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Bug Out! Texas Book 4: Texas Battle Cry

Page 15

by Robert Boren

  “Oh,” she said. “I get it.”

  “At least Austin is fairly safe now, and we’re moving the last of the vigilante group to Fort Stockton, which will reduce enemy presence here even more.”

  “Where are the enemy fighters now?”

  “Some are still around San Antonio, although they’re just about defeated there. There’s still a big problem in Houston, Dallas, and Waco. The biggest problem is New Mexico.”

  “New Mexico?”

  “Yeah,” Hendrix said. “The state government there has lost control of the southern border completely, and the Feds won’t help them.” He sat silently for a moment, grinding his teeth.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You can’t mention this to anybody. We’re playing a game with the Feds on this right now. I made them think that Nelson is planning on annexing New Mexico.”

  “Oh, that’s what the conversation was about with the Attorney General’s office today?”

  “Yep,” Hendrix said. “No turning back now. If Nelson and the other Texas leadership gets prosecuted by the Feds after this mess is over, I’ll probably go down with them.”

  “Is it likely?”

  Hendrix sat silently for a moment, then sighed. “Probably not. I think the Administration is going to be exposed, and Nelson will turn out looking like a hero.”

  “Is that bad?”

  “Well, depends on how you look at it,” Hendrix said. “I’m in Texas Patriot mode for now, and I’m glad to be in that camp. Later we’ll have a mess.”

  “What kind of mess?” Maria asked.

  “The Progressive Movement will have a setback that will last for years,” Hendrix said. “Regardless of what side you fall on, it’s not good to have no opposition.”

  “Oh,” she said. “Can you do anything about it?”

  “No, not really,” he said. “Protecting Texas is the priority now.”

  “I think I’m ready to go to bed,” Maria said.

  “Tired already?” he asked.

  “No,” she said, getting up and extending her hand. “Dessert, remember?”

  He smiled and got up.

  Chapter 21 – Exodus

  “Wow,” Curt said as he stood next to Amanda and Sydney, looking at the still.

  “This all gonna fit in one truck?” Dirk asked. “We’ve got the pickup, but it’s full of weapons right now.”

  “I think we can get all the important stuff to fit,” Amanda said.

  “Hear that?” Sydney asked. The sound of engines drifted down the road.

  “I hear it,” Dirk said. “Probably our folks leaving.”

  “Let’s go check,” Chance said.

  Curt pulled out his phone and looked for enemy hits. “Don’t see any enemy phones, but still a good idea to check,” Curt said. “We gotta remember that they’re wise to us. I’ll help the ladies in here until you get back.”

  “Why did you look at your phone?” Amanda asked.

  “He figured out how to track them by their phones,” Dirk said. “We got the drop on the enemy more than once that way.” He left with Chance.

  “I’ll back the truck up to the door,” Sydney said. She rushed outside.

  “Alone at last,” Amanda said, smiling at Curt. “C’mon, we got to take these evaporators apart.” She led him to the work bench. They grabbed two cordless drills off the chargers sitting there. Amanda opened a metal cabinet next to the workbench and picked up a caddy full of bits. “Let’s go.”

  “Nice setup,” Curt said, looking around. “Too bad we have to leave here.”

  “We’ll be back,” Amanda said. “Help me with this first one.”

  They got to work. Sydney backed the truck up to the door, then got out, unlatched the roll-up door, and pushed it up. Curt turned and looked.

  “Damn, that’s a big truck. We’ll get all this stuff in there.”

  “I think so,” Amanda said.

  Dirk and Chance came back in. “That was our folks leaving,” Dirk said.

  “All of them?” Curt asked.

  “Don’t know,” Chance said. “Both trailers went by. I doubt if all the bikers are gone yet, but they were in tents, so they had to break camp.”

  “Where we going again?” Sydney asked as she walked in.

  “Fort Stockton,” Curt said. “Not a bad place, actually.”

  “It ain’t home, but it’ll have to do for a while.” Amanda said.

  “Should take about three and a half hours to get there,” Curt said

  They continued working, as quickly as they could. It took just under two hours to get everything dismantled and moved.

  “Ready to go?” Dirk asked.

  “I think so,” Amanda said.

  “You riding with us, Curt?” Chance asked.

  “Naw, I’m going to ride in the Barracuda,” he said.

  “While I’m towing it?” Amanda asked. “Ain’t that illegal?”

  “Yeah,” Curt said. “Don’t care. Anybody who comes up behind us is gonna have a real bad day.”

  Amanda grinned. “Okay, I’m sold. Let’s get her hooked up and blow this joint.”

  “I’m gonna go lock things down at the house. You want anything from there?”

  “Yeah, grab the duffel bag on my bed,” she said.

  Sydney rushed out of the barn. Dirk and Chance left, climbing into the truck. “We’ll get past the switchbacks and wait for you guys,” Dirk said.

  “Roger that,” Curt said.

  Amanda watched them leave, then walked up to Curt, stopping to look up at his face. She got on her tiptoes and put her arms around his neck, pulling herself up and locking her legs around his waist.

  “What are you doing?” Curt asked, heart fluttering.

  She kissed him, hard and long, then pulled back and looked at his face with a shy grin, legs still locked around him.

  “What was that for?” Curt asked.

  “I wanted to know if it would curl my toes,” she said.

  “Amanda!” Sydney said as she came out. “Get off him. We need to go.”

  She slipped back onto the ground. “All right, all right. We’re about ready anyway.”

  “Well?” Curt asked. “Did it work?”

  She turned to look at him. “I’ll let you know later.” Then she looked at Sydney and they both giggled. Curt shook his head.

  Sydney pulled the truck forward. Curt hooked the Barracuda up and got into the seat, turned on the engine, and used the sight to swing the gimbal around, pointing the M-19 towards the rear. Then he shut off the engine and strapped in.

  “Ready?” Amanda asked.

  “I’m good,” Curt said.

  “I’ll lock up the barn,” Sydney said. Curt watched as she did that and scurried towards the cab of the truck. Amanda started the truck and drove out of the driveway.

  Curt’s mind was spinning as he watched the scenery of the woods going by. Is she for real?

  The truck slowed as they made it to the switchbacks, taking them carefully. Curt felt his palms sweat on the steering wheel as they went close to the edge. It took about five minutes to get back onto the flat part of the road. The truck stopped.

  “Hey, Curt, come here a sec,” Amanda called out the cab window.

  He unbuckled and rushed up to the cab. Dirk and Chance were standing next to the pickup. “What’s up?”

  “You want us in front of the bobtail or behind?” Chance asked. “To guard the rear.”

  “Front,” Curt said. “I’ll cover the back door with the M-19.”

  “Okay, just making sure,” Chance said. “We’ll keep within eyesight of you guys.”

  “Good idea,” Curt said. Amanda nodded in agreement and they took off.

  Up in the cab, Amanda and Sydney watched the road ahead of them in silence. Both of them relaxed when they got onto Route 290.

  “We should be fine now, if the Air National Guard is really out there,” Sydney said.

  “Hope so,” Amanda said. “You got the handguns i
n the cab, right?”

  “Yeah, in the glove box,” she said. “Loaded, so be careful if you have to grab one. I hope we’re doing the right thing.”

  “I don’t see any choice,” Amanda said. “Besides, I saw you and Don looking at each other. You’ve got him interested. Real interested.”

  “He’s got those two girls,” Sydney said. “Might make romance a little difficult.”

  “But you like him, don’t you?”

  Sydney looked at her, shaking her head as she let out a sigh. “I don’t even know him yet.”

  “You like what you see,” Amanda said. “I can tell.”

  “Okay, I’ll admit that,” Sydney said. “You believe Ramsey and Nelson? About our business?”

  “Yeah,” Amanda said. “At least as long as they need us.”

  “What was that between you and Curt when I walked in? Did he start it or did you?”

  Amanda chuckled. “I did. Wanted to see what he kissed like.”


  Amanda laughed. “Why should I tell you about that?”

  “I didn’t hold back about Don,” she said. “Just want to know what to expect, that’s all.”

  “Fair enough, sister,” Amanda said. “If that kiss would’ve lasted much longer, I would have been pulling his clothes off.”

  “You’re so bad,” Sydney said. “He likes your body, that’s for sure. Saw him checking you out a few times. Especially your butt.”

  “Good,” she said. “I saw Don checking you out too.”

  “No you didn’t,” she said.

  “Oh yes I did,” Amanda said, “but then you always were the pretty one. Most guys check you out.”

  “Like they don’t check you out,” Sydney said. “Please.”

  They rode silently for a while, each in their own heads.

  “Why isn’t there any traffic on 290?” Amanda asked. “This is light even with all the crap going on.” Sydney was ignoring her, looking out her side window.

  “Hey, I’m talking to you,” Amanda said. Sydney opened the glove box and pulled out her .45 auto. “Oh shit, you see something?”

  “Yeah,” Sydney said. “Two trucks, sitting there watching the road from 441.”

  “Dammit,” Amanda said. “What’re they doing?”

  “Looks like they’re getting on behind us,” Sydney said. “Look, Chance saw them too. He just pulled a rifle out from behind the seat in the truck.”

  “What should I do?” Amanda asked.

  “Keep driving,” Sydney said. “Don’t stop for anything.”

  “Hand me the other piece,” Amanda said.

  “I’ll put it on the seat next to you,” Sydney said as she pulled it out of the glove box.

  Suddenly there was an explosion behind them, then other.

  “Whoa!” Amanda said. “Truck on fire behind us, heading for the ditch.”

  “Where’s the other truck?” Sydney asked, eyes wide.

  “Still coming.”

  “Dirk’s turning around,” Sydney said.

  There was another explosion in back.

  “Holy crap, that second truck just lifted off the ground about five feet!” Amanda said, looking at Sydney with glee.

  “Should we stop for a sec? Make sure Curt’s okay?” Sydney asked.

  “Yeah,” she said, slowing the truck. She pulled over to the side and they got out. Dirk rolled up alongside them.

  “Don’t see any others back there,” he said.

  Amanda ran to the back of the truck. “You okay?” she asked.

  Curt grinned at her. “I’m a lot better than those Islamist slugs are.”

  Amanda chuckled. “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”

  “Amanda, let’s go before somebody else shows up,” Sydney yelled. “You can make time with him later.”

  Amanda looked Curt in the eye. “Yeah, I suppose I can.” She winked at him and went back to the cab. They were rolling down the road again in a few seconds.

  Chapter 22 – Almost

  “You ready to get dressed now?” Madison asked, laying on her side, propped up by her elbow as Juan Carlos looked at her.

  “Yeah, I guess we got most of it out of our system,” he said. “For at least a little while.”

  “You’re going to wear me out,” Madison said, face still flushed. “I think I was almost as loud as Hannah during that last one.”

  “Yeah, I loved it,” he said. “I’d better not think about that, or we’ll never get out of here.”

  Madison giggled and got out of bed. “You like our place?”

  “As long as you’re in it, yes,” he said, getting up.

  Madison put on her bra and panties. “You think they’re really going to go through with it?”


  “Richardson and Lita, silly,” she said. “You think they’re really getting married this afternoon?”

  Juan Carlos sat on the bench against the wall and tied his shoes, then looked up at her. “I know he’s really into Lita. Can’t say that I blame him. She’s really nice.”

  “She is,” Madison said. “We might need to go with them and be witnesses.”

  “Sure that’s a good idea?” Juan Carlos asked.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “We will be in front of a preacher. You might get ideas and twist my arm.”

  Madison looked at him and laughed, face turning red. “Oh, please.”

  “Well, you do love me,” Juan Carlos. “You admitted it.”

  “So did you,” Madison said. “Two can play this game. How do you know I’d be the one twisting an arm? You men are so sentimental. Gets sickening sometimes.”

  He looked at her as she checked out her outfit in the mirror with her back towards him. When she turned, she froze.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “You’re looking at me like that again.”

  “Like what?” he asked.

  “Shit,” she said. “You would, wouldn’t you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Forget it,” she said. “We need to get to know each other at least a little bit. All we’ve done so far is try to stay alive, and pleasure each other.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “Ready to go?”

  “Okay,” she said. “Can I have a hug first?”

  He pulled her to himself silently and held her tight, feeling her tremble against him. Then he pulled back from her and studied her face.

  “Quit looking at me like that,” she said softly.

  “No. We already know we’re in love. Just go with it.” He kissed her hard.

  “Oh, God,” she said when they broke it. “I feel out of control.”

  “But happy,” he said. “I can see it on your face.”

  “Yes,” she said softly, then smiled at him. “Don’t get any ideas over there. I mean it. I might not be strong enough to resist.”

  “We’ll see,” Juan Carlos said. He chuckled as she punched him in the arm.

  They went out the door, walking towards the unit they all started at. Lita and Richardson were leaning against the SUV waiting for them.

  “Are we late?” Madison asked.

  “No, we’re just anxious,” Lita said. “Seen Hannah and Brendan?”

  “We’re coming,” Hannah called out. They all turned to see them walking over hand in hand.

  “Well, would you look at that,” Madison said. “Have a good time? You two have that look.”

  “What look?” Hannah asked.

  “Stop!” Lita said. “Don’t say it.”

  “Let’s go,” Richardson said. “You guys can be witnesses.”

  They all climbed into the SUV, and Richardson drove towards the gate.

  “Well,” Lita said, “did you find yourselves nice units?”

  “Yeah,” Hannah said.

  “Same here,” Madison said. “You ended up in the one we started at, didn’t you?”

eah,” Lita said. “I liked the colors.”

  “Good,” Madison said. “We’re two rows over. Space 166.”

  “We’re all the way in the back,” Hannah said. “Space 395.”

  “We know why,” Madison said.

  “Shut up,” Hannah said.

  Madison laughed.

  “Now, now, let’s be nice, ladies,” Richardson said.

  Lita looked at him and snickered. “Take a right at the next light.”

  “Got it,” Richardson said.


  “No, happy,” Richardson said. “You?”

  “Can’t believe it’s finally happening,” she said. “Took me a long time to trap you.”

  Richardson laughed. “Yeah, like that’s what happened.” His phone rang. He pulled it out. “Dammit, it’s Captain Jefferson.”

  “No,” Lita said.

  “I’m gonna pull over and take it.” He answered the call as he parked on the side of the road.

  “What’s up, Captain?”

  “We need you at the base right away,” Jefferson said. “Sorry. Large group of boats were spotted going past the opening to Baffin Bay. Looks like they’re on the way to Corpus Christi. We need to nail them before they get there. How quickly can you report in?”

  “Ten minutes or so,” he said. “I’ll have to drop the girls off at the trailer park on the way.”

  “See you soon,” Jefferson said.

  Richardson ended the call.

  “He needs you at the base?” Lita asked.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. Corpus Christi is about to come under attack. We need to go help.”

  “Oh no,” Hannah said.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be okay,” Brendan said.

  “Easy for you guys to say,” Madison said, her eyes glistening with tears.

  Richardson turned the SUV around and drove back to the Trailer Park.

  “Just drop us off at the gate,” Lita said. “You girls got the keys to your trailers?”

  “Yeah,” Hannah said. Madison nodded.

  “We’ll be back in no time,” Juan Carlos said, touching Madison’s face.

  “You’d better be,” she said, moving closer to him. “I love you so.”

  “I know, I love you too,” Juan Carlos said.

  Richardson pulled to the side of the front gate, and everybody got out.

  “You’d better come back,” Hannah said.


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