by Desiree Holt, Lisabet Sarai, Lily Harlem, Elizabeth Coldwell, Wendi Zwaduk, Imari Jade
“Well, Stefan and I are planning to sneak away any minute now, and we’d like you to come with us.” Taking a deep breath, I launched into the speech I’d rehearsed in my head. “Jake, there’s a connection between us. I know you feel it, and if Stefan hadn’t come back to the hotel in New York when he did, we would both have acted on it.”
“What happened? Did he find out? Is he mad? Does he want me to leave the band?”
He looked so alarmed at the possibility I wanted to take him in my arms, hug him and let him know everything was all right. “Yes, Stefan knows, but he’s cool with it.”
“Not only that. He’s really into the idea of us getting together. But he’s into more than that, and I’ll understand if you say no to this part of it. Jake, he…we want a threesome. And not the kind where you and Stefan pleasure me at the same time. We both want you.”
Jake digested the implications for a moment. “So,” he said at length, “what you’re saying is you want to fuck me. You both want to fuck me?”
I nodded, so sure he was going to turn me down flat I was unable to speak for fear of voicing my disappointment.
“That is just the downright dirtiest thing I’ve ever heard.” He looked around for the nearest available flat surface to deposit his beer glass. “And hell, I’m game for it. I mean, I’ve never been with another guy before, but if I’m ever gonna try it, I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather do it with.”
I wanted to leap up and down and squeal with delight, but I knew that would draw too much attention to us, and from now on we had to be discreet if we wanted to get away without being noticed.
Stefan was lounging by the door, trying his best to disguise his anxiety. He’d made sure to speak to all the competition winners as soon as we’d come off stage, as had I. With that welcome obligation out of the way, we both felt able to leave without compunction. When he saw me coming towards him, Jake in tow, his face brightened.
“All sorted?”
I gave him a quick thumbs-up. “But how are we going to get out of here without people realising we’ve gone?”
“We’ll be fine. Look round you. All anyone’s really interested in is how much longer the booze is going to keep flowing. And the guy handling security’s gone for a cigarette break, so now seems like as good a time as any to leave.”
With that, he set off down the corridor towards a nearby side exit. If any fans were still hanging around, hoping to catch a glimpse of us or get autographs and photos, we knew they’d be waiting at the main doors backstage. This way, it was easy to avoid them.
As we stepped out into the night air, I had the giddy feeling of playing truant. Stefan’s right. No one will really miss us, I told myself to stave off any guilt.
A couple of taxis were circling, hoping to pick up any late stragglers from the gig. Stefan flagged one down, and we piled into the backseat as he gave the driver the address of our hotel. After the journey we’d had earlier in the day, we were hoping for a smooth, fast ride. Instead, we found ourselves in heavy traffic once more.
Leaning forward into the gap between the front seats, I asked the driver, “Is it always like this in Boston?”
“It is when the Red Sox are playing. And it don’t help none when they schedule a big concert the same night as a game.” He gave a ‘What can you do about it?’ shrug.
“We’ll be there soon enough,” Stefan murmured in my ear, pulling me back firmly between himself and Jake. “Just enjoy the ride till then.” With that, he let his hand rest on my leg, fingers tracing spidery patterns that inched ever closer to the apex of my thighs. Our lips met, and even though I knew the driver could see everything in his mirror, I didn’t object as my husband’s other hand squeezed my breast.
Not wanting to leave Jake out of the action, I reached down to touch the bulge in the crotch of his tight black jeans. He moaned, the sound taking on a strangled quality as I deftly pulled down his zip. I slipped my hand inside his fly, feeling the contours of his cock and balls cradled in soft cotton underwear.
Stefan’s tongue battled with mine and his hand moved up under the hem of my skirt. My breathing was heavy, and my panties were soaking. I was so turned on, I would have happily let him finger me till I came, but the cab was pulling up in front of the Rockingham Retreat.
We almost tumbled out on to the pavement, Jake not even bothering to zip himself back up as Stefan paid the cabbie, giving him a generous tip on top of the fare.
“It’s a good job he didn’t have a clue who we were,” I said, “otherwise we’d be all over the gossip columns tomorrow. I can see it now. Sweet Lies Stars in Taxi-Cab Orgy.”
“Babe, if you think that was an orgy, I’ve got an awful lot to teach you.” Stefan gave my bum a loving squeeze. “I’ll go get the room key. Why don’t you take Jake straight up to the roof? I don’t know about you, but I really want to try out that hot tub. Just don’t start anything without me…”
Hand in hand, Jake and I climbed the stairs to the roof deck, where steam rose from the surface of the sunken hot tub. As well as the tub, big enough to take four people with ease, the owners had fitted the deck with a low wooden table and a couple of matching chairs, and a small cabinet containing glasses, thick, fluffy towels, a portable CD player and a small selection of music to play on it. To my amazement, the CD on the top of the pile was a copy of our latest album, Older, No Wiser.
Sliding the disc into the player, I forwarded it to the eighth track, a slow, bluesy instrumental of Mark’s called Painted Lady. As music floated out on the night air, I beckoned Jake to me. “Let’s dance.”
Slow-dancing with Stefan could be awkward, given he was so much bigger than me. Jake and I were an easier fit, and I rested my head on his shoulder as we swayed together. When Mark had first played us the rough demo of Painted Lady, I’d never dreamt I would find myself listening to it on a Boston rooftop, in the arms of a man who was about to become my lover and waiting for my husband to join us for our first ever ménage.
With my hands locked round Jake’s neck, I didn’t resist as he tugged at the buttons running down the front of my dress, undoing them one by one. Once the dress was off, he turned to my bra, flicking the catch open with ease.
“Now that’s a sight to gladden the heart.” Stefan stood on the edge of the deck, holding a bottle of champagne and one of the towelling bathrobes from our room. “My beautiful wife being stripped by her lover.” After putting down the robes, he popped the champagne cork. Retrieving glasses from the cabinet, he said over his shoulder, “Well, carry on. Don’t mind me.”
I let Jake peel my panties down, glad to be free of the wet, clinging lace. Not waiting for the men to join me, I slipped into the hot tub. Pressing the control button, I set the water bubbling and relaxed back against the side of the tub,
Stefan handed me a glass of champagne. “Happy anniversary, darling.”
“Make it happier. Come and get in with me. You, too, Jake.”
Pulling my gaze away from the twinkling lights of the Boston skyline, I watched Stefan and Jake race to get naked. I knew Stefan’s body so well that almost subconsciously I concentrated on Jake, getting my first view of his strong young cock, thick and curving to the left as it rose up from his groin.
When they came to join me in the tub, Stefan made sure Jake was sitting between the two of us. Three glasses clinked together, Stefan making the toast.
“To everything three people can do together.”
The phrase dripped with possibilities. Still, I wasn’t sure how to move the situation on. Stefan stepped in and took control.
“I know I interrupted a kiss when I walked in on you the other day. Why don’t you show me what I’d have seen if I’d been just that few seconds earlier?”
Jake and I glanced at each other, then set our glasses down. Excitement bubbled in my pussy as Jake took the point of my chin in his slim guitarist’s fingers and teased my lower lip with his tongue, encouraging me to open up a
nd take him in.
His mouth tasted of champagne and the gum he liked to chew. I gave myself up to the kiss, fingers linked round the back of his neck as we feasted on each other. His hand dipped below the waterline, hunting between my spread thighs to find my clit.
“That’s it,” I heard Stefan mutter and realised he must have known from my little whimpers what Jake was doing to me.
By the time Jake and I broke apart, I was breathless but ready for much more. But now it was my turn to watch, as Stefan pressed his lips to Jake’s. Ever since we’d started talking about the idea of a threesome, I’d been fantasising about the moment when the two men would kiss, but nothing had prepared me for the delicious reality. They looked so hot, I couldn’t stop my hand slithering down to rub my pussy.
Jake’s eyes widened and he gasped against Stefan’s mouth. It took me a second or two to notice Stefan’s subtle arm moment and realise he must be wanking Jake under the water. Now, that I really did want to witness uninterrupted.
Rising out of the tub, I reached for my robe. Immediately, Stefan stopped what he was doing.
“Aimee, are you okay with this?” The anxiety in his voice was evident, as though afraid he’d pushed me past my limits.
“Absolutely,” I assured him. “I just thought maybe we could go down to our suite, so I can get a better view of the proceedings.”
In moments, Stefan and Jake were joining me on the deck. Even though there was very little chance of our bumping into anyone, the booking for the Sweet Lies party having as good as given us the whole hotel to ourselves, they still wrapped towels around their wet hips before following me down the stairs.
We were barely through the door before they were kissing again. I adored the sight of them—hard, flat chests pressed tightly together, Stefan’s hand curled around the base of Jake’s cock. Now Jake seemed to have grown used to the feel of another man stroking him, he was keen to reciprocate. His fingers circled Stefan’s thick shaft, and I bit the back of my hand so as not to shriek out loud, so strong was my response to the sight of the two men wanking each other.
Settling back against the generous pile of pillows, I sipped from my glass, toying with my clit as Stefan pushed Jake up against the wall and started to lick a slow trail down his neck and the upper slopes of his chest. Before joining us on the roof, he’d set candles burning in red and gold jars dotted around the room, their heady jasmine scent perfuming the air. Everything about this scene was so decadent, so uninhibited…just what I was sure people imagined when they talked about the excesses of the rock and roll lifestyle. A bed big enough for three, vintage champagne, two hot men she was crazy about—what more could a woman need?
A soft groan diverted me from my musings, and I realised Stefan was on his knees, Jake’s cock in his mouth. Unable to remain a passive observer a moment longer, I went to join them. Stefan and I exchanged a look as I sank down beside him, and I knew he was enjoying this scene just as much as I was. He licked along Jake’s shaft, before taking each of his tight balls into his mouth in turn. As used as I was to the feel of Stefan’s hot lips and tongue stimulating me in all my most intimate places, I couldn’t begin to imagine how it felt for Jake to be pleasured in the same way. From the way he writhed against the wall behind him, he seemed to be loving every moment of it. But I knew if one mouth was good, two would be better.
When my lips closed around the head of Jake’s cock, he almost lost it on the spot.
“Oh, God, Aimee, that’s too fantastic.” Jake’s voice was husky, wracked with passion. “I want to come in your mouth…”
“Slow down, babe,” Stefan cautioned me. “We’ve got all night, remember? Why don’t we all get comfortable on the bed and see where we go from there?”
Where we went was to a place where time seemed to lose all meaning as hands and mouths explored soft flesh, three bodies melding into one as we sampled all the permutations of our delightful arrangement. One moment, I would have a cock in each hand while Jake and Stefan lapped at my nipples, then we’d roll over and suddenly Stefan’s hard length would be in Jake’s mouth as my husband and I exchanged the hottest, sloppiest kisses. Fingers—Stefan’s, Jake’s, I couldn’t tell whose and I wasn’t sure I cared any more—dipped into the flowing well between my legs, smearing juice over the pucker of my arse so they could lightly tease me there.
“Want to be fucked. Need to be fucked.” The words were wrung from my throat. My desire was like a wildfire, raging out of control and threatening to burn me to a cinder.
“What the lady wants, the lady gets.” Stefan pulled my thighs widely apart. Kneeling, he fed his cock into my depths. Then, holding me steady, he rocked back and forth, spearing me with short, fast jabs that had me bouncing on the bed. In that position, Jake was able to attend to me, too—sucking my nipples and nibbling at my earlobes.
Every thrust sent powerful sensations through my whole body. I’d never felt so alive, so wanted…so loved. I tried to let Stefan know this, but my words came out as nonsense as the strength of my orgasm robbed me of the power to do anything but babble and gasp and finally lie limp against the bedsheets.
Stefan wasn’t finished. Not by a long way, as he pulled his cock from me, shining with my cream. “Are you ready for me, Jakey boy?” he asked.
Jake glanced at Stefan’s sizeable length, then gamely nodded. “I’m all yours.”
Even with the lubrication from my pussy, Stefan would need more assistance to penetrate Jake’s arse for the first time. The hotel owners had provided a little wicker basket filled with travel-size toiletries. Stefan hunted through it till he found a tube of aloe vera body lotion. Uncapping it, he rubbed a generous amount into and around Jake’s back door. That alone was enough to have Jake groaning and humping his cock against the bedcovers.
Stefan chuckled, urging Jake on to all fours so he could get in place behind him. “Just as greedy as my wife, aren’t you? Okay, here we go.”
With that, he pushed at Jake’s hole. Watching, I was convinced there was no way Stefan could possibly fit himself in such a tiny entrance, yet slowly, surely, he did just that. The play of expressions on Jake’s face moved from apprehension to discomfort to wonder as Stefan entered him. Once Stefan was satisfied his lover was comfortable with being so full, he pumped back and forth, taking things at a much gentler pace than he had with me. It was obviously doing the trick for both men, as deep grunts of pleasure filled the room.
The discarded tube of body lotion lay on the bed close to me. I squeezed out another dollop, slicking my palm with it. Snaking my hand under Jake’s body, I found his cock and wrapped my fingers round it. Now, with every thrust his cock was pushed into the tunnel I’d made to contain it. The extra friction that created was enough to have him spurting his cum within a few strokes, crying out so loudly I was glad we didn’t have neighbours to alarm with the noise.
Barely had I released my grip on Jake’s cock than Stefan was coming, caught in the tight vice of his lover’s spasming arse. The two men collapsed together before Stefan thrust out a weary arm to pull me into the circle of their embrace.
We shared kisses and soft words of gratitude, all three of us slowly coming to terms with the reality of what had just happened. Glancing from Stefan’s face to Jake’s and back, I saw only good things and the promise of more to come.
“Thank you, darling,” I murmured in Stefan’s ear. “I didn’t think you could make me love you any more than I did, but…” Letting the sentence trail away, I let my head rest on his sweat-sheened chest. “And you, Jake. You’re the most wonderful lover any couple could hope for.”
There was one more person I needed to thank, but he wasn’t around to hear the words. When Mark had walked out on us, it had seemed like the end. But instead, if he only knew it, he’d brought about a delightful new beginning. I’d never dreamed when we recruited Jake that it would not only revitalise the band but take my marriage to a whole new level. But as we lay entwined on the bed, sleepy and satisfied and full of
love for each other, I was excited about the future I knew Jake, Stefan and I were destined to have together.
Words drifted into my head, and for once I didn’t immediately rush to write them down. There’d be time for that in the morning. I closed my eyes, mentally fitting a tune to the lyrics that summed up our new relationship to perfection.
“Three sides to every story,
Three players in this game,
No losers, only winners
For in our hearts I know we feel the same…”
About the Author
Elizabeth Coldwell is the author of numerous short stories and two full-length novels, Calendar Girl and Playing The Field. Her stories have appeared in the best-selling ‘Best Women’s Erotica’ series and Black Lace’s popular ‘Wicked Words’ collections. Formerly the editor of the UK edition of Forum magazine, she now contributes a spicy monthly column, ‘The Cougar Chronicles’, to its pages. When she is not busy writing, she is an avid supporter of Rotherham United Football Club and can be regularly found on the terraces at weekends, cheering her boys to victory (hopefully!).
Elizabeth Coldwell loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at
Also by Elizabeth Coldwell
Her Dream Lovers
Christmas Crackers: The Christmas Box
Cougars and Cubs: Something Within Him
Feral: Abyssinian Heat
Mi Amore: Missing in Milan
Master Me: Neil and Obey
Wendi Zwaduk
JB for nudging me to finish this
CM for the swift kick
SB for being awesome
JPZ for savin’ me