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Tormented Passage

Page 3

by Richard Carradine

  "It is all as Sir ordered but please call me immediately should anything not be up to standard."

  "Thank you, Marcel. I will."

  "Would Sir like the services of one or both of the maids?" There was no hint of accent in Marcel's voice. Most accents have disappeared but he probably was French. He looked French and his eyes, though trying to stay away from me, almost burnt my naked breasts and teats,

  "Not tonight, Marcel. I would like to tip the girls, though."

  "Of course, Sir." He carried a clipboard with him and he pressed something on it. In seconds both maids were holding on to each other so they could stay on their feet. Little maids' caps with white rubber ribbons dangling from them trembled with their shaking, surmounted heads that were hooded in black rubber, so tight that it was clear they were ball gagged. A small opening at their nostrils through which a ring protruded allowed them to breathe but the only other openings were for their eyes. Blank faced or not, those eyes made it clear they were both in the middle of massive orgasms. One of them began to scream and moan as well.

  "Judy! Six demerits!" Immediately the other began to moan as well. "And for you too Suzy!" He pushed the button on his clipboard again and they both slowly calmed. He had sounded angry but I thought he was actually pleased. He waved his hand in a shooing motion and both girls left the room on legs that were now very uncertain. As they went I saw the shadows of crop marks across well-rounded and firm cheeks and I realised then just how their demerits would be paid for. The scene and the thoughts made me feel as though my pussy were going pulpy. "Enjoy your meal, Sir," he said and, with an almost eager step, followed them out.

  I was shaken and excited by the scene played out but more than that I realised I was ravenously hungry. "Serve the meal, Slut." It wasn't said in a way to insult though in company it would hav. It was what I now was and it excited me. I acted as maid, serving up the courses for us both. He caressed my bottom as I moved past or close to him and once slipped his hand between my legs to hold me as he checked my pussy. I froze, half expecting it and parted my legs a little more as I had been trained to do. "You're very wet, Slut." He held up three fingers that glistened and I blushed. He moved his hand again and I realised he was expecting me to clean them. I went scarlet. It was the first evening of my new life, embarrassment and degradation was becoming a permanent state but I licked him clean before drying his fingers on the napkin. He smiled at me, pleased with my submission and, for the first time, I realised how dark and deep his eyes were and felt weak. Here was a man who demanded respect and somehow, I knew, also one who could inspire fear.


  It was as though I hadn't humiliated myself by being totally submissive. We sat and ate and as we drank we became easier with each other. He explained the technical side of the long voyage we were to undertake and we swapped backgrounds. His was far more interesting than mine.

  "When I took my first long voyage I knew that I was leaving family, friends, the world I knew and that it was going to disappear forever. I suppose it was easier in one respect in that it had been something I had been working towards for five years. Possibly too the fact that my mother had died a year earlier, before the day I knew was coming but somehow felt would never arrive." He seemed to consider. " Yet when I think back, the fact that I was leaving a father to go on alone into old age, it was still hard. Of course I ensured that for the remainder of his life he would receive my salary until he died so I knew he would want for nothing monetarily but that was the least I could do. He encouraged me even though it was breaking his heart, saying, 'the chance to do and go where no other human being has done or gone is one you'll regret all your life if you don't,' he used to say that. 'I'd do it tomorrow if 1 weren't too old'.

  "In the early days we relied on cryogenic suspended animation to get us through the voyages. Of course that still meant I had two years of subjective time to work through in both directions. You could only spend so long suspended before tissue damage started so you had to keep waking up and even in suspension you were somehow aware of the passage of time, if not fully conscious. You can always tell the 'old' long voyageurs by their eyes. They may look young as anyone else but they have time stacked up behind the lens of their eyes." I looked into his dark, dark eyes, saw the sadness and knew the truth of his words. "What makes long voyages hard to bear, as addictive as they are, is that you remember a yesterday so fresh and clear that to others is ancient history." For a moment he went silent and I realised that I had not only forgotten to eat but also to breathe. I thought of my own parents and tears filled my eyes. The conceit of youth made me wonder how they would manage without me but nonetheless I knew I would be missed, I was their only child. Any grandchildren they would have would be born hundred of years in their future, on another world and they would long be dust.

  His tone changed as he shrugged off the weight of old sorrows. "It was on my second voyage that I discovered the Proteus System in Quadrant Sixteen. Of course because of the relative time period I was off Earth my back pay by this time was considerable and what with compound interest and finders' fee. I ended up a very rich man, if rootless and without family and friends or any sort of inter­relationship." He reached across the table and touched my nipple. I shivered at the loneliness he was describing. "This voyage I'm going out as Commodore of a fleet so I'll have other people in a mini society about me. And I'll have you," he added and I didn't know what to say to that.

  "How come it's a fleet and not a single vessel?" The scenes I'd seen on the Tri-D of ships leaving Earth for the long voyage played through my mind, they always showed huge but single ships leaving or arriving.

  "Planet three of the system is Earth-like in the extreme. Mineral rich and something like Earth itself must have been in the mid-Jurassic period. There are even dinosaurs of a sort, though apparently not of the size of T Rex!" He smiled at me and suddenly the stern Captain turned into a young man and I realised that in relative age that's just what he was. "So, as it's so far away and such an attractive potential colony, a fleet of twelve vessels are being sent. And as I know the way," he laughed at his own feeble joke, "they put me in charge.

  "Now what about you?" I considered what I could say to a man born hundreds of years ago, who had done so much, visited other living breathing planets and seen alien plants and animals.

  "I wanted children, it's a lottery now even if the Pop Board would gives me clearance. The lottery came in after I was born, a few years later and I might never have been." I wondered how much of what I told him came under the heading of Ginny Dunlop or was it the social history of her time? "With life expectancy as it is there's getting less and less space for babies. Of course almost all dangerous sports are encouraged, even though they try to ensure they're not suicidal. All modes and manners of lifestyle are allowed so long as they don't hurt non-participating others or damage children." A sudden thought struck me. "Did they have the death penalty in your day?"

  "They were talking about it."

  "Well, the death penalty is the sentence for all pre-meditated murders. A few exceptions are allowed in cases where cruelty to the perpetrator has driven them temporarily insane. Rapists, child molesters, etcetera, all are liable to be put to death because they have forfeited their humanity." I had obviously allowed myself to become sidetracked.

  "I brought myself up to speed on cultural changes in the slow down period of my last run home. How, though, have you got to where you are now?" I squirmed in the cupping caress of my seat.

  "Oh, that's simple. Mum and Dad have a wonderful relationship but they're a long way from being rich. I want to have children. The odds of twenty to one for the lottery aren't good. I'm not clever enough to get the sort of degree that would guarantee me a place on a colony ship and they couldn't afford the passage money." I looked him straight in the eye. "Companions for long Voyageurs get a free ride and the odds of being taken up are better than the lottery, particularly if you have the little 'kink' that make you an attract
ive supercargo." I looked deep into those dark ancient eyes of his again. Their depth was reassuring not frightening. He gave a wry smile and I continued. "I had an inkling of what my sexual drive might be so I had a Psyche Profile done and it was confirmed." I looked down at my empty plate and blushed. "In spades it would seem!" I felt hot but carried on. "Mum and Dad took it well. Perhaps it's genetic and they're into the scene as well. Anyway, they hired a trainer for me and helped me get enough money to buy a space in the Bar. You know the rest.

  "Was I your first lover?"

  I flamed red again. "Is it important that I be a virgin?"

  "No, it's just that it might make settling down to your new life more difficult if you're bringing baggage along, as it were."

  "You were my first man." I felt awkward admitting that I'd never made love to another human being.

  "What about your trainer?"

  "Do psyche robots count?"

  "Ohh!" He laughed. "That shows the gaps that occur in leaping the centuries. "I assumed that the trainer you referred to was a man. Or I suppose a woman."

  "Uhhh! Gross!" I had contracted myself to him so he could use my body for transport to a new world. But to allow another human being I didn't have a relationship with or a contract in place to use me sounded like, like ... what was it they called it? Prostitution!

  That night he collared me. It was an alloy band that fitted seamless and snug with rings so carefully inserted that they looked engraved. He rarely removed it. He popped a ring out from the flat surface and chained me to the bed head. I was aroused by the simple bondage and co-operated eagerly in his use of my body but that first night was taken slowly. We, as master and slave, had a long time to get to know each other.

  He had bought me new outfit from the hotel to wear and bind me with. A black Slim Leather jacket that only covered my arms and shoulders and had straps that bound my body. The arms finished in fingerless mittens and when my arms were folded and strapped behind me I might just as well had no arms or hands. All I could do was wave my thumbs about to release the tensions that built in my hands. He had ordered me to use a depilatory cream so now I was as smooth and hairless as a newly born babe. The hairlessness increased too the stark definition of the straps that cut into my body, making my breasts swell and my mound bifurcate. Looking in the mirror, the end of the dildo, held in place by that slim tight crotch strap, filled the gap at the top of my thighs. Its stubby end was clearly visible for the world to see. He helped me into my boots and we were ready for the day. I went to ask him where we were going and I quickly came to realise that the seeming easy relationships we had started to develop had been for last night only.

  "Don't speak unless spoken to. If you have to ask a question, ask permission first." I bit my lip and felt as though I were now in the presence of Mr Hyde as against Captain Jekyll. Oh that little device under the strap, I had been conscious of its presence ever since I had parted my legs to allow it entry. It wasn't that big but it was hard and unyielding and even now just only warming. "It has a proximity sensor fitted so that if you move to far from me, pain in that lovely pussy of yours will start to build." I bit my lip harder still and frowned. I had known that he might do anything to me and I also knew, if our cards had been right, that ultimately my body would take pleasure from it. What hadn't been evident or understood by me was that actually liking what was done didn't actually form part of the equation. I was learning rapidly. "It also has a punishment function. It can do this, if it's not appropriate to use this." He pulled a crop from a slim pocket in his uniform trousers and gave it a swish through the air, making me wince and blink. " And I can also do this." He pointed a ringed hand at me and suddenly a sharp pain filled my pussy that made me pull my legs together and crouch.

  "Ooowww! You - " I never got to the bastard bit. Another pain filled me and I crouched even lower, only just managing not to drop to the floor and roll into a ball. It wasn't actually that bad but it had been unexpected.

  "It obviously has different levels of pain and it can also do this." The vibration seemed to fill my whole body and now my knees were weakening for an entirely different reason. "So carrot and stick are two parts of its function. It also trains in another way, Slut." I could feel my juices running down my inner thigh over trembling muscles. "You have to keep squeezing it so that it starts to vibrate at this level." It dropped several levels of vibration and it was so low that it didn't bring on or threaten an orgasm. What it did do, though, was keep me feeling very pussy conscious, if not fruity. "If you don't keep your pussy muscles active and exercised, you can guess what will happen." He pointed the ringed finger at me again and I shook my head vigorously. I guessed just what would happen and I didn't want any of it.

  I sat on a stool by his side as he breakfasted, feeding me also as he did. I could see other girls seated similarly to me with their masters or mistresses. Only one or two were long voyageurs. That was obvious, I suppose, not all long voyageurs are into BDSM, everyone has their own particular kink. Some Sales Bars, or rather Negotiating Rooms, are dedicated to homosexuals, some to just basic boring missionary position heterosexuals who want companionship rather than sex. Long voyageurs are as varied as anyone else. Many of the other sex slaves breakfasting were contracted to Terrestrial masters or mistresses for sex or money or both, I suppose. We attracted a lot of looks. Some I knew were for me but long voyageur Captains were celebrities in their own right. Just being here also told the world that Captain Avon, like the other Captains in the hotel, was also rich and successful.

  At last we finished breakfast. I had been squeezing my pelvic floor muscles as hard as I could even as we ate. The pain had been held off but by now I was definitely oozing and my tummy ached with the effort. I was definitely into overkill and as he drank the last of his coffee I let myself relax. I may not be a brain but I'm not stupid either. I had to find out how the dildo controller had been set. I gave a hard squeeze, relaxed and began to count. One and two and three and four and ... the vibration continued until I reached forty-five then it stopped. I gritted my teeth and began to count again. One and two and three and four and ... Slowly and deliberately I counted the seconds. At forty-six the pain shot through me and as I gasped, automatically my pussy contracted and the buzzing started again. I was panting as I recovered from the sharp pain but felt pleased with myself. If I squeezed every minute or so I would ease the tension in my stomach from overworking the pelvic floor muscles and give myself a fifteen to thirty second respite from arousal. I had visions of climaxing long and loudly in front of crowd of strangers. The thought brought colour to my cheeks and I saw my master looking at me with a sly smile on his face. He knew just what I'd done and looked pleased with me but said nothing. I felt smug at my own cleverness.

  "Now Slut, let's get things moving, shall we?" Just what things I didn't ask but scampered after him on my tall heels, keeping as close to him as I could. Masochism is one pleasure I can enjoy at the right time and place. Stupidity is never enjoyable.

  A cloak was buttoned around me before I left the foyer. It came to just below the knee and though of fine black silk, was completely opaque, although it didn't conceal the shape of my swollen breasts or their jutting nipples. I was covered enough, though, so that propriety was maintained should we come into contact with children. With so few children being born on earth you didn't come across them on the streets that often but it was an etiquette for anyone fetish-y or erotically costumed not to go on the street uncloaked before nine at night. If broken it would attract strong public censure at the least and possibly a fine for an offence against public order if taken to extremes.

  This time, the Jitney he hired was pedalled by two burly men and it was obvious that they were free and self employed Jitney cab men. No reins, no harness, no bot, no Tri-V concealment, just a cab and pedal unit. "Where to, Guv?" I had the feeling that in ancient Rome you would have been greeted with a similar cry.

  "The Lutterworth building." These were no girls forced to act
as power source and flaunt their butts for fucking. These guys were fast, they just wanted to get to our destination as quickly as possible so they could collect a tip and get another fare. Their thighs and buttocks were muscular in the extreme, occasionally one or the other would glance in their mirrors to view me and my protruding teats and I found myself squeezing just a little quicker than necessary. I think they could see my arousal in my face. As we went through the door of the building Captain Avon took my cloak from me and even before I was out of sight of the cab his crop came down hard across my butt, making me squeal and jump.

  "Naughty little slut. You going to make it hard for those two honest cabbies to pedal properly for some while." I was walking toward the elevators with the stubby end of my dildo on show and a livid red stripe across my cheeks. I couldn't see either but I knew all the straight suits around could and I was flame red again.

  We travelled up with several other men and women. The lift was crowded and I could feel their eyes on me, one or two of the women in disgust but most of the men and some girls were hot and wanting. I could see which was which. As I made to step from the lift behind Captain Jude, hands fondled my breasts and cupped my butt, fingers pushing at the dildo 1 was still clenching.

  "Eeeeek!" I glanced back at a sea of blank innocent faces. I felt a twinge of pain and realised that my master was at least thirty feet way from me and 1 scurried, tits bouncing and butt jiggling, after him. When I was near him again I turned and looked again at the lift. All those eyes were still watching me as someone had kept the doors open. I stuck my tongue out at them and went cross-eyed before following the Captain into an office.


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