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Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 2: Gage ~ Cash ~ Knight (Vengeance MC series Book 8)

Page 48

by Natasha Thomas

  “Let’s go get this over with so you can get home,” he suggests, turning me into Cash’s arms.


  Boss’ office isn’t what I expected when I envisaged an MC Presidents lair. It’s easy to tell Beth has had a good deal of influence on the décor. Not to mention, there’s pack ‘n’ play set up in the corner, a box of diapers, and a basket of toys sitting on top of the filing cabinet.

  That aside, the polished concrete floors, dark gray walls with framed prints featuring restorations Pipes have done over the years, and one large window overlooking the courtyard out back makes it look more like a businessman’s domain rather than the leader of an MC.

  His desk is rich mahogany and takes up a third of the floor space, which Boss’ currently sitting behind with his arms crossed over his broad, muscular chest, highlighted by his tight black T-shirt.

  “Sly’s just finishing up something then he’ll be in to fill you in on what he found out in his searches.”

  Cash guides me to the loveseat against the back wall and sits next to me linking our fingers together.

  “Sit the fuck down, little brother,” he tells Jump, who’s restlessly pacing in front of the door.

  “I don’t know how the fuck you can be so calm about this shit,” he snaps, running his fingers through his hair. “This asshole shows up out of nowhere and tries to stake a claim on a kid that’s only here because he attacked the boy’s mom. I mean, what the fuck, man?”

  “You think I’m calm?” Cash rumbles dangerously.

  At the same time, Sly says,

  “I wouldn’t say he showed up out of nowhere brother,” closing the door behind him. “You get the feeling you’ve been followed lately?” He asks, looking directly at me.

  Now it all makes sense. That uneasy feeling I had in the pit of my gut when we arrived at the cabin wasn’t a figment of my paranoid imagination; there was a good reason for it.

  “Yeah. A few times.”

  “That’d be because you were,” Sly nods. “Michael Mascot, fifty-three, last listed address, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. CFO of Devon Energy Corporation the guy gets around. Married to his fourth wife, Linda Everett, daughter to one of the top five cattle barons in the country, he’s got an iron-clad prenup that’s got more clauses and loopholes than a hookers’ fishnet stockings. His net worth hovers around twenty-nine mill if you don’t take into account the four offshore accounts he’s got, totaling seventeen and a half million.”

  “Fucking hell,” Cash hisses.

  Flicking to a new page, Sly winks at me which is odd, but I chose to ignore it in deference to freaking the fuck out instead. This man is obviously wealthy, powerful, and well-known which means that I have to stop Cash from following through with making him disappear. Michael’s absence will be noticed and highly publicized. Furthermore, I have no intention of visiting the man I love in prison for the rest of our lives.

  Hence, why I state,

  “Do you have access to a lawyer at short notice?”

  Boss’ curious stare sharpens, but he inclines his head saying,

  “Yeah, Adams. He’s on retainer to the club. What do you need, sweetheart?”

  Squeezing Cash’s hand in warning, I reply,

  “I need him to draw up a legally binding document. If Michael agrees not to instigate legal proceedings to seek visitation of Talon, ceases any and all contact with my son and me, and deposits three million dollars into an account under Talon’s name to be accessed when he turns eighteen, I won’t press charges against him for statutory rape of a minor.”

  The four men in the room look at me with various expressions of shock, but I’m not done yet.

  “When he’s signed it, I never want to see him again. I know I said I have questions, Cash, but I’ve just realized that it doesn’t matter what he says. Nothing can change what he did, and I don’t want to hear his excuses. You can do whatever the hell you want to him, providing you don’t kill him.”

  “On the last point, I’ve got to agree with her,” Sly interjects. “This asshole is high profile. He makes the motherfucker who hurt Beth look like a trailer park resident.”

  Over a few glasses of wine one night, Beth told me about the ordeal she went through two years ago. A man she dated once, after having been forced into it by her parents, raped and viciously beat her just before her eighteenth birthday. With no way to get home – the prick left her stranded on the side of the road and took off – she accepted a ride from a long haul truck driver, Kevin, who ended up being like a surrogate father to her.

  The very same man who attacked her so violently devised a plan to kidnap and torture Beth years later. Devastatingly, he succeeded. What he hadn’t factored into his grand plan was Beth being the President of Vengeance MC’s woman, however. He hadn’t intended to capture Beth’s best friend, Bec along with Avery either, which escalated hostilities further when Avery’s dad, Saint, who belongs to an affiliate club, Devil’s Spawn got involved.

  After a dramatic rescue, complete with a hail of gunfire and explosions, Beth began the long road to recovery as did Avery, but unfortunately, Bec wasn’t so lucky. Due to the extent of her injuries, Bec died before she could be rescued.

  Blinking rapidly, I remember I’m not alone, turning to Cash when he growls,

  “This fucker isn’t getting away with what he did just because he signs some bullshit piece of paper and hands over some cash. No fucking way.”

  Repeating my question from back at the cabin, I ask,

  “Do you love me, Cash?”

  “Of course, I fucking love you. But that’s got nothing to do with this, gorgeous,” he returns, his body vibrating with pent up rage.

  “It has everything to do with it. If you love me, then you have to trust me,” I implore.

  “She’s right, brother. Sly too,” Boss voices his opinion. “We can’t kill him, but we can send a clear message about what will happen to him if he decides to run his mouth, or contacts Kennedy and Talon ever again.”

  “Since when do we negotiate with fucking rapists?” Jump’s insensitive question makes me wince, something Cash doesn’t miss.

  Immediately, he snarls,

  “Watch it, brother. You’ll never be too old for me to kick your ass.”

  “Oh, shit,” Jump groans upon seeing my grimace. “Fuck, sorry, Kenny.”

  I accept his apology because I know he didn’t mean anything by it. But these men, especially, Cash and Jump need to understand where I’m coming from with my proposal.

  “Part of me wants to say to hell with it, and let you do whatever you want to him. The other part, the rational one, knows the risk involved with making someone of his caliber disappear. Police will be called, missing person reports filed, media coverage, reporters asking questions about where he was last seen, and the list goes on. It’s not hard to track someone via their credit cards, trust me, I should know because that’s how Michael managed to almost find me so many times. Add to that, we don’t know how many people he’s told about Talon, which opens up a whole new line of investigation. My son’s name is unusual so that along with Michael’s bank records is enough to have the police knocking down doors in Furnace in no time. That will lead them straight to Cash, Jump, and the MC, and that’s the last thing I want. This, he needs to go away. And the only way I can conceivably see that happening is by doing what I suggested.”

  Cash’s grin widens with every word I say, and Jump watches on with something that looks like pride glowing in his eyes. Sly nods his approval, but it’s Boss that speaks,

  “I knew you’d make my brother a fucking fantastic old lady; glad to see I can still be right sometimes. Welcome home, Kennedy.”

  God knows why tears fill my eyes at his acceptance of my place in Cash’s life, but nevertheless, they do.

  “Fuck me, she’s gonna cry. Can we please decide what we’re going to do with the motherfucker before she blows? I don’t do tears, man,” Jump shudders melodramatically.

  Rolling hi
s eyes skyward, Boss mutters,

  “If you’re up there, give me the strength to suffer this fool without killing him.”

  “Hey! I’m an acquired taste, that’s all,” Jump refutes adamantly.

  “You are that alright,” my man mumbles beside me.

  “Back to the matter at hand,” Boss declares. “Good work, Sly. I appreciate it, but you can head out now.” Following orders, Sly leaves after giving me a reassuring smile. Boss waits until the door is firmly shut behind him before going on to say, “No point in Kennedy sticking around if she doesn’t want to talk to the asshole, so why don’t you take her home while I put in a call to Adams. He’ll bring the papers to your place for Kennedy to sign once he’s drawn them up, and then Cash, you can either stay with your woman or come back here and join in the fun. Jump, you staying or going?”

  “I said I’d pick Mia up from, Zara’s in an hour so I’ve got to head out,” he replies not meeting Cash or my eyes.

  “Word of warning, brother,” Boss clips seriously. “Do not fuck with that woman. My wife likes her, and there’s a good chance Zara Dion will remove your dick with a pick ax if you upset Mia. They bonded over the last few days, and Zara is the last person you want to mess with when it comes to her protecting one of what she considers her own.”

  Jump scoffs at the thought of a woman getting the better of him, but he obviously doesn’t know Zara if he thinks Boss is joking.

  Cash leans in, whispering in my ear,

  “Oh, this is gonna be fun, gorgeous. You ready to watch my little brother get tied up in knots over a tiny slip of a woman?”

  Giggling for what feels like the first time in a long time, I reply,

  “I’m more than ready.” And I’m not just referring to Jump’s soon-to-be situation either.


  ~ Cash ~

  “SEX! Now I have your undivided attention, can you make me a sandwich?”

  – Cash’s last words

  Adams is a fucking good lawyer, but at the same time, a slimy bastard. I suppose that’s the nature of the business, considering the lowlife’s he has to deal with every day. That doesn’t stop me from wanting to grab him by the collar of his shirt and drag his ass out of my house if he stares at Kennedy’s tits one more time, though.

  “Relax, honey,” Kennedy says, kissing my cheek. “I’ll sign this and then he’ll be on his way. No need for bullets and bloodshed. Because frankly, I don’t know if I’m qualified when it comes to that kind of stain removal.”

  “Sure, I’ll relax right around the time I cut out his fucking eyeballs for looking at what’s mine,” I grunt, wanting nothing more than for this meeting to be over and done with already.

  Interrupting my thoughts on how to creatively render the man blind, Adams thrusts a stack of papers, pointing,

  “I need you to sign here, here, initial here, and your full name and signature are required on the last page, Miss Lewis.”

  The snide smile on his face has my hands unconsciously curling into fists, but I stop just shy of punching him in the throat at the sight of Kennedy’s irritated glare.

  “Got some work for you after we’re done here, Adams,” I tell him sharply. “I want Kennedy’s name added to this house, the cabin, and the condo in Vale. I’ll be needing a marriage license, too while you’re at it.”

  Kennedy pinches my arm to get my attention, gapping at me like I’ve lost my goddamn mind. I could assure you I most certainly have fucking not, but what’s the point? She’ll see soon enough how serious I am, even if she is standing in a wedding chapel in Vegas wearing a white dress by the time she figures it out.

  “Um, do you think that maybe we should discuss that first?” Jesus, this woman is adorable.

  See, the way I see it, we might as well start how we’re going to continue. I see something I want; I go after it. In this case, it’s Kennedy I want, and now that I’ve got her, I don’t plan on letting her go.

  She may fight me on it, and I’ll enjoy the fuck out of convincing her otherwise – namely with my mouth and my cock – but ultimately I’ll win. And not because Kennedy isn’t a formidable opponent, but because there simply isn’t any other alternative. The only way this plays out is Kennedy starting and ending every day in my bed as my wife, committed to spending the rest of her life with me. So why wait?

  I shake my head at her misguided question, taking pity on her as I explain exactly what is happening here.

  “I love you, Kennedy, and you love me. We’re building a life together, gorgeous. One that includes Talon and Jump, even though my brother’s an annoying prick that will drive us all crazy. You’re my woman which means what’s mine is yours. This house is in my name, so is the cabin, and the condo in Vale, which is a seasonal rental is too. Jump and I bought this place together, same with the cabin, but I bought out his share of both last week. He knows he’s welcome to stay here with the three of us, and he will. This just means that when Jump decides it’s time for him to move on and get his own place, he’ll have the cash to do it.”

  “But,” she stutters, and that’s where I cut her off.

  “No buts, Kennedy. You, me, and Talon, that’s all I want. If you decide down the track that you want to give me a few babies of our own, then I’ll be all over helping you make them. You chose that you’re happy with it just being us, I’m good with that too. I won’t lie, though. I wouldn’t mind seeing you round and pregnant with my baby, but in the end, that’ll be your choice to make when the time is right. Now, what do you say? You want to marry me and make me the happiest fucking man on the planet, gorgeous?”

  “Dude, did you seriously just propose to my mom?” Talon shouts, his voice full of amusement? “Because you know you’re supposed to ask the most important man in her life for her hand first, right?”

  “Sorry, buddy,” I say without conviction. The kid damn well knows I’m not sorry in the slightest if his answering grin is anything to go by.

  “And just saying, not because there will be a next time or anything, but I don’t think you’re supposed to drop the F-bomb when you ask a woman to marry you.”

  To that, both Kennedy and I shout,


  Shaking his head, Talon plasters on a mock frown.

  “Damn, and here I was thinking you’d be the cool older brother, only to find out it’s going to be like having another parent in the house. Now, my only hope of having someone sneak me out the house, take me to parties, and teach me to drive is Jump. Where is he anyway?”

  “First,” Kennedy snaps, jabbing her finger in his direction, “You are well aware of what will happen to you if I find out you’ve partaken in any activities that require a lawyer, bail money, or a hospital. Secondly, consider how much you love Jump before you condemn him to the same fate. And lastly, what the hell are you wearing?”

  I have to admit, the kid is ripped for a fourteen-year-old, but in this case, I agree with his mother. What the fuck?

  “Oh, this,” Talon quips, spinning in a tight circle. “I asked Sarge to take me to the mall the other day, cool hey?”

  No. No, they’re really fucking not. If Talon thinks jeans that hang halfway down his ass, are ripped to shit, and have graffiti on the front and back pockets is cool, he and I are going to have a very serious conversation one day soon.

  I watch Kennedy as she attempts to find a polite way to tell her son he looks like a circus freak, but she’s saved at the second by none other than my filter-less brother.

  “Holy shit! I didn’t know we were having a party with clowns and shit.”

  Talon scowls at him and mumbles something under his breath that none of us catch. However, I’m the one who answers him

  “Adams is leaving,” I command, giving the man a pointed glare. “There’s no fuckin party. And, gorgeous,” my eyes lock on Kennedy’s, “I’m still waiting for an answer, baby.”

  “Oh God, you’re right,” she gasps. If only I had recorded that, I muse. Because I have a
feeling I won’t be hearing that very often.

  Launching herself at me, Kennedy wraps her arms around my neck, her legs around my waist, and peppers my face with kisses, chanting,

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Hell freaking, yes.”

  I don’t hesitate in kissing her after she says the sweetest word in the English language. Plunging my tongue into her mouth, this kiss is far from G-rated, but honestly, I couldn’t care less. This woman, my miracle just agreed to marry me, and I plan on showing her exactly how much I appreciate it.

  My hands find Kennedy’s ass, and I dig my fingers into the firm flesh as I ravage her mouth. Nipping, stroking, fusing my lips with hers as she moans and squirms restlessly against my already rock hard rock. Around Kennedy I’ve never had any restraint, but a clearing of someone’s throat reminds me that we aren’t the only two people in the room.

  Reluctantly, I slide her down my body until her feet are touching the floor. She’s unsteady on her feet, so I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her into my side to keep her upright.


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