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  Shrugging off his coat, Stefan turned his attention to Jake. “Been looking after Aimee for me, have you?”

  “Yes, sir.” Jake’s voice betrayed none of the passion that had flowed from him in the moments before Stefan interrupted us. “But if you don’t mind, I’m going to go grab a nap.”

  “Sure. We’ll see you in the lobby, just before five.”

  Once Jake left, I got up from the bed, intending to take a bath. Stefan caught me in an embrace. Even when I rose on tiptoe, my head barely reached his shoulder.

  “It’s nice to see Jake taking an interest in your welfare,” he said. “I can’t imagine Mark being that concerned…unless he thought you were going to miss the gig, of course.”

  “You’re being a bit harsh on Mark. Whatever happened, we never really stopped caring about each other on some level. We were friends for so long, even before we were ever in the music business, and we were never going to throw all that away.”

  “But you seem a lot happier with Jake around.”

  I waited for Stefan to elaborate, wondering how much he’d seen when he came into the room, but he appeared to be simply stating a point rather than letting me know he’d caught us in the act.

  “I think we’re all happier having Jake around. He’s really rejuvenated our sound and, more importantly, he’s just a thoroughly nice guy.” I broke away from Stefan, reckoning what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go and make use of that luscious-looking orange flower bath oil.”

  “Okay, just yell if you want me to come and wash your back.”

  I knew exactly what that might lead to, but my senses still tingled from Jake’s tender kisses, and I was afraid if Stefan took over where he had left off, I might call out Jake’s name at the wrong moment. Maybe I should put what had happened between us down to a temporary lapse in judgement, but as I stepped into the warm, fragrant water, I knew that wasn’t the case. Jake wanted me just as much as I wanted him, and the current of desire flowing between us was so strong I wasn’t at all sure how easily it could be turned off.

  * * * *

  The show that night was one of the best we’d ever played. Along with the other two nights at the Garden, it was being filmed for a DVD to be released at the end of the tour. Cameras mounted on tracks swooped low over the audience, and two cameramen moved around the five of us on stage, capturing the action at close quarters. I’d expected their presence to be intrusive, their lenses only a few inches from my face as I sang, but they proved surprisingly easy to ignore.

  Paul, ever the showman, played up to the cameras, pulling faces, tossing his drumsticks in the air and encouraging the crowd to go wild. The atmosphere was electric, better than anything we’d experienced on the tour so far. When Jake came to share the microphone with me during the chorus of Same Destination, I asked, “Is this how you dreamed it would be?”

  He shook his head. “It’s even better. Whatever happens in my life from now on, it’s going to be pretty hard to top this.”

  After a show as good as tonight’s had been and all the partying backstage that followed, I was on such a high I knew it was going to prove hard to fall asleep. But it wasn’t the buzz from the fans or the champagne that had me tossing and turning in my hotel bed while Stefan slumbered peacefully beside me. I’d honestly believed I would be able to keep my feelings for Jake a secret, but guilt gnawed at me. The urge to confess everything was powerful, but I didn’t know how Stefan would react if I told him I had the hots for our cute young guitarist. Perhaps he wouldn’t be surprised. After all, I’d first slept with him while Mark and I were still a couple. Maybe it was a pattern I was programmed to repeat, only this time I would manage to find some way of working through my feelings for my new lover without destroying the relationship I had with my old one.

  Stefan woke in the grey of dawn to find me curled up in the wing-backed chair by the window, scrawling in my notebook. Words tumbled out on to the pages, more than enough for an album’s worth of songs. Later, I would go back and refine them, but for now I simply wanted to get everything down on paper, channelling all my confused feelings into black and white.

  “Hey, Aimee, come to bed.” He smiled, patting the empty space beside him. Looking at his face—the first faint lines of age around his eyes somehow adding to his handsomeness, rather than diminishing from it—I knew I had to tell him everything.

  Slipping beneath the sheets, I let Stefan put his arm round my shoulders, feeling strangely comforted by the warm, bare-chested bulk of him. “Stef, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  My hesitant tone seemed to alert him to the fact this was serious. “Nothing bad, I hope.”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t know how you’re going to react to this, but just be sure that whatever happens, I love you with all my heart.” Gazing into his eyes, I plunged straight into my tale. “And once we got together, I never thought I’d be interested in anyone else. But that changed the first time I saw Jake.”

  “Oh, Aimee, it happens to all of us. All those pretty girls in the front row—I could fall in love every night of the week with no effort at all.” He kissed the top of my head. “But it’s all just a fantasy.”

  “This is a little bit more than that. This afternoon, Jake admitted he had a huge crush on me when he was in his teens.”

  “Why sound so surprised? Aimee, you’re a gorgeous woman and you’re the singer in a rock band. Of course horny teenagers are going to want to fuck you.”

  “Well, Jake’s not a teenager any more, but he still wants to fuck me. And if you hadn’t come back to the room when you did, he very probably would have. We kissed…and it was like kissing you for the first time all over again.” I looked away, afraid to see how Stefan was taking the news.

  “Let’s get this straight. He wants to fuck you, and you want to fuck him. So what’s the problem?”

  I couldn’t believe how blasé Stefan sounded. “The problem is that I don’t want to do anything to risk our marriage. I mean, I had a pretty good thing going with Mark and I screwed all that up by—”

  “By leaving him for something even better.” Stefan grinned. “I mean, how do you think Mark would have taken it if you’d gone to him after that night in Madrid and told him what we’d been up to?”

  Memories came flooding back. A hot night in Madrid…a sell-out gig…Stefan and I sharing most of a bottle of Rioja on the tour bus while Mark lay asleep in his bunk. Soft, exploratory kisses turning into something more passionate. Stefan stripping off my panties and going down on me on the soft couch, turning me to a writhing mess with his talented mouth. Biting the fleshy part of my thumb so I wouldn’t wake anyone with my screams as I came…

  “He’d have gone mad. He’d probably have had a knock-down fight with you and left the band on the spot.”

  “Right, because he couldn’t handle the thought of you with someone else. But I can. My attitude to these things is a lot more open than his. And I have no objections to you sleeping with Jake, on two conditions.”

  “And what are those?”

  “The first is that you don’t do anything behind my back. When you fuck him, I want to be there.”

  This was starting to sound like all my filthiest fantasies. Stefan watching, biding his time while Jake’s cock stroked in and out of me, then joining in, filling my mouth as completely as Jake filled my cunt. His next words took me into even kinkier territory.

  “You see, you’re not the only one who’s been dreaming of bedding Jake.”

  It took a moment for the implications to sink in, and when they did, I gaped at him. “You? You want to fuck Jake?”

  “Don’t sound so shocked. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d been with another man.”

  “Oh, now you’re going to have to tell me more.” Why, I wondered, was this something we’d never discussed before? I’d thought I knew Stefan inside-out, so to discover he not only had a bisexual side but had actively indulged it drew the
breath from me.

  “It was before you and I met, when Paul, Davey and I were still in Local Heroes. There were four of us in the band in those days. We had this really talented lead singer, Stu, and a couple of times he and I got drunk and fooled around together, like a lot of guys do. It was mostly stripping off, getting hard in front of each other, playing with each other’s cocks…that kind of thing. But one night Stu sucked me off, and it was the most incredible feeling. He left the band not long after that, so I never found out what fucking him would have been like. I always regretted not having the opportunity.”

  I found myself looking at Stefan in a whole new light, picturing him naked and entwined with another man. It was a deeply appealing image—even more so when I imagined him with Jake. “So why haven’t you tried it since then? There must have been occasions when it could have happened.”

  “Of course, but I’ve never met anyone I really wanted to do it with. Until Jake.”

  “Well, I’m okay with that. More than okay, in fact. But what’s the other condition?”

  “That you take the punishment I’m going to give you for being such a naughty girl as to try to fuck Jake behind my back.”

  “Punishment?” It sounded serious, but Stefan hadn’t stopped smiling. “What kind of punishment?”

  “The most appropriate one I can think of. A spanking on your bare bottom.”

  “Oh, please, not that. I’ll be good, I promise, just as long as you don’t spank me.” My protests were half-hearted, designed to stoke my husband’s lust to greater heights. I knew how much he loved to have me over his knee, skirt raised, waiting in a stew of nervous excitement for him to bring his hand down hard on my bum. It was a while since we’d played this particular game, and I felt an immediate thrill as Stefan hauled me on to his lap.

  “Let’s have this off so I can see that gorgeous arse of yours.” He reached underneath me, fiddling with the belt of my robe. Once it was undone, it was easy for him to push the thin robe down over my shoulders before removing it entirely. “Oh, yes, very nice…”

  I shivered at the feel of Stefan caressing my bottom. His touch was gentle now, but I knew that very soon he’d be spanking me quite hard, crimsoning my soft white flesh. It seemed he was determined to string this out more than usual, though, and the longer I waited before that first slap, the more the nervous butterflies fluttered in my belly. He let me wait till I was almost begging him to spank me, just get it over with, then his palm slammed solidly against my cheek.

  “Naughty girl,” he crooned. The spanks quickly fell into a rhythmic pattern, alternating from one cheek to the next. “Bad girl to have fantasies about Jake, to want him to fuck her, to dream of cheating…”

  “I’m sorry.” The words were almost wrenched from me as I wriggled on his lap, each hard slap more fuel to the fire by now raging in my pussy. “I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “Just think what Jake would say if he were here now, watching you being spanked by your husband. Would you like him to watch this, see how red your beautiful bum is?” Stefan broke off to run an exploratory finger between my legs. “And how wet you are. So wet and ready to be taken…”

  Beneath me, I could feel Stefan’s cock, poking from the fly of his boxer shorts. Much as he tried to play the stern disciplinarian, I knew all he wanted to do was pull me on to that hard length and order me to ride him until we both came.

  “God, I wish he was with us.” I shifted position so my clit was directly on top of Stefan’s shaft. When he spanked me again, I pressed against him, getting the friction exactly where I needed it. Each slap took me a little closer to the edge, but just before I tumbled into the welcoming embrace of orgasm, Stefan stopped. My squirming must have been having an effect on him, because he simply lifted me up as though I weighed nothing at all, guiding me on to his erection.

  I sank down, lodging Stefan’s cock snugly inside me. Holding still, I gazed into his eyes, reminding myself of just how lucky I was to have such a wonderful, understanding husband. Our mouths met in a souls-deep kiss, then need overtook us. Stefan took handfuls of my tender arse cheeks, pulling me a little harder on to him. Moving to a rhythm only I could hear, I rocked back and forth.

  “Oh, Aimee…” Stefan’s thick finger sought for my clit, strumming it as I gyrated faster, lost in a dream of having four hands to stroke me, two cocks to play with, two mouths locking greedily on to my nipples. Twice the fun, twice the pleasure.

  My last thought before an unstoppable orgasm surged through me was that it didn’t need to be a dream any longer. I had permission to make it happen. The only question remaining was how soon.

  Chapter Five

  The tour bus hit the centre of Boston at a little after four. Thanks to a ten-vehicle pile-up on the Massachusetts Turnpike, we were running late and would barely have time to check in to the hotel before leaving for the sound check. Davey, who always hated anything disrupting his pre-gig routine, looked anxiously out of the bus window.

  “Is it much farther?” he asked, too twitchy to admire, as the rest of us were doing, the old colonial buildings and the spacious brownstone homes of the upmarket Back Bay area.

  “Nearly there.” Pat, our driver, took the next left turn. Within a hundred yards, he was pulling the bus to a halt before the hotel.

  “And very nice it looks, too.” Paul roused himself from his recumbent position on the couch to punch Davey lightly on the shoulder. “There you go, mate, you can stop fretting now.”

  As we climbed off the bus, it was obvious the Rockingham Retreat was a departure from the usual hotels we found ourselves booked into. Though luxurious enough, they were always big and a little soulless, with the same inoffensive decor and bland breakfast menus, pitched at the corporate traveller who never paid too much attention to their surroundings. The Rockingham had only five rooms and was more suited to a romantic getaway, as Stefan and I discovered when we walked into our suite to see a muslin-draped four-poster bed, claw-footed tub and antique love seat.

  I peered out of the window to the garden deck below, its railing draped with trailing vines. “D’you think Martine had something to do with booking this place?”

  Stefan wrapped his arms round me, pulling me close. “What makes you ask?”

  “Well, it may have escaped your attention, but it is our wedding anniversary today. And here we are—champagne in the fridge, a hot tub on the roof. It almost makes me wish we didn’t have to play the gig tonight.”

  “You know I’d never forget the day we married.” Stefan’s lips were soft against mine, reminding me of the moment when we’d sealed our vows with a kiss in front of the small congregation gathered on a Hawaiian beach. “The look on Davey’s face when he thought he’d forgotten to bring the rings… Tell you what, we’ll sneak away from the after-party as soon as we can, have a private little celebration of our own. How does that sound?”

  If this was indeed Martine’s doing, then I needed to thank her the next time we spoke. With all the stresses of the tour, time to chill out with my husband was always more than welcome, especially in such cosy surroundings. “It sounds wonderful, Mr Caine.”

  As we kissed again, a wicked little idea popped into my mind. Sharing the tub with Stefan was one thing, but if we could only persuade Jake to join us, this might really become a night to remember.

  * * * *

  The green room was crowded with people who worked for our record company, members of the music press, the winners of a ‘meet and greet’ competition organised by a local radio station and a handful of fans, mostly female, who’d managed to talk their way past backstage security. Making a slow circuit of the room in search of Jake, I spotted Paul in conversation with a blonde who couldn’t have been any older than twenty. His eyes were fixed on her big breasts where they threatened to spill from her tight corset top, giving me the impression he might not be spending the night alone.

  I risked interrupting them. The girl looked a little annoyed, no doubt thinking I was try
ing to muscle in on her attempts to hook up with Paul, until she recognised me. I flashed her a smile and she blushed. “Hi, have either of you seen Jake?”

  “Yeah, I think he was over there, getting a beer.” Paul gestured to the makeshift bar set up in one corner.

  “Thanks, Paul.” Leaning close, I whispered so only he could hear, “Enjoy yourself tonight. She’s hot.”

  A harassed-looking man with a press pass dangling around his neck tried to stop me for a word, but I shook my head. “Sorry, I’m in the middle of something right now. Maybe later.” Not that I had any intention of sticking around to speak to him or anyone else. When I’d shared my plan to seduce Jake with Stefan, he’d agreed without hesitation. It was just a question of getting Jake on his own, putting our proposal to him, then hoping he wouldn’t back out on learning that not only did I want to sleep with him, but so did my husband.

  Jake was where Paul had said he’d be, clutching an almost full plastic pint glass of beer and chatting to a middle-aged executive type dressed in ill-fitting jeans and a box-fresh Sweet Lies tour T-shirt. From the look Jake gave me, he seemed rather relieved when I whisked him away with a polite, “Excuse me, urgent band business,” directed at his companion.

  “Hi, Aimee.” Jake took a swallow of his beer. “Can you give me any tips on how to look interested when people start talking about sales figures and merchandising strategy?”

  “Just nod and smile. It always works for me.” I put a hand on his forearm, thrilling at the contact of my cool fingers against his warm, bare skin. “Are you as bored as you look?”

  “Yeah. I know these are important people and we have to be nice to them, but I’d rather be anywhere else but here right now.”


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