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Sweet Secrets (A Sweet Cove Mystery Book 3)

Page 13

by J A Whiting

  Angie said, “We’ve talked about a lawsuit and we’ve decided we don’t want to pursue legal action against the town. Shirley Banks and Paul Wilson will be punished for their misdeeds. That’s enough for us.”

  “I believe that there is a statute of limitations on the time that one can file suit which would negate our ability to pursue legal action. It’s been a very long time since the misdeeds occurred. I’m afraid there might be very little that can be done.”

  The sisters nodded.

  Angie said, “At least we know the truth … most of it anyway.”

  Attorney Ford asked, “Chief Martin discussed with you the details of Shirley Banks and Paul Wilson’s connection with each other?”

  “Yes.” Jenna scratched Circe’s cheek. “He told us that Shirley and Paul dated in high school. Shirley saved the documents she stole from Turner the night of the fire. She blackmailed Turner.”

  Courtney picked up the story as Euclid curled on her lap. “Turner paid Shirley handsomely for the return of the documents, but she lied to him about the paperwork she’d saved. She held back some of the items in case she ever needed to use them against Turner.”

  Angie said, “Paul Wilson’s father also received a huge some of money from Turner to remove land records from the town hall. Turner didn’t know that Wilson saved copies of the documents, which his son Paul eventually found. Shirley encouraged Paul to blackmail Turner like she had done.”

  “Money changed hands again,” Ellie said. “Shirley and Paul were still a couple, but when they were in Sweet Cove, they kept their interaction to a minimum so as not to stir up suspicion about how they’d both managed to become such wealthy people. They had a huge house together in Tampa and lived there several months out of the year.”

  Jenna said, “Chief Martin told us that Shirley and Mr. Wilson deny having anything to do with Nana’s death. It appears that she died of a heart attack like we were told fifteen years ago.”

  Ellie facial muscles hardened. “John Turner, Shirley Banks, Paul Wilson and his father killed Nana by their misdeeds. The stress took its toll on her. They are as guilty as if they killed her with their own hands.”

  Ford nodded. “Unfortunately, they can’t be prosecuted for your grandmother’s death. But, Ms. Banks and Mr. Wilson have been arrested for attempted murder.” Ford closed the folder he had in front of him. “You survived their attempt on your lives. You are all very lucky.”

  Angie looked at her sisters and Finch. “I think we knew that before all this even happened.” She made eye contact with the cats and smiled.

  Ellie sighed and stood up. “I’ve had enough of monsters and evil doings.” She reached for her gym bag, and shot stern looks at her sisters warning them not to tease her or Ford in any way for their tennis date. She smiled at Ford. “Shall we?”

  Ford’s eyes sparkled when he looked at Ellie. He gathered the papers he’d spread over the coffee table, shuffled them, and put them into his briefcase. “After you.”

  They left the house.

  “If she thinks we’re never going to tease her about Ford, she is sorely mistaken.” Jenna smirked.

  Finch asked, “Why did you let her off this time?” Circe had curled in Finch’s lap and he stroked the smooth, black fur.

  “We let her off only because she’s still so upset about her powers surfacing. What she did to the gun and the bullet really freaked her out.” Courtney chuckled. “That excuse won’t save her next time she goes out with Ford though.”

  Finch said, “But Ellie saved us from the gun with her display of psychokinesis. She should be pleased with her skills. It was most impressive.”

  Euclid lifted his head and gave Finch a cold stare. It was clear that he wanted to receive equal praise for jumping in front of Finch just as Shirley pulled the trigger.

  Finch said, “Of course, despite what Ellie did, the actions of a certain brave, orange boy would have saved me anyway. And for that, I am thankful.” Finch nodded at Euclid. His words seemed to appease the giant feline.

  “We need to give Ellie time to come to terms with her skills. Right now, she doesn’t want anything to do with them.” Jenna sighed because she was the only one of the sisters who didn’t seem to have powers surfacing.

  “Well, maybe someday Ellie will come around and embrace what she can do.” Angie got up. “I’m hungry. Let’s go make some lunch.”

  “No one’s going to argue with that suggestion.” Courtney followed her sister out of the room. “Make us something tasty, okay?”

  At the mention of food, the cats jumped down and eagerly followed the girls into the kitchen.

  Jenna got up and asked, “Ready for some lunch, Mr. Finch?”

  “Thank you, but I’m meeting Betty. She has another house to show me that just came on the market. Then I am treating her to lunch. She’ll be coming by shortly to pick me up.” Finch had a twinkle in his eye.

  “Good luck with the house. I’m going to go see what Angie’s concocting for us to eat.” Jenna patted her jeans pocket and realized she’d left her phone in the jewelry room so she made a detour there before heading to the kitchen. She was surprised to see Euclid and Circe sitting on the desk in the jewelry room. “Are you two guarding my phone?”

  Jenna picked up her phone from the desk and slipped it in her pocket as she headed for the door. Before she passed over the threshold, a flash of colored lights caught her attention and she turned around to see the sea glass in the jar on the window sill seeming to melt into colored ribbons and begin swirling around and rising up from the jar. The walls of the room flashed and reflected the sparkles of color. It was like being in the middle of a fireworks display. The cats watched the colors flash and Circe playfully batted at the swirls with her paw. Jenna couldn’t help but smile. Slowly the colors returned to the jar and settled.

  As she walked to the doorway, a sudden sensation of warmth flooded every cell in Jenna’s body and she stopped in her tracks. Slowly, she turned around to face her desk.

  In her chair, something glimmered. Jenna blinked and squinted. It was like bright colored particles of dust twirling together to create a form. She took a step forward and narrowed her eyes. The shimmering see-through form was a woman.

  Tears gathered in Jenna’s eyes and she whispered, “Nana.”

  Nana gave her granddaughter a joyful smile. She held Jenna’s eyes for several moments, and then she nodded and winked, and her form slowly dissipated.

  A little breath escaped from Jenna’s throat. She stared at the spot where her Nana had appeared and reached her hand out. For a second, her fingertips tingled and vibrated from the leftover energy in the room. A smile spread over Jenna’s face and she kissed the tips of her fingers.

  Taking one more look at the chair where her grandmother’s form had appeared, she turned and left the room. With a light and happy heart, she headed for the kitchen to join her sisters.

  Chapter 25

  Angie and Jenna walked up Beach Street and turned right onto Main Street. It was opening day at the candy store and Courtney and Mr. Finch had left the house bright and early. The girls saw their sister and Finch standing outside the shop wearing their matching blue aprons staring up at the building. A beautiful new sign of carved wood with the words “Finch and Roseland Confectioners” hung above the door. The sign was painted with bright colors and several kinds of sweets were carved into the wood in a 3-D design.

  “It looks great.” Jenna hugged the two shop owners.

  “The sign is gorgeous.” Angie took a photograph of Courtney and Mr. Finch standing at the front door under the sign.

  The four of them went inside where the freshly-painted walls reflected the soft light from new pewter sconces placed around the room. The glistening glass candy cases displayed truffles, chocolates, Turkish delights, different flavors of fudge, petits fours, divinity, squares of caramel and marshmallow, tiny peanut butter cups, and fruit dipped in chocolate.

  “My mouth is watering.” Jenna bent dow
n to peer into the cases to see all the delicately prepared confections.

  “The shop looks beautiful.” Angie walked around the customer room admiring the space. “Everything looks so elegant and inviting. I could eat everything in these cases.”

  Courtney handed an apron to each of her sisters and Mr. Finch pointed to two silver trays on top of the counters. Each tray held small samples of the items for sale in the shop. Angie and Jenna took the trays and headed to door. Their job for the day was to stand on the sidewalk and offer samples to the tourists and townspeople walking past the candy shop.

  “Be sure not to eat the products.” Courtney eyed her sisters.

  “Maybe just one little taste of something?” Jenna asked.

  “Then I’ll have to deduct what you eat from your pay.”

  Angie shrugged. “Well, that works since we’re volunteering.”

  “That means you will have to pay me for what you eat.” Courtney warned her sisters with a playful smile.

  Angie opened the door with her free hand and Jenna stepped outside. It was a warm, clear day with puffy white clouds floating against the bright blue sky. The town was bustling with people strolling along the cozy streets of Sweet Cove. Jenna and Angie stood on the brick sidewalk under the blue and white window awnings and greeted passers-by with the treats. They had to return to the store’s back room many times to refill their trays. Fifteen minutes after opening, the store was packed with customers and Courtney and Mr. Finch were thankful that they had retained some of the part time workers who had been previously hired by Mr. Finch’s dead brother. They needed the extra hands to help handle all of the customers.

  Bessie, the owner of the Pirate’s Den restaurant across the street, hurried over with a potted plant. She greeted Jenna and Angie and carried the plant inside to give to the candy store’s co-owners to wish them much success. A florist truck pulled to a stop at the curb and a deliveryman walked into the shop with a vase of fresh-cut flowers.

  Jenna eyed the arrangement. “I wonder who sent the flowers.”

  Ellie approached the store, stepping around some of the people on the sidewalk. “How are things going?” She glanced around. “By the look of things, very well, I’d say.” She removed a truffle from Angie’s tray.

  “Don’t let Courtney see you eating the product.” Angie advised her sister.

  “Oh, bah.” Ellie took another treat and popped it in her mouth. “Delicious.” She licked her finger. “Anyway, I’m a paying customer. I came to buy some boxes of candy to give to the B and B guests as welcome gifts.”

  Attorney Ford came down the sidewalk towards the girls, his eyes bright when he saw Ellie outside the candy store. A tall, slender young man with dark brown hair and brown eyes walked in step with Ford. The men stopped to greet the three Roseland sisters.

  Ford said, “This is my new associate. He’s here from England to intern with me for the summer. I’m giving him the walking tour of Sweet Cove.”

  Courtney came out from the shop. She had her hair piled on top of her head and her blue eyes were sparkling. The intern’s jaw nearly dropped when he saw her.

  “What a day. Everything’s going perfectly. We’ve had so many customers. Everyone loves the sweets.” Courtney gave a wide smile to her sisters.

  “Are you the Roseland of Finch and Roseland?” The young man pointed to the sign.

  Courtney nodded and extended her hand. “I’m Courtney Roseland.”

  “I’m Rufus Fudge.” He shook hands with her.

  “Fudge?” Courtney cocked her head and grinned. “What a perfect name for a candy store employee. Do you need a job?”

  Rufus shook his head. “Unfortunately, I have a position.”

  Ford gave Rufus a scowl. “Unfortunately?”

  Rufus stammered. “I only meant that it was unfortunate not to be able to accept Miss Roseland’s offer.” He turned back to Courtney. “I’m gainfully employed for the summer at Attorney Ford’s office.”

  “You’re from England?” Courtney acknowledged Rufus’ accent.

  “Yes, Oxford. I’m studying law.”

  “I had an English friend at college. She said American chocolate tasted like sick.”

  Everyone chuckled.

  Rufus diplomatically said, “It all depends where you grow up and what tastes you become accustomed to.”

  “Would you like to come in and give your opinion on the treats?” Courtney’s eyes twinkled at the handsome Englishman.

  “I certainly would.” Rufus beamed at the blue-eyed, honey blonde before him. He opened the door to the store for Courtney and they went into the candy shop together.

  Angie’s eyebrows went up and she whispered to Jenna. “Did you see the way those two were looking at each other?”

  “Yes, I did. I’m going to use my new powers and make a prediction.”

  “Oh?” Angie waited for Jenna’s prophesy.

  “I think we’re going to be seeing a lot of Rufus Fudge this summer.”

  Angie laughed. “I think you’re right.” She tilted her head and whispered. “Look at those two.”

  Jenna grinned. She and Angie stared at Ellie and Jack Ford who were engaged in an animated conversation, oblivious to the two sisters standing a few feet away. “Oh, how I would love to tease her.”

  “Better not.” Angie chuckled. “We don’t want Ellie to cause a scene out here and ruin the grand opening celebration.”

  Ellie and Ford went into the candy store as Betty Hayes bustled towards the girls. “Did the florist arrive with the flowers I sent?” She puffed trying to catch her breath. “I wanted to get here earlier, but a client held me up. How are things going? How is Victor? Is he pleased with things?”

  “Mr. Finch is very happy,” Angie assured the Realtor.

  Betty chose a caramel treat from Angie’s tray. “Samples? What a good idea.” She chewed and craned her neck to look inside the store window. “Oh, there’s Victor.” She waved to him. “I have a house for him to see. It abuts your Victorian’s back yard property line. Maybe he can get away later in the afternoon.” She rushed into the store.

  “That would be great if Mr. Finch bought the house right behind us.” As soon as she said the words, a slight shiver skittered down Angie’s spine. While she wondered why she felt the quiver of apprehension, some passersby stopped to choose some sweets from her tray. They liked the samples so much that they headed into the store.

  During a lull in the foot traffic, Jenna edged closer to her sister and kept her voice low. “Do you think I’ll see Nana again?” She’d told her sisters that she’d had a vision of Nana in her jewelry room.

  Angie pondered for a few seconds. “Yes. I do.” Her face was serious. “I know we said that we don’t want to sue over the Robin’s Point land, but I’ve been thinking. If Attorney Ford determines that we can sue the town because they illegally took the land from great-grandmother, Forsythia, should we go ahead with it? Do you think it would make Nana happy if we did?”

  Jenna took a deep breath. “I think she’s happy that we know the truth. John Turner is dead. I don’t think a lawsuit against the town is necessary. Not for us and not for Nana.”

  Angie smiled and put her arm through Jenna’s. “I think you’re right. We have everything we need. We’re all happy.”

  The door of the candy store opened and Courtney poked her head out. “Come in you two. We’re ordering sandwiches from the deli for lunch. We’ve spread a couple of blankets on the little grassy spot out back. We’ll leave the door open so we can hear if customers come in. That way we can all have lunch together.”

  As the twin sisters headed inside to join the others, Jenna smiled at Angie. “We do have everything we need. And much more.”

  Thank you for reading!

  BOOKS BY J.A. WHITING can be found here:

  To hear about new books and book sales, please sign up for my mailing list at:

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  The Sweet Dreams Bake Shop (Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery Book 1)

  Murder So Sweet (Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery Book 2)

  Sweet Secrets (Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery Book 3)

  Sweet Deceit (Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery Book 4) Summer 2015

  And more to come!


  The Killings (Olivia Miller Mystery - Prequel)

  Red Julie (Olivia Miller Mystery - Book 1)

  The Stone of Sadness (Olivia Miller Mystery - Book 2)

  Justice (Olivia Miller Mystery - Book 3) Coming Summer 2015

  Summoning the Earth (Olivia Miller Mystery - Book 4) Coming Fall 2015

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  About the Author

  J.A. Whiting lives with her family in New England where she works full time in education. Whiting loves reading and writing mystery, suspense and thriller stories.

  Visit me at:




  *2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped up (can substitute 2 ounces of dark chocolate chips)

  *¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

  *½ cup (1 stick) butter, cut up into smaller chunks

  *¾ cup granulated white sugar

  *⅓ cup water

  *½ cup milk

  *1 egg, plus an extra yolk

  *1 teaspoon vanilla

  *1 cup flour


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