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Lane One: Seduction

Page 7

by Justine Elvira

  I stand up and Cassie instinctively wraps her legs around my waist as I carry her over to the sink, setting her down on the edge.

  Her lips are full and parted as she heavily pants in desire and I need to taste them again. I lean in, pulling her bottom lip into my mouth and sucking on her flesh before lowering my mouth back to her shoulder. My hands reach out to both straps of her suit and lower them until they fall at her waist, exposing her entire top half. Her succulent breasts are full, her nipples hard and I can't resist her anymore. My tongue darts out and licks my lips, anticipating just how good her nipples will taste.

  I cup her breasts with my hands and then feed one to my mouth. I lick her erect nipple, circling my tongue around it before sucking it between my teeth, then I repeat the action with her other nipple.

  The soft moan she makes from the back of her throat is the most sensuous sound I've ever heard. I want to hear her make that sound for the rest of her life.

  I wonder what she'll sound like when I'm inside her.

  The thought of being inside Cassie should turn me on, but it has the opposite effect. It's like throwing a bucket of cold water on my libido. I’ll never be inside Cassie. She's a virgin and deserves better than a quick fuck from me inside the family locker room of our health club.

  I pull away from her chest and grab the straps of her suit, quickly pulling them back up her body and covering her breasts back up with the synthetic material.

  "We can't do this," I practically whisper. I'm unsure of exactly what I’m telling her I can’t do.

  She's nodding her head in complete agreement, but in agreement of what? I don't think either of us knows.

  I step back from her and she slides her body off the sink, still trying to catch her breath.

  "Are you okay?" I ask her. I know how inexperienced she is so I don't want to do or say anything that will make her upset. I especially don't want her to think I'm toying with her affection.

  "I'm fine, Theo."

  We stand there in silence, neither of us willing to be the first one to leave.

  "I should probably go get ready to pick up Alyssa," she finally says, breaking the awkward moment.

  "Okay. We're still on for tonight though, right?"

  I don't know why but I have the feeling she would love to cancel our plans right now. To my surprise she nods her head and then leans in, standing up on her tiptoes and kissing me on the cheek.

  "Namaste," she whispers seductively in my ear, teasingly using the term.

  She rolls her eyes and walks out of the locker room and I'm stuck staring after her with a massive hard-on and no relief. How am I going to make it through the night with her when my dick gets hard just looking at her?

  I look down at the nine-inch pole in my pants that's causing so much trouble lately. "You need to settle the fuck down. You'll get no action with Cassie, so stop getting all excited because you're only hurting yourself in the end."



  Today is dragging on slowly. I love the time I spend with Alyssa, but for the first time ever I wish I was somewhere else. I wish I were with Theo.

  I want him. I've never wanted a man for anything before. Sure, I've crushed on celebrities, mostly lead singers from my favorite bands, but they are unattainable. It's just a daydream that gives me a little excitement in my life, but Theo is the real deal. He has movie star looks, a rock star’s attitude towards sex, and sparks a desire deep inside of me that needs to be released.

  I finish up with Alyssa at her doctor's appointment and now we're back at the brownstone and Molly is preparing dinner while Alyssa and I make a salad to go with it. Theo will be here in a little under an hour so I need time to get ready and put on a set of the new lingerie I bought. I've never worn lingerie before. I usually get my underwear at the grocery store.

  "Cassie, are you wearing nail polish?" Molly asks me in shock. I look down at my red, perfectly un-chipped manicure and then back up at Molly. I never wear nail polish unless Alyssa and I are playing dress-up. Alyssa will paint my nails in some shade of pink and she gets it all over the skin of my fingers. The manicure I'm sporting now is obviously not one done by a four-year-old.

  "Yes," I reply nervously. I hope she just leaves it at that. I don't like to answer questions, especially when they're about me.

  I sigh in relief when Chris walks into the kitchen, interrupting our conversation. He looks exhausted. His dress clothes are wrinkled, his tie is loose, and when he's done leaving a tender kiss on his wife's lips he goes straight to the fridge to crack open a bottle of beer.

  "Rough day, sweetheart?"

  He takes a swig of his beer before plastering a fake smile on his face. "Nothing I can't handle." He leans in and gives Molly another kiss before asking, "What's for dinner?"

  "Just some chicken with herbs, rice pilaf, and asparagus. Cassie and Alyssa are making a salad to go with it.” He looks over at me and I realize he didn't even know I was in the room.

  Wow, he must have had a rough day.

  "I just got off the phone with Theo and he said he'd be here shortly to pick you up. You two are getting rather chummy."

  If people watched our interaction I doubt they'd classify it as chummy. We're like the unpredictable weather in Chicago. Hot one moment and ice cold the next.

  "Uh, yeah. We’re getting dinner and watching a movie or something. It's no big deal."

  I try to busy myself with the salad in front of me, but I don't miss the look Chris gives his wife or the smile she shoots back at him.

  "That explains the nails," Molly mumbles underneath her breath, but I catch every word.

  I spent the day yesterday pampering myself. Something I've never done before in my life. I used every last penny I had to get a massage, pedicure and facial, before getting a full bikini wax and screaming in agony all the way home.

  I will never let a woman pour hot wax and rip it from my skin again. I'll just have to resort to shaving.

  I finish with the salad and then excuse myself to get ready for my night with Theo. He may be the one holding back from me all of a sudden, but I won’t give up so easily. He probably thinks I haven't caught onto the not so sudden hints of "friendship" he's been trying to push since I poured my soul out to him on Saturday night. I'm not sure if he's backing off because I revealed I'm poor, or was in the foster system my whole life, or because I became a street-kid. It could be any of these reasons but deep down inside I know all of that doesn’t matter. Only one thing I told him Saturday night freaked him out. I should have never told him I was a virgin. I should have lied, but if I would have lied he'd have found out eventually anyway and I want to be completely honest with him.

  I need to make it clear that I want him. I want him to be my first. I would have let him Saturday night. I was practically begging for it, but Theo was a complete gentleman and I like that side of him, too.

  But I don’t want to see that side of him tonight.

  I put on the bravest face I can as I look down at the bag I have on the floor of my room. It's filled with the lingerie I just bought and I pull out a red set. I strip out of the clothes I wore all day and slip on the satin red panties followed by the sheer push-up bra. They hug my body perfectly and when I look in the mirror, I see someone different staring back at me.

  This isn't the Cassie who let foster family after foster family walk all over her. This isn’t the Cassie who was almost raped when she was sixteen or the Cassie who ate her feelings until she was overweight and unhealthy. This isn’t even the Cassie who has been swimming laps and working her butt off for almost two years. This is a brand new Cassie.

  She's confident, feels sexy in her size ten curves, and is ready to finally lose her virginity.

  Digging through my dresser I go through the few items of clothes I have. I'm about to slip into a pair of jeans, but I change my mind at the last minute. If I'm going to get Theo to agree to sleep with me, I need to wear something he can't resist.

  I g
o into my closest and pull out the little black dress I bought while shopping yesterday. It shows off entirely too much skin and after getting a restless sleep last night debating whether or not I'd wear it tonight, I decided this morning to return it. It is too revealing, too forward–it's like handing my virginity to him in a sexy black package.

  But now I've changed my mind. It's exactly what I need to seduce Theo into his bed. Tonight I'm going to have to make the first move and show Theo that I'm ready. And as I'm ripping off the price tag of the dress I'm going to wear, I'm imagining Theo ripping the dress off me.



  Entry #1604

  I can't write about my day or how I'm feeling because I have only one thing on my mind and I need to get it out of my mind.

  I will not fuck Cassie. I will not fuck Cassie. I will not fuck Cassie.

  Maybe if I write it enough I'll actually believe it.

  I've spent all day going back and forth about what to do with Cassie. I want to be with her tonight, in every sense of the word, but the logical part of my brain knows it's a bad idea. A woman's virginity is a big deal, especially when she's held onto it for so long. Cassie will make the obvious connection between love and sex. She'll get too attached and I'm not sure I'd be able to handle her if she becomes all clingy.

  Okay, that's a lie. I want her clingy, especially if she's clinging on to me–naked and shaking from the multiple orgasms I've given her.

  But then there is Cassie's past. She's had a rough life and deserves someone whose heart is completely in it. She deserves a man who will love her, cherish her, and never leave her. I care for Cassie a lot, but I've never been that man and I’m not sure I could be that man now.

  After I left Cassie in the locker room this morning, I went upstairs to the track and ran until my legs gave out. I headed to the office afterwards to get some work done, but it was a squandered day. Cassie was the only thing on my mind and instead of working I called my buddy to look into her birth certificate. I also called Antonio, the head chef at the steak house down the street from my condo, and placed our dinner order, telling him to take it to my place at eight.

  After watching the clock tick by at an extremely slow pace, I changed into something more casual. In my favorite pair of jeans and a basic black t-shirt, I finally left the office and headed over to pick up Cassie, letting Chris know I was on my way.

  It's been only hours since I've seen her and I already miss her. Her personality is infectious and I'm anxious with anticipation for what the night will bring for us. The one thing I do know is I'm not going to make any sexual advances, so this could potentially be a long, torturous night for my dick.

  I pull down Chris's street and find a spot a few houses down from his brownstone. The streetlights are dim, but light up the dark street enough that kids are still outside playing. Walking up the steps of the brownstone, I take a deep breath and then ring the doorbell. To my surprise, the large door opens and my favorite little girl greets me.

  "Uncle Theo!" Alyssa shouts, jumping in for a hug. I squeeze her tightly before letting her go and we both walk into the home.

  "Shouldn't you be getting ready for bed?" I ask her, surprised to see her up and still in her regular clothes.

  "Mommy's about to give me a bath before reading me a story. Cassie usually does it but she can't tonight."

  "Oh, really? Why can't Cassie do it tonight?"

  She blows on a piece of her blond, curly hair and squints her eyes at me. "I don't know. She's all dressed up. I think she's going to have fun without me."

  "I would never go have fun without you, Alyssa."

  I look up as Cassie walks down the stairs towards Alyssa and me.

  Holy. Shit.

  Tonight was supposed to be casual.

  Is she trying to kill all my willpower?

  Her long brown hair falls down the sides of her face in waves. She's in a tight, black dress that could have been painted on it fits her curves so well, along with black stilettos. STILETTOS! I remember imagining her in shoes just like that when she was dressed up at Alyssa's birthday party. It's like she read my mind somehow and dressed up like my perfect fantasy of her. She even topped the look off with minimal make-up, but she's wearing a nice shiny lip-gloss and I can’t wait to suck it off her irresistible lips.

  But I won't be doing that because we're just friends and I need to remember that tonight.

  "Then why are you all dressed up?" Alyssa asks Cassie, clearly confused at her best friend’s new look.

  Cassie steps off the last step and is now standing with us on the hard wood floor. I'm forcing myself to keep my hands at my sides so I don't touch her.

  God, I want to touch her.

  "I'm stuck spending the evening with your boring uncle so I decided to dress up to make the evening more interesting."

  "I'm boring now, am I?"

  She turns and smiles at me. "I'll give you tonight to prove me wrong."

  "Oh, I look forward to it," I respond roughly, looking her body over before winking at her.

  How quickly I forget that this relationship is supposed to be platonic.

  "Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?" Alyssa blurts out, looking back and forth between us.

  I look at her inquisitively. "And what do you know about boyfriends and girlfriends?"

  Alyssa giggles. "Mommy said if a boy likes you he usually teases you. That happens with my friends at school."

  "And are any boys teasing you?"

  "Nope," she replies smiling. "So do you tease Cassie? Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

  "Absolutely not," I say at the same time Cassie says, "No."

  The room grows quiet and it's clear Alyssa's not sure whether or not to believe us or not, but thankfully she drops the subject.

  "I'm going upstairs for my bath." She skips past us and starts hopping up the stairs two at a time. "Bye, Cassie. Bye, Uncle Theo."

  Once she's completely up the stairs I turn back to Cassie. "You look beautiful, little ninja."

  "Thanks," she whispers shyly.

  "Are you ready to go?"

  She walks into the foyer and grabs her coat before turning back to me. "I am now."

  I open the front door for her and she walks out of the brownstone with me following. I put my hand on her lower back as we take the steps down and veer to the right towards my car.

  I'm glad to finally be with her and get to know her better, but I'm scared to death because everything I learn about her makes me fall for her even more, and she doesn't need a man like me in her romantic life.


  We're sitting at my dining room table enjoying the delicious steak dinner that was dropped off twenty minutes ago. I've lit a few candles and am pouring myself a second glass of wine when I notice Cassie hasn't even taken a sip of hers.

  "Do you not like the wine?"

  She glances at her glass and then back up at me before saying, "I prefer water with my dinner."

  I stand up from the table. "Regular or sparkling?"

  "Sparkling, please."

  I leave the dining room and walk into the kitchen, grabbing a clean wine glass and filling it with some sparkling water I have in the fridge. Walking back in the dining room, Cassie hums in pleasure as she takes a bite of her steak. I set her glass down in front of her and join her back at the table.

  "I'm glad you like the food. This is from one of my favorite restaurants in the city."

  "It's delicious. I never ate steak as a kid and I've only had it a handful of times as an adult. It's my favorite."

  I've had steak at least once a week for as long as I can remember. It's just a reminder of how different Cassie and I both are.

  We finish our dinner, enjoying each other's company and the food in front of us. Afterwards, when we settle down in the living room Cassie makes sure to sit down after me. She scoots right next to me, making sure our legs touch. I'm not sure if it's deliberate on her part, but I know it's not something I should dw
ell on right now. I need a distraction.

  "Movie?" I blurt out.


  "Do you want to watch a movie?" I clarify.

  "Oh, sure."

  I grab the remote and click my online library. There is no way I am putting on anything romantic, so I go for one of my favorite comedies that hopefully distracts us both from each other.

  "Have you ever seen Pineapple Express?"


  "Alright, prepare to watch a stupidly ridiculous comedy that will have you ashamed to be laughing so much."

  Clicking on the movie we settle into the sofa and begin watching. We're only a few minutes in when Cassie turns her body slightly into mine. As hard as I tried to resist, my eyes glance down at her bare legs. Her soft skin looks so tempting as my eyes move up to where her thighs meet the hem of her dress. The small gap between her inner thighs and dress is practically inviting me to slip my hand inside and feel what's underneath.

  My dick twitches and it's a fucking reminder that I need to restrain myself tonight. It's the exact opposite of who I am tonight. If this were any other woman I wouldn't even think about it. Her dress would already be off and I'd be inside her, getting exactly what she was offering me. I wouldn't even think twice about it.

  But it's Cassie. Sweet, virgin Cassie. I'm at a loss for what to do.

  My head's still facing the screen but my eyes continue drifting up her body, the tightness of her dress showing off her ample breasts. My eyes land on hers and instead of watching the movie she's watching me. I glance back at the screen and clench my teeth before swallowing hard. I'm not mistaken on what I just saw written across her face. She wants me. Right now Cassie wants me.

  "Theo," she whispers huskily.

  I can't answer her. I shouldn't. If I ignore her maybe she'll get the hint and continue watching the movie instead of me.


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