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Rosalee Station

Page 2

by Magro, Mandy

  Sarah loved the buzz in the shed of a morning. All the packers were fresh and geared up for a full day’s packing, and the forklift and trolley jack were moving things this way and that. By the afternoons it was a different story. Everybody was tired and aching from all the lifting and packing and all everyone wanted to do was get the heck out of the shed and into the last few rays of sunlight. They had a saying around the Tablelands to describe what happened during the harvest – mango madness. It hit them all at some stage. By the end of the season Sarah would be dreaming about fruit. Thank God the picking season only lasted for six months. They’d all be a bit batty otherwise.

  ‘Hey, love. Brad’s on the phone for you!’ Jack bellowed over the noise of the shed.

  Sarah tried not to run to the phone. Daniel would really give her gip then. But she hadn’t seen Brad in three whole weeks. He was out on Rosalee Station, just near the Northern Territory border, preparing for the mustering season.

  She grabbed the portable off the desk and walked outside. ‘Hey, babe! I miss you. When are you home?’ she asked affectionately.

  ‘Hey to you, too, gorgeous. I’m flying home early tomorrow morning so I can be there for your birthday and the rodeo. I can’t miss my lady’s special day, now, can I?’ Brad replied.

  ‘Oh, Brad, that’s wonderful! I can’t wait! That has absolutely made my day,’ Sarah said, smiling.

  ‘I have some really exciting news for you, but I’ll wait until I see you to tell you about it. You’re gonna be over the moon. Also I have a surprise for your birthday. I hope you like it.’

  ‘Tell me now, Brad, you devil. I cannot wait another day. You know what I’m like with secrets! I’ll make it worth your while if you tell me now!’ she said in her most seductive voice.

  ‘You’re not going to sweet-talk me into telling you now! I’ll see you tomorrow morning, okay?’ Brad answered, laughing.

  ‘Okay. See you in the morning then. Have a safe flight back, honey.’

  Sarah walked back into the shed in a daze – excited that Brad was going to be there for her birthday, but also burning with curiosity as to what he had to tell her. She knew it was going to play on her mind all day. The phone line had been bad, though – Brad’s voice had sounded different, almost as though he’d had a few beers. Sarah shrugged it off – connections from the outback could be dodgy sometimes – and smiled to herself at the thought of seeing Brad again.

  Chapter Two

  SARAH woke to the reverberation of chopper blades slicing their way through the humid morning air. It was the best sound in the world to her – it meant Brad was here. He had his spot down in the spare paddock, where he parked the beast whenever he came to see her.

  She quickly threw on her jeans and favourite old singlet and ran down the stairs, jumping over Harry on the way, and out the back door. Duke ran behind her barking, caught up in Sarah’s exhilaration. He was an eager beaver whenever there was action and adventure to be shared.

  Sarah raced to the four-wheeler motorbike and Duke jumped up on the seat behind her. She raced off down to the paddock, wiping the sleep out of her eyes on the way down. In her haste to get out the door she had forgotten to put a bra on, and bouncing along the dirt road with ample boobs was quite painful. She placed her hand over the top of them to curb their crazy romp beneath her thin singlet.

  By the time she arrived, Brad had stepped down from the chopper, looking handsome as always. He was by no means tall, but his frame was well proportioned with muscles in all the right places from the physical work he did. From under the rim of his Akubra, his blue eyes looked cheekily at Sarah. His Bluedog jeans hugged snugly to his hips and his Wrangler shirt was missing the top two buttons, showing off his broad, tanned chest. He smiled as he walked slowly towards her. She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him smack on the lips. He melted into her, his muscular arms folding around her waist, and kissed her back.

  When they finally pulled apart, Brad picked her up in a huge bear hug and spun her around. ‘Gee, I’ve missed you, my sexy lady. Happy birthday.’

  ‘Thanks, babe. I’ve missed you too. It means so much that you’ve come back for my birthday.’ Sarah gazed into Brad’s eyes before smiling mischievously. ‘Now what was it you needed to tell me about? It is killing me not knowing!’

  Brad winked at her. ‘Sorry, babe, you’ll just have to wonder a little bit longer. Otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?’ He smiled enigmatically and gave Sarah another kiss.

  Maggie was in the kitchen looking freshly showered by the time Sarah and Brad got back to the house. She had on a simple yellow sundress that matched her bright and friendly personality. Her short hair was still wet and combed back off her youthful face. She hummed away happily to the song on the radio as she cooked them all breakfast, her floral apron tied firmly around her childbearing hips.

  Jack was sitting at the table reading the morning paper with a steaming cup of tea in his hand. His brows furrowed in concentration whilst he read about what was happening in the big, wide world. He muttered to himself about how the government was all bullshit and that if he ran the country he would put farmers first.

  Maggie immediately dropped what she was doing when she spotted her daughter, and ran over to give her a birthday kiss.

  ‘Happy birthday to you, my beautiful girl. We have your present down the shed for you, so when we finish breakfast we’ll all go down there and you can unwrap it, okay?’ Maggie beamed.

  Jack stood up from the kitchen table. ‘Yes, happy birthday, darling. You’re another year older and wiser, hey?’ He wrapped his daughter up in his strong arms, kissing her on the top of her head. He always gave brilliant hugs.

  Jack turned to Brad and shook his hand a bit too determinedly, without releasing his grip as he spoke. ‘G’day, Brad. Welcome back to the fun house. Hope you’re up for a big night tonight – the girls have been planning like mad.’

  ‘Lord help me,’ Brad said, quickly pulling his hand away before Jack succeeded in squishing the life out of him.

  Jack had known Brad for years, but they still weren’t at ease with each other. Brad had been mates with Daniel – right from the beginning in Grade One, when they were still sweet and innocent, through to Year Twelve, when they were a pair of absolute ratbags. Brad had also done some work on the family farm in the school holidays, which was how Sarah had got to know him. He had been a good mate of hers for as long as she could remember; it was only a year ago that they’d hooked up. She was never too sure what brought them together – maybe it was because they knew each other so well and were comfortable in each other’s company. Whatever the reason, she was happy with Brad, but didn’t want to think too much about where their relationship might be going. Jack wasn’t too pleased when she had announced that she and Brad were together. When she had reacted to his displeasure by reminding him that Daniel had been friends with Brad for years, Jack had simply replied that that was different and he didn’t want his daughter falling in love with a man he couldn’t trust to take care of her. He said Brad couldn’t even look after himself. It was true that Brad had had a few run-ins with the police, but it was only over minor things, like speeding and drinking in public. Sarah put Jack’s reaction down to him being overprotective.

  Daniel came into the kitchen and gave Maggie a huge bear hug. ‘Hey, Mum. I thought I could smell your great cooking. What’s on the menu this morning?’

  ‘Chook bum nuts on toast!’ Maggie teased.

  Daniel licked his lips. ‘Mmm, my favourite!’

  ‘Food really is the way to your heart, isn’t it, son?’ Jack said, laughing.

  ‘Happy birthday, sis. How old are you today – thirty?’ Daniel asked cheekily.

  Sarah tried to tackle him but he ducked and she landed flat on her arse. Everyone burst out laughing.

  Over breakfast the family sat around the table sharing yarns about the week gone by, before deciding it was time to give Sarah her present.

‘The present’s from all of us combined this year,’ Maggie said with a twinkle in her eye as they walked down to the shed. When they got there everybody but Sarah kept walking past.

  ‘Hey, you guys, I thought my surprise was in here?’ she called after them.

  ‘Well, it’s near the shed. Sorry, we should’ve told you that – but then you might have guessed what it was!’ Daniel teased.

  They all walked another ten metres to the stables and stopped. Sarah’s heart skipped a beat. No, it couldn’t be, she thought to herself. Only five months before Sarah had had to put down her horse of eleven years. He had cancer and was in too much pain. She’d cried for days and still got a lump in her throat when she thought of him. Ned had been not only her horse but her mate as well. She had got him for her twelfth birthday, and had basically grown up with him.

  Jack put his arm around his daughter’s shoulders and slowly opened the door to the stables. Sarah closed her eyes, holding her breath. She opened her eyes and gasped. There in front of her was the most beautiful chestnut Australian stock horse she had ever seen. He was about fifteen hands high, just the right height for Sarah’s short but athletic frame.

  Sarah burst into tears of joy. Maggie ran to her side and wrapped her arms around her while everybody sang ‘Happy Birthday’.

  Once the song was finished, Sarah kissed Jack on the cheek so many times he laughed and told her to stop before he started blushing.

  ‘I’m happy he makes you happy, love. Go on. Go and make friends with him.’ Jack gently pushed Sarah towards the horse.

  She walked very slowly up to him. She didn’t want to frighten him with any sudden movements. She wholeheartedly believed that horses were one of the most intelligent creatures on earth, and no matter what any bugger said, they never, ever forgot if somebody put the wind up them on their first encounter.

  Sarah let the gelding smell her hand. He put his head down and sniffed her hair and then took a step towards her.

  ‘I think he likes you, sis,’ Daniel said. ‘What are you gonna name him?’

  Sarah thought about it for a few seconds and then it just came to her. ‘I’m going to name him Victory, after our amazing granddad Victor. If he’s looking down on us he’ll be chuffed that I named a horse this fine in his memory.’ Sarah and her granddad had been the best of mates, and she missed him terribly.

  Maggie clapped her hands in agreement. ‘That’s a wonderful idea, darling. I’m so glad you like him. It took months to find the right one. He’s come from a station out west and has been used for mustering for the last two years. He’s only four, but he’s been trained by the best. Daniel saddled him up for you earlier this morning, so you can go for a ride now if you want.’ Maggie took her daughter’s face in her hands and looked her in the eyes. ‘We’re not trying to replace Ned – he was one in a million – but we all thought it was time for you to get a new horse to spend time with. I know how much you miss riding.’

  Maggie turned to Brad. ‘My horse is all saddled up for you too and ready to go now if you both like. We’ve packed a nice lunch in the saddlebags so you can take your time.’

  ‘Thanks, Maggie. We really appreciate it.’ Brad smiled.

  Sarah and Brad were soon in the saddle and ambling away from the farm.

  ‘So Victory was the surprise, you bugger! You knew all along! I love him, Brad. I can just tell he’s a ripsnorter of a horse.’

  ‘He’s only part of the surprise, Sarah. Come on, cowgirl! Get that sexy butt of yours moving and we’ll head out to the back dam for a swim,’ Brad said with raised eyebrows, insinuating that he wanted more than just a paddle.

  Sarah smiled but inwardly rolled her eyes a little. Brad was always up for nooky but he never seemed capable of expressing his feelings for her on the deeper level that she craved. She kept hoping that he would show his love for her in other ways as their relationship progressed, but so far it hadn’t happened.

  They rode slowly for the first half hour so Sarah could get a feel for Victory. Once she was sure that he was listening to her commands, she smirked at Brad and then took off at a gallop. Brad gave his horse the go-ahead and off he went too, hell for leather after Sarah.

  They both reached the dam at the same time, sweaty and exhilarated, with their horses in desperate need of a drink.

  ‘Hey, Sarah, how about you take care of the horses for a minute while I get us a spot set up under the wattle tree?’ Brad said, pointing.

  ‘Okay. See you over there in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.’

  Sarah admired Victory while he drank from the dam. He was a fine-looking gelding with a beautiful nature. She could tell from the way he responded to her that he was happy to have her in charge.

  ‘We’re gonna have some adventures, us two. I think Ned would’ve approved of you, mate,’ she whispered to Victory as they walked back to the shade of the trees.

  When Sarah got over to Brad he was lying on a picnic blanket, looking up at the fluffy white clouds that were scattered across the blue sky. There were ham and salad sandwiches on plastic plates, with bottles of beer to wash it all down. Brad patted next to him, gesturing for Sarah to lie down beside him. Once she was comfortable he took a deep breath and started talking.

  ‘I have a proposition for you, gorgeous. The station owners where I’m mustering for this season have asked me if I know of anybody who wants the job of station cook out there. The contract is for about four months, with the option of staying on to do other work around the station in the off-season. I reckon you’d love the job, seeing you love cooking so much. I’ve told them that you may be interested, and they’re holding the job for you. What do you think about that?’

  Sarah sat bolt upright. ‘Are you serious, Brad? I’d love to come out there with you! I’d get to live and work on a cattle station. Oh my God, I cannot believe how much better this day keeps getting. I just hope Mum and Dad won’t be too annoyed at me up and leaving them in the busy part of the season.’

  ‘Brilliant! I’ll give the station owners a call when we get back to the house and let them know you want the job.’ Brad leant up on his elbow to give Sarah a kiss.

  She leant forward too and her lips met his. It was slow and lingering, filling them both with desire, making them want more. Soon Sarah was unbuttoning Brad’s shirt while he slipped his fingers under the waistband of her jeans, exploring further until she could resist no more. They tore at each other’s clothes and enjoyed a quickie under the shade of the wattle tree, falling asleep afterwards, wrapped around each other.

  Sarah was the first one to stir an hour later. ‘Last one in is a loser!’ she yelled, jumping up and running butt-naked to the dam.

  Brad woke suddenly to see her mop of blonde ringlets bouncing around her back as she ran. He jumped up and ran after her, naked as the day he was born. With a crash he hit the water and grabbed Sarah playfully. They splashed and giggled together, talking excitedly about the new adventure ahead of them. ‘I cannot wait to tell Mum and Dad,’ said Sarah, ducking away from Brad as he tried to splash her.

  ‘Yeah, I hope your dad takes it well. He’s a big bloke with a bloody big gun!’ Brad joked.

  ‘Yeah, you better treat me right out there on the station, or he might just have to use it on you!’

  Brad made a face of mock terror and lunged at Sarah as she squealed and ducked away.

  When Sarah and Brad got back to the house, Jack and Maggie were sitting on the back verandah enjoying the afternoon sun, glasses perched on their noses as they read their magazines.

  Sarah was trying extremely hard to contain her excitement. She wanted to talk to her mum first before telling her dad – she was afraid he might react badly. Jack looked up from his magazine and offered them both a cuppa.

  ‘That’d be great, thanks, Dad,’ Sarah said, hearing her voice quiver slightly from the exhilaration she was bottling up. She felt like fireworks were going off in her belly and her head was spinning like a loose hub cap.

  Once Jack
had gone inside, Sarah filled Maggie in on the job out on the station. Maggie listened intently, waiting until Sarah had finished before telling her how happy she was for her.

  Sarah smiled, relieved. ‘I’m so excited, Mum, but I’m worried what Dad’s gonna think if I take the job.’

  ‘Your father will be happy for you, Sarah. He knows you’re ready for a change. All he wants is to see you happy and I know he’ll support you. Why don’t you tell him when he comes back? I promise he’ll be fine,’ Maggie said as she wrapped her arm around Sarah’s shoulders.

  Brad sat down beside Sarah. She noticed he was a little nervous, realising he was probably a bit worried about telling Jack too. She grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

  Jack whistled cheerfully as he came back out to the verandah, carrying a tray of cups and fresh Anzac biscuits that Maggie had baked that morning. He placed the tray down on the table and settled himself back down.

  Sarah turned to face her dad. She looked down at her hands and fumbled with her bracelet. ‘Dad, I’ve got something to tell you, and I’m gonna get straight to the point. Brad has offered me a job out on Rosalee Station as the cook. It’s only for four months to start. I would really love to do it, but only with your blessing. I feel bad leaving the family farm, but you have Daniel here to help you. I’m sure you’ll cope without me.’

  Jack’s face dropped for a few seconds, but he regained control quickly. ‘Love, you take that job. We’ll miss you around here but I know it’ll make you happy finally getting to experience station life, and if you’re happy, then I’m happy. Just make sure you ring us whenever you can and let us know how you’re doing. Are you going to take Victory with you?’

  Sarah wrapped her arms around Jack, her excitement no longer contained. ‘Thanks, Dad! It means the world that you’re happy for me. Of course I’m going to take Victory! He’s gonna be my right-hand man out there – along with Duke, of course.’


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