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Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour #2)

Page 7

by V. F. Mason

  “Does Gabby know?”

  He laughed. “My sister can't really stand rock music. No offense.”

  “None taken.” It just proved once more how different I was from her.

  “I won’t tell Drake either,” he assured.

  “Okay.” It didn’t matter anyway. He screamed money, but we wouldn't see each other again.

  We were silent for a few moments; he was watching them dance, and something in his face didn't add up. It was as if he was jealous of Gabby or something, which was freaky, considering they were related. His hand had a death grip on his glass and his eyes were narrowed, while his other hand scratched his chin.

  Weird shit sometimes happened, though.

  Taking another shot, more warmth spread inside me and I giggled for some reason. This club now seemed like the shit to me.

  “Well then, Jane, do you want to dance?” he suddenly asked, and I pointed with my finger to my biker boots.

  “These aren’t shoes for the dance floor.” Shoes weren’t the only thing that stopped me, but the man must’ve been deaf, since he didn't hear me earlier when I said I couldn't dance for shit.

  “What’s your size?”

  “Six and a half.”

  “Okay then.” And with those words, he walked away, leaving me sitting there clueless. What the hell?


  Maybe he wanted to have some fun as well. I took another shot, but almost choked on it, because suddenly Alex was back, kneeling in front of me with a shoebox in his hands. He had begun to take off my boots, when I was finally able to speak. “What are you doing?”

  “Changing your shoes for you.” He removed my boots and put some beautiful black dancer’s shoes on my feet. I hoped I wouldn't break my legs in them. I knew how to walk in high heels; Ariel had taught me, but I didn't feel confident wearing them.

  “I think it’s a bad idea. I still have no clue how to dance.” My red-painted toes peeked out of the beautiful shoes. The straps were buckled securely around my ankles, and the shoes seemed comfortable. But I knew they could be deceiving.

  “I’m the best dancer in the room, babe. Trust me to lead?” He stood up and extended his hand, waiting for me to take it. I looked up, and a challenge was in his eyes. I was still about to refuse, when behind his back, I saw Gabby hugging Drake close and running her fingers across his back.

  Well, then.

  Fuck it once again.

  I grabbed his hand and steadied myself in the shoes. I tried a few short steps; they weren't too bad, and the shoes actually looked good with my jeans.

  “Nice legs, Jane,” Alex teased, and then he motioned to the DJ. “Let’s dance the salsa. Give your body to me,” he whispered in my ear.

  With a shaky breath, I nodded. Piece of cake, given the fact I had no clue about it.

  The music started to play, and I recognize it as Diego Boneta’s “Siempre Tu.” Alex grabbed my hand, kissed it, and started moving his legs and hips slowly, so I followed his movements. When his legs moved back, I moved forward, remembering some salsa movements from various TV shows. He then pulled me to his chest and swirled us, and, God, the feeling was amazing. He spun me around, his chest to my back, and ran his finger over my arm, his hand wrapping around my waist while he spun me again.

  His hand picked up mine while my other was put firmly on his shoulder, and he kept moving us to the beat of the music. Then he repeated the previous movements, and after a while, I began to relax and let the music take me. I moved my body without his help, but knew he was around me. We danced close together; my hair was all over the place, and our chests brushed each other. He put his hands on my hips, his leg between my thighs, and suddenly, he pushed me back and I yelped. Just in time, he grabbed my back and stopped us in that position, where we looked at each other for a second, and then he sent me a wicked grin that made me laugh.

  This wasn't about passion or anything; it was freaking fun. He raised us back up. One of my legs was over his hip when the music solo, heavy with the salsa part, picked up, and he raised me up and swirled us around then pulled me back to my feet. Then we were back to the basic movements and he pushed me down again, but this time, my hands were on his shoulders when we stopped moving just slightly above the floor as the music finished.

  He slowly brought me up, as people yelled for more, and I realized how crowded the bar had become. His face was close to mine, his eyes slightly glazed, his lips in close proximity to mine, and he looked like he was about to kiss me. As much fun as it was to dance with him, a kiss didn't really sit well with me, so I moved my head back.

  Before any of us could say anything, Drake’s low voice snapped us from our little moment.

  “Let go of her, Alex,” he growled.

  Alex smirked, and then leaned down. I felt his hot breath on my ear. “Didn’t take him long.” He then kissed me on the cheek, winked at me, and bowed. “Thank you, hermosa, for this dance.”

  Drake almost pushed him away and was right back in my face.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” His words were harsh and he looked pissed off, which automatically put me in a defensive mood. I folded my arms and glared at him.


  “Dancing,” he repeated, his words clipped, almost as if it was an effort for him to speak.


  “He was all over you; he almost kissed you, and you call that dancing?”

  The nerve this dude had! “Alex was teaching me some moves, and he, at least, asked me to dance with him.”

  “You would dance with him, but not me?” Now his tone changed from angry to accusatory, and that didn't sit well with me.

  “You never asked. You were too busy dancing and running your hands all over Gabby.” Well, shit. Those weren't exactly the words I wanted to say, because they made me sound jealous, and even if it was the case, it was the last thing I felt like sharing.

  Something flashed in his eyes, and then he closed them for a second with his thumb and index finger over his closed lids. When he snapped his eyes open, they were void of any emotion.

  He kneeled down, tossed me over his shoulder, and I ended up with my face looking at his ass as he walked toward the exit door. The people were pointing at us and smirking. There were even catcalls and whistles.


  “Drake, put me down!” I screamed. But to him, it probably sounded like a small hiss because of the loud music.

  “No,” he replied and stopped for a second in front of an amused Alex, who now had some girl on his lap. She was drawing some kind of figure with her hands on his chest, while, with a bored expression, Gabby sat on a bar stool, drinking what looked like a margarita. Her hand was under her chin, her ponytail over her shoulder, her back straight.

  She just raised her brow at us, and then gave us a slight nod.

  “We’re leaving,” Drake said. “It was nice seeing you guys.” Then he focused his whole attention on Alex. “Do not dance with her or touch her again.” With those parting words, he went outside where the fresh March air on my face was cooling.

  “Will you put me down?” It was one thing for him to carry me in the club, but on the street, I drew the line.

  “In a minute.” He signaled for a cab to stop then put me inside. He closed the door and gave the name of the hotel to the cabbie.

  “Drake.” We needed to discuss this whole thing, because our conversation didn't seem finished back there.

  “Not now,” he snapped. “One more word, and I’ll lose control, fuck you senselessly on this seat, and make sure to mark you for everyone to see. So unless you are into voyeurism, keep your mouth zipped,” he warned and focused on the view from his window.

  I decided to keep my mouth shut.


  I fucking never felt like this in my life.

  When I saw Jane dancing with another man, I almost lost it and punched my best friend.

  They seemed so into each other; he ran his hands all over her body,
and she looked so relaxed.

  The reason I brought her to the club was that I wanted us to get lost in the dance and have some fun. Instead, I ended up dancing with Gabby, who propositioned me.

  The only reason I accepted when Gabby asked me to dance was because Jane willingly agreed to it. And yeah, it was a dick move to leave her there alone, but I was pissed. Gabby tried to make a move on me, and as always, I said no. She’d had this stupid crush on me since our freshman year at Columbia, and she had it in her head that we were perfect for each other, which simply wasn't the case. She even dated a few of my friends, thinking it would cause me to make a move, but it didn’t work. I had no idea what jealousy felt like before meeting Jane. I understood Alex better in that moment. He had a thing for Gabby since he was sixteen, and the girl had no clue. Not that he did much about it; he fucked around so much I wondered how his dick hadn’t fallen off. He was a grown-ass man, so I didn’t feel like putting his head straight. He had to decide for himself what to do and how to fight for his woman.

  When the cab finally stopped at our hotel, I paid the driver. We got out and went straight to the elevator. Once it opened and we were inside, I pressed the button for our floor, ignoring the people who were running and screaming for us to wait. They could use other elevators; I wasn't in the mood right now for gentlemanly behavior.

  “That was really rude,” Jane commented.

  “Yes, it was.” Why the hell did the damned thing move so slow?

  “If you think we will have sex as though nothing happened, you are out of your mind,” she snapped, raising her chin proudly.

  “Okay,” was all she got from me. Finally, the doors opened, and I grabbed her hand. In quick strides, we were at the door and I was swiping the card to go inside. We went inside the room, I flicked on the light, put the key card on the table, turned around to her, and commanded, “Shower".

  “The shower?” She raised her brows and folded her arms. “I don’t think so.”

  I removed my jacket, shoes, shirt, and was in the middle of unbuckling my belt and unzipping my pants, when her eyes darkened with desire. However, she was still pissed off.

  “I suggest you start removing your clothes if you want to keep them dry. Otherwise, they will get soaked,” I said as I finished taking off my own. I went to the bathroom and started the water so the tub would be full by the time we were ready. I put some bubbles inside it. Girls loved that shit, not that I had any experience taking baths with them. I opened the shower stall and turned on the water there.

  Jane stood in the doorway, still wearing her freaking clothes, and although the heat was still in her eyes, she was issuing me a challenge. I grabbed her hand and, ignoring her yelps, I pulled her inside the stall, right under the hot water. She was instantly soaked. She tried to move outside, but my body blocked her exit.

  “What are you doing, Drake?” she shouted. “My clothes are all wet!”

  “I warned you. Don’t blame me.”

  She glared at me, and started to remove her shirt, pants, shoes, and lingerie, and threw them outside the stall then stood straight with her hands on her hips.

  “Happy now?” she snapped.

  Her body was beautiful all flushed. She was breathing heavily, chin up, her head held high.

  “Not really.”

  Picking up the body gel, I put some in my hands, lathered them, and started to wash her.

  “I thought you wanted to fuck me,” she said sarcastically.

  “I do.” My hands washed her breasts and stomach. I kneeled to wash her legs, stood back up, and then did the same with my body.

  “All you did was wash me.” She sounded breathless. Her nipples hardened, while her chest went up and down rapidly.

  “Because I don’t want his smell on you.” Finally satisfied with my effort, I grabbed her hand and led her outside the shower stall.

  “I’m freezing,” she said, shivering from the cold air from the AC. Without another word, I scooped her up, stepped into the steaming bath, and sat down with her on my lap.

  The hot water felt good, and the bubbles added a gentle fragrance.

  Jane moaned as her body shivered, and she rested her back against my chest. “This feels really good.”

  “I’m glad.”

  We sat there silently for a few minutes, my head back on the tub while she played with the water and blew across the bubbles.

  “I danced with him, because I couldn't stand looking at you two. It meant nothing and wasn’t sexual to me,” she suddenly said, and tensed as though afraid of revealing too much.

  “That’s the same reason I danced with Gabby. You were all eager to send me off with her.” My tone wasn't accusing, just stating the facts.

  She took a deep breath. “Yes…I mean…I didn't like it, but she was your friend. It wasn't like I could tell you not to do it.”

  She was lying, but it was better not to call her on it. “Alex is my friend, and I was ready to punch him.” This was almost a growl. I still hated the picture they made on the dance floor.

  “This isn't normal, right?” She turned around and kneeled in front of me. Her hands on my neck, she looked at me worriedly and bit on her lip. I brushed her mouth with my thumb, and leaned forward to give her a soft kiss.

  She opened her mouth, and instantly my tongue dove inside.

  Probing, seeking, tasting. Kissing her was one of the best things in the world. The idea we never could have met was driving me crazy. Jane moaned, wrapped her hands tighter around me, and started to brush her hard nipples against my chest. She whimpered, and the kiss turned hot and needy in a second. Her hand moved down and enveloped my aching cock. I hissed. Looking into my eyes, she slowly moved her hand from root to tip, gently swiping her thumb over the head. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

  Her hands felt so good. When she squeezed me harder, my hips moved forward, pushing into the opening her hand provided, and I fought not to come on the spot.

  “I want to—” she started, but then exhaled heavily. Her hand froze, and I opened my eyes to look at her.

  She was flushed red from the hot water and probably from what we were doing. Her nipples peeked out of the water. My mouth watered at the sight, and I leaned forward to get a taste. I licked around the firm bud and then sucked hard. She moaned but pushed my head away and moved a bit back, which made me frown.

  She licked her lips, which automatically made me notice her full mouth, and I wanted to taste it again.

  Fucking badly.

  “Teach me,” she whispered.

  “Teach you what?” For some reason, my voice was low. I was afraid to lose this moment with her. She looked at me with such intensity and desire, like I was her everything.

  “How to pleasure you.”

  That brought a smile to my face. “Beautiful, you already know how to do that.” She shook her head then zeroed her gaze in on my rock-hard dick, licking her lips.

  Oh, fuck.

  Did that mean what I thought it meant?

  “Teach me how to pleasure you with my mouth.”

  My hand moved to her hair and brought her face close to mine. I pressed my forehead against hers. “You don’t have to do it, babe.” She needed to know that she was safe with me, safe to do whatever she wanted.

  “I know, but I want to. You tasted me. Isn’t it fair for me to know how you taste too?”

  She was seriously killing me. How was a man supposed to resist when his woman asked him that?

  With a gentle kiss on her mouth, I rose up, sat on the bathtub’s edge, and spread my legs apart. She kneeled in front of me. Once again, I grabbed her hair and made her look into my eyes, where I saw slight apprehension. I could easily guess why.

  “Do whatever you want, as long as you don’t use teeth. It’ll be amazing because it’s done by you. Do you understand? Whatever you give brings me pleasure and will be the best head in the world, beautiful.” She was silent for a moment then smiled, brushed my cheek softly, and nodded.

p; Slowly, I pushed her face to my erection and she took a deep breath. Then I felt her hand at the base of my cock as her mouth slowly licked the length and sucked on the head as though it were an ice cream cone in her hand.

  I thought I’d come right there on the spot. Although her movements were unpracticed and sometimes unsure, just as I promised her, she gave the best head I ever had. She tried to push down farther, but gagged a bit and moved back, her eyes watery.

  I raised her chin up. “Don’t rush.”

  She nodded once again, and then swiped the pre-cum leaking from my cock with her thumb and quickly put it in her mouth to taste my essence. She slowly tasted it with her closed eyes. Her tongue licked her lips as she moved back to me.

  “You are salty and tangy at the same time, but I want more,” she whispered, and she sounded needy. Before I realized what was happening, she sucked me to the back of her throat and I had to close my eyes, because the sensations were too strong to focus on anything else. Her hand moved at the base, while her mouth took me halfway in. She sucked and licked, and all the heat of her mouth and the noises she emitted made my head dizzy. I was so fucking close to coming it wasn't funny. She whimpered and groaned around my cock. Her groan had become very familiar to me, so I opened my eyes to see her fingers move slowly inside her, while her mouth was busy with my cock.

  The pleasure of her mouth was out of this world, but there was no way in hell my girl would be pleasuring herself when I was here to provide her with what she needed, be it my hands, tongue, or dick. I moved her head gently to the side, and she let go of me, but barely. She frowned and sent me an annoyed look.

  “I want more.” Her husky and needy voice was fucking playing with my head.

  “If you want more, I’ll come.”

  “I want to know how you taste. Come in my mouth, Drake,” she pleaded, and moved back to suck me more. Fuck, what was a guy to do? My head fell back, and my hand grabbed her head and pushed her closer. Slowly, without thinking, my body started moving, pushing in and out. I was fucking her face, and…fuck, no.

  Not to my girl.

  I pushed her aside once again, and before she could say anything, I stood up with shaky legs, picked her up from the water, placed her on the towel on the floor, and in a second, was on top of her.


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