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Tormented Passage

Page 6

by Richard Carradine

  If Dianne had the face of an ice queen, this one was a Nubian princess with high cheekbones, full dark red lips and big brown eyes. She had a natural presence and carried herself arrow straight. Shapely but not overlarge breasts, a slim waist and a well rounded bubble butt. Her costume was her gold rings and chains of which she had a profusion: lips, nose, nipples and navel. She moved with a studied grace that the interconnected chains demanded but it became her as though she had always worn them. It was getting crowded and the two latest additions around the pole had scarce introduced themselves as Ingrid and (Would you believe it!) Salome, when the final two girls arrived.

  They made quite an entrance because Geisha's master, Captain Clyde Clay was nearly two metres tall whereas Geisha, of Japanese descent, was quite small if with a very well endowed small figure. Little of that figure was hidden and she could do little to hide it because her wrists were cuffed behind her back. She wore only a waspie corset, stockings and high-heeled button bootees. She looked bizarre in the extreme because though her face had the beauty of a traditional Geisha, every inch of her body, where it showed, was covered in traditional Japanese tattoos, nothing was missed. It was bizarre but strangely erotic and beautiful. Penny, in contrast, could almost be overlooked. She had bright straight honey blond hair with a straight fringe framing a pixie face. She was slight of frame and dressed in a maid's outfit that clung to her figure as though painted on and showed breasts that were definitely not a little girls. It doesn't sound as though she could be overlooked but her Captain was as striking as Captain Clay. Just shorter than two metres in height in her heels, Captain Reynolds was a striking figure of authority in a close cut dress uniform. The breasts that strained the fabric equally left no doubt she was all woman.

  The captains stood in a circle talking shop, ignoring the girls they had tethered to the single pole. We took the opportunity to exchange names and details. All of us were there for similar reasons, the possibility of children, a challenge and space to live and breath. Then of course then we got on to just what our captain had done to us. Kitty was the obvious starter.

  "He had me modified like this in the first week. Of course it took nearly a month to complete, even in a growth tank. I cried when I first saw myself but as they say 'no gain without pain'. My sphincter had been modified as well to lubricate when I get excited and strengthened to take the action." She had a soft puny voice in keeping with her appearance and was speaking tough but blushing under her markings as she spoke.

  "I think we've all probably been modified there." It was Penny, the little girl maid who in reality had the confidence of a queen if not the looks and stature. There were various nods of agreement. I kept quiet. I'd spent three days in the doctor's treatment cabinet and, apart from my enlarged ringed clit, 'Sweet Thing!' tattoo and rapidly filling tits, I could only guess.

  "And of course he had something done to my voice." Kitty was blushing again. "I think he gives me something in my food too, to keep me permanently horny.

  "Don't I know it!"


  "Me too!" Rapidly the other girls showed and displayed their tattoos and rings but it was Penny again who topped it.

  "Captain Reynolds has had her breasts altered so that she can feed me whatever the drug or hormone is in her milk."

  That really was a show stopper. Surreptitiously we all looked at the Captain's fabric straining tits. The big dyke was giving forth to the others as though they were just menials, some had angry looks on their faces but my captain just had an amused look and cut short whatever she was about to say, leaving her looking extremely put out.

  "Are you bi or homo?" Dianne asked Penny.

  "Oh we're both bi otherwise we couldn't have joined the colonisation fleet. There's a general agreement to share us between them during the journey, they've a lot of games planned." This was a stunner that silenced most of the others though Salome and Ingrid looked as though they already knew. It was the Geisha who broke the silence.

  "I suppose we can live with that. We all must be compatible with our captains." She had just a hint of accent so I guessed she wasn't just of Japanese origin but home grown as it were.

  "Speak for yourself! I'm only twenty percent compatible with her," she pushed her chin towards Captain Reynolds. She took great pleasure in telling me after I signed on."

  "Oh dear. Do you hate being shared with someone else so much?" The London accent in Salome's liquid gold of a voice was soft and concerned.

  "I don't give a shit! I just hate being cheated and she's a cheat." We were all silent at this.

  "Doesn't it even appeal to the masochistic side of your nature?" asked big bold Ingrid the warrior POW.

  "What masochistic side? Oh she keeps me horny and I enjoy it but I'm in it for the voyage, not the sex." That left us dumb, the thought of five years doing something so against your own nature amazed us. "Any way, my card showed I could take it and I think she wanted to have someone would actively dislike what she forced them to do. So, like, dislike! I thought what the hell!" We all looked at her in silent admiration of this 'bolshie' slight girl in her little girl's maid's uniform.

  In the silence Captain Jude's soft voice carried for all to hear. "Oh I had the good doctor use the latest nano-technology on her. Anal, oral or vaginal stimulation will work on her. Her clit has been enlarged and pierced and her G spot enhanced. She's also now in permanent lactation although the milk isn't really milk, more an astringent sweet liquid. You'll have to taste it." He had left the group now and was strolling towards us. "As she gets aroused she exudes pheromones that increase the arousal of those around her. That is quite useful as she's been adapted to like the taste of sperm and vaginal lubrication. Her body excretions too have been modified so that they always smell and taste sweet." He pushed between the girls and proceeded to pull my tits from their bra cups before folding the cups in so my breasts sat outthrust on their nest. Ever since I'd come from the doctor's cabinet Captain Avon had worked and suckled my teats at every opportunity to encourage the process. The fact that I was being brought into milk was one that he hadn't tried to hide. Today, though, for the first time they were achingly full and ever since last time he suckled my teats, they seemed to have grown larger still. He continued with his description of my humiliation. "Only another person's DNA will unlock her milk. Even if I were to put her on a milking machine it wouldn't we leave this little gaggle of sluts whilst we go to the bridge and discuss the voyage? 'Sweet Thing!' will let us know when it starts to get interesting. And in the meantime we can get some work done."

  As my captain ushered the last one out I heard him make a last comment."Oh and of course though the ship's medical cabinet is pretty basic, the doctor gave me a program for it so that the nano technology can be adjusted to fine tune or modify her body further. Within pre programmed limits of course, should I wish it." Stunned, I watched as they filed from the cabin, aware of the other girls' staring eyes at me and very conscious that the ache in my tits was really building up now. The realisation too hit me that I had been regularly tightening around the buzzing dildo to hold it in and that it had made me extremely wet and wanting.


  The flitter was on auto-pilot and the bosun was between my legs sucking my nearly dry teats. On auto-pilot or not, she shouldn't have left the controls unattended. There was little risk of failure but even so the thought of us being untangled from the back seat of a crashed flitter slowed my arousal, if not hers. Bosun slid down my body. My wrists were still fastened to my belt and though my crotch strap was locked in place again, I couldn't stop her or the way in which my sex was aroused and juices made to flow. She was flicking my clit ring with her tongue and lapping them from my inner thighs. I hadn't wanted her attentions and even with my wrists held captive I could have resisted more but I wanted to ensure my message got through to Mum and Dad. So, 1 just continued to buck and push myself against her tongue.

  Any person signing on for a long voyage, as I had, needed to sa
y their farewells before they went to sign on. That process might take several weeks or longer but as far as they were concerned, their sons or daughters had already left the planet. The only communication they had was when they were told that the ship actually left Earth's solar system. No ship names, no Captain's name, no destination. There was a twofold reason for this. For the supercargo it was so that clean breaks could be made and parents allowed time to adjust to the permanent loss of their loved ones; for the Captain it was for his protection. Sometimes it was months before they actually shipped out. In the past captains and their families had been attacked, even murdered by parents blaming them for what they considered a living 'death' and dishonour. Yeah! Yeah! I know it sound daft but then, as I've said before, who said homo-sapiens are logical animals. I was about to deliberately break the rules and I wanted Bosun to help me. "Aagggggghhh!" Exhausted as I was, I still came noisily and more juices flooded from me that the bosun licked greedily. Knowing that nano-bots flooded my system gave me an inkling of just why my body could take so much. They can't make anyone into a superwoman, what they do best is keep you permanently operating at optimum and shorten recovery time. As well as this, at a more crudely physical level, they can turn on and off localised growth of muscle and fatty tissue and can modify the hormone balance of the body in small ways. Lactation and bodily fluids, for instance, are natural functions so it hadn't been hard for them to modify me, or them, as they had done. Tits, waist, bum, etcetera, all could be changed easily. Obviously I'd read articles about them, it's the in thing for the stinking rich and Tri-D stars. Those Tri-D's show every zit or black head in luminous detail and they want to be perfect at all times.

  Exhausted when I left the ship, with the aid of my little friends I had already started to recover by the time I made the flitter. That latest orgasm, though, knocked me back again but I knew that I had to carry on and do this. Rolling over, I made her change places with me, it was now her legs spread and my face between her thighs. Thankfully this was going to be less exhausting than climaxing myself. Her dark pubic hair was neatly trimmed and her little man stood pink and perky. As I closed my lips over it she bucked and jerked. She was already as hot as a pistol. I munched and lapped, enjoying her flavours, even though I now knew it was the nano-bots that had changed my taste buds to suit my new role.

  For the journey back I saw no green scenery. This time the scenery was damp strands of black hair framing dark pink lips and shocking pink depths, surmounted by a firm pink and succulent morsel. I lost count of how may times Bosun climaxed. I was the one bound and seemingly helpless but it was also me that would allow no mercy. It was probably the first time I realised just how much a sub can dominate.

  The alarm pinged ten minutes from the hotel and I released her. She was slightly bemused and confused as she attempted to fasten her working skivvies and simultaneously try to scramble, all shaky and damp, back into her seat. Needless to say it wasn't her best landing but we didn't bounce too obviously. I had to wait for her to open the cabin door for me and as I stood looking into her now heavy and sated eyes, I said. "Remember, if you don't deliver my message and bring back proof that you have, no more loving from me and you'll have to go fuck yourself!" I let my tongue lick out and show the metalwork that had so added to her pleasure. "We wouldn't like that, would we?" Passing messages like mine, whilst not exactly high criminality, were illegal and accordingly taken seriously. At the least she would be demoted, at the worst she could be selling her ass in a Jitney. Nonetheless she gave an affirmative nod and I was as certain as I could be that she would deliver it. She wanted more of sweet me.

  It was late afternoon by the time I was dropped off at the hotel. If you didn't notice how short my skirt was and how hard I was corseted or that my wrist were locked to my belt, I could have passed for any pretty girl at a glance. That is, if it hadn't been bright daylight or you were half blind. I dashed my tit-jiggling way across the sidewalk and the doorman let me in without delay. It wasn't any kindness on his part; just that local by-laws made it mandatory that the hotel kept fetish and erotic behaviour in its environs to a minimum in daylight hours to protect the sensibilities of those not in the scene. A receptionist I'd not seen on duty before stared at me. She was all short cropped blond hair and red lips. It could have been envy, lust or disgust in her stare, though if the latter she shouldn't have worn the uniform that displayed her large whip striped white breasts with their small coral pink nipples.

  "Miss Dunlop?" she asked. "I've instructions from Captain Avon to free you so you can prepare yourself for the evening." She came around her desk, fitted the key in the locks and released my hands before handing me the keys for me to undo the actual belt. I could feel the pressure building inside my bladder and decided I better not stay and chat with this part time slave slut. She looked regretful as I made my way quickly to the elevator, careless of what my flapping skirt would show.

  It had been hard getting out of my outfit because the corset had been pulled so tight. But once that was eased I was able to use the unit to pass the charge that would loosen the Sim-Leather easily enough. Bathed and naked I lay on the bed, looking up at the mirror that was, I suspect, above all the beds in this hotel. I felt myself drifting in and out of sleep. It had been a hard day. I lay back on the pillow, my hands by my side and my legs slightly parted, totally relaxed, examining myself in the mirror. It was me yet not me. My breasts were already starting to fill again and my aureole and nipples had developed to the extreme, sized for adults, not babies. The flush as I thought about it suffused my whole body, for my pussy had clenched around its emptiness and I felt myself moisten. How much was that me and how much the nano-bots? In five years' time would I or anyone else be able to tell the difference? A feeling of fear filled me as my emotions played the game of taking me from one extreme to the other. Looking down at my teats to examine them closely, I saw just how big they were. My Captain had suckled them until I began to fill and flow but it was the girls that gave them their first major work out.

  The captains had left us girls alone all tethered to the post and me particularly helpless. Now Captain Avon had told me, and in effect the rest of the world, that only another could ease the ache, it seemed as though the ache was the only thing I could think about.

  It was silent at first, after the captains had gone and we were all shifting around our tethers, trying for comfort. I could smell the other girls' perspiration and excitement. We were all kept hot, whether by drugs or nano-bots it made little difference, the effect was the same. In retrospect it was inevitable that it was Penny that broke the silence. She was the nearest thing to a Dom among us.

  "Shall I ease the ache, Slut?" She even used my slave name and didn't wait for me to answer her question. Warm lips found my nipple and suckled. It was a sensation that I knew would become addictive.

  "Urghhh!" The sound from my throat was low and husky. I closed my eyes and another mouth took my other teat and the sensation doubled, "Urghooowww!" Opening my eyes, I saw a blond head that clearly belonged to Ingrid. A head was thrust under my short skirt and I felt a tongue lick out and flick my ringed and enhanced clit.

  "She does taste good! And there's no way that this big baby is ever going to get back under its blanket even if it wasn't ringed." It was Kitty. Locked to the floor, she wasn't able to get to my breasts, so she had decided to test the statement that I was a human lollipop. Fingers, Kitty again I suspect, worked the dildo that I had unconsciously clenched and retained in my sex. They pulled it out an inch or so to see me struggling to retain it before they pushed it back in again. Geisha's mouth clamped over mine, with her hands cuffed behind her she seemed to cling to me by suction and tongue alone. Another face pushed between my thighs and a voice I recognised as Salome's spoke.

  "She's so wet and tasty!"

  It went on for a long time. Tethered as we were, restricted as to how we could move, we dissolved into a slow writhing knot of bodies and I was the core. The fact that they seemed to be
killing me with cum had little effect on them and it was only the return of the captains that saved me collapsing with exhaustion. Of course they too had to sample my nectar and caressed and fondled me until I was moaning very loud and long. Seeing the state I was in, my captain eventually called a halt and, checking that Bosun was there to take me to the hotel, sent me off to take the flitter back. That was a kindness with one hand and a torment with the other. The crotch strap was replaced and pulled tight, 'Sweet Thing!' was given radio control of my dildo and I was sent out sent out into the yard to find my own way through the tangle of plant and machinery to the flitter. The torment was that if I drifted too far away from the right path the dildo would send pulsing shocks into my pussy. If I was heading in the right direction I would be rewarded with 'good vibrations'. Sounds easy? It was the first time I realised that 'Sweet Thing!' had a dark side, for there was a delay in sending the shocks. They got worse the more off course I was but they didn't start till I was well off course so that meant I could go badly wrong before I realised. Then it became hard work to get right again. It didn't help that the dockyard workers seemed to collude in sending me in the wrong direction and enjoy my discomfort and the pussy show. Eventually I found the flitter, near collapsed from stress and frustration. ('Sweet Thing!' would let the vibrations build until I thought I would climax and then drop them completely. I began to think of her as a malevolent bitch.) I fell into the back seat, whereupon all sensation from the dildo ceased.

  Resting on the bed, waiting for him, I cupped a breast with two hands and with difficulty fed my own teat into my mouth and suckled myself. Nothing came. I could catch a hint of the taste but that was all. Then I remembered what he had said. So I wouldn't leak, my teats would only pass their milk if suckled by someone who wasn't me. In effect my DNA was the only key that wouldn't turn their tap. I imagined that I could feel the ache building even as I considered this. My dark aureoles were about eighty to ninety millimetres across and the nipples were sized accordingly. Were they indeed mine? They felt hard and rubbery under my fingers and a sensation, almost electric, joined tit and clit. I glanced up at the mirror again. Even as I watched the marks of my corseting begun to fade. It was the nano-bots doing their stuff again. I drifted off into a deep satiated sleep.


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