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One Last Dance (Oak Grove Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Stopper, Nancy

  She turned onto her back, stretched her arms above her head, and smiled. It hadn’t just been the one time, although their first time together was certainly memorable. He’d had her again in the shower as they’d washed each other off. They’d collapsed into bed after showering, but he’d woken her up before the sky lightened, running his hand over her hip while pressing his thickening erection against her backside until she’d turned into his arms.

  But now she lay alone in his bed, wondering where he’d gone, even what time it was.

  She shot up, the sheet falling down. “Shit!” She’d lost track of time. She was late. Karen was probably frantic.

  She leapt from the bed. Where were her clothes? She had to get dressed, had to call Karen. Brittany pulled on her jeans, tucking her panties into the pocket. Where was her shirt? And her purse. After tossing several pieces of clothing aside, she remembered they’d thrown her shirt off in the other room. She grabbed the closest shirt, Joey’s T-shirt, and pulled it over her head. The scent of his aftershave surrounded her as she scrambled out of the room.

  Rushing down the hall, she took little notice of Joey’s house as she hurried to find her purse and her phone.

  “Good morning, sunshine. I trust you slept well.” Joey leaned on the doorframe into what had to be the kitchen, a cocky grin on his face and a spatula in his hand.

  She scanned the room. “Where’s my phone? I can’t find my phone.”

  Joey stalked toward her, pressing his hands to her shoulders. She drew in a deep breath, trying to calm her racing nerves.

  “Don’t worry. Karen already phoned this morning. I was getting ready to wake you.”

  “Did you tell her anything?” Karen would have lots of questions about Brittany’s decision to stay in Oak Grove, and she didn’t want Joey fielding those questions.

  “I told her you’d call her back. Coffee’s on. You have time now while I finish making breakfast.”

  She sighed. “Thanks. Coffee sounds great.”

  She started to walk toward the kitchen, but Joey stopped her. “First, I need a proper good morning.”

  He leaned his head down, pressing his lips to hers. She sank into the kiss, snuggling against him, giving herself over to the desire he stirred in her. His tongue traced her lips and she opened to him, her tongue dancing with his. She couldn’t believe how comfortable, how unguarded she was with Joey. She’d always been wary of men, suspicious of their motives. Why, then, did she trust him? Maybe because he’d been so honest with her about his feelings and what he thought about them… and their short-term fun.

  She chuckled as she pushed him away. “Whoa, down boy. I need some coffee… and to make a phone call.”

  The rich, deep smell of coffee wafting through the air drew her into the kitchen. She hadn’t expected a kitchen so spacious and elegant for a house the size of Joey’s. The back wall boasted a six burner cooktop with two ovens and a warmer, the stainless steel glimmering in the morning sun. A butcher block sat in front of the cooktop. Pots hung from a rack mounted over it. A small table filled the corner, with seating for two. If she could describe her perfect kitchen, this would be it.

  She hustled around the island and poured herself a cup of coffee. Her hands shook as she brought it to her nose. The delicious aroma seeped into her pores. She finally brought the mug to her lips and took a sip. “Um, that’s good.”

  “Damn, City Girl, even the way you drink coffee turns me on.”

  Brittany winched at the city girl. That was what she’d been since the day she’d driven away from Whitefish, never to look back. She loved the city and she normally wore that moniker with pride. But since she’d been here in Oak Grove, with Joey, she’d been rethinking things. The foundation of everything she believed to be true was up for debate. She liked Oak Grove and the people she’d met so far. The town square reminded her of home, welcoming families that happily walked around or played in the thick grass. Maybe not all small towns were as bad as hers.

  She shook her head. Now was not the time to worry about her hometown. She grabbed her phone from the counter and headed to the bedroom. “Let me know when breakfast is ready.”

  After closing the door and sitting on the bed, Brittany called Karen. The phone had barely rung when Karen answered without a greeting. “Brittany, thank God. You had me worried when you didn’t come home last night. I should have known you were with Joey. So, how was he?”

  Brittany laughed at how quickly Karen could go from worried to nosy. “He’s fine. I’m fine, too. I’m so sorry I didn’t text last night. It took forever for him to wrap up at the bar and then we came back to his place. I guess we fell asleep.”

  “Fell asleep… I doubt it. When are you coming home? I’m almost packed.”

  “Um…” Brittany wanted to explain this in a way that Karen wouldn’t take it wrong. “You can go ahead and take the car and head on back.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m… staying.”

  “What?” Karen’s voice screeched through the earpiece, and Brittany held the phone away from her ear. “What do you mean you’re staying?”

  “I don’t have anything going on this week at work. You know we all busted our butts for that last project. I had planned to piddle around the apartment this week. Joey invited me to stay and… I think I want to.”

  “Wow, Brittany. This is a big deal for you. And for him. I thought you two would have a good time this weekend, but I didn’t expect you to get involved. As far as I know, Joey’s only ever been serious about one girl—his high school girlfriend, Shelby.”

  “What happened with her?” Did he love her? Is that why he hadn’t had a relationship with anyone else? Brittany had no interest in a man who loved someone else.

  “I’m not sure anyone really knows. They were exclusive all through high school. Some of us thought they would get married. But she left to go to college, and he stayed here. Either they didn’t try to have a long-distance relationship… or tried and failed.”

  “Where did she go?” If she loved someone like that, she couldn’t imagine not trying to work it out.

  “New York. She went to Columbia.”

  Damn. Brittany didn’t know what to say. Is that why Joey called her City Girl? Was she a short-term replacement for his ex-girlfriend? “Maybe it’s not a good idea for me to stay.”

  “Oh, Brittany. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “Yeah, but you’re probably right. I mean, really, I’ve only known the guy three days. I should head home with you.”

  “You can do that, but I think you should stay.”

  “What? A minute ago, you said you were concerned.”

  “I was. Now I’ve had time to think about it. I saw the two of you yesterday, and I have to tell you, you looked really happy. Happier than I’ve seen you in a long time.”

  “Really?” Brittany smiled. She was happy. Why did that surprise her? She shook her head. Everything about this town, about the man making breakfast in the other room, flabbergasted her.

  “Really. Are you happy when you’re with him?”

  “I am. I didn’t think I would be. I mean, he took me to a drive-in movie, for crying out loud. But it doesn’t matter what we do, I’m happy just being with him.”

  “Well, then, you should stay. Give yourself a chance to explore your feelings.”

  “It can’t be anything long term with him, Karen. I live in New York. I have a job and an apartment.” And she didn’t do small towns. Regardless of how happy she’d been these past few days.

  “A job you don’t especially like and an apartment a hundred people would kill for. You don’t need to set any expectations for this week. Just see how things go. Have an open mind.”

  Karen was right about that. Brittany’s job hadn’t turned out to be the inspirational work she’d expected. “Okay, I will. You can go ahead and take my car back.”

  “I don’t want you to feel trapped. The car’s in the driveway. This wa
y you can leave when you want. My mom will be happy to drive me back.”

  “As long as you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure. You have fun with that hunky man and be prepared to give me all the details when you get back. On second thought, not all the details.”

  Karen’s laughter echoed through the phone. “Love you, Karen.”

  “You, too. Be safe, and most important, have fun.”

  “I will.”

  Brittany hung up the phone and fell back onto the bed. This entire weekend had been unexpected. She could have never foreseen meeting Joey and getting involved with him so quickly when she drove out of the city on Friday afternoon. Karen’s comments made Brittany think about her life in New York. She was happy, although content was probably the better description. This week off was more at her boss’s suggestion than anything else. She’d been burnt out and her work had shown it. He’d hoped a week to recharge her batteries would be just the thing she needed to come back with her creative juices flowing.

  Her stomach growled. She pressed her hand to it as she opened the door to the bedroom, only to find Joey, hand raised, on the other side. “I was just coming to knock.”

  “Obviously.” She chuckled.

  “Did you get everything set?”

  “I did. Karen’s going to have her mom take her back to the city, so I can keep the car.”

  “That’s good. I can run you over there after breakfast to grab your bag and change.”

  “What am I changing for?”

  “You’ll see.” The twinkle in his eye made her suspicious, but he hadn’t led her astray yet. “Dress comfortable.”

  “You and your ‘dress comfortable’. Can’t you be more specific?”

  He tapped her on the nose before turning back toward the kitchen. “Yeah, wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.”

  Silly man. What did he have up his sleeve? She followed him down the hall and into the kitchen where the table was already set. They settled in and ate in silence for a few moments.

  Brittany stuffed a piece of bacon in her mouth and shoveled a scoop of eggs right behind it. “I didn’t know you could cook.”

  “I own a bar and grill and you think I can’t cook?”

  He’d emphasized the grill. She hadn’t really thought about that. He had worked the crowd and behind the bar when she’d been there. “I figured you had other people do the cooking. And besides, if you’re there for so long, when do you have time to cook?”

  “I am at the bar a lot, but greasy bar food can get to you after a while. I don’t cook a lot, but I make a mean breakfast, and I’m an expert griller.”

  Brittany laughed. They weren’t all that different. “I actually love to cook. I don’t get a lot of chances with my work hours. We eat a lot of take out or go out in the village or TriBeca after work.”

  “You’ll have to cook for me one night while you’re here.”

  “Speaking of that… how’s this going to work?” She chewed on her bottom lip and dropped her eyes. His stare was too intense. Her head and her heart fought for control of her emotions.

  “I want you to relax and have fun. I get the impression you don’t do that very often.”

  “I don’t.”

  “I’ve got a special project today and tomorrow that I hope you’ll join me for. I think you’ll enjoy it. I have a feeling it’s right up your alley.”

  “But you don’t want to tell me about it?” She ran her hand over his knee and up his thigh. She had her ways of making him talk, and she wasn’t afraid to use them. He laughed before he grabbed her hand and deposited it on the table.

  “Focus, here, focus.”

  “I am focused… on you.”

  “Oh, you are, huh?” He slid his chair around the table, his knees pressed to the outside of hers. With his hands on her thighs, he leaned in and lightly slid his lips over hers. “Are you focused now?”

  “Uh-huh,” she mumbled, closing her eyes as he kissed her again. When his tongue tangled with hers, she moaned. She trailed her fingers up his bare chest and through the sprinkling of hair across his pecs before clasping them behind his neck. What was he doing to her? One touch and she was putty in his hands.

  He lifted her out of her chair and an eek escaped her lips. Before she could react, he slung her across his lap, his impressive erection against her behind. She nestled her butt down into his crotch.

  He groaned. “Keep that up, baby, and I’ll give you what you’re asking for.”

  She blinked at him, her most innocent of looks, and said, “What am I asking for?”

  He covered her mouth with his and proceeded to show her, in great detail, their breakfast all but forgotten as he carried her down the hall to the bedroom.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “WHAT DID KAREN say when you told her you were staying?” Joey reached across the cab of his truck and grabbed Brittany’s hand. It was small and delicate, a stark contrast to the strong, independent woman who’d stomped on a creep’s foot, almost reeled in a big mouth bass, and hiked through the woods without a complaint. His city girl… but not quite. She may claim the city as her home, but she was so much more than that. Her independence was important to her. She’d built a career for herself, had her own apartment. Had been on her own since she was eighteen. She’d appeared larger than life that moment on the dance floor. So why now did she appear gentler, younger? Maybe because she’d let down her defenses and given him a glimpse into the real Britany that she hid beneath her armored exterior.

  She looked to their joined hands and smiled before she answered. “She was surprisingly okay with it. I think I shocked her at first, but she knows how much I needed a break.”

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  They rode in silence for a while, the fresh scent of shampoo filling the cab of his truck. They’d grabbed her car then shared a shower before leaving his house. She kept surprising him, this time with how bold she’d been. Thinking of her body, the water sluicing over it as she stood under his rain showerhead, had him growing hard again. It had been a long time since he’d stayed this aroused around a woman.

  But not only that. Brittany had him thinking about things he couldn’t—shouldn’t—be thinking about. Like what would happen at the end of this week. About whether he would want to go see her in the city. About whether she’d come back and visit again.

  He shook his head. Where did those thoughts come from? And why didn’t they scare him? Instead, they excited him, spurred him to make the most of this extra time he got with her before she headed back to New York.

  “Are you going to tell me now where we’re headed?” Brittany tickled her hand up his arm.

  “A project I work on from time to time.”

  “You’re not going to tell me anything else?”

  “Nope. We’re almost there.” He grinned at her. This was fun. He loved to see her eyes twinkling, her voice lifted happily as she poked and prodded and tried to get him to reveal more information.

  She slid out her bottom lip in a pout, and it was all he could do not to pull his truck over and suck her plump lip into his mouth.

  After passing through the neighborhood gates, he signaled and turned. Brittany’s expression changed to curious as he drove through the streets of new and unfinished homes. He finally reached a lot in the back where the frame of a new house stood. “We’re here.”

  “Where’s here?” He watched the wheels turn in her head as she scanned the yard, the row of pickups and SUVs and sedans scattered in the makeshift parking lot. He didn’t know how she’d react to today’s job, but he wasn’t about to change his plans for her or anyone else. This was too important to him, to everyone who worked on these projects, to everyone they helped.

  “The building site. We’re working on this house today.”

  “What? What do you mean we’re working on this house today? Don’t they hire contractors to build houses? I’m hardly qualified. I don’t think they want me working on a house.”

p; “You’d be surprised. Give it a chance,” Joey said as he jumped out of the truck. He didn’t tell her more. He stopped at the tailgate, grabbed his belt and tool box, and shoved his hard hat on his head before grabbing a second one. “Here, catch.”

  Brittany donned the hard hat, pulling the strap beneath her chin. The hat suited her. She’d likely worn hard hats when she went on her own job sites. Seeing the hat on her head had images of her naked, wearing just a hard hat, flooding his mind.

  “I’m still not sure what we’re doing here.”

  Throwing his tool belt over his shoulder, he placed his hand at the small of her back and walked her toward the makeshift table in the middle of the yard. About a dozen other men and women had gathered around.

  “Great, Bennett. You’re just in time,” the build supervisor Bryan said as they approached. Joey shook Bryan’s hand and then returned his own to Brittany’s back. She stiffened. He wasn’t surprised that new situations worried her. She’d been skittish each time they’d gone somewhere new or different. She just needed to trust him.

  “And who’d you bring along?” Bryan asked.

  Joey beamed, proud to have this gorgeous woman by his side. “This is Brittany. A friend of mine from New York. Brittany, this is Bryan, the build supervisor.”

  “Nice to meet you, Brittany. Glad to have you aboard today.”

  “Aboard what?” Brittany asked, her eyes locked on Joey’s.

  “You’ll see.” He popped a quick kiss on her lips.

  “Gather round, everybody. I want to thank everyone for coming out today. I know you’re taking time away from your jobs and your families to help out here. I want to introduce you to someone. Everyone, this is Derek.”

  Joey threw a smile at his friend. Derek, Sawyer, and Kyle had all joined the Army together. After a stint in Afghanistan, Sawyer had returned with a few minor injuries. Kyle hadn’t made it home at all. And Derek had come back injured, having lost the use of his legs.

  “When we’re done here, Derek will be moving in to our finished product.”

  The crowd let out whoops and hollers. Brittany tilted her head, confused. “I still don’t understand.”


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