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7PM - Emily (A 5PM Short Story)

Page 2

by Chris Heinicke

  I smiled. It came as a relief to hear I wasn’t weird for the feelings I had for Rebecca, but I would have to keep them to myself.

  The sun blared down on us, another hot day on the open road with barely a sound to be heard. Rebecca grabbed my hand and held it in hers as we walked. Despite our similar height and build, we looked nothing alike, even dressed in our identical outfits consisting of white crop tops and denim skirts. We were dressed to get attention, which soon arrived in the form of a group of three motorcycle riders.

  They stopped in the gravel ahead of us, in full black leathers, dark sunglasses and black half-helmets, the type favoured by a lot of old school bikers.

  “Stay back,” Helen put her arm out to emphasise her point and walked ahead.

  We couldn’t fully understand the conversation just up from us, but one of the bikers, in particular, kept looking our way and nodded. There weren’t any club colours on the back of their jackets or any patches of any types. With their helmets and eyewear, I couldn’t make out their features too well, nor even take a wild guess at their ages, but the smile on Helen’s face told me we would get to know a lot about them.

  “Girls, you’re both eighteen. The leader is their father and seems like a decent man. They’re willing to take us on the back of their bikes, but for how long I don’t know. This is going to be one hell of a ride,” Helen said.

  Rebecca and I walked over to the two youngest bikers, picking one each at random to ride with. All three opened their storage compartment and pulled out spare helmets for all three of us.

  “Hi, the name’s Reece,” the rider on the bike I had approached said.

  “Reece. I like it,” I said.

  “My name’s Brandon,” the other young biker said.

  “It’s so nice to make your acquaintance,” the oldest biker said. “My name’s Roscoe.”

  His big white smile and southern drawl would have been a drawcard for most women his age, and I could tell by Helen’s sudden weak in the knees walk that she wasn’t immune. I put the full-face helmet on and hopped on the back of Reece’s bike and smiled, knowing I was about to embark on a hot new adventure. I put my arms around his waist and pushed my body in snug behind his.


  I had never felt anything as exhilarating in my life before my first day on the back of a bike. I knew what Reece meant when he said nothing came close to the freedom of riding on the open road in the open air and seeing the world on two wheels. He didn’t question my answer when I told him I was eighteen. It was only a two-year addition to my real age, and I was early to blossom. His smile had the same panty dropping effect as his father’s smile did, as well as his deep south accent.

  On that first night, we found a bare patch of land to pull up for the evening, and as Roscoe set up the campfire and cooked us all a plate of beans and eggs, the three of us females looked at each other with the knowledge we would all be getting lucky. Reece’s age was the same as my pretend age, whereas Brandon was a year older.

  After dinner, Roscoe pulled out a bottle, which had a label calling it Jack Daniels. My first sip of it reminded me of the moonshine we used to drink back at the commune, except much less potent and smoother. The six of us sat around and swapped stories, getting tipsy as the bottle circled between us. The laughter built up until Roscoe declared the hour was getting late and we should all turn in. But I knew turning in would mean a round of hot passionate sex.

  “Hey, girl. Let’s take a walk,” Reece said to me, picking up a blanket and reaching for my hand with his free one.

  “Sure, handsome,” I said, accepting his warm grip and almost skipping to keep up with him. My body tingled thinking about what I would soon be doing with this hot young guy. We passed a series of boulders and found a patch of grass to put the blanket on that was well out of sight of the others.

  “That woman isn’t your mother, is she?” he asked.

  “No, but she’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to one. I don’t know anything about my real parents. I don’t know if they died or put me up for adoption or if I was taken from them. The hippy commune is all I’ve ever known until the last few weeks.”

  “My mother died a year ago, so the three of us have been riding around the country ever since.” He removed his jacket and showed me a tattoo on his shoulder with his mother’s name, date of birth and death written beneath a butterfly. “As she was dying, she told us we must spread our wings and be free and never let the ugliness of the world destroy what is beautiful inside of us.”

  “She sounds like a wonderful woman. I’m so sorry.” I rubbed the bare skin exposed from his skin-tight tank. His arms and shoulders were firm.

  “Don’t be sorry. Seventeen years with a woman like that is much better than a whole life with parents who don’t care that you exist, not saying that’s the case with yours.”

  “No offence taken.” My other hand touched the side of his face, the stubbled texture exciting me.

  “You’re so beautiful, Erica. I don’t feel like I deserve this night here alone with you.”

  “Shut the fuck up, biker boy, and kiss me.”

  His lips raced towards mine and almost devoured mine in his hunger. My tongue left my mouth and invaded his, and it felt like the first time I had truly kissed someone. If it was possible to get off on just a kiss, Reece was the man to do it.

  I withdrew for a second, pulling my top over my head, and undoing my skirt, then sitting there in just a bra and panties. The cool night breeze felt like chilled mist on my mostly bare skin, adding to my excitement.

  “Well, that hardly seems fair,” he said, smirking as he got to his feet and removed his tank top. The faint glow of moonlight highlighted his ripped abs, and I found myself licking my lips as he unzipped his black leather pants and pulled them to the ground. His briefs didn’t leave much to the imagination, and I wanted to just rip them off and touch the large package he carried inside them.

  I stood up and unclasped my bra. His eyes went down to my breasts, and his hands soon followed. He filled his hands with my well-developed pair, rubbing them gently unlike the boys and men from where I came from.

  “That is one fantastic pair of tits,” he said, taking his hands off them and pulling me towards him, slamming his lips against mine again and continuing the tongue dance-off we had started a few minutes prior.

  One of my hands travelled low, past his navel and down the front of his briefs, grasping the hard cock I found in there and releasing it from its cotton prison. The thing was huge, much larger than anything I had ever had in my hands or mouth or inside me previously. Maybe a sizable man tool was the thing I had been missing on any past sexual experience. I had never come before through any act.

  “Oh fuck, Reece. I want that thing inside me. And I want it now.”

  He pulled away, smiling at me and then crouched down to strip me completely naked. “I’ll be gentle with you baby,” he said and proceeded to do something no man had ever done with their mouth before. He put his head against my pussy and waited for me to spread my legs a little before he kissed me in a way my body had never been kissed. His tongue found my most sensitive part, circling around and sending my body into a crazed frenzy within minutes as I shook and felt as though my whole body had floated away in waves of ecstasy as I experienced my first ever orgasm.

  “Wow, that was freaking incredible,” I said. I lay back on the blanket and signalled for him to get closer to me again. “Now I want that huge dick of yours inside me.”


  The sunlight woke us from a great night of sex and slumber, glaring down on our naked bodies huddled together on top of the blanket. I looked at him and smiled, him returning the favour.

  “We should get dressed,” he said, looking out in the direction of where we guessed the others to be. I hoped we would be able to find somewhere to shower and get some new clothes. Sitting on the back of a bike in small tops and short skirts was making me cold, and I hoped Helen still had enough money f
or us to buy some leathers to match the boys.

  Once we put our dirty clothes back on, we found the other four, also paired off and looking like they too could do with a coffee.

  “Good morning, you two. I’m about to put a pot of coffee on. You look like you could sure use it,” Roscoe said.

  Not having had coffee for the first sixteen years of my life, I wasn’t dependent on it, but the taste had grown on me. Reece gave me a kiss and headed away with his brother to gather some firewood.

  “So, how was your night?” Rebecca asked me. I had never seen her grin as much prior to that morning.

  “Oh, my God. He was fan-fucking-tastic. He made me come with his mouth and had the biggest—”

  “Must be a family thing.” She giggled. “Brandon made sex really fun. I thought he was going to really hurt me with that cock of his, but he was so gentle.”

  “Morning, girls.” Helen almost made us jump as she crept up behind us. “You probably don’t want to hear it, but I didn’t get any last night.”

  “Why? What happened?” I asked.

  “Well, we started kissing. Neither of us had our tops on. Then he told me about how he hadn’t been with a woman since his deceased wife got sick. So I said we shouldn’t sleep together, and he should wait until he finds a worthy woman before he gets back on the horse,” Helen said.

  “Oh, wow. You are one hell of a woman. So how did you manage to sleep with all that build up?” Rebecca asked.

  Helen looked us in the eyes, one after the other. “Ha! Got you both. I fucked his brains out and gave him a night he would never forget.” The three of us laughed, and I looked over at the three almost perfect men and wished it would never end.

  “But, seriously, life’s too short, and you never know when it will be your last day in this world. So if you want something, grab it with both hands, girls,” Helen added.

  Roscoe checked the saucepan on the fire. The water was boiling so he added a few spoons of instant coffee and then poured it into three cups. “Sorry, I don’t have any cream to add, but we’ll stop soon for showers and some real café fresh coffee.”

  The two younger men returned, and Rebecca and I partnered up with them again and shared from their mugs. The hot dark liquid was all right, but if it had been my first experience drinking coffee, I don’t think I would have touched it again.

  “So how long do you think you three will continue travelling?” Helen asked.

  “For as long as the money lasts. I sold up everything after sweet Erin died, and I spent so much time promising my boys a trip around the US of A in their younger years, and barely saw them because of work. So for what it’s worth, I’m making up for some of that time now,” Roscoe said.

  “And we’re having the best time ever,” Brandon said. He turned to Rebecca and gave her a kiss.

  I caught a glimpse of Roscoe’s facial reaction, his eyes fixated on his oldest boy and new plaything. It reminded me of something Helen told me the day we left the commune, that each of us must make our own journey and know who to share the road with for a given time.

  I didn’t want to think of anything but the present, and the present was pretty fucking awesome.

  Chapter 3

  Happiness is a gift we all want to receive, preserve, and never let go off. But there are times in your life when you can’t hold it, and the tighter you try to grasp it, the quicker it falls through the gaps between your fingers. Nothing had to go wrong with our new adventure we found ourselves in, but humanity can’t help but crave for chaos in amongst the control.

  Is it because we like to sabotage ourselves to seek a new struggle to overcome? Or is it because past crimes have a way of catching up with us?

  It had been a week since we first met the three bikers, and each day had been full of riding, sightseeing, and great sex. We made for camp at this one place near Lake Meredith, and a few drinks into the night, we all ended up spending a warm night beneath the stars skinny-dipping.

  Rebecca followed me to a spot and stopped close to me. “Let’s give the boys something to get excited about.” The water was only about knee deep, so she jumped on me and knocked me down and straddled me. She leant down and kissed me, and I returned the favour. Her lips were so soft, and the feeling of her body against mine intensified my excitement. Her breasts nestled against my own, and our pelvises were so close. I didn’t stop to comprehend what we were doing, the excitement accelerating inside me.

  I could hear cheering from the brothers, stopping us in mid-action and watching as they walked our way. But a different course of action occurred as Brandon approached me, and Reece to Rebecca.

  “It’s okay, Erica. We’re young and not committed,” Rebecca said and grabbed Reece’s cock in her hand and put it in her mouth.

  I froze. He was my boy and seemed too eager to switch girls in a second. I felt Brandon press his body to mine from behind me, his hands travelling to the front of my body and cupping my breasts as I spread my legs and bent forward. I watched Rebecca giving Reece a blowjob while pulling Brandon’s hardness into my eager pussy from behind.

  He felt every inch as big as his brother had felt as he slowly pushed himself inside. I squealed in delight as his whole length became buried within me, reaching points no man or boy had ever discovered before. I wanted to explode in an orgasm of volcanic proportions, but he had reached his peak well before I reached mine and then withdrew and headed for the land to have another drink.

  “What? That’s it, Brandon?” I yelled.

  “Sorry, babe. I couldn’t hold on any longer,” he said.

  I turned and watched as Reece had Rebecca laid out in inch deep water, pumping her just as he had done to me every night for the last week. How the fuck could I have been so stupid to swap boys for one sex act? I clenched my fists as she moaned, and I wanted to take him away from her and have the younger, but more sexually able of the brothers.

  “Fuck this,” I said. Walking away, I headed directly to where Helen kept her stuff. I hadn’t seen her and Roscoe for about half an hour, guessing they wanted to keep their acts more private. I didn’t know how close other campers might have been to our location, as I strode around naked to get to Helen’s satchel. I found it under her clothes and pushed the items inside around until I found what I was looking for.

  Brandon sat fully dressed drinking another beer and watching his brother have sex with Rebecca. Catching a glimpse of me as I walked past him, he got to his feet, “Hey, what are you doing?”

  I turned and faced him, aiming Helen’s pistol at his face. “Don’t you take another fucking step closer.”

  “Please, Erica. Don’t do something stupid.”

  “Too late for that—I did you. Back off, and let me do what I need to do.”

  Rebecca and Reece saw me coming at them, screaming out at me to please stop. I raised my arm and lined up Reece in my sights. “You think you can just ditch me like this? I bet you wanted Rebecca all along, right? Well, you can have her for every minute of every day in the afterlife.”

  “No, Erica. You’re drunk and too young to understand any of this,” I heard Helen’s voice behind me.

  “I understand everything. I wasn’t fucking good enough for you, was I, Reece?” My whole arm shook as my finger began to pull back on the trigger.

  “Young lady, think about what you’re about to do,” Roscoe said.

  “I know what I’m about to do. I’ve seen Helen do it at the commune,” I said. Tears fell as I looked at Reece staring back at me with pleading eyes.

  “Erica, this isn’t a reason to kill anyone,” Helen said. “Those men at the commune deserved it, and you and I both know why.”

  “What are you talking about, Helen?” Roscoe asked.

  “You don’t need to know. We just need to stop Erica from—” Helen said.

  I pulled the trigger all the way, and I saw Reece fall back from impact into the shallow depth he had been standing in. I didn’t see where I hit him but felt a body jump on me fr
om behind, knocking me forward onto the ground.

  I rolled over and saw Helen with the pistol in her hand. Another voice belonging to Rebecca pierced the air. “Erica, what have you done?”

  “She fucking shot my brother,” Brandon cried.

  “I should have killed you instead,” I said. “Why couldn’t we just keep things the way they were? Why did you guys decide to fuck it up by thinking you can just swap sex partners? What are we, just toys?”

  “I’m sorry, Erica,” Brandon said.

  I saw Roscoe scoop his youngest son in his arms, “Are you okay, son?”

  “She shot me,” Reece said, squeezing his eyes shut.

  “It’s just through his shoulder. He’ll be okay,” Helen said. She looked at me again. “What the hell came over you?”

  For anyone watching us, the sight of the six of us in differing stages of undress, arguing, and fighting might have been amusing. Helen and Roscoe at least had underwear on.

  “Helen, you have to send Erica away. She’s a loose cannon,” Roscoe said.

  “I can’t send her away by herself. She’s only sixteen,” Helen said. All attention turned to her on spitting out that comment.

  “Oh shit,” Roscoe said. “Anything else you’re keeping from me? I knew this whole thing was a bad idea.”

  “The three of you seemed happy to have sex on tap, and after one little fight, you want to fuck this all up?” I said.

  “One little fight? You shot one of my boys, you stupid little bitch,” Roscoe said.

  “Shut up, all of you,” Helen yelled. “I’ll pack my things and go. Erica, you need to get dressed. You too, Rebecca.”

  “No, I’m not coming. I’m staying with these guys,” she said.

  “Rebecca, you’re too young,” Brandon said. “You girls are jailbait, and I ain’t going to prison for you girls.”

  “I lied about my age too,” Rebecca said. “Erica, Helen, I’m really eighteen. I lied about my age to put off having sex with the commune elders.”


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