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Ouna Bay Cozy Mystery Boxed Set (4-Book Bundle)

Page 27

by Deany Ray

  Rosalie poured Dwight a glass of wine. “Tell us everything you know.”

  He shook his head. “It’s just the darnedest thing. They’ll hold a press conference tomorrow. But it was Ruth who did it. Can you believe that it was her? Who handed him the cupcake, who planned out the whole thing. Can you believe the craziness of that? It was his own wife!”

  “I knew it!” Rosalie said. “It was right there in her planner. That woman had no plans at all to take off in that RV.”

  “That is absolutely right.” Dwight looked perplexed. “But how did you know that?”

  She smiled. “I’ll tell you in a little bit. But you finish talking first. Do they have a motive?”

  He took a deep breath. “Well, it’s quite a story. It turns out, you see, that all along Ruth was against the idea of selling her and Harry’s land. But Harry was insistent that they do it. And she knew that if her husband died, the deal would not go through. But I said to myself, That’s not it, Dwight. I said, Dwight, there’s something more. Because don’t you see? That’s no reason for any woman to up and kill her husband. Just because she didn’t want them to have to move? But here’s what you’ll never guess.” He paused to add more drama. “She didn’t want Houston’s people digging on her land…”

  That gave Rosalie an idea. “Because they might find out that she’d buried a body there!” My mind flashed to the bone. I hoped Rosalie was wrong.

  Dwight stared at Rosalie, amazed. “That’s exactly right! Ruth admitted to the whole thing. Said she buried the body long ago and was afraid it would be found. How did you figure that one out?”

  Houston sat up straight. “So. Who was it that she killed?”

  “It’s a love triangle! Some woman Harry worked with. A long, long time ago. Ruth confessed to everything. Said she paid the woman off to stay away from Harry. But the woman just kept seeing him every chance she could. That woman was just smitten! And one day Ruth just lost it.”

  Poor Louise. I felt sad for the woman who’d looked out from the newspaper in her fancy hat as if she had somewhere nice to go. I was hoping that my intuition was wrong after we found the bone in Ruth’s backyard. Oh, how I wished it would be wrong.

  Rosalie rested her head upon Dwight’s shoulder. “I think it’s just so sad. When true love goes all wrong.”

  There we were, judging Archer for hooking up with Briana despite the fact that he was married and judging Briana for…well, for who she was, but at the same time, feeling sympathy for Harry and Louise. Funny how relative everything is.

  “And call me crazy, but I think that Ruth somehow knew the gig was almost up.” Dwight put his arm around Rosalie. “Cause today of all the days, she had driven herself to town for one last hurrah.”

  “You don’t say?” I mused, catching Houston’s wink.

  “We didn’t hardly recognize her when she came driving up. She’d had her hair all done up. It was so soft and straight, really kind of pretty. And – you won’t believe it – Ruth is now a platinum blonde.”

  “Blonde is good,” Rosalie said. “Although I was thinking she might pick an auburn shade and maybe reddish highlights. Hey, what about that Nolan kid? Was he in on it with Ruth?”

  “It’s so funny you should ask!” Dwight said. “That kid was at the crime scene. So I’m kind of thinking he was in on this with Ruth. Since he was one of the ones who bought a cupcake that day, one with peanut butter. They’re still getting all the details. From both him and the widow.”

  “I’m sure we’ll know everything tomorrow.” Houston rubbed his eyes. It had been a long day.

  Dwight gave Rosalie a high five. “You figured out Nolan too. I don’t know how you do it.”

  She gave him a kiss. “We could solve crimes together!” Then she caught my warning look. “Oh, Becky is a killjoy. She thinks we need to stick to baking. Becky made me promise I’d let you guys handle things.” She gave him another sloppy kiss. “Because you are so smart!”

  Dwight stood up straight and smiled. As if Rosalie saying he was brilliant absolutely made it so.

  Houston held his glass up in the air. “Here’s to this day being over. And to a mystery being solved.”

  “Two mysteries.” Rosalie held her glass up as well.

  I raised my glass to touch theirs. “And here’s to the end of all the drama. Here’s to life in Ouna Bay getting back to normal.”

  Houston kissed my forehead. “Normal is my favorite. I can drink to that.”

  Rosalie played with the little curl that always stuck straight up on Dwight’s head. “You’ve told me about your day,” she told him. And then she took a deep breath. “Let me tell you about mine.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning the lines were out the door. That always happened on days when big news was brewing. People craved the gossip as much as the coffee and the pie.

  By mid-afternoon, I finally had a chance to breathe. I was wiping down a table when I looked up to see a tall man at the bakery case. When he turned around and smiled, I recognized Arthur Klein. I hadn’t seen him since the tragic night when he’d catered the party at the country club. He must have been as relieved as I was to have the case wrapped up.

  He turned back to study the offerings in the pastry case. “A peppermint meringue cake! That looks just divine. May I order the largest slice you have? But I have to warn you: if it tastes extra scrumptious, I might steal the recipe.”

  I moved toward the counter. “One slice coming up. And would you like some coffee?”

  “Yes, please. Extra large.” He found a seat next to a window.

  I carried the order to his table.

  He took a bite of cake, then winked. “This is fabulous. You’ll drive me out of business.”

  “Not a chance,” I said. “This one’s on the house. I know we’re both so thankful to finally have an answer. But I’m still so shocked. And I don’t know…just sad. I’m just so sad for Harry.”

  “Harry, my dear friend!” Arthur leaned back in his chair. “He was not a perfect man, but he did the best he could.” He poured some cream into his coffee. “He only wanted simple things; he didn’t ask for much. But he wasn’t blessed with children. Or with the kind of marriage that brought him any joy. He and Ruth, I think, tried hard to make it work. But there wasn’t any love there. There hadn’t been in years.”

  “Do you mind if I sit down?” I asked. I hadn’t stopped all morning.

  “Oh no. Join me please.”

  I remembered seeing Ruth and Harry mingling at the party. “You’d never guess they were unhappy. But nobody seemed to know them well.”

  “Yes, they were private people. Ruth talked to me a little as I got to know her. I’d help her with little parties for the garden club. She and Harry both liked to work out in their yard when their health allowed. So they loved the garden club.”

  “They had quite a garden. Or that’s what I heard.”

  “They did. It was nice.” He picked up his coffee mug. “So I got to know them both as the years went by. I catered his retirement dinner. And of course the big event at the country club. When I first met Ruth, she was so quiet, almost to the point of being rude. But one day she started talking and she just wouldn’t stop. She didn’t seem to have any friends to listen to her troubles.”

  “What exactly did she say?”

  He sipped his coffee, remembering. “That she and Harry fought a lot and that her life wasn’t what she’d hoped. She’d wanted two children, a boy and girl, and she’d wanted to be a nurse. That had always been her dream. Even went to nursing school. But she quit to marry Harry – and to raise the family that they couldn’t have.”

  “You don’t say? A nurse.” I got up to pour myself a coffee from the refill stand nearby. “Did you even have a clue that she could do the things she did?” A coldness spread across my chest. I still could not reconcile the latest news with the woman I’d last seen standing in her bathrobe talking to Rosalie.

  “I was absolutely shocked
.” Arthur took another bite of cake. “But perhaps I was the only one who knew how much she’d come unraveled. She’d call me sometimes and just sob. About how Harry spent more time at that nasty bar – the Moonlite, do you know it? – than he spent at home. And here’s how bad it was. There were nights that I’d drag my tired old self out to that awful place. And I’d do my darnedest to try and get Harry to go home.”

  “So that’s why you were there.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “So I guess you heard. I shouldn’t be surprised. This town likes to talk.”

  “It’s their very favorite thing.”

  “Rumors are no fun. Well, maybe they can be fun.” He smiled. “When you’re not the subject.” He took another bite. “We’re no longer the talk of the town, kid. Just two boring chefs. Of course, I’m almost frightened to do another party. I might be an old, old man when I recover from the last one.”

  “It’s a wonder she got caught,” I said. “She had it all planned out. Nobody saw the kid when he snuck into the country club with the cupcake. There were so many people there that nobody noticed him.”

  The police had given out more details. They said Ruth had met the boy earlier that year when she developed some trouble with her knee and advertised for help out in her garden. Then later she offered him the chance to earn even bigger bucks toward his move to California.

  On the night of the big event, he’d handed the cupcake off to Ruth who’d discreetly brushed away the telltale peanut crumbles. Then she’d given it to Harry who didn’t appear to be the kind of guy who’d ever said no to a sweet.

  Arthur caught my eye which had turned toward the pastry case. Most of the bins were almost empty. But the peanut butter cupcakes sat untouched.

  “I was thinking I’d mark them down,” I said. “Half price. Or maybe free.”

  “Give it time.” he said. “People will forget and they’ll soon sell like hotcakes. Those things are way too good.”


  That night Houston beat me home.

  “Well, this is surprise,” I said when I saw him laid back in the armchair, flipping through the TV channels.

  “Home by dark for once,” he said. “It feels really good. Things are finally slowing down.”

  I kissed him hello. “I made a plan with Rosalie. We’re gonna meet at eight. At the Taiwan Noodle House.” We were going out to celebrate.

  He frowned. “I’m all for moo goo gai pan. But Becky, I don’t know about tonight. I got a text from Dwight. He says that Rosalie wants to stop off first for drinks.”

  Must have been one of her famous last-minute inspirations. I’d just seen her at the café. “I wouldn’t mind a drink,” I said. “Why is that a problem?”

  “It’s not the drink that bothers me. But you’ll never guess where it is that she wants to go.”

  “I’m way too tired to guess.”

  “To the only place in town I swore I’d never go again. A place that I thought was only a deep, dark memory.”

  “You don’t mean…”

  “She wants to climb up on the DJ stand and spray people with confetti. She’s convinced they’ll let her do it. Because she was so good the last time that she did it.” He rolled his eyes.

  “What did you tell Dwight?”

  He shrugged. “I am such a nice guy that I said okay. Drinks at the Moonlite with my true love! I’d better put on my coat and tie.”

  I sat beside him for a snuggle. Then I heard a crash coming from the hall. It was followed by footsteps and a joyful yelp. Soon Gerry was in my lap, bathing my face with his tongue.

  Houston laughed. “I see the other man in your life wants some attention too.”

  “Thank you for saying yes,” I said.

  “To the Moonlite?”

  “To the dog. I really think he likes it here.”

  Because, yes, I had decided that I was absolutely, positively, a person who loved dogs. Or this dog at least. Mrs. Arnold was doing well but had moved to a retirement home where no pets were allowed. Rosalie, of course, was all set to take him. Then she came over with the beagle and he refused to leave. I would like to say that I decided then and there to open my home up to a dog. I’d like to say that I picked Gerry. But the truth is he picked me.

  Houston scratched behind the dog’s ear. “I still don’t know about this collar. He needs something manly.”

  I touched the jewels on the bright pink collar that we’d bought from Nolan. “Well, according to Rosalie, this one is fashion forward.” We both dissolved in laughter.

  “And it makes him look soooo cute.” I hadn’t noticed when Rosalie walked in the door with Dwight. She ran up to Gerry and rubbed his head. “I just love a dog that sparkles!”

  Houston stood to greet them. “I guess he’s secure enough in his manhood to wear a little pink. Because he’s a hero, this one.”

  “Oh yes! Have you heard?” Rosalie cried. “We just came from the station, and Dwight showed me the picture.”

  Because, you see, my dog is quite the celebrity. Gerry had been named Hero of the Month by the Ouna Bay Police. His picture now hung at the station on a wall of honor. It seemed only fitting. He had, after all, dug up evidence in a mystery that had left his inferior human counterparts scratching their heads for decades.

  Dwight frowned. “I thought that this might have been the month when I finally won. I had some good ideas this month. I followed up on every lead.”

  Rosalie twirled a strand of his lanky hair. “Oh, babe. I’m sure it’s your turn next.”

  Dwight pulled a dog treat from his pocket and gave it to the eager beagle. “No hard feelings, buddy. You won it fair and square.”

  Gerry sniffed his pocket for another treat, and Dwight pulled out one more. “That’s a boy. Good boy!”

  Rosalie bent to scratch the beagle’s ear. “What a good, good dog.”


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