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Verron: Serve and Protect: Book Two (Verron Series 2)

Page 94

by Douglas Varnell

  Robin had been there when the Volvs invaded Darsai. She had just returned from a short visit to Darsai so she could see how well it had recovered from the disaster. She had also interviewed survivors from Hope. There was no doubt that Verron was accomplishing some pretty remarkable things all over the Universe. Her editors were being pressured to come up with something to smear Paul and were often upset that Robin never reported anything negative about him or his country. As Robin sat there in his office, she couldn’t think of anything negative to write, oh, sure, he was at times a little cocky and everyone knew he was stubborn and opinionated and even lost his temper once in a while, but overall he had been right and this week they were celebrating the good things that had been accomplished. The liberals back on Earth wanted to expose the lives that had been lost at the hands of the deadliest leader in history, but Robin knew how many lives had been saved, she had been there to witness it first-hand. The biggest issue was that the people of Earth were only concerned about what was happening in their own individual country, for some reason they just couldn’t comprehend the big picture.

  Robin was glad she and Tim were staying in the Mansion or the Dragon Palace, as most people now called it, since every room on Verron was booked. In fact, not only were all the motels filled, people were actually renting out rooms in their homes to accommodate the influx of millions of people here to celebrate with the people of Verron. The Dragon Palace was always a hub of activity, but this week the entire place was full. King Paul was holding this interview in his private study just off his bedroom suite because the sofa-sleeper in his usual office was occupied by visitors from Salenzo. He finally declared that his room was off limits and he would not share his bed with anyone. The four little gargoyles were having the time of their lives with all the people available to play with. Robin had found Fooey hiding in her overnight bag. She felt bad for ratting him out to his sister who was searching for him. The kitchen and the formal dining room where always full and serving drones were buzzing all over the place. Robin had a chance to eat breakfast with a very nice Cyclops and his wife. She wondered how her dinner conversations were going to go when she returned to Atlanta; “Met any interesting people lately dear?” No one would believe a word she said unless they had visited Verron.

  The entire week was filled with every possible activity, not just in Capital City, but every town on the planet. There were powerboat races, sailing regattas, golf tournaments, tennis tournaments, a motorcycle race on their new Grand Prix Motorcycle and Grand Prix Automobile Race Track, surfing competitions, a triathlon, a marathon, whitewater kayak competition, a karate tournament, dances, beauty pageants and concerts on a dozen different stages. The streets were filled with food and snack vendors and souvenirs, T-shirts and caps of every kind; all free of charge, except the souvenirs, T-shirts and caps of every kind. King Verron wanted his people to know how much they were appreciated and had made arrangements for the vendors to bill him for the food they served. He knew it would be expensive, but he felt that the people should not have to pay for the reward of their hard work.

  Robin and Tim had been on the streets of several of the cities across Verron covering some of the events being held. She had once again been asked to judge a beauty pageant in Farmington and Tim didn’t require too much convincing to be a judge for a baking competition, but neither of them could believe the streets of what was now officially the city of Saint Paul. Paul hated the name and was already struggling that the Lyncardi had named a city on Molnar after him, but there had been a vote by the citizens of St. Paul. They had even placed it on a voter referendum. With a turnout of 88% of all voters in Capital City, voting 91% for and 9% against the name St. Paul. The other 9% were pushing for names like Dragon City, Sao Paulo and River City. Paul was complaining to his mother about being referred to as a saint, she immediately quoted 1 Corinthians 6:2 and Ephesians 1:15 and told him, “If the Apostle Paul referred to himself and all believers as Saints, then why should you not consider yourself one?” Paul spent the evening looking through his Bible; as usual his Mother was right. He thought, “We’ve got a lot of Saints on Verron. I just happen to be the one they named a town after.”

  That evening Robin, Tim and the CNN crew sat in for the final practice session before the next day’s grand finale of the week long festivities. Paul had called the Dragon Guard back to Verron for the week and they had been practicing every night for a performance to be done in honor of the people. What better way was there to show their appreciation to the citizens than to have the royal family entertain the people, instead of having the people entertain the royal family? Robin was a singer and song writer and had been around a lot of talented musicians in her years, but she had never seen so much talent from one family. Just about every one of them had the ability to be a professional musician, in fact several of them had been. What she found most enjoyable was how they were just having fun. There was none of the intense pressure she had experienced when around a bunch of musicians, they loved what they were doing and had a blast doing it together. She was especially impressed with Kary and Joe Verron. She had seen the boot-leg video of Paul and his boys and girls at the Long Island party, she thought they were great, but these two guys were incredible.

  The morning of the big event, Paul was headed out the door with the entire Dragon Guard. It had been a long time since they had been able to run together and this week had been a treat for all of them. Robin and Tim were sitting at the table with Brad finishing off a bagel when Robin asked, “Where exactly do you guys run? I’ve never seen any of you around here and Tim and I run together most mornings.” Paul looked over to see the smile on Brad’s face, as he wondered just how Paul would answer that question. He surprised him with an answer, saying, “Brad would you mind flying Robin and Tim along the western face of Mt. Ola. That’s where we will start.” Turning to Robin he said two words, “No Cameras.” Then he told Brad, “Better hurry if you want to catch-up with us.” Brad jumped from the table, saying to Robin and Tim, “If you’ll follow me. You can eat later.” When they headed for the elevator, Paul and the Dragon Guard made a jump to the western face of Mt. Ola. By the time Brad caught-up they were already ten miles away, leaping from cliff to cliff and racing each other up the sides of mountains that most would only dare with pitons and safety lines. Tim and Robin were side-by-side in the co-pilots seat when Brad pointed down and to his right at a line of fast moving objects. Robin gasped, and said, “No way! There is no possible way I am seeing what I am seeing!” Knowing now that the ship was following them, the Dragon Guard began to ham it up a bit. Tala agitated the group by performing a double gainer off a cliff, Chase followed by doing six backward flips off the 400 foot drop across the 300 foot wide ravine. Lydia of course was not to be outdone and used telekinetic power to simply fly all the way across. Paul was in front and looked like Spiderman as he flashed up a 1000 foot solid rock face, literally leaping from hand-hold to handhold.

  Then the real show began when Hunter hurled a rock the size of a Volkswagen at Amber and she made it explode. Before long the gang was taking target practice at boulders and trees and levitating terrified mountain-goats and other animals out of their path. The clincher was the big finish with first Paul and the rest following behind, leaping from a ledge 4500 feet above a valley floor and almost flying down and across the valley; safely landing by the stream running down the middle. They were laughing and harassing each other about their run when Brad landed the small transport in a clearing next to them. Robin came out of the ship smiling and asked, “I suppose I didn’t see what I just saw, right?” Paul was standing shirtless and covered with dirt next to his gang of ultra-skilled commandoes. Paul only replied, “That’s why I said no cameras.” He then had the Dragon Guard demonstrate some of their uses of The Power. Robin thought she was impressed by watching them run, this demo looked like something out of the Sword of Truth. When they finished, Tala levitated Robin high above the creek and said, “If you tell anyone, I’ll dr
op you.” The others laughed as Tala was quickly levitated over the creek with Robin; not quite certain which of her friends was doing it. Paul turned to say, “OK, that’s enough.” Tala dropped toward the creek. She stopped herself inches above the water and propelled herself to shore. Amazingly, during the entire thing, she had not lost any control of Robin, still dangling helplessly above the water. While Tala was chastising her cousins, Paul cleared his throat and pointed behind him. Tala smiled and shrugged saying, “Sorry.” Robin was quickly returned next to her husband who had kept silent the entire time. Brad was standing beside them laughing as he said, “And people think I have a strange family, what do you think of my future in-laws?”

  Paul proceeded to tell Robin about The Power and how it was restricted to the use of the Dragon Guard only and would always remain that way. He explained the history of the guard and introduced the members by seniority. He let Robin know that these people were already leaders of armies and would one day take control of Verron. He then added, “When we are together we try to have as much fun as possible, because most of the time what we do is very serious business.” Robin knew what serious business he was talking about. She was comforted to know that these young men and women were looking out for the well-being of all mankind. Paul then turned and ran back the way he had come – followed by the others. The other three boarded the ship and followed, constantly in awe of the things these people were doing.

  Showered, fed and anxious to enjoy the day’s festivities, the Dragon Guard, along with their boyfriends and girlfriends, headed for the festivities in St. Paul. The King’s Family, as his mother and uncles wanted to call them, after the Singing King Family of the 1960s, were not supposed to perform until late afternoon. Paul had no desire to be swarmed with people for an entire day, so he stayed back in the Mansion and relaxed with his guitar. He laughed at how he could lead a country of billions and get stage fright when he got on a stage to sing or play. He was on the terrace enjoying a little fresh air and was about to go back inside because the noise across the bay was so loud he could even hear it where he was. He walked over to sit and talk with Zeus for a while and candidly asked him, “So what do you think about all of this Big Guy?” Zeus had developed Paul’s sarcastic humor and commented, “Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. All these people and I can’t eat any of them, how disappointing.” Paul laughed and told him; “Oh, I’m sure there will come a day when you will have my permission to eat a few.” Zeus just nodded his approval. He then said something that surprised and meant a lot to Paul, when he told him, “I’m proud of you. You’re a great man and a good friend.”

  Paul embraced Zeus’ snout and looked at his watch, saying, “Its show time, I guess I better get going. Paul rose to leave and Zeus said, “Want a ride?” He turned with a grin on his face and pointed toward St. Paul, saying, “You mean over there? You didn’t change your mind about eating people did you?” Zeus rose and unfolded his wings and answered, “Only if they need to be.” Paul was smiling uncontrollably. He knew this was going to be the grand entrance to top all grand entrances. He climbed aboard Zeus’ back and grabbed onto the spikes extending from his neck. In a mighty rush of wind that actually blew-over some of the patio umbrellas, Zeus leaped into the air and dove down and out across the bay, catching the updraft from the wind currents, he quickly rose high above the 6000 feet of Mountain City and circled the bay headed for St. Paul. Circling low over the city a couple of times, he chose a landing spot on the wide sidewalk leading up to the Capital Building. As he hovered a few hundred feet above his chosen landing spot, he did something never witnessed before by Paul or anyone else; he belched-out a bright blue and orange flame that shot out over 400 feet across the top of the crowd and sustained that flame for what seemed like minutes. As he landed, Paul patted his friend and said, “You never told me you could do that.” Zeus replied, “I never had a reason to before. Think they know you’re here?” Paul looked out across a spellbound crowd of over a million people and began to slide down Zeus’ leg to the ground, answering, “Oh, yea. They definitely know I’m here. You going to stick around or are you headed back home?” Zeus gave a one word reply, “Staying.” Paul asked, “Feel like doing a little Public Relations?” Zeus again answered, “Tell them to stay off my tail and bring food.” Paul then knew that Zeus had smelled the food from the street vendors for days now and wanted some of it for himself.

  Those surrounding the Capital Building sidewalk gave Zeus plenty of room as Paul dismounted. It didn’t take long before 20 Verron Security Officers were moving through the crowd toward their King. When the officer in charge appeared, Paul asked, “Your men afraid of dragons?” The big Russian looked at Zeus and answered, “Has he eaten?” Paul laughed, he liked this guy, then answered, “No, but the price to pet him or have your picture taken with him is food, pizza, kielbasa, funnel cake, cookies, hamburgers … you name it, he eats it. He promised me he would eat no tourists, at least not today.” He began to walk away and added, “Oh, yea, keep them off his tail and keep it orderly so he doesn’t get crowded.” He saw the looks on the terrified crowd when he was ready to leave and noticed a small boy holding a big wedge of pizza. He bent down and asked, “Want to feed some pizza to a dragon?” The little boy took his hand and eagerly walked with him to Zeus. The little boy presented Zeus the pizza wedge and out came a tongue for the treat. The little boy walked over and hugged the dragon, smiling as his parents took pictures. Paul walked away knowing that the ice had been broken, thinking, “And a child shall lead them.”

  Paul was amused as he stepped off the sidewalk onto the city square. It was as if he was Moses and the crowd was the Red Sea. It began to part as he walked forward. Soon there was a clear path all the way to the bandstand on the other end of the city square. He took his time and greeted people and shook hands; he did not kiss any babies. There were probably a half million pictures taken of him as he strolled toward the bandstand. The rest of the family was already tuning their instruments and getting ready to sing. He caught a glimpse of his mother shaking her head at her son’s theatrics then she smiled. News camera crews from a dozen networks were busy with their cameras and he even stopped to speak to some blond woman at FOX News; they were all blond at FOX.

  Paul was in no hurry to climb the steps to the bandstand. He knew when he got there he would have to make a speech. He hated making speeches, he either rambled on forever and felt like he never made his point or he made it short and sweet, then afterwards remembered a dozen things he forgot to say, but he also refused to hire a speech writer; what he said would be his own words delivered in his own spontaneous style. He shook hands with a few more people who were close to the bandstand and gave David Zarman’s youngest daughter a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The four-year-old was wearing a Dragon Guard uniform, with a perfect replica of the cap. She was adorable and asked if she could meet Amber and Tala. He carried her onto the stage with him and placed her directly in front of her two heroes. He then turned to face the largest audience he had ever seen.

  He had never seen himself on a Jumbotron before, the 80 foot by 180 foot giant-sized screens were located above him and on two sides of the square. He knew that there were others located in several cities across Verron that would carry his speech and concert live. As he paused and looked out across the faces of the most diverse audience that had ever gathered in one place, his eyes began to water to think that these people had placed their trust in him and were dependent upon him to make decisions that effected their lives and the lives of their loved ones for generations to come. He said a silent prayer that God would never allow him to let them down. He realized more than ever that he actually loved a couple hundred billion people and would do anything in his power to make their lives everything they could be. He stepped to the microphone and instead of opening with some great words of wit he began to sing To Dream the Impossible Dream, the Verron National Anthem. His voice cracked as he began, but soon grew stronger. By the time he sang th
e fourth word, voices all over the crowd joined-in with him. He heard his family soon singing behind him and by the time he got to the part that said …this is my quest to follow that star; no matter how hopeless no matter how far … a million voices filled the air over Saint Paul and the volume literally thundered when the crowd sang … to fight for the right without question of pause – to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause … When the song finished, Paul spoke, “please join me for a moment of silent prayer for all those who gave their lives to make this day possible.” An eerie quiet fell over the city. The only sound was the voices of a few babies crying and a shriek of laughter from a child that had just fed Zeus an entire funnel cake.

  Paul finally spoke saying, “I am honored to have so many people to love. Never in my greatest dreams could I have imagined that what we have built here on Verron could ever exist, and I want you all to know that it would have never existed if it weren’t for those of you who made it happen. This week long celebration is about the pioneering spirit and the sheer determination of a group of people who saw the same dream and made it happen. In ten years we have gone from one planet with a population of three to five planets to form a Nation of somewhere near 20 billion, I think, we’ve grown so fast I can no longer keep track. Because of your hard work and perseverance we have formed a Group of United Nations that now includes over 280 billion allies. Our economy is strong, our families are healthy and our military is the best in the Universe.” The crowd cheered for a good five minutes before he continued. “We are a Nation filled with hope, hope for our own future and giving hope to others for theirs and it is all because of you. We have some of the greatest and most dedicated leaders in the world, but not a one of them could accomplish what we as a people have accomplished. God has prospered Verron because the people of Verron have placed their hope in God. I often read a verse that most of you know by heart, “For I know the plans I have for you,” By the fifth word a million people were quoting it with him. “…declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” We have hope because we worship the God of hope. If our Nation ever loses sight of that we will soon become like other Nations. Worship the Lord your God with all your heart, your mind, your soul and your strength – that is how this Nation has become what it is and God’s not done yet. He’s got plans for our future and you are all part of those plans. God bless Verron and may God bless each and every one of you. Thank You.”


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