding to half-mast. “You’re very impressive, Mr. Molony.”

  “Why thank you, Ms. Nicholls.” He took her hand and pulled it away. “Enough of that or it’ll be over before we’ve started.” He reached across and retrieved the condom from where he’d left it on the bedside table, then rolled onto his back and slid it on, aware of her watching him, eyes wide.

  He lay back and patted his hips. “Come on, then. Hop on.”

  She looked indignant. “Me on top? I thought you promised to go all feral on me?”

  “Jeez, Mia, let a guy warm up a little. You’ve had two orgasms,” he pointed out. “My turn for some fun. I told you, favourite position. Hop on.” He winked at her, thoroughly enjoying himself.

  Still mumbling, she climbed on top and sat astride him. “Don’t think this means I’m going to do all the work.”

  He held her hips and moved her back a little until his erection pressed into her soft, warm folds. “Stop complaining and give a guy a break.”

  “I’m not complaining, I’m—”

  He pushed up and slid right inside her, cutting off her sentence. She exhaled in a rush, and his groan joined hers at the feel of her warm and tight around him, soft and moist.

  “Fuck,” she said.

  “I’ll second that.”

  She met his gaze for a moment, a strange look in her eyes—amusement? Admiration? And then she sat upright and tipped back her head, widened her thighs and moved her hips to let him sink farther into her.

  His fingers tightened on her legs, and he fought to keep his self-control at the feel of being right inside her, at one with her.

  She opened her eyes and bent forward to kiss him. “Mm, Colm.” She rocked her hips so he slid in and out. “Ooh, wow, you’re a big boy.”

  “Don’t make me laugh. This is too fucking lovely.”

  “I mean it. I can feel you all the way, filling me up.” She closed her eyes blissfully.

  He sighed and cupped her breasts, squeezing her soft nipples until they hardened between his fingers. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  She opened her eyes and met his gaze, and something shot between them, sharp and clear. It made him inhale, pleasure bringing a warm smile to his face.

  This is perfect.

  That almost made him wince. No, no, no. He mustn’t go down that road. He couldn’t think about how great it felt that he’d been able to pleasure her so easily, or how he loved it that she was such fun to be with and he felt completely, utterly relaxed and at ease with her, as if they’d been having sex for years and fit together like they were meant to be.

  For fuck’s sake. What was this, Romeo and Juliet? He had to concentrate on the physical, and take his mind off the soppy emotional path it suddenly seemed intent on.

  He slid his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her down to kiss her, crushing her lips to his as he thrust up hard. She gave a muffled exclamation against his mouth and opened her thighs farther in response, and he groaned as heat shot between them, extinguishing the light-hearted, jokey atmosphere that had been there before.

  She tore her mouth away and muttered, “Jesus,” sitting back up and beginning to move more energetically.

  He let her drive the pace for a while, enjoying the view and her moans and sighs as she aroused herself on him, but eventually he couldn’t bear it any longer. He wanted to lose himself in her, and she was right, he wasn’t going to be able to do that with her on top.

  Holding her around the waist, he rolled her, expertly shifting her beneath him without having to pull out, and she exclaimed aloud. For a brief second he thought he’d hurt her—he’d forgotten about her back. “Are you okay?”

  He’d expected a smart comment, but instead she just nodded, wide-eyed, so he pushed himself up to his knees, took her hands and pinned them above her.

  She shook her head. “I want to touch you,” she said breathlessly, trying to pull her hands away.

  “Tough.” He ignored her glare—he wanted her at his mercy, and he was past letting her get her own way. He moved his hips back and then pushed forward, hard and fast, burying himself inside her, and she gasped and flexed her hands in his.

  He had to trust that she’d tell him if she was in pain, because his brain was starting to lose focus. He kissed her passionately as he moved inside her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist and met him thrust for thrust.

  He ground against her, knowing he was hitting the right spot by the way she bit her li
p and gave a long, low moan.

  “You’re—so—fucking—beautiful,” he said in between thrusts. He wouldn’t be able to last much longer. But he wanted to wait for her. He made himself slow down and kissed her, delving his tongue into her mouth before saying, “Tell me how to make you come again.”

  Her eyelids fluttered as he lowered his mouth to her breast. “Oh, you seem to—know perfectly—well.”

  “Tell me,” he demanded, letting go of one of her hands so he could slide his hand under her butt and lift her hips a little.

  He drove in deeper, and she clawed down his back and moaned, “God, yes, fuck me harder.”

  So he picked up the pace, slamming into her repeatedly, vaguely aware that the headboard was banging against the wall, but unable to do anything about it. He tried to hold onto his tight self-control, hoping she was keeping up with him, thrilled when she said, “Oh Colm, don’t stop, I’m going to come…” and after a few more thrusts, screwed up her nose and squealed, clamping around him.

  Only then did he let himself go. He gave a glorious roar, and heat rushed up inside him as his climax swept over him, making his muscles go rigid and his hips jerk repeatedly as he came inside her.

  It seemed to go on forever, and by the time he finished he was covered in sweat and shaking with exertion. He lowered his forehead onto her shoulder, hoping he hadn’t hurt her, giving slow, shallow movements of his hips and making them both sigh.

  Finally he lifted his head and looked into her eyes. She blinked, apparently speechless, so he kissed her red, bruised mouth with soft, apologetic kisses.

  “Are you okay?” he murmured, hoping he hadn’t been too rough. She’d asked him to be, hadn’t she? But maybe he’d overdone it.

  She nodded, still blinking, but didn’t say anything.

  Puzzled at her reticence, he withdrew and disposed of the condom, rolled onto his back and drew her up against him with one arm. She curled up next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

  He waited for a while, expecting her to recover and start smart-mouthing him with some comment about how he’d forgotten to be polite or something, but instead she just trailed her fingers through the hairs on his chest until he finally lifted her chin to look at him.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked, concerned. “Only I kind of got carried away.”

  “I noticed.” She looked back at his chest. “No, you didn’t hurt me.”

  “Mia? What’s wrong?”

  She met his gaze. “Nothing.” For the first time an impish smile touched her lips. “You were amazing.”

  He glowed inside, but said, “We were amazing.”

  “Mm, but you were…” She searched for a word and moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “Yummy,” she finished, grinning, and he started to laugh.

  “What a great description. Are you going to eat me up?”

  She giggled and rested her head on his chest. “Maybe later. First I really do think I’ll get some sleep.”

  He stroked her hair, pleased that she didn’t want him to go and thrilled at the mention of more sex before the night was up.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  He kissed the top of her head. “For what?”

  “Everything. Looking after me. Worrying about me. Loving me like that. How did you know that was just what I needed?”

  “Well, I did what I normally do and hoped you’d like it,” he said honestly.

  She lifted her head and rested her chin on his chest. “Really?”

  “Yep. Luckily it appeared to work.”

  “It did. Three times!” She smiled and then nibbled her bottom lip, clearly intrigued. “Is it always like that for you?”

  “No.” He didn’t elaborate, not wanting to admit it had been extra-special because he was crazy about her.

  “Me neither. Three times in one session is by far a personal best.”

  “You’ll have to see if you can beat that in the next Olympic Games.”

  Their amused gazes met for a moment. Again he felt that spark shoot between them, that uh-oh, this is more than just sex glow, but he couldn’t think what to say and he didn’t want to spoil the moment, so he just smiled and winked at her.

  “We should check the headboard’s still in one piece before we leave,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Hopefully the room next door was empty, or we might have a few complaints.”

  “You think? You were very…energetic.”

  Guilt twinged through him. “I’m sorry. I hoped you’d let me know if it got too uncomfortable. I kind of lost the plot near the end.”

  Her lips curved. “It wasn’t a complaint. I like it rough. I just didn’t expect it.” Her eyes danced. “You look like such a nice boy. I’m shocked.”

  “You thought I’d do as I was told and then ask permission before I came?”

  She giggled. “Something like that. Your mother would be so disappointed.”

  “She would. She’d want me to say thank you, by the way.”

  “Thank you,” she said, so heartfelt that he laughed.

  He stroked her cheek. “I can’t believe men find you intimidating. The way you were talking, I half-expected you to be all militaristic and bark orders all the time, but you hardly said anything.”

  She snorted. “Like you needed telling. You seemed to know perfectly well how to press my buttons.”

  They studied each other, thinking about that. They’d fitted together well, he thought. She was hardly asking for the moon. Just a guy who’d spend time on her, someone who cared about her and wanted to please her. Someone who…

  Don’t go there.

  She laid her cheek on his ribs. “I’m falling asleep.”

  “One last thing. You told me you’d let me know. Oral orgasm or penetrative orgasm?”

  She chuckled. “Too close to call. All three were pretty spectacular. Goodnight, Colm. My sexy Celt.”

  “Sweet dreams, Mia. My sexy princess.”

  She fell asleep quickly, her breathing deepening and slowing, but Colm lay there a while longer, playing with her hair and thinking about the look on her face as she’d said, You seemed to know perfectly well how to press my buttons.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Oh. My. God,” Freya said. “Tell us everything.”

  Mia sighed. She knew she shouldn’t have admitted she’d slept with Colm. “I’m certainly not going to tell you everything,” she said wryly. “A girl has to have some secrets.”

  She sat at her computer, on a conference call via Skype with Grace in her bedroom and Freya somewhere in Bogotá. They’d talked for a while about Freya’s adventures, but now for some reason her two friends seemed to think it necessary that they all discuss Mia’s love life.

  “No secrets between besties,” Grace said. “Come on, tell us.”

  “Jeez, stop with the third degree.”

  “We want the gory details,” Freya said, her voice coming through with a few seconds’ delay. “You’re not getting away with it, Mia. When I first went with Nate, you demanded to know everything.”

  Mia scratched her head. It was true—in the past they’d always talked about their relationships. They found it comforting, because it was so easy to think you were the only person in the world who had a particular problem, and it was always reassuring to know someone else felt the same. Plus, when you weren’t getting any, it was kind of nice to enjoy it vicariously.

  However, for some reason she didn’t want to go into detail about what had happened with Colm. It felt…private. Special.

  Uh-oh. Even she knew that was a worry.

  “The very fact that you’re not talking tells me something spectacular happened,” Freya said.

  “It wasn’t spectacular,” Mia lied. “Very run-of-the-mill. I fell asleep halfway through.”

  “She’s lying,” Freya said.

  “Oh, I know.” Grace’s voice was determined. “Come on, spill the beans. What was he like? He’s so clumsy. Did he fall off the bed and…you
know, miss the target occasionally?”

  “Good grief, ouch! God, no. He was surprisingly un-clumsy. No target-missing at all.” Quite the opposite, she thought, remembering the way the headboard had banged against the wall.

  “How did he approach the subject?” Grace asked. “Did you just jump on him? Tell me you didn’t just jump on him.”

  “No,” Mia said, exasperated. “Give me some credit.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “For fuck’s sake… I had a bad back. He invaded my personal privacy, forced me at gunshot to take two pills and then made me take off my clothes and manhandled me.”

  “Nice,” Freya said. “About time someone did. Make you take pills, that is, not strip.”

  Mia realised she wasn’t going to get away with keeping it secret and admitted, “The stripping was voluntary. Kind of. With cards.”

  “Poker?” Freya queried.

  “It sounds like he did,” Grace said.

  Freya snorted. Mia sighed. “Don’t be rude. It was whist, actually, but same outcome.”

  “Ooh,” Grace said. “Nice idea.” She spoke to someone over her shoulder before she came back. “Ash wants to know if you had a good hand.”

  “Ash!” Mia yelled. “Go away! This is a private conversation, Grace, I didn’t realise anyone could hear me.”

  “I’m knitting while I’m talking and you know I hate headphones. Anyway, Ash is concerned. He wants to know if Colm was good in bed.”

  There was an expletive in the background. Mia grinned. “That doesn’t sound like something Ash would want to know.”

  “Maybe not. It’s all right, he’s gone out of the room in disgust. But I’m very curious. I mean, Colm’s young and sexy beneath the old-professor disguise, but I wondered if he’d be a bit, you know, timid for you.”

  “I worried about that too,” Freya admitted. “I had visions of you bossing him about and him getting all flustered and apologising all the time. Did that happen?”

  “Um, no.”

  “Ooh.” The two girls waited for more details. Mia bit her lip, unusually tongue-tied.

  “Come on,” Freya demanded, “you can’t leave it there. Did he turn all alpha male?”


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