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Wedded to the Highlanders

Page 9

by Katie Douglas

  She began to cry before the burning began. It was too terrifying and humiliating. At first, it only seemed to sting a little, but very quickly, the pain built up into a crescendo that seemed to fizz and gnaw at her insides.

  Soon, the sharp pain was radiating throughout her rear tunnel and she shook from the relentless scorching. She tried to pull her hands free to get it out, but Steen held her firmly.

  “Ye ken this is for your own good, lassie.” His voice was gentle, but he wasn’t the one who had to deal with this horrific intrusion in one of the most sensitive parts of his body.

  “It hurts! Make it stop!” she wailed with a note of urgency.

  “Remember how ye asked us tae hold ye accountable, lassie. I can make it stop, but ye’ll not have been properly punished. It depends what sort of person ye want tae be.” Hugh’s voice was matter-of-fact and as usual, he was correct. Lucy needed to feel like her husbands could be depended on to steer her right. That meant allowing them to correct her. Oh, but did the process have to be so awful?

  She shrieked as the fresh ginger ate away her guilt and burned more than anything had ever burned in her life. She gripped Steen’s hands, hard, and hoped there wouldn’t be castor oil after this.

  She wondered what her parents would have done, if she’d disappeared into the sea. They would have been devastated. If they found out what she’d done, lately, her papas wouldn’t have used ginger, but she certainly would have gotten a lot more than ten strokes of their belts. Each.

  Fresh tears ran down her face as the ginger continued to attack her bottom, and when the five minutes was over, it got worse before it got better, because when Hugh touched the stem to pull it out, a fresh wave of ginger juice filled her and made her howl. Finally, it was gone, but the residual pain lingered for several minutes afterwards. Steen rubbed the backs of her hands with his thumbs, and Hugh gently rubbed her sore bottom.

  “Ye did really well, sweetheart, and your punishment is over, now,” Steen soothed her.

  “All is forgiven, Lucy,” Hugh added. “You took your punishment so well.”

  “I love you, Lucy,” Steen murmured.

  “And I love you too, Lucy.”

  Lucy was too wrapped up in her own world to speak, but she hoped they knew she loved them, too. When the horrible, gnawing pain began to fade, all that was left was the arousal, and a feeling of lightness. She had completely atoned for what she had done.

  They hugged her, kissed her, held her tight, and generally didn’t go more than a few feet from her for the next half an hour or so. Then, Hugh went downstairs to make tea, and Lucy felt her eyelids becoming heavy. Punishment, she realised, was an exhausting business.

  When Millie Woodward appeared at the bake sale, Steen knew he needed to talk to her. It was all well and good being chased after by young ladies, but he drew the line at them trying to win him in a baking competition. He had been helping his papas with their three tables, which were beside Lucy’s more modest but very well-stocked stall.

  He strolled over to Millie’s table where she was arranging several very well-made cakes. He suspected they weren’t as good as Lucy’s, though. Lucy’s baking came from a deep passion for food, where Millie seemed to do it because it was what women were supposed to do.

  “Steen! Fancy seeing you here!” she enthused.

  “Millicent Woodward,” he began with a raised brow. “Ye ken it’s not good manners tae try and win someone’s intended man away from them?”

  She widened her eyes and shot a deathly glare in Lucy’s direction.

  “No, she wasn’t trying tae get out of the bet ye made with her.”

  “She wasn’t supposed tae tell ye!” Millie complained.

  “Aye. It came oot in a life or death situation. Now, I need tae straighten something oot wi’ ye. You’re a lovely lassie, and ye’ll make someone a smashing bride. But not me. Even if Lucy wasnae here, I wouldnae marry ye. I’m sorry.”

  Her face crumpled, and he felt terrible he had caused her such sadness, but the situation couldn’t continue. He had chosen Lucy. Millie began to cry.

  “But she has Hugh!” Millie complained through her tears.

  “Aye. Hugh. An’ he’s a fisherman. I ken your parents were monogamous, and ye might no’ really understand why most o’ the village has two men for each woman, but there’s a good reason for it. An’ the spirit world has spoken. Lucy and I are together.”

  “How can the spirit world have spoken, yet? It’s no’ the Circle Dance for a few more hours!”

  “Aye, and we had a bit o’ a situation before that. Remember how the water in the village well disappeared?”

  “Lucy did that?”

  “No! She fixed it. And we spoke tae some o’ the spirits. Look, if ye dinnae understand that, at least accept it. Lucy, Hugh and I are together. Even if her ankle’s too bad and if she cannae dance tonight, we are still together.”

  Millie leaned on her table and the tears continued to fall.

  “Ye’ll find someone,” Steen said gently. “Ye’ve got so much going for ye.”

  “Then why doesn’t anyone want me?” she asked.

  “The spirits simply haven’t let ye find the right men, yet. That’s all. Ye’ll get there, lassie.” He kissed her chastely on the forehead before he returned to his family’s stall.

  Lucy watched Steen talking with Millie a few tables away. She pretended not to see when Millie glared at Lucy. But Millie seemed to crumple inside. When Steen returned to his own table, Lucy was at his side immediately.

  “What did ye do tae her? She looks like ye just killed her!” Lucy said.

  “I let her down. Perhaps not very gently, but I already did that in the past, and it didnae work very well.”

  Lucy glanced back over at Millie. “Will she be all right? Ye ken, I made that bet wi’ her because I hate tae think of her all by herself while I have two men.”

  “I ken. And it was a sweet, if entirely ludicrous, idea. But listen, lassie, this is the same thing I just told her. The spirits will find someone for her when the time is right.”

  “I hope so.”

  People began appearing to buy cakes, and Lucy was lost in the business of exchanging her lovingly-baked food for money. To her surprise, people had made a beeline for her stall, and she found herself selling all of her cakes in the first hour. Millie’s cakes didn’t sell quite as quickly. Lucy found this state of affairs reassuring; not because she wanted to be a better baker than Millie, although she knew she was, but more because she knew she would have kept Steen even if he hadn’t found out about the bet she made with Millie.

  Lucy’s bottom twinged, reminding her of the punishment she’d had the day before, and she flushed with shame. If anyone hereabouts knew what they had all done in Hugh’s house, she’d die of embarrassment.

  Lucy glanced over at Millie and saw a cat nosing around under her table. It was unmistakably Felix.

  “Steen! Look!” Lucy called across to him.

  “Is that Hugh’s missing cat?” Steen’s voice was incredulous. Lucy hardly blamed him.

  “Aye. It’s Felix.” Lucy began making her way to the cat, but it noticed her and ran away again. Lucy sighed.

  “I dinnae think it wants tae go home with ye,” Steen remarked.

  Lucy chuckled at all the trouble that cat had caused. “At least he’s alive and well.”

  She tidied up her stall, and limped to Edith, the butcher’s wife, and handed her all the money she’d raised from her cakes.

  “Done already, Lucy?” Edith raised her eyebrows. “How many cakes?”

  “Lots. I sold a couple o’ them by the slice as well.”

  “Maybe ye and Steen ought to open your own bakery, tae rival Steen’s parents,” Edith teased.

  Lucy giggled. “It’s one idea,” she replied thoughtfully.

  The bake sale was a resounding success, and raised several pounds for Pauline to get a chair with wheels. When Lucy and Edith went to tell Pauline, and give her the money,
the young woman was completely over the moon with amazement, for she’d had no idea the village had organised this for her.

  Chapter 15

  After the village fete was over, the real revelry began, as the apple ringey was brought out of Andrew Callanish’s still, and passed around far more liberally than it ought to have been, for a spirit that was 50% proof. Lucy, Hugh and Steen stood together, sipping the strong alcohol. Lucy was very impressed with how well-groomed her two men looked today; Hugh was wearing a dashing blue tartan kilt that made his tanned skin look even deeper, and Steen wore a dark green tartan kilt, complementing his dark hair and lighter skin. Neither man wore a shirt, as it was the twenty-first of June—midsummer night, and the shortest night of the year—and more to the point, this was the Circle Dance.

  “How’s your ankle?” Hugh asked.

  “Well, I’ve been standing on it all day at the bake sale, so it’s sturdy enough. Just a bit sore.”

  “D’ye ken the meaning of the word ‘rest’, woman?” Hugh asked in exasperation.

  “Aye. It goes in a sentence like this: The rest o’ the world disnae stop just because I’ve hurt myself.” She giggled and winked at him cheekily.

  “What are we tae do with her?” Steen asked with a chuckle.

  “I can think of a thing or two.” Hugh’s words held so much promise, Lucy shivered with excitement.

  The drums began to play. It was said that no two people heard the same music at the Circle Dance, but nobody really knew for certain. What was known was everyone danced differently, because everyone’s dance was created from what was in their heart. As the fife began its reedy solo, Lucy felt a strange tingle in her ankle, and she shrieked.

  “My ankle! The ache has gone!” She reached down and touched it. It didn’t hurt, and it wasn’t swollen. “It’s impossible!”

  “Perhaps it was a wedding gift from the spirit world,” Hugh remarked. Lucy giggled, as a silence fell upon them. It was their moment of truth. Would the spirits bind all three of them together, for all eternity, or would they be matched with other people?

  Steen was drawn into the circle first, and for a brief moment, Lucy worried he was going to get bound to Millie, after all. But then Hugh was pulled in. Lucy’s legs began to move of their own accord, taking her to Hugh and Steen, and she felt an incredible sense of elation that, after all they’d been through recently, they were getting bound together by the spirit world. She’d been almost certain, but there had always been that slight, niggling doubt, borne of the sense she wasn’t good enough to be one man’s wife, never mind two.

  She couldn’t help smiling as they began to dance together. Hugh simply swayed from side to side, occasionally turning in a circle, barely in time with the music, while Steen clapped his hands a lot, tapping one foot all the while, and sometimes stepping around in a circle to exchange places with Lucy or Hugh.

  Lucy wove between them, holding her skirts firmly in her hands. She knew it was scandalous to reveal her knees, but this was the Circle Dance and she knew, at some point soon, there would be several people having sex on the field where the dance was taking place. Children, of course, would have all been shepherded home long before now.

  She skipped to and fro, and inside her heart, she felt the threads of herself, Hugh and Steen, as they began to intertwine. They had already been close, and Lucy didn’t know how it was possible for any of them to feel more deeply about one another, but this would certainly bring them even closer together.

  As they danced around one another, Lucy felt a growing sense of heat coming from her belly. This was followed by a liquid trickling down her thigh, and for the first time in weeks, she regretted her decision not to wear any underwear. She hoped none of the onlookers would notice, but they didn’t seem to have done.

  She was dimly aware of the people around them cheering and clapping, encouraging all the dancers in their individual shows of affection for the people they cared most about, and she felt positively buoyant, although it was debatable whether the cheer was from the apple ringey or because she was finally marrying the two men she loved most in the world.

  She swayed her hips from side to side, as her dance became more sensual, and Steen surprised her, by gripping her hips and pressing his body against hers, dancing a positively obscene two-step. Hugh put one arm around her shoulder from beside her, and she twirled away from Steen for a moment as she and Hugh circled one another, their faces inches apart.

  He kissed her, and she melted as his tongue plundered her mouth. It reminded her of the first time they had kissed one another, and she sighed softly, as everything melted away around her, and only Steen and Hugh existed.

  Then they were on the ground, and she was being kissed by first one, then the other of them, while hands found her breasts and freed them from her dress—a siren-like red tartan, today—and pinched her nipples.

  “You’re ours now,” Hugh said.

  “And we’re going tae claim ye,” Steen said.

  “Fully, this time,” Hugh added.

  A spark of surprise made her blood tingle in her veins, as Lucy realised what the men meant.

  They were going to take her pussy and her bottom hole, right here on the village green. And she still wasn’t certain if her rear would oblige and allow one of the men’s enormous appendages inside her.

  “Remember, lass, Steen got tae claim your pussy. Your rear is mine,” Hugh murmured, and Lucy melted into a puddle of arousal at his naughty words.

  But they were married now. And this was the Circle Dance. They could do whatever they wished, here.

  As Hugh unfastened her dress properly and removed it, and Steen continued fondling her breasts, Lucy reached out and unfastened the highlanders’ kilts, discarding the big kilt pins as she revealed their resplendent cocks; first Hugh’s, then Steen’s. Her mouth watered a little at the prospect that both of them would be inside her at the same time. She had no more thoughts for anything, as Steen parted her legs and put his mouth to her clitty, filling her with the same incredible sensations she’d experienced around the back of the whisky store. She moaned and ran her fingers through his hair, while Hugh expertly treated her breasts to some attention.

  The searing fire in her body seemed to pool in her core, and she moaned as the men drew her pleasure out of her.

  Steen stopped licking her, and moved away, lying back on the grass.

  “Climb on, lassie,” he told her. She nodded, and crawled to him on all fours, straddling his middle. His shaft was so big it took some wiggling to position it at her entrance, and he gripped her waist and pulled her down onto him, thrusting up at the same time, so she was impaled on his thick, long member.

  “Good lass.” He moved inside her, and his enormous cock stretched her in every direction, making her core glow as he reminded her she belonged to him.

  She widened her eyes as Hugh pressed something cold and slippery against her rear entrance.

  “Butter,” he said. It seemed so much dirtier for him to use butter like this, rather than any of the other things, such as oil, which might have had the same lubricating effect. Her rear winked in anticipation.

  “That’s it,” he said, and to her surprise, he plunged his finger into her, behind the stick of butter, making her shudder with the chill of the butter and then moan as his finger slid easily in and out of her. Maybe she was ready for him to take her, after all.

  He slipped a second finger in. That was much more challenging, especially since she was already impaled on Steen’s cock, and the fullness from two fingers and one manhood was intoxicating. She ground her sex against Steen’s hard body as she clamped her legs on either side of him.

  “Lean forward, now, and lay your head on Steen’s chest,” Hugh told her. She moaned and did as she was told. Lucy savoured the closeness, and the feeling of warmth radiating from Steen’s strong chest. He held her hips in place, while Hugh pulled her cheeks apart, and she clung to Steen, suddenly afraid this would hurt more than when Steen had t
aken her virginity.

  “Focus on the pleasure, remember,” Steen coaxed.

  “Aye,” she replied, and tried to heed his words. She thought about his cock buried deep in her core, and how good it felt when she moved her clitty over his solid muscles, but she froze, as Hugh’s cock pressed insistently against her rear opening, and her breaths came in short bursts. This was it. He was really going to take her rear.

  She wanted him to, more than anything. But she was scared.

  As though sensing her worries, Steen pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss, grinding his body against her clit so she didn’t have to move to get pleasure, and there was a moment where it seemed like space was being folded around itself, until finally, Hugh was inside her.

  He felt enormous. She had never been so full in her entire life.

  Lightning bolts of pure ecstasy broiled in her rear and her core, and she thought she might come before either man had actually moved.

  “You’re so tight, lassie,” Hugh declared in a slightly strangled growl.

  “Aye. She’s so full.”

  “Please... so good...” she couldn’t put her words together but she knew she was going to tumble into the depths of a climax very soon.

  The men seemed to understand her, for they pulled out and plunged into her again at the same pace, sliding out almost completely, before thrusting into her, deeply.

  “We’re going tae fill ye full of so much cum ye’ll be gargling in it for a week,” Hugh remarked.

  It was too much. She threw her head back as her body readied itself, as the men began moving faster, still taking her together. She unravelled, until the fierce lightning tore through her whole body, seeming to set every part of her aglow, as she cried out their names and gripped Steen’s shoulders tightly, while her body contracted around both cocks.

  She was still fragmented into thousands of tiny pieces when the men growled then both thrust hard, burying themselves inside her one final, powerful time, sending her further into her climax as both men shot their hot liquid deeply into her body, and she felt their essence mingle with her own, as she moaned and screamed, helpless in the face of the intense pleasure they were giving her.


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