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Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour #2)

Page 27

by V. F. Mason

  That she is.

  Thank you.

  No problem, Logan. Just get better for her.

  I will. Good night. Kiss her for me, OK?

  Then he was no longer online, and for some reason, that was hard for me each night. For the last two weeks, this was our routine, and for once, I wished he would stay and talk.

  And that was just plain weird, so I preferred not to think about it.

  “Hey, mermaid, who are you chatting with?” Bella asked teasingly, turning her head to me and raising her brows suggestively.

  “No one.”

  She didn’t look convinced, but didn't say anything else.

  For some reason, I wanted to keep the conversations with Logan between us.

  Now that was really extremely weird.


  We entered the house, giggling like fools, his arm around my waist while the other tried to close the door quietly, but the damn thing creaked, which in the big silent house was like a freaking banshee scream.

  “Drake, we’ll wake them up.” He just shook his head, kissed me hard, and boy, did my man know how to kiss, or what?

  He put his hands on my ass and scooped me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and circled his neck with my arms while moaning into his mouth. This position always got me hot. I loved that he was so strong he didn't need to work to hold me. I felt precious and fragile, and my heart beat faster.

  Drake took us upstairs, kissing me all the way. He headed toward our room, but it was the last thing I wanted. Taking my mouth from his, I covered his neck in small kisses and licks. He ground himself against me, driving me crazy.

  “Let’s go to the guest room,” I requested. Why was it suddenly so hard to talk? Without asking any questions, his eyes softened. He caressed my cheek and carried me to the end of the hall to the guest room.

  I resumed my frantic sucking on his neck and moaned when my hard nipples pressed against his chest.

  “I want you naked.” My whimper was loud, but at that moment, I didn't care.

  “If you don’t stop it, Jane, I’m gonna fuck you against the wall,” he growled, and that made me wetter.

  “Yes, please.”

  He muttered something then opened the door, I assumed, since I was still focused on his neck. I closed my eyes against the bright light and he pressed me against the wall as he shut the door. His breath was hot on my neck as his hand pushed my head back.

  I kept grinding against him, knowing the friction would get me off, when he stopped abruptly and moved back. Slowly, my body slid down his. He was breathing heavily. His hair was a mess from my fingers, and his shirt was half-open, exposing his amazing chest sprinkled with droplets of sweat. His hands gripped my hips tight enough to leave light bruises. Something in his expressive blue eyes made me struggle to breathe.

  He swallowed then leaned forward, kissed me softly, and pressed his forehead against mine.

  “I don’t want hard sex against the wall.” His voice was gruff and raspy.

  “You don’t?”

  “No, I want to make love to you on the bed and enjoy every minute of it. I want—”

  He didn’t have to finish. “Okay.” Bracing myself tighter to him, I whispered in his ear, “Take me to bed.”

  He grabbed my ass, holding me tight, and took quick steps to the bed, where he gently laid me in the middle. We kissed for several minutes, him on top of me, while my thighs cradled his hips and my arms hugged him close.

  But it wasn't enough. I wanted to feel him naked, to kiss him everywhere, and be owned by him.

  He pushed up, gave me one last peck, and stood at the end of the bed.

  Without any words, we slowly undressed ourselves, not once taking our eyes off each other. The act was so erotic my pulse sped up and my panties became even wetter.

  His magnificent body stood naked in front of me, and my breath hitched at the beauty he presented as his hungry eyes watched me rise to my knees for a better look at him.

  “I want you.” My voice was breathy and barely recognizable as my own.

  His eyes darkened. “I want you too. Lie back.”

  I settled in the middle of the bed, enjoying the cold sheets against my heated flesh. He crawled over me, his lips sucking on my neck while his hands pinched and played with my nipples.

  “Drake.” My moan was cut short by his deep kiss. He was probing, demanding, punishing, and forgiving, all at the same time.

  He moved his head lower, sucked on my nipples, and then pushed lower, but I had to stop this.

  It wasn't what I wanted. “No foreplay.”

  He raised his head, his face unreadable.

  “I want to feel you inside me. I’m already wet.” I pushed my hand boldly down my stomach to my pussy, ran my fingers through me, and then raised it back to his face. It was wet and glistening with my juices and he growled. “See?” He sucked my fingers inside his mouth, and moaned around them, enjoying my taste. “Make love to me.”

  Drake moved between my legs, put his elbows next to my shoulders, and in a second, his hardened flesh entered me with one forceful thrust that made me gasp in pleasure.

  I forgot how good it felt to be filled by him and the sensation of him stretching me from inside.

  “Drake,” I cried out as he slowly pumped in and out of me. I raised my knees higher on his sides and clasped my ankles around his back. My nails dug into his warm flesh as his mouth covered mine and his lips took possession.

  The pleasure, the intensity, and the feelings were unbearable, but at the same time, I didn't want it to end. I wanted to be locked with him in this room with him inside me forever.

  I let go of his mouth and moved my lips to his neck, licked, and then bit down hard, making him jerk.

  I had a deep desire in me to mark him, so everyone would know he belonged to me forever, and no one could have him but me.

  He sped up his thrusts, his rhythm making me lose my mind. I threw back my head, exposing my neck, and it was his turn to bite and suck.

  “Mine?” His hand grabbed my hair painfully. He brought his mouth back to mine, biting my lips, but then immediately soothed them with gentle licks. “Answer me.”


  We were lost in ourselves, in the movements, touches, kisses, and the room was filled with the sounds we made.

  Finally, we came together in crashing waves of pleasure as one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had shot through me.

  He collapsed on me, his weight pressing my body further into the bed, but I didn't care. I rubbed my fingers over his sweaty back, hugging him closer to me while we both breathed heavily.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you, too.” He rolled us to the side, putting me on top of him while his hand gently caressed my back.

  “Feel good?”


  “What do you want to do now?” His hand played with my arm while I listened to his steady heartbeat.


  And because he understood what I meant, he hugged me closer, and we enjoyed the feeling of finally coming home.

  Who knew that to meet my prince, I had to go to Vegas and marry him?

  Which reminded me.

  “You never told me.” My head rested on my hand while my eyes searched his and he frowned.

  “Told you what?”

  “How we ended up married!” He blinked in confusion, but then looked at me with a cocky smile.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Drake!” He kissed me gently on the lips and pressed his forehead against mine.

  “I’ll tell you one day.”



  The next morning, I woke completely satisfied, noticed Drake wasn’t lying beside me, and frowned until I saw a letter on the bedside table and a beautiful, princess-cut diamond ring on it. With a rapidly beating heart, I opened it up and started to read it.

  Dear Ja

  You asked me many times how we ended up married that night, and I think the time has finally come to let you know the truth, which is simple: Too much alcohol and Elvis.

  We were about to get inside the elevator, when you noticed an Elvis Presley look-alike and decided to follow him, because apparently one of your friends (Sam, which I found out later on) loved him and you wanted to get his autograph. Since we were both drunk, the idea seemed amazing to me, and we did just that. We ended up in a typical Las Vegas Wedding Chapel and watched Elvis marry someone. We liked it so much that you decided to drink one more bottle of champagne in celebration of the happy couple. You, me, Elvis, and his girlfriend, a Marilyn Monroe look-alike, shared two bottles, and the next thing I remember, he was marrying us and putting those cheap rings on our fingers. We came back to the hotel room, made love one last time, and fell asleep.

  This story is funny, and I wouldn't have it any other way, but I figured it's not as romantic as it could why not do it again?

  Jane Louise Armstrong Jackson, will you marry me again, in front of our friends and family, and make me the happiest man on Earth?



  Laughing loudly and happily, I put the ring on my finger quickly and went in search of my husband, to give him a proper answer to his question.

  9 years later


  “Please?” a tiny, shy voice asked.


  “Pretty please?”



  “No means no, princess. We can’t have you running around with Sparky on the grass when Mama put that beautiful dress on you.”

  Amber’s green eyes watered; she bit her lower lip and her chin shook. She looked down. Her black as night hair fell forward and covered her face while her hands tried to straighten her white dress, which emphasized the contrast with her darker skin.

  Drake sighed, got down on his knees in front of her, and gently lifted her chin with his fingers. “Princess, don’t cry.”

  She looked at him again, her expression sad, even as she blew her nose. “It’s okay, Daddy.”

  “How about we go to the mall tomorrow and do some shopping?” His voice almost cracked at those words and I laughed inwardly, because my man hated shopping.

  In an instant, my daughter’s expression changed from devastation to absolute happiness, and she was grinning from ear to ear, showing everyone her two front teeth were missing. She leaned closer, locked her arms around his neck, and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she whispered softly, and my heart clenched. A few tears swam in my eyes while Drake patted her back, held her tight, and whispered the same words back to her.

  It was amazing to watch these two together. She had him wrapped around her little finger, and he knew it but never cared.

  After all, she was his little princess.

  The two finally noticed me, and Amber let go of Drake and ran to me. I leaned forward to give her a hug, but she stopped a few feet away and spun around, making the skirt of her dress swirl out.

  “See, Mama? The dress is fine.” She almost sang those words.

  “I do.”

  “I did just as you said.”

  Before I could say anything else, a soaking-wet Sparky ran inside the kitchen and stopped in the middle of the room, watching us closely.

  “Don’t you dare,” Drake said in his low voice, but it didn't stop the dog from shaking vigorously from head to toe, wetting Amber and me in the process.


  He tucked his head under his paws, ashamed. He always acted this way when he was naughty. He was never ashamed enough to stop his bad behavior, just enough to feel guilty, apparently.

  “Now look what you did, Sparky!” Amber shouted, but went closer and patted him on the head. That, in turn, made him wiggle his tail as he ate up all the attention. “I still love you, but I’m mad,” she shared, but he just nuzzled his head into her stomach, completely ruining the dress.

  Drake was bent over laughing so hard he was holding his stomach.

  My glare did nothing to stop him.

  “Come on, beautiful. It is funny.” Then he winked at me and addressed our daughter. “I guess the shopping trip is no longer on the table.”

  Amber’s eyes widened, blinked, and then she gave her dad a charming smile. “You’re joking, Daddy.”

  Drake chuckled. “Yes, honey, I am. Go upstairs and change before we have to go.”

  She moved toward me and grabbed my hand, but Emily came into the room and accessed the situation.

  “Come, princess, I’ll help you.” Amber squealed and they both left to go upstairs with guilty Sparky on their heels.

  Drake came closer and hugged me to him. I inhaled his smell, which after all these years together still had the same effect on me.

  “We will be late.”

  His chest vibrated with laugher. “As usual.”

  “The party will start without us.”

  “I doubt Ariel will be angry with us. We had a good excuse. The dress is ruined,” he said in a high-pitched voice, mimicking Amber, and it was impossible not to laugh. I smacked him on the chest, but then kissed it.

  The backdoor closed and in came Mark with a squealing toddler in his hands. “This little guy sure loves horses. Impossible to take him away from them.”

  This was obviously the truth, because Jake’s face was red and puffy from crying. He raised his hands up at me, and in a heartbeat, I was at his side and hugging him to me.

  Although he was only fourteen months old, it was already hard to keep up with his energy and desire to know everything. The only time he was sad was when he wasn't allowed to do something he wanted.

  “Oarse, Mama,” he whimpered, and I softly cleaned his face with a tissue from the nearby table.

  “I know, baby. You can play with the horse once we are back, okay? Now we need to go see Aunt Ariel.” I didn't do much to calm him, but then Drake had him in his arms and threw him up high as he squealed. Drake repeated the action several times, and then settled Jake in the crock of his arms.

  That made our son happy and he calmed down.

  Sometimes, I wondered what I would have done without a husband like him.

  I was checking our bags and had thanked Mark for putting everything in the car when Emily and Amber came back. She was wearing some funky pink dress and looked even cuter than in the white one.

  “All ready, Mama.”

  “Good, let’s go then.” We said our goodbyes, put the kids in the car and secured them in their seats, and headed in the direction of Ariel’s ranch.

  Drake convinced me that having kids was not a bad idea, and after three years, we decided to try. Nothing really happened, although the all the tests and check ups let us know we were both okay. At some point, all those tests with negative results were breaking our hearts, and we made a decision to stop and try other options.

  We decided to adopt our first baby four years ago, and we immediately went to foster homes. We weren't looking for a newborn baby. Being from the system myself, I wanted to give another child a chance.

  It took us some time, but when a two-year-old girl grabbed my hand and didn't want to let go, I knew I had found my daughter.

  Jake’s story was a bit different. He was found in the trash in very poor condition. He needed a heart operation. Funds were collected from all over the country, and that’s how we heard about him. Without much thought, we donated money, and he was healed. For some reason, I couldn't let go, so we flew to Denver to check on the little boy.

  It was the same thing as with Amber. Something clicked inside me and we knew we had found our son.

  Now we had our little family of four, and I loved every minute of it.

  Drake took my hand into his, brought it up to his mouth, and kissed it softly, not taking his eyes away from the road.

  “Are you all right?”

  My mo
uth lit up in a big, carefree smile. “Never been better.”

  We stopped at a traffic light, and he turned his eyes on me. The deep shades of blue filled with love, adoration, and softness could still make my knees weak.

  “I love you.”

  “Love you too, baby.”

  Dreams do come true.

  Since the moment I discovered romance novels, I always wanted a man like him. A knight in shining armor who would always love me, protect me, fight for me, and cherish me.

  My man is indeed magnificent, and my story is just like a romance novel.

  And they said fairytales didn't exist.

  They’ve never met us then.

  The End

  Well, I will start with my parents of course! Mama and Dad, thank you so much for everything!

  Thanks to my friends for all the support and help! I know how you hate me for going with my laptop everywhere but still deal with me.

  Huge thanks to Mayhem Cover Creations for fabulous cover and formatting!

  Hot Tree Editing, thank you for editing and all the help. Especially huge thanks to Becky, Kayla, and Peggy!


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five



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