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Unraveled - A Short Story Collective

Page 6

by KR Bankston

  “Its time for you to stop fucking around,” Sammy told her the irritation obvious in his voice.

  Alisha simply sighed softly and told him she’d enjoyed tonight, but she was in love with Lathan.

  “Yeah, right,” Sammy returned and kissed her deeply as he fingered her again, arousing her once more to drenching wetness. “That’s bullshit and you know it,” he told her as he left her standing there, aroused and frustrated.


  You knew it wouldn’t last, Chrissalyn thought to herself once again having to deal with Alisha’s attitude. It’d been a month since she and Devon started dating and today they were celebrating their anniversary. She chuckled again looking at the sunshine bouquet he’d sent her. He was arriving in town today from the business trip he’d been sent on a week ago and they were going to dinner. Chrissalyn was completely at a loss at to what she’d supposedly done this time to garner the unwanted attention. You would think she would be okay now, seeing as how I barely even talk to Lathan anymore, she thought sighing deeply.

  “What you so deep in thought about?” Jackie queried as she walked by. Chrissalyn caught herself and told her nothing. “Nice flowers,” she said again giving the woman a sly look. “Devon has good taste,” she added calmly. Chrissalyn blushed slightly. She hadn’t told anyone they were dating, but she knew sooner or later it would get through the work grapevine. “Girl, Devon is fine, and he’s a nice guy, so I think you made a good choice,” Jackie told her laughing at her discomfort. “Oh, did you hear bout miss thang?” she asked nodding toward Alisha and Kina’s space, Chrissalyn told her no.

  “Seems someone filed a complaint about how she talked to a couple of the clients that called in, and she got wrote up,” Jackie told Chrissalyn as a light went on in her head. Of course, she thought as Jackie left and returned to her own desk, she thinks I’m the one who told on her. She sighed deeply knowing that once again she was going to be the culprit in something she was otherwise completely innocent about.

  “Can I ever catch a break?” she mumbled aloud.

  “What’s wrong Chriss?” Lathan asked.

  She hadn’t seen him walk up and his presence startled her. “Nothing, just griping again,” she returned not wanting to get into a conversation about Alisha.

  “Those are nice,” he told her nodding toward the flowers. “Devon send them?” he questioned and she told him yes. Lathan grunted noncommittal before speaking again. “Can we go to lunch today?” he asked calmly never taking his eyes from her.

  Chrissalyn was surprised. Normally, they didn’t do anything to draw attention to their friendship or cause drama for him with Alisha. Where was he going with this, she wondered as she answered him.

  “Yeah, that would be okay I guess,” she replied and he smiled telling her they would leave at one.

  What’s on his mind, Chrissalyn wondered for a few moments before returning to her work. The email came shortly afterwards. ‘You need to stop being a snitch and mind your own business’ it read. It’d come from Kina’s email, but she was pretty sure Alisha was the sender. Chrissalyn immediately deleted the message and turned up her headphones.


  Lathan was watching Chrissalyn closely as they enjoyed lunch. He’d been careful to bring her here to Harrigan’s far away from the job and anyone who might disturb them. It was a combination sports bar and grill with excellent food which Lathan enjoyed each time he came, today being no exception.

  “Can I ask you something?” Lathan began and Chrissalyn looked up.

  “Sure, you know that,” she replied amiably.

  He sighed lightly. Okay. Here we go, he thought as he spoke. “Why are you with Devon? I mean on the real?” he asked and Chrissalyn gave him a perplexed look.

  “Why would you ask me that?” she threw back, this time she was the one watching him closely.

  “Because I’m curious obviously,” he replied evasively.

  She didn’t answer right away and he thought she might not, when she finally spoke. “I actually like Devon, and he makes me happy.”

  “Are you in love with him?” Lathan asked plainly, scared to death of the answer.

  “No, I don’t know him well enough yet to say that,” Chrissalyn replied calmly.

  Lathan seemed to think about her answer for a moment, when she spoke again.

  “Are you in love with Alisha?” she threw at him and he immediately frowned.

  “No, but you already knew that,” he replied becoming defensive.

  It was what he did whenever she brought up his significant other, Chrissalyn noticed and she wanted to know why.

  “So why are you with her, I mean really,” she asked throwing his own question back in his lap.

  Lathan was getting angry. This wasn’t the way the conversation was supposed to be going. He took a deep breath and looked at her again. “I want to talk about you and Devon,” he told her, his tone suggesting any other subject was off limits.

  Chrissalyn sighed deeply. “Why?”

  “Because your happiness is important to me Chriss,” Lathan said softly.

  She weighed that for a moment before addressing him again.

  “Have I given you the impression I’m unhappy Lathan?” she asked and he told her she hadn’t. “Is there something you want or need to tell me about Devon?” she tried again having no idea what the point of the conversation was. Again his answer was no. “Well, okay,” she told him and returned to her baked potato.

  “Thanks for lunch Lathan, it was wonderful,” Chrissalyn told him as they returned to the office.

  “Anything for you, Chriss,” he replied softly and hurriedly walked away into his office before she could answer.

  Chrissalyn didn’t want to think about the implications of the things he’d asked. She’d closed that door and wasn’t trying to set herself up for that kind of hurt again. She returned to her desk finding her messages and returning to work, locking away once again all that was Lathan.


  "Where were you?" Alisha questioned as she stood inside Lathan's office. "I looked for you to have lunch and you were no where to be found".

  Lathan sighed deeply and looked at her hard for a long time before answering. "I was at lunch obviously," he replied sarcastically.

  Alisha could tell he was in one of his moods, but she couldn't figure out why. They hadn't fought lately and she'd gone out of her way not to say anything negative in his presence about Chrissalyn. "Lathan, why are you being so mean?" she asked quietly. "I only wanted to eat with you, that's all."

  Lathan continued to look at her emotionless. "Do you have a life, friends, something to do besides hover over me all the time?" Lathan threw at her becoming more frustrated by the moment.

  He was angry; angry with himself that even when he had the chance he couldn't bring himself to admit his true feelings for Chriss. He was angry that he was seemingly trapped with Alisha and would never be happy.

  "That's not fair Lathan," Alisha responded. "I just wanted to be with you, I love you, you know that," she returned again and he sighed deeply once more rolling his eyes.

  "Give it a rest will you?" Lathan told her. "We have great sex and yes, I do care for you, but I'm not in love with you Alisha, I've told you that again and again."

  Alisha felt the tears stinging her eyes. "Not like you love her huh?" she threw at him becoming angry. "What's so fucking special about her?" she began again getting louder. Lathan immediately moved to close his door.

  "Don't start that bullshit here Alisha," Lathan hissed. "See, this is exactly why I don't wanna fuck with you half the time."

  Alisha grew even angrier. "No, you wanna fuck her!" she yelled and Lathan stepped close enough to touch her.

  "Calm the fuck down," he told her ominously. Alisha saw the look in his eyes and willed herself to calm down.

  "It's true though, isn't it?" she continued speaking softer now. "That's why you're so angry with me all the time, cause I'm not Chrissalyn?"

sp; "Get out of my office," he replied instead, his tone suggesting he was still angry.

  "You think I'm gonna keep letting you treat me like shit Lathan?" Alisha replied, her own anger still simmering. "The dick ain't that fucking good,"

  "Fine, then lets consider the shit cut," Lathan returned as Alisha began to cry.

  "Oh, so it’s that damned easy for you Lathan?" she asked through her tears. "So I ain't mean shit to you, just a screw huh?" she continued to blubber.

  Lathan sucked his teeth and told her to pull herself together she was making a scene. "We'll talk about this shit later," he told her hoping to stem the flow and get her out of his office before one of the VP's came around. Alisha managed to wipe her face with the Kleenex he gave her. "I’ll come over and we’ll talk later," Lathan told her and she nodded her approval.

  After she left him, Alisha went to the restroom to wash her face. I can't let him leave me, she thought as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She began to think again and wondered why she endured all she did from Lathan. Sammy was dying to take her back and she knew he would treat her good. So why was she going through hell? Because Lathan is the marrying kind, her mind told her and she sighed deeply. She was already thirty and she needed some kind of security in her life. She wanted children and a man who would be there to help raise and support them.

  Lathan was the sexiest man she'd dated in a long time. Sammy was fine, but he was still trying to be a player. Marriage was a four-letter word as far as he was concerned, not to mention he barely made minimum wage at

  the nursing home where he worked as an orderly. Kina met her as she returned.

  "Wassup girl?" she asked seeing Alisha's expression.

  "The usual," she replied dryly and Kina sighed lightly. "You wanna talk about it?" she asked hoping she said no. Honestly she was sick of hearing about the pair.

  "No, not right now girl," Alisha replied much to Kina's delight.

  "OK, well lets go on break," she replied and Alisha chuckled lightly as the two headed to the other side of the building where the break room was located.


  “So basically you’re just masochistic?” Jackie asked Lathan as they talked.

  He and the woman were a lot closer than anyone at the office knew. She spent much of her time being his soundboard about this affiliation with Alisha and the toll it was taking on his sanity. Lathan sighed deeply and told Jackie he just didn’t know what to do at this point.

  “I mean, Alisha has her good points,” he told her and Jackie simply nodded. “But most times she does such stupid things to the point I hate even being around her,” Lathan lamented and Jackie looked at him hard.

  “So you stay with her because?” she threw at him and he sighed deeply again.

  “I dunno, I guess I just don’t wanna do her wrong and it come back to haunt me” he replied dejectedly.

  “Well that’s got to be one of the stupidest reasons I’ve ever heard for being with someone,” she returned never taking her eyes off him. “Look Lathan, you need to get your head together and quickly,” she told him as he continued to think to himself. “Devon seems to really have deep feelings for Chriss and you gonna mess around and let that door be closed permanently worrying about some bad karma bullshit,” she finished bluntly as Lathan shook his head in acknowledgement of her statement.

  “I know,” he said softly.

  Jackie simply grunted noncommittally rose and left him alone in the office. She ran into Kina on her way back to her own desk. “Hey Miss Jackie,” Kina greeted her cheerfully. Jackie greeted the woman and they each headed in their own direction.

  Something’s not quite right about that one, Jackie thought to herself of Kina. She knew that Kina and Alisha were supposedly best friends but Jackie couldn’t shake the feeling that Kina had something lurking beneath the surface within her that was cruel, cold, and mean spirited.

  “Not my problem,” Jackie mumbled to herself as she made it to her seat and sat down. She thought again of Lathan and his predicament, sighed deeply and pushed it out of her to mind to finish her day’s work.


  “I can’t wait to see you” Devon was telling Chrissalyn excitedly as they talked. He’d only been gone for a week, but you’d think it’d been months.

  “I’m excited to see you too Devon,” she returned honestly.

  “I’ll pick you up at 7:30, OK?” he asked and Chrissalyn told him that was fine. “You know Chriss, this month has been absolutely wonderful for me, being with you,” Devon told her sweetly.

  Chrissalyn smiled in spite of herself. “Yeah, it has been eventful. I’ll give you that,” she replied chuckling slightly.

  The two had spent a whirlwind of times together going to plays, movies, concerts, amusement centers and the like. They seemed to be in perpetual motion, but Chrissalyn loved every moment of it. Devon was extremely adventurous, eagerly indulging any whim she may have mentioned when they were together.

  “Well tonight, we’re just gonna slow down and relax a little, okay,” he replied softly and Chrissalyn caught the tone.

  She knew it was something she’d have to address sooner or later. Devon wanted to make love and while she found him extremely attractive, she wasn’t sure she was ready for that. Chrissalyn took very seriously any deliberations concerning a man she was considering being with sexually. If she did indeed sleep with Devon he would only be the third man in her lifetime since losing her virginity at 20.

  “That sounds like an interesting change,” she replied calmly as her mind continued to race. Devon chuckled lightly and told her he was sure.

  “Let me go baby. I gotta check in now so I can board the plane,” Devon told her as she readily agreed and they said goodbye.

  Chrissalyn sighed deeply after disconnecting, and began shutting down her computer. You need to also make a serious decision concerning this man, her mind chimed in. Chrissalyn sighed lightly again, gathered her purse, and headed out the door.


  “I wanna see you tonight,” Sammy said seductively into Alisha’s voicemail. She’d been avoiding his calls since the other night.

  She’s gonna piss me off in a few, he thought ominously to himself as he disconnected. If she didn’t call him by seven he was gonna pay her a little visit. And I hope that muthafucker is sitting right there when I stop by, Sammy thought once more chuckling lightly to himself. He and Alisha had been together for the last three years. They had a good relationship as far as he was concerned and he thought she was happy. True, he’d stepped out here and there, but that had nothing to do with them. It was just sex and curiosity on his part. The women he’d messed around with meant nothing to him. Alisha was his heart; she was the woman he planned to be with for the long haul. He’d begged her to give him and their relationship another chance when she’d caught him cheating this last time. She refused again and again, finally hooking up with Lathan.

  His only hope was the one time they slept together and she’d been late getting her period. Sammy hoped with everything in him that she was pregnant, but unfortunately she wasn’t. He wouldn’t do her raw now because she would lie and tell Lathan it was his, even knowing it could possibly be Sammy’s. Alisha was cunning like that. She would do whatever she had to keep her own ass covered. Sammy didn’t fault her, it was one of the things he found attractive about her. A woman like that watching your back could keep you out of a world of trouble. He sighed deeply again as he grabbed himself another beer and turned on the TV. She got 45 minutes, he thought to himself as he began drinking the beer and watching the game.

  Kina glanced at Alisha as she listened to the voicemail from Sammy. She didn’t say anything as usual, but wondered how long her friend was going to be able to keep both men dangling from her hook. Kina knew that Lathan was the one that

  Alisha really wanted, but Lathan wasn’t sure exactly who or what he wanted at this point. She’d never actually addressed the issue with Alisha, simply choosing to sit back an
d listen to the woman as she lamented about the relationship and Sammy’s relentless pursuit. She did screw him though, Kina thought to herself of the night at the club. She also smiled to herself thinking of her evening with Tae, the chocolate Adonis she’d been dancing with.

  He’d turned out to be a wonderfully nice guy and they’d agreed to meet after leaving the club. Kina feigned a headache and talked Alisha into taking her home. Kina felt her body begin to warm as she recalled the lovemaking they shared. He’d come over and they’d talked getting to know each other better. She was surprised how attracted to him she was, given her penchant for fair complexioned men. They’d kissed and the energy was once again rekindled between the two of them. Kina had found herself moaning softly, her body on fire for the soft caresses that Tae was giving her breasts. He’d undressed her and himself and they’d lain together, each exploring and enjoying the other’s body. He was an exquisite lover.

  Kina trembled slightly remembering the way his tongue pleased her as he ate her pussy leaving her dripping wet and begging for his dick.

  Tae had readily obliged plunging all ten inches he was carrying inside her. Kina had to bite her lip as she sat with Alisha the moan of pleasure from the memory threatening to erupt from her. She remembered again how he’d thrust into her again and again as he teased her clit and finally brought her to orgasm. He’d come soon after holding her tightly as he finished. Kina willed herself to calm down. She couldn’t wait to get home and call him. They were getting together again tonight. Tae was becoming the real thing for Kina and she loved every moment of it. He’d told her earlier when they talked, he had something important he wanted to discuss. Please let it be good news, Kina thought not wanting anything to happen that would mess up the joy she felt right now. She’d deliberately kept her relationship with Tae a secret, even from Alisha, and she had no intention of changing that any time soon.


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