Frat House Confessions--Ridge

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Frat House Confessions--Ridge Page 7

by Bethany Lopez

  Wes stood up and said, “Good to see you again.”

  “Same,” I replied with a smile, shifting to move off of Ridge’s lap and take the spot he’d vacated, when Ridge’s arm tightened, holding me in place.

  I looked at him curiously.

  “Stay,” he said softly, the rough timber of his voice causing goosebumps to break out across my arms.

  His hand moved lower until his fingertips were grazing the skin on my thigh just below the hem of my dress, caressing me softly, slowly.

  My breath caught in my throat as I watched the blue in his eyes darken.

  I shifted slightly, suddenly hyperaware of every place our bodies were in contact. His chest, my back, our thighs, my ass and his…


  It took a moment, but eventually I realized the sound of my name being called was coming from behind me, so I pulled my eyes from the tractor beam of Ridge’s gaze to see Drake standing there.

  His sudden presence was like a bucket of ice water had been thrown on my head.

  “What?” I asked, looking around, expecting his new girlfriend to be latched on to his arm like always, but, surprisingly, he was alone.

  “Can I talk to you?”


  Drake looked from me to Ridge and scowled.

  “Come on, Karrie, just for a minute.”

  “Fine,” I said, pushing up off of Ridge and standing in front of Drake. “Talk.”

  “Come outside. It’s too loud in here.”

  I looked down at Ridge, whose hard expression was focused on my ex, and said, “I’ll be right back.”

  “Here if you need me,” he replied, and I liked his response so much, I leaned down to give him a quick kiss on the lips in thanks. Because that’s what I’d do if he actually was my boyfriend.

  When I straightened back up I looked at Drake and said, “After you,” holding my hand out toward the back door.

  I followed him outside, made a mental note that Mina was currently sitting on the porch swing making out with the hot guy she’d left the dance floor with, and crossed my arms as I turned my attention back to Drake.

  “Talk,” I said again, really not wanting to hear anything he had to say. In fact, I found myself mentally cursing him for interrupting whatever it was that had been happening back there between me and Ridge.

  “What are you doing with that asshole?” he shot out, causing me to turn on my heel and start marching back inside.

  Drake put his hand on my arm to stop me, and although I did, I glanced down at it before looking pointedly back at him.

  He dropped his hand.

  “I’m serious, Karebear, he’s no good for you.”

  “First of all, never call me that again, you lost that right when you dumped me. Second, it’s none of your goddamn business who I choose to spend my time with. You moved on way before I did, so I really don’t understand why it matters to you anyway.”

  “Because he’s a total dick,” Drake yelled in frustration.

  “Yeah, well, so are you,” I returned. “Now, I’m going back in there to be with my boyfriend, and I’d appreciate it if you left us alone. Forever.”

  “Boyfriend? Karrie,” he called, but I’d already turned to find Mina and her guy standing behind me.

  Mina moved so I could pass and go inside, and as I walked away I heard her say, “You heard her, Drake. Get lost and stay gone.”



  I clenched my fist, eyes on the door Karrie walked out with Drake.

  I hated that she was out there with him, but knew things were falling into place. The plan was to get Drake jealous, and it was obviously working. Dude’s eyes had nearly bugged out of his head when he got a load of Karrie in that dress.

  I’d wanted to break his nose.

  I downed my beer and vaguely listened to Javi, our recruitment chair, talk about the threesome he’d had the night before.

  Dude was connoisseur of women.

  The tension in my shoulders eased as Karrie came storming back into the room, Mina and Trap, one of my brothers, trailing behind her. I kept my eyes on the door, but Drake didn’t follow.

  Thank fuck.

  I stood as she approached, because although feeling her supple ass on my cock had been amazing, I knew it wasn’t in the best interest of our pact to play with fire like that. Before Drake had come up, I’d been seconds away from pushing the boundaries of our relationship.

  “How’d that go?” I asked her when she stopped in front of me.

  “Fine. He wanted to warn me off you. I basically told him to go fuck himself,” she seethed.

  With her cheeks flushed, chest heaving, and eyes blazing, she looked hot as fuck. Add all that to the fact she was wearing a dress made to make a man beg for mercy, and Karrie was one dangerous package.

  “That’s rich, coming from him,” I managed, lifting my chin at Trap in greeting.

  Not wanting the others to hear, while still playing the game, I leaned in close and brushed my lips against her neck and whispered, “We have him right where we want him.”

  Karrie clutched my shoulders in a way that let me know she was just as affected by me as I was by her.

  “You think so?” she breathed.

  I nodded and sucked her skin lightly, before pulling back.

  “One hundred percent.”

  I wanted to say more, to assure her that Drake would be begging her to come back before the holidays, but Mina and Trap were still next to us, and I didn’t want her best friend to become suspicious of our relationship.

  Plus, the thought of Drake making a move on Karrie filled me with a rage that was confusing, and I found myself hating the fact that she was so focused on getting her revenge. I’d be happier if she left Drake firmly in the rearview, where he belonged.

  “What’s up, bros and hoes?”

  Knowing it was Crush before turning, I already wore a scowl before replying, “Crush, don’t call women hoes.”

  “Sorry, Rigid,” he replied with a smirk.

  What a fuckin’ ass.

  “Whoa, who’s this hottie?” Crush continued, his eyes all over Karrie in a way that made me long to kick him in the balls.

  “Karrie,” my date replied drolly. “We met last week at the rush event.”

  “No shit?” he asked giving her another onceover. “Damn, Ridge, you are obviously winning. Her makeover is next level.”

  “We aren’t in the competition, I already told you that. Karrie and I were only participating to help Delta. And, I’d appreciate it if you’d stop fuckin’ ogling my girlfriend, man,” I told him, my tone ensuring him I was not bullshitting.

  Crush’s eyes widened as he swung to face me.


  I expected my brothers to be surprised. Most of us enjoyed the life being a single Delta provided, and I’d been no different over the last three years.

  “That’s right,” I said, putting an arm around Karrie’s waist and pulling her in tight.

  His slow blink was comical, but when he looked back at Karrie he muttered, “I can see that,” then he shook his head as if to clear it, before tilting back his neck and shouting, “Deltas … drink!”

  It was kind of our party battle cry, so all the Deltas responded by answering, “Drink,” and chugging whatever they were drinking.

  Once Crush finished his beer, he glanced at me once more and said, “Congrats,” before wandering off to bother someone else.

  “Ugh, that guy,” Karrie muttered, her voice laced with disgust.

  “Yeah, ugh,” Mina agreed, before looking at me and saying, “That was hot though. The way you jumped to our defense and claimed Karrie. He’s a keeper,” she told Karrie, who looked up at me thoughtfully.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right,” she murmured, her eyes softening and lips turning up slowly.


  I’d thought it was bad when she was sitting on my lap. But, her looking at me the way she was right
then, made me want to throw her over my shoulder, take her to my room, and spend the rest of the night inside of her.

  The need for space felt suddenly suffocating.

  I looked at my phone, pretended to see something important, and swore under my breath.

  “You know what?” I began, shaking my head and frowning. “I totally forgot I have a paper due Monday and I haven’t even started it yet. I think I’m gonna call it early so I can get to it first thing tomorrow.”

  I saw the surprise on Karrie’s face before it was replaced with understanding.

  “Oh, okay, I’m actually tired myself. I’m not used to going out as much as I have since I met you,” she explained with a small smile. “Plus, scrimmages always take it out of me. I’ll just head home and we can both get some rest.”

  God, I am such a dick.

  “I’ll give you a ride home,” I offered, hoping to soften my abrupt decision.

  “Actually, Trap and I were about to head to the apartment. Karrie can ride with us, right, Trap?” Mina asked.


  “Great, so it’s settled. Focus on your paper and we’ll talk Monday, okay?” Karrie asked sweetly.

  She was being so understanding I felt even more like a douche.

  “Yeah, and if I get done earlier, I’ll call you,” I lied.

  There was no paper, and I really needed the weekend to put some distance between us before I did something I’d regret. We only had one more week until the Homecoming party, and another couple until Thanksgiving.

  Keeping things platonic was the best course of action.

  “Sounds good,” Karrie said, then got closer to me and tilted her head back slightly.

  Knowing what she wanted, and cognizant of the audience present, I complied and lowered my face to meet hers.

  The kiss was brief, but soft and achingly sweet.

  When she stepped back, she said, “Get some rest and focus.”

  “Goodnight, killer,” I replied softly.

  She gave me a little wave and followed her friend through the crowd.

  Not wanting to be any more of a liar than I already was, and no longer feeling the atmosphere, I strode through the crush of people and up the stairs to my room. Once there, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey out of my cabinet and sat on the bed.

  I was going to get wasted and come up with a plan to keep my pact with Karrie without doing something stupid.

  Like falling for her.



  “I’m so glad we’re doing this,” I told Mina as I carried my slice of meatlovers pizza and glass of our cheap box of cabernet wine to the couch.

  “Me, too. It’s nice to take a Saturday night off once in a while.”

  She was speaking for herself, of course. Although I’d spent plenty weekends at home since the humiliating dump, Mina was a veritable party animal. When I’d suggested we stay home and have a girl’s night, I figured she’d already have plans, but she’d happily agreed.

  “Yes, especially with such great company,” I replied with a smile.

  I felt my face mask crack at the movement and glanced at my roommate’s matching charcoal mask.

  “I think these are ready to come off,” I told her.

  “Yeah, let’s wash them off before we start the show back up.”

  We were currently on our third series binge of Sex and the City. It was our favorite go-to show.

  We washed our faces until they were shiny and clean, rearranged our messy buns, and went back to the living room to resume eating, drinking, and crushing on Mr. Big.

  I was two glasses of wine in when it occurred to me that I should probably text Ridge and check up on him. He’d acted a little strange at the party; at least, as far as I knew, it was strange. In truth I’d only known him a few weeks, so he could always be moody and I just hadn’t learned it about him yet.

  Whatever the case, I was taking him at his word and believing that he was busy with homework this weekend, and that’s why he hadn’t asked me to sleep over again, and hadn’t called or texted me since we’d left Delta house.

  We’d had a pretty hot moment before Drake had interrupted us, so it was possible he was putting on the brakes a little because of it.

  Maybe he was as ill-prepared for our chemistry as I was…

  Or, maybe those feelings were all on my end, he thought of me as an annoying little sister, and he was home writing his paper, while I was in my apartment having inappropriate thoughts of how it would feel to have his hands all over my body.

  Making progress?

  I figured a text that was simple and to the point, while still letting him know that I was his partner, was the way to go.

  Because what I really wanted to text was, Could your cock possibly be as big as it felt on my ass?

  Luckily, I wasn’t that drunk … yet.

  “Hey … no phones,” Mina complained when she caught me looking down instead of at the TV.

  “Sorry, I was just checking on Ridge.”

  “Have you talked to him today?” she asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Okay, fine, then you can text, but only to make sure he hasn’t been so wrapped up in work that he’s forgotten to eat or shower.”

  Yeah, it’s going good here. You good?

  Yup. Chilling at home with Mina.

  Cool. Anymore chatter from your useless ex?

  Nope, all quiet.

  Good. Lunch tomorrow?

  Sounds good. Just text me where and when.

  Will do.



  “So?” Mina asked when I put down the phone.

  “He’s good. We’re meeting for lunch tomorrow,” I replied, relieved and feeling silly for worrying so much when things were obviously fine.

  “Nice. Maybe lunch and a nooner,” she said, making me laugh when she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

  “What? No … we aren’t having sex,” I told her, tucking my legs underneath me.

  “You mean, like, you’re not having sex tomorrow, or at all?”

  “I mean we haven’t had sex yet.”

  “Really?” Mina asked, her expression clearly asking, why not?

  “Yes, really. Ridge is the first guy I’ve dated since Drake. I want to take things slow and make sure it’s right before I jump into bed with him. I don’t want to get hurt again,” I told her, which was a true statement, even if the likelihood of Ridge and I ever having sex was basically zero.

  “Slow is for suckers and high school kids. That man is deliciously tall, cut, and those eyes could make a woman spontaneously combust. Honestly, I don’t know how you’ve been able to control yourself. I would’ve ridden him like a Harley … full throttle.”

  “You have issues,” I told her, unable to control my laughter when she stood up and pretended she was riding a vibrating motorcycle around the living room.

  “You love it,” she shot back.

  “I really do. The day I met you was the luckiest day of my life.”

  “Hey,” Mina said, putting down the kickstand on the bike so she could join me on the couch and pull me in for a hug. “I love you, Karebear.”

  “Love you, too, Ermina.”



  “Hey, brother, how’s things?” I asked Brody.

  I’d been in my room, lying back on my bed and pondering my life choices, specifically my relationship with Karrie and what I was going to do about it, when I’d remembered what Wes had told me.

  I still hadn’t reached out to our little brother. So, I’d picked up my cell and called him.

  “Can’t complain,” Brody replied, sounding tired.

  “Did I wake you?”

  He yawned. “Mmhmm, I was out late last night.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard complaints about your active social life,” I told him, annoyed on his behalf.

  “From who, Mom?”

  “Hell no, you know I only talk to her by forc
e … It was passed along by her favorite child.”

  Brody snorted.

  “I don’t know how he still buys her shit.”

  “Me neither, man. I guess he feels sorry for her,” I replied. “You know Wes is the bleeding heart of the group.”

  “This is true.”

  “So, seriously, how’s everything going? School good? Your grades holding up? You know you can’t slack off senior year, no matter how tempting it may be.” I know I sounded like his dad, rather than his brother, but I also knew our parents weren’t staying on top of his education.

  “I know … don’t worry. I want to get the hell out of here, so there’s no way I’d mess up my chance to join you guys at U of M.”

  “Good,” I said, and when I heard a knock on my door, I moved the phone away from my mouth and yelled, “Come in!”

  The door opened and Wes peeked around the corner.

  “Speak of the devil,” I muttered, waving my other brother inside.

  Wes shut the door behind him and mouthed, “Brody?”

  I nodded.

  “Is it Wes?” Brody asked.


  “Tell him I say, hey, and to stop talkin’ shit.”

  I repeated his words to Wes, who shook his head and stuck up his middle finger.

  “He said, fuck off,” I told Brody.

  Brody chuckled and asked, “We done here? I’m going back to sleep.”

  “Yeah, we’re done. Just keep your grades up and your nose clean. We’ll see you at Thanksgiving.”

  “See ya,” he said, and hung up.

  I threw my phone on the bed next to me and asked Wes, “What’s up?”

  He crossed to sit in my chair.

  “Not much, I was downstairs doing KP duty and thought I’d stop up and see how you’re doing before I go meet Trixie.”

  “How’s that going?” I asked, searching my memory banks for an image of his makeover girl.

  He shrugged.

  “Initially it seemed like she wasn’t really interested in the whole rush thing, but she’s been asking me so many questions about the process and the Deltas that I feel like maybe her reluctance was all for show.”


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