Every Desire

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by Nadia Aidan

  A Total-E-Bound Publication


  Every Desire

  ISBN #978-1-907010-21-7

  ©Copyright Nadia Aidan 2009

  Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright April 2009

  Edited by Christine Riley

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2009 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road

  , Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated total-e-burning.

  Heroes and Harlots


  Nadia Aidan

  Chapter One

  Redemption, Nevada, 1883

  “You have two days to close down your whorehouse or else I’m throwing you in jail.”

  Madam Montgomery LaCroix’s kid boots kicked up a swirling cloud of dust as she stomped all the way down Main Street

  towards the Sheriff’s Office.

  Clutching the offensive letter in her hand, she was so mad that she barely noticed the townspeople of Redemption openly gaping at her. As the Madam of the only brothel in town, she was either on the receiving end of barely veiled disdain, or openly perverted lust, which was the main reason why she kept to herself and rarely ventured into town. Today she had no choice. The new sheriff had declared war on her and her establishment leaving her no other option but to defend her livelihood.

  When she reached the Sheriff’s Office, she saw the wooden panelled door was slightly ajar, and she didn’t even bat an eye as she kicked it in, sending it slamming against the wall.

  The two deputies on duty jumped out of their seats, their hands cupping the revolvers that hung low on their hips as they stared at her in wide eyed confusion.

  “I need to speak with Sherriff Kincaid right now, boys!” Her gaze darted between Deputy Reynolds and Deputy Scott. They stood there shivering in their boots at the anger that radiated from her petite body like steam off a pond on a hot summer day. Both deputies were frequent visitors to her establishment. She wondered how they felt about the new sheriff coming into town and trying to shut her down.

  “Good mornin’. What can we do for you Miz LaCroix?”

  “Reynolds, there’s nothing you can do for me except take your hide into the back and drag that no good sonofabitch you call a Sheriff out here.”

  “M—miz LaCroix. Please calm y—yourself. The Sh—”

  “Reynolds. Don’t make me ask you again,” she snapped at the stuttering man. She almost felt sorry for him. Everyone knew she had a helluva temper, and she knew the young deputies didn’t want to tangle with her when she was mad enough to spit nails. She also realised they didn’t want to upset their new boss either by throwing him to her mercy when she was as mad as she was.

  Taking pity on the poor boys, she decided to just skip the middlemen entirely.

  “Oh, forget it. I’ll go find him my damned self.” She lifted her long skirts and marched around them before they could stop her. She then stomped her way towards another room in the back of the office where she knew they kept the jail, but drew up short when a hulking giant of a man stepped through the doorway, effectively blocking her path.

  “Reynolds and Scott, can you give me and the lady the room?”

  While the deputies scurried from there like wild mice, Montgomery tilted her head back to get her first good look at the new sheriff. Good Lord! She’d heard whispers from her girls that the man was handsome, but she’d let those same whispers roll off her back. Handsome men were a dime a dozen. And most of them were cruel, selfish men, who didn’t much know a damn about pleasing a woman even if they wanted to. Still, the man that stood before her was so far beyond handsome that it should’ve been a holy sin. His raven hair hung like a sheet down his back, framing the harsh planes of his gorgeous sun-bronzed face. Half white and Indian, the sheriff was the perfect embodiment of his mixed heritage, and she stood there drowning in his sea green eyes as a slow heat ignited between her thighs to fan out across her skin.

  “You must be Miz LaCroix.”

  She nearly shot up outta her boots when the deep timbre of his voice snapped her back to the present, reminding her why she was there in the first place. A fresh wave of anger roiled inside of her. Men were manipulative bastards. Long ago, she’d learned that the hard way and that thought was enough to cool her budding desire like a bucket of ice water being dumped over her head.

  “What can I do for you ma’am?”

  “Don’t play the fool with me, Sheriff,” she seethed as she lifted her fist that held the crumpled letter and threw the slip of paper at his broad chest. “You have no authority to issue such a threat to me or my business.”

  Wayne Kincaid folded his muscular arms across his chest, and she fought hard not to trace the lines of his corded muscles that strained against his dark blue plaid shirt.

  “I realise how upsetting this must be, but I was elected Sheriff because the people are looking to clean up their image in order to attract more residents. As a businesswoman, I’m sure you can appreciate that.”

  “Don’t try to patronise me, Kincaid. I did not become the wealthiest coloured woman in all of Nevada because I was stupid. Try to shut me down, and I’ll sue your ass for every measly penny you own.”

  The sheriff’s face hardened and he stood up straighter, if that was even possible. She didn’t flinch when he stepped forward, his muscular chest within an inch of her breasts that were thrust out by her low cut bodice.

  “Do not threaten me, Miz LaCroix or you’ll find yourself in jail before your two days are up—”

  “Oh, just go an’ fuck yerself! In the three months you’ve been here, you’ve never once set foot into Every Desire, yet you come in here with your high and mighty morals trying to close down something you know nothing about—”

  “Oh, I can imagine what goes on at that little brothel of yours.” He snorted. “If you’ve fucked one whore, then you’ve fucked them all. It’s all the same Miz LaCroix. Nothing special about what you and your girls do out there.”

  She steeled herself from visibly cringing at his derisive tone and harsh words. She’d been called worse many times before. She closed the small distance that separated them, her breasts flattening against the solid wall of his chest. A thrill of triumph surged through her when he drew in a sharp breath. All men craved the same thing, even when they didn’t want to.

  “You know you can’t shut me down, just as I know you plan to harass me until you do, so why don’t we make a little deal. Come visit Every Desire, and spend some time with one of my girls, on the house. Then let me know if you still want to close me down.” Her voice was low as she said the words on a soft purr, and to her delight she was treated to the feel of his delectable cock brushing against her waist as it began to stir to life.

  Grasping her shoulde
rs with both hands, she expected him to shove her away, but to her surprise he drew her even closer, nearly lifting her off her feet.

  “A tempting offer, Miz LaCroix—” Her body tingled where he touched her and she valiantly fought to tamp down her arousal. What in damnation was he doing to her? She was a professional—trained in the art of seducing men. They almost never had an effect on her.

  Still gripping her shoulders, he set her away from him then and she almost groaned in protest.

  “—very tempting indeed, but that’s one offer I’m going to have to pass on.” He stepped around her and she followed his every movement until he reached the door, tugged it open and stood off to the side. “You now have less than two days, Miz LaCroix. I suggest you either start thinking about new job options or how you want to spend your time locked up in my jail.”

  Sheriff Wayne “Ravenclaw” Kincaid released the breath he didn’t realise he was holding when Madam Montgomery LaCroix stormed out of his office.

  He wished he’d had the strength to hold his breath a little longer because the scent of her jasmine perfume hovered in the air and filled his aching lungs, which caused a curious stirring of his cock within the confines of his jeans.

  LaCroix certainly lived up to every rumour—and then some. She was a feisty, foul mouthed, smart as they came, little whore, and she was probably the most beautiful woman on this side of the Missouri.

  As the image of her ripe, full breasts spilling over her obscenely low bodice flashed in his head, a strangled moan tore past his lips and his cock grew even harder. She was way too ornery to be so deliciously tempting. The moment he laid eyes on her, he wanted to bend her over his desk, raise her petticoats and discover if she was as hot a ride as every man in Redemption swore she was.

  As erotic as that picture was, the thought of every man in Redemption having her was enough to cool his lusts—somewhat.

  He’d heard that she didn’t take customers anymore. That is if you weren’t wealthy and willing to pay a king’s ransom for just one night with her. He could easily see why a man would sell every parcel of land he owned for one night in her bed. To possess the wanton temptress, with skin the colour of a fading sunset and the body of a luscious goddess would probably be as close to heaven as any man could ever get and still be alive.

  Had this been another time, before life had dealt him a raw deal, he would have sampled the delights that she and Every Desire offered. But not now. He knew all too well how the pleasures of the flesh could corrupt even the noblest soul, and he was far from noble.

  He’d been brought to Redemption to help erase the blight on the town’s reputation. Founded in 1842 by a group of ex-convicts, Redemption was heralded as a haven for all those searching for a place where they could redeem their souls. At first, the town had attracted many of the outcasts of society, but now it was changing, and more and more people were coming to Redemption in search of gold in the West. With the influx of people from all walks of life, the town was starting to evolve in many ways, and unfortunately Madam LaCroix’s business stood in the way of that progress.

  Despite his threat to close her down, he really didn’t mind her keeping her little whorehouse, but she had to move it outside the city boundaries of Redemption, which was something that Montgomery LaCroix had no intention of doing.

  He understood her position, but he was only doing his job. He had no intention of backing down on this either. Every Desire could not stay where it was now. So she really only had a couple of choices. She could either move her whorehouse or he would close her down, right after he made her a permanent fixture in his jail.

  * * * *

  “You got to be shittin’ me!” Montgomery was certain steam was pouring from her ears as mad as she was.

  “I’m sorry Miz LaCroix, but the Sheriff is in the right. According to the town ordinance, no establishment can operate within the city limits that is larger than one and a half acres—”

  “But it’s only two acres! Not even that if you just count the manor house.”

  Winston Delanger twisted his hat between his wrinkled fingers, as he tipped his head back to keep his looking glasses from toppling off his face. “Yes, the main house sits on just a scant bit of your property, but with the ranch and the farm—well…”

  His voice trailed off causing Montgomery to let out a long hiss as the weight of Delanger’s words settled over her. He didn’t even need to finish. They both knew what this meant. The sheriff had won.

  “I’m sorry, Montgomery. When you decide to move, I will handle all of the legal proceedings on your behalf, if you wish.”

  She flashed him a weak smile. The elderly Delanger had been her attorney for over a decade, and he was one of the few men she actually respected. He’d taken her on as a client when no other lawyer in the city would, and she would be forever grateful to him because of that.

  “Thank you, Winston,” she said as she ushered him towards the front door. “I appreciate everything.”

  His eyes were full of sympathy as he dipped his head in a courteous nod before he crossed through the doorway and disappeared down the stairs.

  Closing the door slowly, she spun around and made her way across her parlour room in four easy strides. Dropping down onto the plush settee, she released a long breath as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  “It’s not like you to give up so easily.”

  A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips and she opened her eyes to meet the disapproving blue gaze of her closest and dearest friend, Cherie Launbauer.

  Just two years younger than she, Cherie was one of her most popular girls at Every Desire with her smooth creamy skin, midnight tresses, quick wit, and bawdy humour. A rare combination of beauty and brains, Cherie understood her better than probably anyone else in the world.

  “You heard Mr. Winston. What can I possibly do? The Sheriff is within the law to close us down.”

  Sweeping her skirts aside, Cherie dropped down onto the settee beside her.

  “He’s a man, and you’re one of the best whores in Nevada. Use the obvious to trap him and your brain to outsmart him.” A wicked gleam twinkled in her crystal clear, blue eyes as she grinned. “After all, that is what you do best.”

  Montgomery chuckled at her saucy words. “But I haven’t worked in over a year.”

  “So! Doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten how to seduce a man.”

  Another sigh escaped her lips as she leaned her head back again. “It’s not that. I do remember what seduction entails. It’s just that I don’t think he is a man that can be easily seduced. To be honest, I don’t think he can be seduced at all with his iron clad morality.”

  Montgomery’s gaze snapped to Cherie at the sound of her soft melodic voice humming with laughter. “Every man can be seduced—” she held up her hand when Montgomery opened her mouth to protest, “—maybe not physically, for a select few that cannot be the only lure. But every man wants something. You just have to figure out what that something is.”

  With the grace of an elegant courtesan, Cherie slid to her feet to tower over her.

  “I need to go and get ready for a guest, but think on what I said. Every man can be seduced if you figure out what it is that he wants the most. And honey, if you don’t want to lose everything you’ve worked so hard for then you need to find out what it is that Sheriff Kincaid desires the most—and then give it to him.”

  * * * *

  Two days later, Montgomery had yet to discover what it was the handsome sheriff desired the most, but what she had discovered was a loop hole in the city ordinance. She reckoned that was the reason why he was banging on her front door, interrupting her supper.

  At one time, she’d had a butler but she found she liked to know firsthand who was coming and going, so she let him go. As she ambled towards the door, she reconsidered that decision for the first time. It would’ve been real nice to have someone stall for her.

  She opened the door slowly, her gaze landing
on the sheriff, whose green eyes flashed sparks of lighting at her

  “Finally decided to take me up on that offer, Sheriff?”

  “Don’t play coy with me, Madam.” He raised his hand high in the air, his fist crushing a single piece of paper. “What’s the meaning of this?”

  “Would you like to come inside and discuss this?” He raised a single brow, but didn’t move, and she knew immediately why he hesitated.

  “Look Sheriff, unless you want to be the subject of gossip, I suggest we discuss this somewhere else besides on my doorstep.” That seemed to spur him forward and she stepped aside to allow him in before turning to lead the way to her private chambers.

  Her personal chambers included her bedroom, bathing room and a small parlour where she sometimes entertained guests.

  Many expected her private rooms to be adorned in red silks and black velvet and lace—the ultimate whore’s room. But Montgomery had always been partial to pastels, so her rooms were decorated in a dusky rose and soft cream. Everywhere one looked there were images of pink roses and white lilies, even her windows were framed by drapes adorned with tiny petals.

  When she heard Kincaid draw in a low breath she knew he was just as stunned as all of her other guests usually were. Although, the soft colours aroused one’s sensual nature, there was nothing remotely sexual about her place of solitude. Her sanctuary was a testament to her femininity, not her sexuality.

  “Now what can I do for you, Sheriff?” She asked after she closed the door to her parlour giving them the privacy she’d promised. Friday night was a busy time for Every Desire and the place was teeming with guests. She’d told Kincaid the truth—he would be the subject of some nasty gossip if he remained there on her doorstep.

  “You’re not going to get away with this.”


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