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Unraveled - A Short Story Collective

Page 15

by KR Bankston

  “I’ll check with you before the concert, to make sure all is well,” he told Armani once more, reiterating the point of their investment.

  “It’ll be taken care,” Armani assured him and ended the call, heading to his car. He was going over to handle this personally.


  “Come on Armani man,” Vashon was pleading with him.

  Vashon was one of his oldest friends, and he’d included him in TMK when he’d started it. His job was that of talent scout, and he was trying to convince Armani to come hear the young man he’d found performing at one of the hot nightspots in the city.

  “What makes this one special?” Armani asked Vashon, staring out at the Houston skyline from their hotel window.

  As far as Armani was concerned, seen one R&B singer, you’ve seen them all.

  “The kid is talented Armani. Come on and give him a chance,” Vashon continued to plead.

  Armani sighed heavily, and told him OK.

  “Dang! It’s like pulling teeth with you man!” Vashon declared laughing, as they headed out to his Porsche and to the club.

  They’d arrived just as Kenton was halfway through his performance. The two men garnered their own share of attention when they entered the club. They were both extremely well dressed in the tailored suits they were wearing. Armani in black, with burgundy accessories and Vashon in slate gray, with periwinkle accessories, both layered with ice. Several women were taking them in, as they sat and watched the show.

  Armani had to admit he liked the kid’s sound. Kenton had a great stage presence, and had the audience eating out of his hand.

  “So?” Vashon asked, once the performance was finished.

  Armani looked at him evenly for a long time, before answering.

  “Bring him back to the hotel tomorrow, and we’ll talk,” He said calmly.

  Vashon laughed and clapped his hands together.

  “Excellent choice man!” he told him.

  Armani sat back and thought about the kid and his performance. He could definitely be marketed handsomely, he surmised. Armani hadn’t known then, how much of a pain the kid was going to turn out to be.

  He sighed deeply, turning into the hotel where they’d put everyone up. Armani had worked too hard to watch his dream go up in smoke, fooling around with an ungrateful youngster, who had no idea what struggle really was. He was damn well going to straighten this kid out once and for all.


  Kenton was relaxing in his suite, with one of his makeup artists. He’d slept with every woman on his staff; thoroughly enjoying his new lifestyle. Kenton thought back to his first meeting with Armani at the hotel in Houston. He’d been completely blown away when Vashon approached him that night at the club. Vashon had been true to his word, and sent the car to pick him up the following morning taking him downtown.

  Kenton had to admit Armani unsettled him a bit. The man was strictly business at all times. He couldn’t remember seeing him partying, or playing with anyone ever. He really needs to get laid, Kenton thought, chuckling softly. He knew he was more than likely going to see Armani today, after what’d happened when they checked in. That wasn’t my fault, he thought sullenly. He was Kenton, and why shouldn’t he have what he wanted?

  He was on top of the charts right now. His single was number two on the chart and the fans couldn’t get enough of him. He was TMK right now, and they’d better start recognizing and treating him better. He’d already been checking out other record companies. Kenton was going to shop for a better deal. He saw other artists making more than him, and enjoying the high life. He was sure they weren’t getting the hassles he was getting from Armani, and TMK. He was just as good as any of the rest of the artists who were hot right now.

  Kenton hated having to play all these second rate venues. Why couldn’t he play some place bigger? He surely had the draw to sell any venue out right now. Armani was being his usual anal self of course, and made him play the MetroPlex. Kenton roused the sleeping girl from his bed, and told her she needed to leave. She dressed quickly and gave him a peck on the cheek before heading out. Kenton thought about Derica. He missed her and he missed Houston. They were both home territory familiar to him. She was his girl. Well she used to be. She’d broken up with him once he’d gotten signed. How backwards is that, Kenton thought. Derica was different from any woman he’d known. She had plans for her life, and she’d told him very plainly, being a groupie girlfriend, was not part of them. Derica was in her second year of college and planning to go to law school.

  Kenton thought of all the time they’d spent and how they’d each talked about their dreams and hopes, recalling one of their last conversations. “Kenny” she’d begun, using her pet name for him “Don’t let the lights and shimmer get you caught up, OK?” she’d told him on many occasions before he’d gotten signed. Kenton needed her with him. Derica kept him grounded and level. Why would she leave me now of all times, Kenton constantly thought to himself. Most women would give their right arm to have a man making the money he was. Derica was still cordial and friendly when he called her. She gave him advice, and listened when he needed to vent, but she would never talk about them.

  He wanted desperately to talk about that. Kenton wanted her back, and he hated with all his heart that Derica was talking about dating again. He pushed the thoughts out of his mind knowing they would make him edgy and sad. He didn’t need anything to interfere with his performances this weekend. Kenton was heading to the shower, when he heard the knock on his door.


  Armani strode into the room and took a seat. Kenton didn’t like to look he had. Damn, here it comes, he thought. Armani sat thoughtfully for a while before addressing him.

  “Just what the hell happened during check-in Kenton,” he asked plainly, trying hard to mask his anger and impatience.

  Kenton took a deep breath, trying to choose his words to best explain the incident.

  “Nothing man, just a big misunderstanding” he replied, hoping to skirt the issue and move on.

  Armani continued to look at him hard.

  “Oh really?” he replied never taking his eyes of Kenton. “Then tell me why I got a call, and had to come down here and give these people an extra three grand as security.”

  Kenton sighed deeply. “Look, all I asked them to do was give me the suite with the better view. They’re the ones that were rude, and not willing to be flexible,” he told Armani.

  “So you figured that gave you the right to curse the desk clerk, break several of their wall decorations, and cause a complete scene at the front desk,” Armani asked again.

  Kenton couldn’t understand why Armani was always so anal about things. He was the artist after all. Didn’t he have the right to expect to be treated like the royalty that he was?

  “Well I just figured with the money they were being paid, they could at least do that one simple thing,” Kenton replied haughtily.

  Armani wanted to smack him. This damn kid is living in a fantasy, he thought tiredly. “Well, here’s the deal Kenton,” he began again. “This is the absolute last time we will be bailing your ass out,” he went on. “If anything like this happens again, anything at all, we will nullify your contract, and you’ll be out,” Armani finished with a tone of finality.

  Kenton supposed he should at least act like he was afraid of that possibility, but he wasn’t. He knew they were just bluffing. They needed him more than he needed them, but he would play along for now, just to appease them.

  “I’m sorry Armani, and I swear it won’t happen again,” Kenton told him trying to sound as sincere as possible.

  Armani knew he was lying, and his mind was already working ahead to how they would promote Tajdra, their other promising artist on the label. This fucking kid is not going to learn until we yank this rug out from under him, He thought. He hoped however, the kid would indeed behave long enough for him to reap some of his money back that he’d spent on him. Armani sighed deeply again, before spea

  “OK Kenton,” he told him simply. “Get your shower, and come on downstairs. The reporter is here to do your interview,” he finished calmly.

  Kenton smiled, and told him he’d be ready in thirty minutes. Armani nodded and got up to leave him to himself. Kenton chuckled to himself in the shower, thinking of how well he’d pulled off the performance earlier. Armani made a mental note to have the attorneys begin the contract termination paperwork. He already knew the kid was going to force their hand.


  Sydney Hollingsworth was downstairs setting up for her interview with Kenton. She was one of the senior writers on staff for Movers & Shakers, the local urban magazine that focused on the up and coming power players in the city. Sydney was looking forward to her meeting with Kenton. He was the latest sensation, and she was proud of the fact he’d helped TMK get on the map nationally by proxy bringing more tourism and recognition to their once dying city.

  Sydney didn’t know much about the label, except that it was black owned and originated here. Her best friend Tarianna worked for them, in their administrative offices. She recalled their last conversation. “Girl you are going to absolutely lose it when you see Armani,” she’d breathed, smiling. Sydney laughed. “You’ve got a serious crush on this man don’t you?” she’d teased her friend. “Yep, and when you see him, you’ll know why,” Tarianna replied, laughing now herself.

  Sydney had to admit she was curious after thinking about what Tarianna said. She knew Armani was major partner with the label, and that he was in his mid thirties. A bit too old for you, don’t you think girl, she thought to herself. Sydney laughed at the thought. She didn’t let chronological differences interfere with anyone she may have been attracted too. Granted she’d just turned twenty-seven, she’d dated on both ends of the spectrum. Younger or older didn’t matter to her at all. It was the personality that counted.

  Sydney glanced at her watch. She expected Kenton in about ten minutes. She knew with a certainty she didn’t want to get involved with him. She’d heard Kenton was quite the womanizer, not to mention he was only out for all he could mount. Sydney chuckled to herself again at the thought, and returned to her notepad readying her questions for him. She had a few moments to spare, so she headed for the ladies room. Sydney checked her make-up and outfit again. She’d opted for a business casual look, combining the professional black skirt with dressy sandals, and soft green sleeveless peasant top. Her shoulder length hair framed her face, the auburn color accentuating her features. Well I’d better get back out here before he thinks I’ve stood him up, Sydney thought, chuckling again to herself, as she headed back to her table.


  Five minutes after she’d returned, and gathered her notes, Armani and Kenton appeared before her.

  “Good morning Sydney,” Armani greeted the woman.

  He’d gotten her name from Tarianna when she’d called to remind them of the appointment. Sydney looked up at the two men standing and smiled.

  “Good morning gentlemen,” she replied smoothly.

  She motioned them to take a seat.

  “Thank you both so much, for taking the time to see me,” Sydney told them still smiling.

  Kenton quickly turned on the charm.

  “Not a problem for someone as beautiful as you,” he replied, giving her a look.

  Sydney was completely unimpressed, but maintained her composure. She asked Kenton to tell her a little about himself. He began to talk, and Sydney took the opportunity to take him in fully. Kenton was a creamy caramel complexion. Nice body, a little on the slim side for her, but very well sculpted. He had bedroom eyes. The kind that would have you undressed, and in trouble before you knew it. His teeth were of course whitened, and he had nice lips. His hair was neatly done in a unique cornrow design, with large diamond studs in both ears.

  “So now with all that work, here I am,” Kenton was finishing up as Sydney reined her thoughts in.

  She was recording their interview, so paying attention was not really necessary on her part.

  “Wow, that’s very impressive Kenton,” Sydney told him smiling back.

  She probably wants some of this now, Kenton was thinking to himself smugly. He looked her over and admitted she was a very sexy woman.

  “Are you coming to the show tonight?” Kenton asked Sydney seductively.

  She almost laughed aloud at his attempts.

  “No, I actually already have other plans Kenton,” Sydney replied, sounding as sincere as possible.

  “Pity,” he replied, licking his lips. “Maybe you can come tomorrow. I’ll make sure you have an excellent seat,” Kenton offered again.

  Sydney supposed she should at least attend one show so she could add that angle to her article.

  “Well, I don’t think I have any plans for tomorrow,” she replied.

  Kenton smiled brightly. I’m going to give you what you really want pretty lady, he was thinking ahead to the sex he would have with her, after Saturday’s concert.

  “Good. It’s settled then,” he finished. “I’ll have your tickets brought to you before you leave today,” Kenton told her, rising to leave.

  Sydney knew he had a rehearsal, and she was finished with him for now.

  “Thanks again Kenton,” she told him.

  “Don’t thank me yet,” he replied again, looking her over.

  Sydney was truly amused with the arrogance of him, yet she continued to maintain her professionalism. After he’d excused himself, she turned her attention to Armani, who’d sat quietly through her interview with Kenton. This was the person she really wanted to question. Sydney wanted to know all about the label, and more importantly, him.

  “Thanks for being so patient,” she told Armani, finally taking the time to truly look at him.

  Armani smiled and told her it wasn’t a problem.

  “So tell me about TMK,” Sydney prodded, and sat back waiting on his answer.

  Armani began to speak. Damn, now I understand, Sydney thought to herself, remembering Tarianna’s warning as she took him in further. He was, for lack of a better word, dazzling. She could only describe Armani as distinguished.

  He was she surmised at least 6’2”, with a creamy chocolate complexion, beautiful brown eyes, and very kissable lips.

  His hair was neatly cut, with nice waves throughout. He had an attractive and neatly manicured mustache, accompanying the three quarter beard. What’s his story, Sydney thought again, wondering why someone as good looking and successful as he obviously was, was still single.

  “So we should be expecting other big things from TMK soon, hmm?” she asked once Armani was finished talking. He smiled again and she was mesmerized.

  “Yes definitely,” he replied.

  “So tell me about Armani Proctor, the man,” Sydney said calmly, using her journalistic freedom to delve into his personal life. He smiled again.

  “What exactly do you want to know?” Armani asked, watching her intently.

  His stare unnerved her.

  “Well, just what you do for fun. What you want out of life, if there’s someone you’re seeing right now. You know, the usual,” Sydney replied, a lot calmer than she felt.

  Armani answered her questions, still leaving her in the dark, since he’d conveniently skipped the question of his availability.

  “Thanks again for your time Armani,” Sydney told him as they both rose to leave.

  He reached into his suit pocket, and retrieved the tickets.

  “Here are your tickets,” Armani told Sydney, handing her the set of four. “Bring some people with you,” he went on. “Your boyfriend, or husband, perhaps?” he fished.

  Sydney smiled, and took the tickets from him.

  “I’m sure my girls will be glad to come with me,” she replied casually, hoping Armani would catch the inference.

  He smiled again, and told Sydney he looked forward to seeing her Saturday.

  Sydney watched Armani walk away. Forgive me Tariann
a, she thought to herself, thinking of how much she wanted the man who’d just left her presence.


  Bert was on the phone when Armani arrived at the office. He waved to let him know he was there, and headed to his own office. Armani checked his messages and began to go through his mail. He grabbed himself some bottled water and began to think ahead to tonight’s show. He also took the time to reflect on the interview earlier. Armani was disgusted with Kenton’s obvious attempt to seduce the reporter but equally pleased with her complete dismissal of his efforts. He chuckled a bit to himself thinking of it.

  “Sydney Hollingsworth,” Armani said softly aloud.

  The woman affected him and it surprised him. Armani made it policy not to be romantically entangled with anyone right now. He was very focused and driven on making the label thrive. Armani thought of the last relationship he’d found himself in. Lacey was a very beautiful and successful executive in her own right, but he’d quickly found she was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.

  He was just starting TMK and it consumed eighty percent of his time. Lacey couldn’t handle it and they fought constantly. He’d started letting business go slack to spend time with her. It’d almost cost him everything. She broke up with him once Armani told her he could no longer neglect his company just to satisfy her insecurity. That crack about her needing a shrink probably didn’t help much either, Armani thought. He hadn’t dated anyone since. That was over three years ago.

  He still had the occasional tryst with women he found attractive and brought back to his hotel when he traveled, but nothing serious. He’d found himself very drawn to Sydney today. She’s young, Armani chided himself. Still she’d awakened feelings. He thought about her beautiful smile and how complimentary the auburn hair coloring was to her eyes and skin. He’d taken to opportunity to really look at Sydney as she talked to Kenton and completely approved of what he’d seen. She had beautiful breasts that were perfectly proportioned to her waist and hips. She had nice legs and very nicely manicured toes. Armani guessed Sydney was about 5’6” or so when she stood. He knew he would see her again Saturday. She’d said she was bringing her girls to the concert, which led Armani to believe she was single. He certainly liked to think she was.


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