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Regency Romance: To Capture The Duke’s Heart (CLEAN Historical Romance) (The Inheritance Saga)

Page 18

by Jessie Bennett

  “Oh goodness no,” said James. “But I am starting work at Fernside and Buxton tomorrow,” he added.

  “You are going to work for her?” asked Charlotte in surprise.

  James nodded. “That is, I believe, the only way I can get close to her and let her know of my feelings. Moreover, she needs some protection from Morgan Fallot. The two men who work for her now, Sam and Wally, cannot handle a man like Morgan,” said James.

  “I think you made the right move, James,” said Edward as he patted him on the shoulder.

  Dinner at the castle was a grand affair and James immensely enjoyed his evening with Edward, Charlotte and their three children. He watched the family together and something inside him softened. Yes, he wanted a family just like this one, and he would have it someday if Rose agreed to marry him.





  “Woman is fine for her own satisfaction alone. No man will admire her the more, no woman will like her the better for it. Neatness and fashion are enough for the former, and a something of shabbiness or impropriety will be most endearing to the latter.” ~ Jane Austen

  James reported for work at Fernside and Buxton early the following morning. Sam had just come in and looked up in surprise. “You sure are out to impress Mrs. Buxton, aren’t you?” he asked.

  James noted the sarcasm in his voice, but chose to ignore it. “It is a good trait of employees to be early to work, just like you are now,” said James as he walked past Sam and headed toward the office.

  “She isn’t in there,” called Sam.

  “Who?” asked James.

  “Mrs. Buxton,” replied Sam.

  “Oh, she will be soon, I guess,” said James. “I need to take instructions from her about what I should be doing,” he added.

  Sam watched James enter the small office and shrugged his shoulders. “That man is going to be a nuisance, I imagine,” muttered Sam as he shoved a bale of fabric onto the cart rather unceremoniously.

  Rose walked into her office and was stunned to see James standing beside the window.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Buxton,” said James as he turned to smile at Rose.

  Her insides flipped when she saw him smile. “Good morning, Mr. Stratton. You are early,” she said.

  James nodded and smiled. “I would like you to tell me what I should be doing today,” said James.

  Rose was a little taken aback as she looked at James. “You will work with Wally today. The warehouse needs rearranging, especially the higher racks, which Wally cannot reach,” said Rose.

  “Of course, I’d be delighted to help old Wally,” said James as he turned to leave.

  “Mr. Stratton,” called Rose. James stopped and turned. “Why is it that you decided to work for me?” she asked.

  James only smiled and walked out of the office.

  Rose watched him walk across the garden and head toward the warehouse. “Mysterious, very mysterious indeed,” she murmured as she walked back to her desk.

  Rose tried to work on the ledger, but her mind was disturbed. She put away the ledger and took out her order book. Nothing seemed to be working this morning. Sighing, she closed both books and stood. Looking around the office, she picked up a rug and went outdoors with it. This needs a bit of dusting, I think, she thought as she hung the rug on the clothesline and began banging it with a carpet brush.

  “Oh, reduced to cleaning your own carpets, Mrs. Buxton?” boomed a voice from behind her, which made Rose jump.

  She spun around and came face to face with Morgan Fallot. “Cleaning my carpets, does not indicate any level of bankruptcy,” she retorted.

  Morgan laughed. “I think you should consider selling this business, Mrs. Buxton. It is not an appropriate business for a woman. You would be better off baking or sewing,” said Morgan condescendingly.

  “Mr. Fallot, I do not believe you have come to give me advice on what I should be doing as a business,” said Rose, her temper flaring.

  “Oh no indeed not, Mrs. Buxton. I came over with a new idea. Why don’t we go into a partnership instead of you selling me this business? Just think… Fernside, Buxton and Fallot Fabrics,” said Morgan as he waved his hands in the air.

  “With you? Over my dead body, Mr. Fallot,” said Rose, her nostrils flaring.

  “Now, now, my dear, you need not fly off the handle like that. Give it a thought,” said Morgan.

  Morgan moved closer to Rose and she smelled the stale odor of the previous night’s brandy. Rose moved a step back, but Morgan advanced two steps forward, until there was no space between their bodies. “You are beautiful, Rose, and we would make a handsome couple, both in business and in bed,” said Morgan as he ran his index finger down her cheek.

  Rose lashed out at him with the brush, giving him an ugly dust print on his shirt.

  “You, woman, you whore. You would prefer to give yourself to the Duke’s bastard son?” roared Morgan, clenching his fist and drawing it back to strike her.

  “Do you need any help, Mrs. Buxton?” asked a voice from behind that made Morgan and Rose jump in surprise.

  Rose looked over her shoulder and found James standing outside the warehouse door, his hands on his hips. He had his sleeves rolled up and the muscles in his arms glinted in the sunshine. Morgan lowered his hand and glared at James.

  “Oh, it is true what the villagers say. You have hired a guard dog, or should I say a stray dog, to protect you,” said Morgan, his eyes spewing fury.

  “A guard dog with pedigree would be fine, Mr. Fallot,” said James.

  “Pedigree indeed, how could I forget that? The late Duke of Cumberland’s bast…”was all Morgan could say before a slim hand lashed across his face with all its might, leaving its imprint in five red lines across Morgan’s cheek.

  “Get off of my premises now,” shouted Rose as she lashed once again at Morgan. James rushed to Rose’s side and took her hands.

  “That is enough, Mrs. Buxton,” said James as Rose and he watched Morgan rush toward his stallion, holding his cheek.

  Rose was shaking with anger. “How dare he come here and make advances at me, talking about a partnership,” she said furiously.

  “You handled him well, Mrs. Buxton, and I suggest that you let either Sam or I sit with you in your office when you are working here,” said James.

  “But why should I?” asked Rose.

  “Because people like Morgan Fallot never take no for an answer,” said James.

  Rose looked at him with wide eyes. It did frighten her to think that Morgan would pester her endlessly until she agreed to sell or let him join her business, and she was not ready to do either. In fact, she would never relent to Morgan Fallot’s suggestions.





  “You either choose this method of passing the evening because you are in each other's confidence, and have secret affairs to discuss, or because you are conscious that your figures appear to the greatest advantage in walking;— if the first, I should be completely in your way, and if the second, I can admire you much better as I sit by the fire.” ~ Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

  James walked out of the warehouse with two bales of fabric over his shoulders. He found Sam leaning against the cart, not attempting to help with the heavy bales of fabric. “Can you give me a hand, Sam?” asked James.

  “Why should I? I am not supposed to carry bales of fabric, that’s not my job,” retorted Sam.

  James looked at him in surprise. “What has come over you today?” asked James.

  “Nothing that needs you to bother about,” said Sam as he turned away from the cart and trained his eyes toward the horizon.

  James shrugged and had turned to get back to the warehouse when he found Rose watching him from her office.

  She quickly turned away when he looked toward the
office. Wally had just entered the office and stood watching Rose. He had heard the exchange of words between James and Sam. “I am not too happy with the way Sam treats James Stratton, Mrs. Buxton,” said Wally. Rose nodded.

  “I was watching the two of them just now and I felt the same. What is it with Sam these days?” asked Rose.

  Wall shrugged. “The old boy is not too happy that James is working for you,” said Wally.

  “Oh, and why is that?” asked Rose, looking astonished.

  “I think mayhap Sam is afraid that he will lose his job to James,” said Wally.

  Rose burst out laughing. “How silly of Sam to think that way, that is, if he does think that way. James is here for only a month and after that, he’ll be gone. He has his own business in Manchester, or so he says. No one knows whether he does or not,” said Rose.

  Wally nodded. “I am sure he does,” said Wally. “As the manner in which he handles the warehouse is that of a professional, Mrs. Buxton. You should see the bales of fabric now, all neatly stacked on their racks,” said Wally, smiling.

  Rose nodded. “Yes, I did take a look last evening and was pleased to see that everything was in order and distinguishable,” said Rose. “It will help you a lot, Wally,” she added.

  Wally smiled and nodded. “Indeed, it will, Mrs. Buxton, and I’d be downright unhappy to see James leave in a month’s time,” he added.

  Rose nodded and a feeling of utter disappointment zipped through her being. The thought of James leaving Bath and her business gave her a sense of sadness, and a lonesome cloud floated over her as she thought of that day, which was not too far away.





  “Do not give way to useless alarm; though it is right to be prepared for the worst, there is no occasion to look on it as certain.” ~ Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

  Business for Fernside and Buxton began booming, very much to the disgust and anger of Morgan Fallot. He knew that the change in business was due to James Stratton, and he couldn’t believe that the bastard child of the late Duke of Cumberland, as the whole of Bath believed it to be, was to be his undoing.

  Morgan was seated on the porch of his house when he heard the sound of hooves. Turning around, he saw Jeremy Hethersett round the bend. Morgan raised his hand in welcome as Jeremy dismounted his horse, tethering it to the iron pole outside Morgan’s house. If a plan could be conjured it had to be done with Jeremy Hethersett.

  “Hello, Morgan, what’s up, old man?” asked Jeremy as he walked onto the porch and slapped Morgan on the back.

  “Everything is the matter, Jeremy. My business is dwindling and Rose Buxton’s is flourishing. Some of my customers ride all the way to Bath to buy their purchases, as they say they get better service now that James Stratton works for her,” said Morgan.

  Jeremy looked at Morgan in surprise. “You mean to say James Stratton works for Rose Buxton now?” asked Jeremy. Morgan nodded. “Well, that is serious business, then and you need to do something about it. Otherwise, your plans would work the other way around,” said Jeremy.

  “What do you mean, my plans would work the other way around?” asked Morgan.

  “You’d be selling her your business, instead of buying Fernside and Buxton, which is on your mind now,” said Jeremy.

  Morgan’s eyes grew wide. “I never thought of that, Jeremy,” he said. “Well, you’d better think about doing something, otherwise that will be exactly what you’ll do. Sell out to Rose Buxton and imagine the shame that would overcome you,” said Jeremy.

  Morgan lit his pipe and puffed a spiral of smoke into the air, his eyes dimmed in thought. Jeremy watched him and smiled.

  “Let’s conjure a plan, Morgan, so that Rose is compelled to sell you the business and James is driven away from Bath,” said Jeremy.

  Morgan’s looked at Jeremy with half closed eyes. “Do you think we could do that?” he asked.

  “Of course, we could do it,” said Jeremy. “But we would have to get help from inside,” he added”Inside?” asked Morgan Fallot. “I mean someone working for Rose Buxton will need to help us,” said Jeremy. Morgan Fallot thought for a while and then slapped his palm on his knee. “I know just the man who would help us for a few pounds thrown at him,” he said with an evil grin. “And who would that be?” asked Jeremy. “Sam,” said Morgan. “Sam? You mean the lad who works for Rose Buxton?” asked Jeremy. “Indeed. He is not very happy that James Stratton is hovering around the place now as he feels that James is keen on making Rose’s acquaintance,” said Morgan. “Then Sam is the right person,” laughed Jeremy.

  The two men discussed their plans in whispers, afraid that someone would listen and take the news to Rose.

  One week later

  James Stratton had been invited to Frampton Castle for dinner and had asked permission from Rose to leave early.

  “You seem to be a frequent visitor to the castle these days,” said Rose with a smile.

  “It’s where we grew up, remember?” said James. Rose nodded.

  “In fact, His Grace was here last week, when you had gone out for delivery, and he invited me to visit the castle. Her Grace was with him too, and how she has changed. Duchess Charlotte was not like that many years ago. Her extravagance was immortal and everyone thought that the Duchy would become bankrupt,” laughed Rose. “But somehow, the horrific plan of Jeremy Hethersett , Lord Stephen Huntington and Maria Beaumont was heard by her and she saw daylight,” said Rose.

  James nodded. This was the first time Rose was having such a close conversation with him. Maybe memories of their childhood days spent together still lived within them yet. “I heard about it too, but today she is a good mother and an adoring wife, and I am happy for Edward,” said James.

  Rose nodded. “Every man should have a wife who is adoring and loving. It is only then that their marriage will work,” said Rose as a sadness enveloped her being, her mind racing to her married life with Patrick Buxton. Patrick had only been an infusion of funds into a dwindling business and as for a happy married life, Rose had always detested him.

  James watched her closely. “And weren’t you happy with your married life, Rose?” asked James softly.

  Rose’s eyes flew to James’ and for a moment locked with his. She shook her head and looked away, afraid that James would see the tears in her eyes. “It was a marriage of convenience. Patrick had the money to infuse into our business, which Papa and I saw crumbling to the ground. And for Papa, the only alternative was to agree to Patrick’s proposal of marriage to me,” said Rose.

  Rose was looking out of the window, her back turned to James, and she jumped when a pair of hands gently fell on her shoulders. James turned her to face him and she looked into his eyes. The warmth she saw in them swayed her, as she gently placed her head on his broad chest.

  James enfolded her in his arms as he kissed the top of her head. “You have me, Rose, you need not worry anymore,” he whispered.

  “But for how long, James? You have a business in Manchester and will leave Bath soon, and then what?” she whispered as the tears stung her eyes.

  “You could marry me,” said James.

  Rose’s head shot up and she withdrew from James as if she had been hit by a brick. “Marry you? Of course not,” she said as she disengaged herself from his grip and looked out of the window.

  “What is wrong with that?” he asked.

  “Everything is wrong, Mr. Stratton,” she said as she turned and walked back to her desk.

  James shook his head. It was difficult to fathom Rose Buxton. One moment she was so soft and warm, and the next she literally spewed fire. James turned on his heel and walked out of the office. He felt like a fool for making that suggestion when he should have known that she would reject him. Rose was a proud woman.

  Rose watched James as he mounted Venus and rode away. Tears stung her eyes as she turned away. She knew she loved him that much, but something within her re
fused to accept it.

  Sam had been standing at the side of the warehouse and had seen it all. He was furious when James embraced Rose and she placed her head on James’s chest. “He has the audacity to hug Rose when it is I who should be doing that to her,” muttered Sam.

  Wally, who had come round the corner, stood in shock. “What are you muttering about, Sam?” asked Wally.

  “Nothing that you should worry your old head about, Wally,” said Sam as he brushed against Wally and headed toward his horse. He had to do something before it was too late. He had to see Morgan Fallot and Jeremy Hethersett.





  No man is offended by another man's admiration of the woman he loves; it is the woman only who can make it a torment.” ~ Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey

  James rode to Frampton Castle for dinner. He was already late and Hannah had left before him. James loved to go to the castle, as it brought back so many lovely memories of his childhood. Dinner was a wonderful spread of food prepared by the cook, under the strict supervision of Hannah.

  “How is your job going?” asked Edward.

  James smiled. “It is hard work, but I enjoy working there,” said James.

  “How is Rose with you?” asked Charlotte.

  James smiled and looked at Edward. “Always a woman’s question; about the other woman,” said Edward with a grin.

  “Oh, there is nothing wrong in asking James about Rose when it is written all over his face that he is infatuated by her,” said Charlotte with a grin.


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