Every Desire

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Every Desire Page 2

by Nadia Aidan

  Crossing her arms beneath her breasts, she levelled him with a hard stare. “Seems I already have. Besides, I’m just returning the favour. Doesn’t feel too good to be caught unawares with a note.”

  He glowered at her. “You weren’t caught unawares. You had plenty of warning.”

  Montgomery let out her most inelegant and unladylike snort. “Two weeks is not plenty of warning.”

  “As soon as I came here I laid out my plans for the town in the Gazette. That was months ago. You had more than enough time to pack this place up and move it elsewhere.”

  She narrowed her gaze at him as anger began to bubble up inside her. She hated men like him—always barking out orders for people to follow while not quite comprehending the enormity of the order. He expected her to so easily pack up her business and move it just like that. He didn’t seem to realise the cost and effort such an endeavour would take.

  “What did you think I was gonna do when you put that article in the Gazette? Just jump like a dog to your command, or better yet roll over like a good whore without a word? I bet you would’ve liked that. I guess you didn’t reckon I’d put up such a fight. To you, this is nothing,” she said as she swept her hand in the air to encompass the entire room. “But to me, it is everything. I have poured way too much into building this place to let you tear it down without a fuckin’ bloody fight.”

  Wayne stared at Montgomery with a mixture of shock, awe, and even the tiniest bit of admiration. Her face was flushed a deep crimson and her brown gaze sizzled with molten fire. He respected her determination, even if it was causing him a helluva headache.

  Closing the distance between them, he held her charged gaze as he spoke softly. “I have some land. It’s right on the other side of the city limits, not even a quarter mile out, and it’s less than a half of mile from here.”

  She shrugged. “Old man Patterson’s property. I already knew that you bought his ranch. We’re practically neighbours. So what?”

  “His house is still in good condition and with my duties as the Sheriff I have no use for such a large spread. What if I sold you the land that the house is on? That would be a fair compromise, don’t cha think?”

  She sucked her teeth. “Why would I buy your place and move my business when now I don’t have to. You know that’s not a fair compromise at all. The only reason why I would even consider your offer is if you financed my entire move and gave me that land.”

  He gritted his teeth to keep from angrily shouting at her that she was a crazy loon. She was asking far too much, and she knew it, but she’d gone and turned the tables on him. Her silly lawyer had found a small clause in the city ordinance that allowed for a business sitting on more than one and a half acres to exist within the city limits as long as it didn’t have more than fifteen workers. She had just fourteen, if you didn’t count her.

  “Alright, woman. I’ll give you the damned land and finance your move if you promise to take this brothel outside of the city proper.”

  She arched a single eyebrow as she seemed to consider his words. She knew as well as he did that he’d offered her a good deal—the damndest good deal she’d ever get. He would get her brothel outside of the city limits as he’d promised the townsfolk, and she wouldn’t have to pay a nickel to move, yet she wouldn’t be so far from the city that it hurt her business. Just far enough so that Every Desire wasn’t such an eyesore.

  “It’s not enough,” she said finally.

  “What!” He was sure his eyes bugged out of his face. She was trying to bleed him dry. He was pretty well off, but he’d be damned if he let her milk him for all he had. What else could the whore possibly want?

  “Madam, that’s a good deal and you know it—”

  “It is a good deal. Never said it wasn’t. But I want one more thing to sweeten the pot.”

  He could barely contain his anger as he glared at the greedy woman. “And that would be?” he bit out.

  She curled her lips into a wicked grin and he knew that he was in trouble.

  “I want you.”

  Chapter Two


  “You heard me, Sheriff. I want you—for three whole nights. You want me to move, you’re gonna have to work for it—” her eyes flashed with mischief as she grinned, “—like good whores do.”

  “I ought ta—”

  “Those are my terms, Sheriff. Three nights, that’s it,” she said with the snap of her fingers.

  Fury raced through his veins, but he didn’t know whether to curse her or stomp out of there as if he hadn’t heard a word. The whore wanted him to play the whore. It would have been laughable, had it not been him.

  “How do you expect me to keep the respect of the townsfolk once they find out I’m out here cavorting with you?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, Sheriff, but that’s not my problem. That’s yours.”

  “And what if I say no?”

  “I think you already know what’ll happen if you do that.”

  He took a step towards her, bringing his body within inches of hers. “And what if I say yes? How do I know you’ll keep your end of the bargain?”

  “I’ll have my attorney draw up a contract for both of us to sign. I’m a woman of my word, Kincaid. If you last three nights, then I’ll move.”

  If he could last? What the hell was she up to? “Oh trust me, Madam. I’ll last,” he whispered hotly, his face only inches from hers. He took another step forward, and when she started to move backwards, he shot out a single arm to snake around her waist. Drawing her up against him, he held her flush against his body so that she could easily feel every hardened muscle of his frame. He wanted her to realise what she’d gotten herself into. She may be a skilled whore, but he was far from the boys and wimps she was apparently used to playing with and bossing around. He was a man—in every way.

  Her eyes widened as her full lips parted slightly and he knew the moment she realised that maybe she’d bitten off more than she could chew.

  “You have a deal, Madam. For three nights, I’m yours. We’ll see who can last ‘til the end.”

  Montgomery stared at the doorway of her parlour long after Sheriff Kincaid’s broad back disappeared through it. What had she gotten herself into?

  Her skin still tingled everywhere his body had touched hers, leaving her breathless. She fanned her face, trying to keep the heat from spreading all over her. It was no use. Her body throbbed and ached everywhere.

  Sinking onto her settee, she ran her hands across the soft suede, enjoying the feel of the material caressing her fingers. She wondered if Kincaid’s skin would feel like this beneath her hands, firm and hard, yet soft as kid leather.

  Heat swirled in her belly at the thought of the handsome sheriff, with his roughened skin, and sparkling eyes, and she parted her thighs beneath the layers of her full gown as sticky wetness gathered at her core.

  Pushing up her gown, she slid her hand down her body and slipped it inside her drawers. As she began to softly stroke the tiny bud at the centre of her pussy, she knew then that she was in trouble. No man had ever left her body in such a state of heightened arousal that she thought she would die if she didn’t find immediate release. Her ex-husband had been a skilful lover, but even he hadn’t possessed this type of power over her body, and she’d been wildly in love with him before he’d turned into a bastard. The knowledge that she wanted Kincaid so fiercely sent a sliver of fear down her spine, but that wasn’t enough to make her reconsider their bargain and certainly not enough to cool her lusts as a searing bolt of lightning sizzled across her skin.

  A sharp moan tore past her lips, and she closed her eyes as she imagined the Sheriff’s hands all over her burning flesh. Lost so deeply in her fantasy, she could almost feel his callused hands cupping her breasts and teasing the nipples to hardened peaks before he would dip his head to draw her sensitive flesh inside the moist, hot cavern of his mouth. She arched her back as she strummed her clit faster, while her juices poured from her s
wollen slit.

  Her breath began coming in choppy pants as her spread legs started to tremble. A wave of heat surged through her and she nearly exploded in orgasm when the image of a gloriously naked Kincaid materialised behind her closed lids. She saw him so vividly hovering above her, his muscles straining as he positioned the steel length of his cock at her wet opening. He thrust his hips forward then, burying his hard flesh inside her aching cunt, stretching her as he filled her completely. She cried out as the first tremors of her orgasm jolted her back further off the settee, and she arched upwards.

  In the deep recesses of her lust-fogged mind, she vaguely wondered if just the simple act of him entering her could bring her to climax. She knew that if it did, he would curl his lips into a cocky grin full of male satisfaction. There was something about that handsome grin that turned her on even more and she found herself tumbling over the edge as she gave in completely to the overwhelming rush of her orgasm.

  Tendrils of warmth fanned out from her pussy to tease every sensitive nerve in her entire body. Not one inch of her was left unscathed as her nipples tingled and her fingertips went numb from the onslaught of sensations pulsing inside her.

  She came for what felt like forever, as liquid heat gushed from her pussy to stain the delicate fabric beneath her buttocks. Shudders rocked her small frame for a long time after the euphoria of her orgasm faded.

  When she finally opened her eyes all she could do was stare up at the ceiling with a mixture of shock and trepidation.

  If her fantasies of the sheriff were this hot, then what would he do to her in the flesh? Her body ached to know exactly, but her sharp senses told her the sheriff would turn out to be nothing but trouble.

  Big trouble.

  * * * *

  The desert could be harsh and unforgiving during the day with its scorching hot sun, and arid, parched earth, but the nights were no better. As soon as the sun set, bone chilling cold would descend on the unwelcoming land that could freeze a man to death in a single night. A person had to be tough to survive in the western frontier, because the land showed no mercy.

  Wayne shivered as he stood on the other side of the door to Every Desire. As cold as it was outside, he wanted to blame his goose bumps on the weather, but he knew the truth. It was the woman inside that had his gut twisted into knots.

  He’d signed her little contract that morning and now he was hers for three whole nights. It had been so long since he’d taken a woman to his bed, he should’ve been rejoicing that he had a willing woman who wouldn’t pester him for marriage when the deed was done. He knew most men would kill to be in his boots, but he wasn’t most men.

  Montgomery may be the Madam, but he’d been party to enough wanton behaviour in his thirty-three years to last him a lifetime. Montgomery reminded him too much of the women from his past, a past he wanted to leave buried. As much as his body craved the exotic temptress, his mind screamed at him not to go down this road again. With a woman like her, he couldn’t be certain if he would be able to control his nature, and that’s what scared him. His baser urges had nearly cost him his life and he promised himself if he survived he would never give in to the temptation again. He never expected to find himself entangled with a woman such as Montgomery again, but here he was.

  He raised his hand to clasp the brass knocker, but before he could grab it, the door swung open.

  “What are you waiting out here for cowboy? I saw you ride up long time ago.”

  Removing his Stetson, he nodded politely as he stepped inside, trying to keep the smile off his face. He had a feeling the Madam wasn’t a patient woman. He wondered how long it would take before she came looking for him.

  As soon as the door closed behind him he noticed how quiet the place was.

  “Where are all your customers?” He asked as he followed behind her towards her private chambers.

  She shot him a saucy grin from over her shoulder, before she twisted back around. “It’s Sunday, Sheriff. Even the most unholy sinners respect the Lord enough not to visit a whorehouse on this one day.”

  “Yeah? So what does that say ‘bout me?”

  She stepped aside to let him enter her parlour room, before she closed and locked the door behind them, with a mischievous smile on her face.

  “I don’t think you have to fear the Lord today, Sheriff, because you don’t have to pay for what I’m offering. For you, cowboy. It’s free.”

  He bit his tongue to keep from reminding her that it was the other way around. Today it was her that was getting him for free.

  “Before we get to the good part, I wanna go over some rules.”

  Rules? He arched an eyebrow, but didn’t say a word as he waited for her to continue.

  “First, if I say stop, you betta’ stop. I won’t have you doing anything to me that I don’t want, understand?”

  Oh, she was in for a surprise. He wagered she was used to barking out commands, even to her paying customers. He wondered if she even knew how much pleasure could be found in giving up control.

  He kept his mouth shut though as he simply nodded. He couldn’t tell her any of what he was thinking because she would automatically resist. This was something he would have to show her.

  “Second, you do what I command you to do. Don’t go gettin’ creative. I know what I like and what I don’t like.”

  Oh, this was going to be even more fun than he’d first imagined. They would see how much she liked his brand of creativity.

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes. No kissing.”

  That was unexpected. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me, Sheriff. Kissing is about love. This here has nothing to do with love. This here is about fuckin’.”

  “You mean to tell me you never kiss your guests?”

  “No. If they want to be kissed they can go to someone else. I’ve never had any complaints before.” A wicked gleam lit up her chestnut brown eyes then. “Besides, there are so many other pleasurable places on the body to kiss. Who really misses the mouth?”

  “Fair enough,” he said with a slight nod as he set his hat down on a nearby end table. While he didn’t agree with Montgomery’s last rule, he understood it completely. A real kiss, done right, could completely subdue a woman. He’d subdued many women with just a kiss, and he planned to do the same with Montgomery, but not now. That would have to be the last thing he did. By the time he was done with her, she would be begging to feel the press of his lips against hers.

  “Now that we’re clear on the rules—I want to see you naked.”

  “Take off your clothes, Sheriff,” she said when he didn’t move fast enough.

  He hesitated for just a moment longer, before he dipped his head slowly. She fought for her next breath as one by one his strong, lean fingers undid the buttons of his shirt to reveal a perfectly defined, broad chest, with just a sprinkling of dark hair.

  She bit back a gasp when he pulled the shirt from his pants and let it slip down his arms to fall to the floor. Everywhere she looked she was treated to the sight of bronzed muscles. He was a man used to hard work and his body was a testament to this.

  She was so fixated on the sight of his chiselled torso and taut middle, that she didn’t even realise he’d undone his jeans until he pushed them down his long, hard legs and kicked them aside.

  “Oh, Lord. You’re not wearing any undergarments.” At the sight of his large, proud cock jutting out from its nest of dark, curly hair, she nearly swooned. Her fantasies had certainly not done him any justice.

  “Why bother with long johns when I knew I was just going to take them right off.” The dimple in his left cheek winked at her as he sauntered in her direction wearing nothing but a wily grin.

  “What are you doing? I didn’t tell you to move.”

  Despite her words, he didn’t stop until he stood before her. Irritation flared inside her. Didn’t she just tell him the rules? This wasn’t going to work if he refused to listen to her.

lready, you’re breaking the rules, Sheriff. That doesn’t please me.”

  “You have no idea what will please you, but I plan to show you.”

  There was something about the way he said those words and the look in his eyes that made her feel as if he was the predator and she his prey. She took a step backward, but only put an inch between them before he whipped his arm out to curl around her waist and drag her body against his. She was so stunned by how effortlessly he seized control of the situation that she just stood there open-mouthed.

  “You have your rules, and I have mine. And one of em’ is that you will stop calling me Sheriff. You can call me either Wayne or Cade, doesn’t matter. When you’re coming and you can’t help but scream out my name, it better be one of those two. Do you understand?”

  “Awfully presumptuous of you to think you can make me come, She—Cade.”

  He quirked his lips into a cocky grin. “I wouldn’t be here if you thought I couldn’t.”

  She had a saucy retort on the tip of her tongue, but before she could even part her lips he lifted her into his arms, carried her into the bedroom and then dumped her onto her bed in a flurry of skirts and petticoats.

  “What the fuck—”

  Her next words stuck in her throat when he pushed her legs apart and shoved her skirts to her waist.

  “Ahh, no undergarments either? Perfect. That makes my job easier.”

  She wanted to snap at him, that calling her a job wasn’t much appreciated, but all thought flew from her head when he lowered his head between her thighs and stroked his tongue through the already moist folds of her pussy.

  Closing her eyes, she groaned low in her throat as he slowly teased her by sliding his tongue back and forth between her slit, before plunging inside her wet core. Over and over he did this until she was nothing but a quivering mass of limp noodles.

  Every nerve in her body was charged with energy as she hovered on the precipice of climax. She thought he would hold her suspended there, keeping her just out of range of orgasm, but then his hot lips latched on to her clit and he sucked hard.


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