Frat House Confessions--Ridge

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Frat House Confessions--Ridge Page 6

by Bethany Lopez

  I shook my head.

  “I’m the bankroll in this relationship, remember?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll let you foot the bill for the clothes, but I’m paying for dinner. I need to feel like I’m contributing something to this relationship. I was raised to pay my own way.”

  I could tell by her expression that she was serious, and pride was an emotion I could understand, so I nodded in agreement, then lifted my chin toward her dressing room.

  “Fine, now go finish trying this stuff on before my stomach eats itself.”

  Karrie rolled her eyes again and muttered, “So dramatic.”

  And, when I went back to my uncomfortable chair, I couldn’t help but shake my head and grin.



  I ignored the rush of pleasure I got from watching Ridge consume his Philly with gusto.

  Something about watching a man enjoy a meal … no, I hadn’t made it, but it was my idea to come here, and I’d pushed him into trying something different. The fact that he was enjoying it did something funny to my insides.

  I was afraid I was starting to like Ridge too much.

  Sure, he was a pig, rich and pretty conceited, and he didn’t live in the same world I did, but there was something about him. He was funny, charming, and handsome as hell. And, although he could be an asshole, he wasn’t a dick, and had so far treated me with respect.

  Plus, there was a chemistry between us that I’d never felt with anyone before. It was almost like we’d known each other all of our lives, instead of a couple weeks. With Ridge things were easy.

  He was straightforward and honest. I liked that I never had to wonder what he was thinking.

  “Mmm,” Ridge grunted as he finished off his sandwich.

  “Good?” I asked with a laugh, since he’d obviously enjoyed it.

  “So good … Who knew the food court had such delicious offerings?” he asked incredulously, which made me start laughing harder. “What’s so funny?”

  I tried to stem my laughter and not choke on the fry I’d been chewing.

  When I could talk, and no longer had food in my mouth, I replied, “I’ve never seen someone get so excited about the food court before.”

  “Yeah, well I’ve never seen anyone so excited about a pair of shoes before,” Ridge replied dryly.

  I flushed.

  Ridge had bought me a pair of Sonia Rykiel wedge sandals to go with my Thanksgiving dress. They were gorgeous and crazy expensive. A purchase I had never and would never make for myself, but I think I’d had a mini orgasm when I’d tried them on.

  Ridge had whipped out his AMEX and bought them immediately.

  “Touché,” I replied, still feeling guilty over how much money he’d spent on me.

  “Hey,” Ridge called, leaning over the table toward me as he reached for my hand. “Don’t. We already talked about this. You’re doing me a solid, so I’m footing the bill. This was all already discussed and decided.”

  “Yeah, but, you’re helping me out too … with Drake.”

  He released my hand and sat back in the plastic chair, letting out a frustrated sigh.

  “Are you in this like you agreed, or are you backing out?”

  “I’m in it.”

  “Great, then how about we agree not to hash this shit out every time I buy you something. The amount of money I spent today was nothing to me, a drop in the bucket. And, while I get not everyone has unlimited funds, and it may make you uncomfortable sometimes, or be a pride issue, it’s what we already agreed on. So, don’t sweat it. This deal is mutually beneficial. We’re in it together, so let’s not sweat every little detail, okay?”

  I took a deep breath and nodded, because although spending that amount of money was panic-inducing for me, it obviously wasn’t to him. I could get over the money, the fancy car, the rich boy attitude, but the mere mention of either of us backing out made my palms sweat and my heart race.

  I was already getting used to Ridge, and it seemed I didn’t want to lose him. Which, given the nature of our deal, was a bit worrisome.

  “Cool. It’s settled. Now, what’s your schedule look like for the rest of the week? We’re having a party at Delta Friday night. It’ll be the perfect time to come out as an official couple and validate the rumors that Drake and Caitlyn will have spread.”

  “Um, I have a scrimmage on Friday evening, but could come after.”


  “Yeah, for softball. It’s off season, but we still get together a few times a week to work out and work on fundamentals. This is our first scrimmage of the year.”

  “You play softball? I didn’t know…”

  I ducked my head and said, “Yup, I’m on a scholarship. I’ve played my whole life. My dad had a glove on my hand as soon as I could throw a ball.”

  “That’s nice,” Ridge said, his tone almost sad. “My father was never the toss a ball in the backyard kind of dad.”

  “That sucks,” I murmured, feeling bad that Ridge had missed out on the stuff I’d always taken for granted. “Gosh, I really miss them.”

  “Who? Your parents?”

  I nodded.

  “My mom makes the best ribeyes and Judd always makes a big breakfast on Sundays. I even miss Carter’s moodiness.”

  There was a pang in my heart as I thought about how much of Carter’s life I’d already missed. How much my family had all changed and grown over the years, just as I had. It was depressing to think we were growing apart.

  “That’s not something I can even understand,” Ridge said, absently reaching for one of my fries and popping it in his mouth.

  “Missing your parents?”

  He nodded.

  “I couldn’t get out of there fast enough, and I don’t go home unless I absolutely have to. Once Brody is here next year, there’ll be even less reason for me to.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, my heart hurting for him. I couldn’t imagine not being close to my family. They were the most important thing in my life.

  Ridge shrugged.

  “Don’t be. Things are better now than they were when I was younger. I no longer have to rely on them for anything, and we’re all happier for it.”

  I was about to ask more about their relationship when he changed the subject.

  “So, Friday … I’ll come to your scrimmage and we can go to the party together.”

  “You can pick me up after the scrimmage, but I don’t want you to come.”

  “Why not? It’s our official coming out day, so we may as well let your team in on it as well.”

  I shook my head.

  “I don’t like being the center of attention, or having people I know come to my practices or scrimmages. It throws me off my game.”

  Ridge narrowed his eyes and asked, “Then how do you play in games, if you don’t like being watched?”

  “Playing a game is different. I’m in the zone and focused on one thing only … winning. But, in a practice or a scrimmage, we’re working on fundamentals, training, and perfecting our ability to work together as a team.”

  “Do you not let anyone go, or is this just about me? Cause, I promise, I’m not going to be judging you or anything…”

  “No, it’s not just you, it’s anyone. Drake plays baseball, and I wouldn’t let him come watch me either … It’s always been a thing with me. Judd was the coach, so he had to be there, but I wouldn’t even let my mom watch me at practice, only during games. It’s like, my superstition, I guess.”

  I noticed Ridge’s mouth had thinned when I mentioned Drake, which was the second time today he’d had that reaction, but I didn’t call him on it. If he was jealous of Drake and me, it was better I didn’t know about it, especially after my gut reaction to hearing Caitlyn flirt with him.

  Bringing those feelings to light would be treading in dangerous territory.

  “Okay, if that’s your deal, so be it. Can I pick you up at the field, or do you want me to swing by your apartment after

  “Come by the field and I’ll introduce you to the team,” I said, giving him an encouraging smile and hoping my weird softball superstition wasn’t a turn off. I didn’t want him to think I didn’t want him in that part of my life, or that I was embarrassed about him and our relationship.

  I mean, our fake relationship.

  The tension eased out of him and he grinned back.

  “What time?”

  “Seven o’clock?”

  “I’ll be there.”



  The week went by quickly.

  All of my professors decided to pile on the homework, we had a board meeting for the frat, and I had some Sergeant at Arms shit to take care of. Basically, keep order during the meeting and make sure everyone was following the rules.

  One of our pledges had gotten caught stealing from one of the rooms, so I’d given him a shakedown, with a threat to involve the cops, and when he’d fessed up and returned the goods, I’d shown him the door and told him never to return.

  Never a dull moment in the Delta house.

  Because we’d both been so busy, I’d shared a few texts with Karrie, but that was all, so I was looking forward to spending some time with her at the party.

  The strumming in my veins as I walked across the field felt a lot like anticipation, but I didn’t question it. Karrie and I were friends, right? Partners. So, it was a good thing that I enjoyed spending time with her.

  It didn’t mean anything other than that…

  At least, that’s the shit I tried to feed myself as I caught sight of her standing with some girls from her team and had to force myself to continue to walk slowly, rather than jog toward her like an asshole.

  One of the girls looked up as I approached and said something to the group, which had them all turning my way.

  When Karrie’s gaze landed on me, her face lit up, and I swear she looked just like I felt.

  She broke away, and when she started jogging toward me, my heart jumped and my face split with a grin. I could tell she was going to launch herself at me, so I stopped and braced, then opened my arms to catch her.

  Karrie jumped into them and fused her lips to mine.

  Just as I was about to deepen the kiss, my fingers flexing on her ass, she pulled back and smiled down at me.

  “Are they watching?” she whispered.

  I looked over her shoulder and nodded.

  “Good. They didn’t believe me when I said I was dating you, so I had to make it convincing.”

  Disappointment crashed through me as I lowered her to the ground.

  Of course her greeting had all been for show … Stupid of me to forget my own game.

  “Why wouldn’t they believe you?” I asked, schooling my features so as not to give away too much.

  She wrinkled her nose and said, “They don’t think you’re my type, and they definitely don’t think I’m yours.”

  I took a moment to look her over and thought the baseball cap she was wearing made her look ridiculously adorable. And, I wasn’t mad about the tight pants either.

  “That should shut them up then,” I replied, taking her hand in mine and walking her toward the girls, who were all watching us like hawks. “And, if they still have doubts, we’ll dispel them now.”

  Karrie nodded and called, “Hey, guys, this is Ridge, for those of you who don’t know him.”

  Multiple hot glances were sent my way, along with a few judgy looks, and one outright scowl.

  I figured the latter two were the girls on the team who were actually Karrie’s friends, the former obviously were more interested in their own social standing and getting an itch scratched than in having her best interest at heart.

  I ignored the thirsty girls and smiled at the rest.

  “Ladies,” I said, my voice deep.

  There were a few titters and fluttering eyelashes as Karrie placed her hand on my abs and smiled up at me.

  “Ridge, this is my team…” she said, naming off a bunch of names I didn’t bother to remember.

  “It was nice to meet you,” I said graciously, then decided to embolden them even more by offering, “And, if you’re free tonight, we’re having a party at Delta. It’s always the hottest spot on Friday night. Just tell the guy at the door that I invited you.”

  Karrie’s fingers flexed on my abs and I knew she was pleased with the invite.

  We said our goodbyes and, after Karrie grabbed her gear, we started to the parking lot.

  “Do we need to load up your bike?” I asked as our feet hit asphalt.

  She shook her head.

  “I walked. It’s not that far, and it’s a good way to warm up my legs before I get here and the real workout begins.”

  I opened the car door for her, before rounding my baby and getting in the driver’s side.

  She was right, the fields weren’t far from her apartment; still, I felt a strange niggle of worry at the thought of her walking to and from the fields alone, especially now that it was starting to get dark earlier.

  “I can drive you home whenever you have practice, if you want,” I said. When I noticed her head swing toward me, I added, “You know, to keep up appearances and cement our relationship for your team.”

  Karrie let out a little laugh.

  “You know, some of the girls went absolutely nutso when I mentioned your name earlier. I guess since I didn’t know who you were when we met, I didn’t realize what a hot commodity you are on campus. I mean, damn, Ridge, Tish and Julie were practically green with envy.”

  “This is what I’ve been trying to tell you this whole time,” I said, going for my usual cockiness, even though I wasn’t quite feeling it. “I’m kind of a big deal.”



  “You dating Ridge is seriously the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Mina said happily as she danced in the center of the crowd at Delta house.

  A bubble of laughter left my throat.

  “That’s happened to you?”

  She nodded emphatically.

  “Free booze, hot guys, and unfettered access to Delta parties? This is every co-ed’s wet dream,” she said loudly over the music.

  I smiled, indicating I’d heard her, but kept dancing rather than shouting back. This wasn’t the best place to have a conversation, and since we’d only been dancing for two songs, I wasn’t ready to stop.

  I’d had a Captain and Coke when we’d arrived, just to take the edge off of my fear. But, I needn’t have been afraid. It wasn’t like Ridge had made a big announcement, or even introduced me around like I had with him to the team.

  We’d walked in together, he’d kissed me a couple times, and when any guys had tried to come up and talk to me, he’d glared at them.

  And, that, my friends, was Ridge’s way of telling everyone that we’re together. Kind of the frat boy equivalent of peeing around me and marking his territory.

  I didn’t mind, especially since Mina was with me. It wasn’t like I wanted to have conversations with these guys and have to lie to their faces. It was easier to let them make assumptions based off of Ridge’s actions.

  I’d also seen the benefit, when Drake had taken one look at Ridge’s arm around my shoulder and his face pinched so hard he looked constipated.

  I moved with the music, feeling confident and sexy in the new tube dress Ridge bought for me the other day. Mina’d been so excited when I’d actually done my hair and makeup and put on a dress for this party.

  She thought Ridge had helped me finally get out of the funk I’d been in since Drake, and I guess he had. Because, even though it all started out as a hoax, I was really starting to like Ridge.

  Heck, when I’d seen him at the fields earlier, my stupid heart had been so happy it flipped in my chest.

  As I danced, I surveyed the room, my gaze flitting over hundreds of scantily clad, sweaty bodies and more Polo shirts than should be allowed in one space, until it landed on Ridge. He was sitt
ing on a sofa, which had been pushed up against the wall, laughing with Wes and some guy I’d never met.

  Feeling my eyes on him, Ridge’s head lifted, and when he found me looking he lifted his chin in acknowledgement and gave me a cocky grin.

  This time, other parts of my body took notice, as I studied his ridiculously handsome face and enjoyed the way his biceps seemed to be fighting against the constraint of his gray V-neck. I found myself wondering what the bit of stubble on his face would feel like against my skin.

  Whoa, where’d that come from?

  I blinked and quickly turned my attention back to Mina, who’d stopped dancing and was fanning herself.

  “Air,” she yelled.

  I nodded and was about to go with her outside, when a cute guy with dark skin and a close-shaved beard walked straight up to her and said something in her ear. When she looked him up and down and gave him a coy smile, then looked at me and winked, I figured she’d rather I didn’t.

  As they walked away, Mina looked over her shoulder at me and mouthed, Wow.

  I gave her a thumb’s up, before turning and seeing that Ridge was still on the couch. Wanting to play my part in our little charade, I sauntered over to him and eased myself onto his lap.

  Ridge didn’t even blink, he simply put his arm around me and pulled me back so I was fit snug against him.

  “Hey, Karrie,” Wes said in greeting.

  “Hey,” I replied as I tried to tug the bottom of my dress down so I wouldn’t inadvertently flash Ridge’s brother. “How’s rush going so far?”

  “Good, but, I gotta say, between rush, swim practice, and classes, I’m spread pretty thin. I wouldn’t even be at this party if it wasn’t mandatory for pledges to attend,” he said, looking around the room. “In fact, I’ve probably been sitting too long. I don’t want the other guys to think I’m getting special treatment because my brother’s the Sergeant at Arms.”


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