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Rosalee Station

Page 22

by Magro, Mandy

  ‘Matt! That would be amazing, but I don’t want you to do this for me. Is this what you truly want? I’d be over the moon if you lived here.’

  ‘So you wouldn’t object if I said I might have a look at a few properties in the Tablelands?’ Matt asked, knowing full well that Sarah wouldn’t object at all.

  ‘But how can you afford it?’ she asked quizzically.

  ‘Since my grandfather died, there’s been a decent inheritance sitting in the bank for me. I reckon it’s just the right amount for a deposit.’

  Sarah leant across the car and gave Matt a tender kiss on the cheek, continuing down his face and his throat as she caressed his shoulder.

  ‘Steady on!’ Matt said, trying not to get distracted from driving. ‘Hold that thought til I don’t have a steering wheel in my hands.’

  ‘You’ll keep,’ Sarah said, backing off with a light kiss, a sexy smile on her lips.

  Matt rubbed the stubble on his chin, still thinking. ‘Guess I should tell Dad and Mum soon then, hey? Better to get it over and done with. I’m really nervous. I’m just hoping they understand.’

  ‘Judy and Steve are the nicest people, Matt. I just know that they’ll appreciate you being honest with them, and after the initial shock, they’ll support you one hundred and ten per cent.’

  ‘I hope you’re right, Sarah.’

  That night the Clarke household felt empty without Jack and Maggie around to make the place warm and homely. Sarah, Matt, Daniel and Lily were all too knackered to even think about cooking, so they ordered in pizzas and went for quick showers before their dinner arrived. They chowed down on the feast, devouring the lot. Once their bellies were nicely full, Sarah shot Matt a quick glance, and cleared her throat.

  ‘Guys, Matt’s decided that he’d like to live somewhere near here. He’s gonna start looking at properties in the Tablelands. Could you give him a hand, Lily?’

  Daniel and Lily’s faces showed their surprise and happiness. ‘Wow!’ Lily said, finding her voice first. ‘We’ll all be neighbours! And I’ll make sure I get you a bloody good deal on a place, too.’

  ‘That’s great news. I wasn’t looking forward to doing that sixteen-hour trek to Rosalee on a regular basis to visit you, sis,’ said Daniel, a look of relief evident.

  ‘While we’re on the subject of news, we have something to tell you guys too. You go ahead and tell them, honey,’ Lily said to Daniel, who was wriggling like a worm in his seat.

  ‘Lily and I are pregnant!’ Daniel said, a huge grin on his face.

  Sarah jumped up from the couch with a whoop of excitement, scaring the crap out of Harry the cat, who was curled up at her feet. She wrapped her arms around Lily and Daniel. ‘Oh, I’m so happy for you both. What a brilliant end to a very stressful day! I’m gonna be an aunty to my best friend’s baby – wow!’

  Matt stood to shake Daniel’s hand. ‘Congratulations, mate.’

  ‘Mum and Dad are gonna be over the moon when they find out!’ Sarah squealed.

  ‘We’ll tell them soon, once we know Jack’s on the mend. Don’t want to shock him too much just now!’ Daniel said jokingly.

  ‘We only realised yesterday, anyway. Turns out it wasn’t a virus after all,’ said Lily, a wry look on her face. ‘It was a big surprise but I’m really happy about it. I’m just not enjoying this bloody morning sickness thing.’

  The phone rang, interrupting their celebration. Sarah had a feeling it’d be Maggie, and ran for the phone.

  ‘Hello, darling,’ said Maggie when Sarah answered, her voice sounding exhausted.

  ‘Hey, Mum. How’s Dad doing?’

  ‘He’s improving, love. I think they’re going to let him come home tomorrow afternoon. They just want to monitor him overnight, and if all his vitals look good they’ll discharge him tomorrow, but under strict instruction to get plenty of bed rest. He’s already started bossing the doctors and nurses around, which is a sure sign he’s feeling a little like himself again. It’ll be a while before he’s given a clean bill of health, but at least he’s still with us, Sarah.’ Maggie’s voice cracked and Sarah wished she could reach out and hold her mother in her arms.

  ‘Oh, Mum, that’s great to hear. And I know what you mean. It makes you rethink your life, and it’s a reminder to not take anything or anyone for granted. I wish I was there with you right now.’

  ‘Darling, I’d love your company, but I’m glad you went home. I’ll be fine after a bit of rest. They’ve set up a camp bed in your father’s room so I can stay with him all through the night. Anyway, I better go back and sit with him again. I’ll call you in the morning, okay, love?’

  Sarah wished she could tell Maggie the fantastic news about Matt staying around Mareeba, but she wanted Jack to be there to hear it. She bit her lip in an attempt to not blurt it out.

  ‘Okay Mum, good to speak to you. Thanks for ringing. Love you.’

  Sarah hung up the phone and stood for a moment in the dark hallway of the house. She found that she needed a few minutes alone to get her head together. It felt like the last twenty-four hours had happened to someone else, or was something she’d dreamt. It was a strange sensation. She closed her eyes and thanked God that he had left her father on earth instead of taking him to heaven.

  Lily and Daniel said their goodnights and trotted off to bed. Sarah stretched her arms in the air and yawned.

  ‘You want to hit the sack too, Matt? It’s been a long day, hey?’

  Matt leant over and kissed her, letting his tongue slide seductively over her lips as he pulled away. ‘I want to make love to you, Sarah. I can’t wait a minute more.’

  Sarah reached out and pulled him into her, kissing him passionately. They continued as they stumbled up the stairs and into her bedroom. Sarah lit a candle and lay down on the bed, enjoying the rugged handsomeness of Matt’s face in the candlelight.

  He joined Sarah on the bed and slowly took off her silk robe, the flickering flame revealing her soft sweet skin beneath it. He kissed every inch of her as he went. He stopped every now and then and held her gaze, running his fingers through her long blonde curls. She could feel him devouring her with his eyes. It was so intense she could barely breathe. He knelt and kissed down her legs, making his way to the heaven that lay between them. Sarah groaned in pleasure as his mouth explored her, his warm tongue slowly tasting her, exploring inside her. She couldn’t take the burning need for him any longer and tore at his shirt. Running her fingernails over the hair on his chest, she kissed his lips hard and ran her tongue down his neck.

  Matt pushed her down onto the bed and held her arms so she couldn’t move. He whispered into her ear, ‘Let me take control. I want to savour all of you. Let’s take this slow and enjoy ourselves.’

  Sarah gave into his wish and arched her back as he licked around her erect nipples, flicking his tongue over the top of them, teasing her, making her moan for more. He bit her neck and she pushed his head down harder until she could feel his teeth devouring her skin. Her whole body was pulsing with pleasure. Grabbing at his jeans, she carefully unzipped him and pushed them off with her feet. She let her hand slide over his erection and smiled as she watched him groan. She slid down so she could feel him in her mouth, and he cried out her name. When he could take no more he ran his hands over Sarah’s face and pulled her up so she was kneeling, facing him on the bed. He ran his fingers through her hair and pulled gently to tip her head back, kissing her down the front of the throat. He met again with her breasts and bit down on her nipples, making her arch in pleasure. She held onto him and ran her fingernails up his back.

  Matt gave into the moment and slowly slid himself inside her. He could feel her hands on his back, urging him deeper. Once he was inside her he kissed her with intense passion, enjoying the feeling of being at one with her. He pulled out and teased her with the tip of his cock before sliding back inside again. Never in Sarah’s wildest dreams did she think a man could make her feel like this. Matt started to thrust hard and Sarah moved her hip
s in unison with his. They came together, calling out into the darkness of the night, gripping each other in pleasure. They collapsed on the bed beside each other and let the silence wash over them while they tried to catch their breath.

  Matt propped himself up on his elbow and took in the beautiful woman that lay before him.

  ‘I’m in love with you, Sarah. Every part of you amazes me.’ He ran the tips of his fingers up and down her flat belly, circling her belly ring.

  She felt like his fingertips were electrified. ‘I’m in love with you too, Matt. I thought I was never gonna get the chance to say those words to you in person.’ She reached up and kissed him gently on the lips. ‘Thank you for coming all this way to see me, and thank you for saving my dad’s life. I’m so glad you’re here.’

  ‘Oh, Sarah, please don’t thank me for your dad. He made it through because of his pure determination to be here with his family. I just happened to be the one who got him to the hospi-tal. And I’m glad I’m here too.’ Matt smiled. ‘That was pretty amazing, by the way. I’d like more of that in the future, please.’

  ‘I promise there’ll be plenty more of where that came from. I’ve got the munchies now. You want something to nibble on?’ Sarah asked.

  Matt playfully grabbed her and nibbled on her neck. ‘This’ll do me fine.’

  The sun had risen and the birds were happily chirping outside the bedroom window. Sarah watched as Matt stood to pull his jeans on. She admired the tattoo on his back – she’d waited so long to see it in its entirety. The beautifully drawn stockwhip snaked up the middle of his spine and finished at the base of his head. Sarah stood up to admire it better.

  ‘How long have you had this for, Matt?’ she asked as she gently traced it with her finger.

  ‘Oh, about four years now. Do you like it?’

  ‘I love it. It’s sexy as hell!’

  ‘Good. I’ll just turn you on with my tattoos in the future then.’ He laughed.

  ‘You turn me on with every inch of you, Matthew Walsh.’

  ‘Likewise, Sarah Clarke,’ Matt said as he kissed her lips again, savouring the taste of her.

  Sarah whipped them both up a bacon-and-egg burger along with a cup of tea to wash it down, while Matt had a cigarette on the back verandah. Sarah smiled as she watched Matt give Duke a scratch behind the ears. Duke had warmed to Matt from the very first moment they met, and Sarah believed dogs were a great judge of character.

  She carried the tray of food out to the verandah and they sat at the table devouring the burgers, both ravenous from their romp between the sheets.

  ‘So what made you decide you loved me, Matt?’ Sarah asked boldly.

  ‘I knew it when I kissed you by the dam. I knew it even more when I found out you’d left. My heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest. Like I mentioned, I thought you must’ve regretted kissing me, and that was why you took off so suddenly,’ Matt replied softly.

  Sarah reached out and touched his hand. ‘Oh, Matt. I thought you regretted kissing me! What a pair of idiots we are!’

  ‘That makes us a perfect match,’ Matt said, grinning.

  The hospital discharged Jack the following afternoon. Within two hours of getting the call from Maggie, Sarah and Matt were in Cairns and waiting to pick them up. It was a slow drive home – the road back to Mareeba was full of curves, and Jack kept feeling nauseous. He never got car sick normally, but all the painkillers were playing havoc with his body.

  Eventually they made it back to the farm, where Daniel and Lily were waiting to greet them. Sarah got Jack settled on the couch while Maggie made cups of tea and brought out the tin of biscuits. Once everyone was seated, Matt and Sarah shared their news. A cheerful smile spread across Jack’s weary face, and Maggie was overjoyed.

  ‘So this means you’ll be staying here, Sarah? Oh, I’m so thrilled! It was a tough few months without you. Of course I was happy you were following your dream, but Rosalee’s a long way away.’

  ‘I thought the news would bring a smile to your dials. I’m thrilled to bits too. This smile has been plastered on my face since Matt and I spoke about it,’ Sarah said, pointing to her face.

  Lily leant in and whispered, ‘I know what else is making you smile, my friend.’

  Sarah blushed and playfully slapped Lily on the arm.

  ‘Dad, Mum – we have some news for you too,’ Daniel said, smiling proudly.

  Maggie sat forward on her chair eagerly. ‘As long as it’s good news, I want to hear it.’

  ‘Tell them if you like, Lily,’ Daniel said, suddenly shy, as he lovingly rubbed Lily’s back.

  ‘I’m pregnant!’ Lily squeaked happily.

  It was a happy morning for them all. They sat and talked about the wonderful things they could look forward to, and Sarah felt bathed in a tranquil river of happiness, an abrupt contrast to the raging rapids of the day before. It had taken a near-death situation to make Sarah realise how important her family was to her, and the discovery had thrown her into turmoil – could she live away from her family for the man she loved? But Matt’s unexpected announcement had put her mind at rest. Home really is where the heart is, she said to herself, and the beauty of it is I don’t even have to choose.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  SARAH and Matt were beginning to lose hope. It had been three weeks since Matt’s decision to move to the Tablelands, and they had looked at dozens of properties. Not one had grabbed their attention, despite Lily’s help.

  They’d decided to give it one last shot today, and then take a break for a few weeks. They met Lily at the pub in Tolga for lunch before going to look at some properties, and while they were eating Lily got a call from a potential seller about a property that she had viewed two weeks earlier. The seller had decided to go with Lily’s company.

  Once the brief conversation was over, she hung up the phone and smiled broadly. ‘What a freaky coincidence is that! There’s this property I looked over a few weeks back, and the guy selling has just rung to ask me to list it on my books. It’s amazing, guys, and I think it’ll be just what you’re looking for. It’s 150 hectares of prime grazing land over in Malanda. The couple who own it want to retire and they never had any kids to take over the farm. The bloke wants to sell the cattle along with the farm, so if you’re interested I’m sure we can come to a good price for the lot. Oh, I just know you’re going to fall in love with the place!’

  Matt looked at Sarah and they both grinned. It sounded perfect.

  ‘How much does the guy want for it, Lily?’ Matt asked.

  Lily flicked through her paperwork until she came across the notes she had written down when she looked at the property. She scanned down the page of chicken scratch, tapping the amount once she found it.

  ‘Well, it’s a bit on the expensive side, but I swear to you it’s worth it. I can work wonders when it comes to finalising the cost, and seeing it’s for my best friends, I’ll pass on my commission so you can save some money.’

  ‘You’re brilliant, Lily,’ said Matt, flashing her a warm smile, before grabbing Sarah’s hand and looking deep into her green eyes. ‘It sounds just right, doesn’t it?’

  Sarah smiled ‘It sure does, babe.’

  Matt slapped his hands down on the table, making Sarah and Lily both jump. ‘Let’s get a move on, then! Can we go and take a look at the place today, if the owner doesn’t mind?’

  Lily fumbled for her phone in her bag. ‘I’ll call him back now.’

  Sarah gazed out the window of Lily’s car. The fields flowed out in front of her like a sea of green, spotted in every direction with cattle grazing lazily, swishing their tails in an attempt to ward off flies. The further into the Tablelands they drove, the cooler the temperature – a welcome change after Mareeba. Most people over in Malanda had fireplaces as the temperatures in winter dropped to single digits and very occasionally below zero. Sarah allowed herself a moment to visualise what it would be like lying with Matt by the fireside in their very own home.
  She felt the car slowing and eagerly peered out the windscreen to see the place they might call home in a few months’ time. There were big wooden gates at the front of the property, already open, welcoming them in. A large timber sign dangled from the corner fence post with Tranquil Valley written across it in bold blue writing. Sarah let her eyes focus on the horizon. Sprawling out beyond the property were endless fields of lush green grass, dipping and diving into valleys and continuing up into shadowed hills that lay beyond. A light mist hung in the distance, giving the impression that they were entering a land somehow closer to heaven than anywhere else.

  ‘Lily, this is amazing!’

  Lily nodded her head as she drove. ‘I told you, didn’t I? Don’t get too excited, though, otherwise the owners will know you’re keen and they won’t budge on the price. Play it cool, okay?’

  Matt gave the thumbs-up sign to Lily. ‘I like the look of this. I promise I’ll put on my poker face so they don’t catch on, boss.’ He squeezed Sarah’s hand and she squeezed back.

  The house came into view moments later. It was perched high up on the top of a hill, commanding a view of the entire property. The beauty of it all took Sarah’s breath away.

  ‘Pinch me, Matt. I think I’m dreaming right now. Am I dreaming?’

  ‘No, sweetheart. This is damn real. Believe it, baby.’

  Lily pulled up out the front of the house, and as they spilled from the Prado the owners came out to greet them. They were warm, welcoming, country people, but Sarah could see the pain in their eyes at the thought of having to let their beloved property go. Their grey hair and weatherworn hands told the story of their lives on the land. They told Sarah and Matt that it was getting all too much for them. It was time to move somewhere smaller and easier to look after.

  Introductions over, the couple made themselves scarce while Lily showed Sarah and Matt around the house. Sarah pointed out the big fireplace to Matt.


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