Prosecco Heart
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Thank you Robin Replogle and the entire Replogle family at Fenestra Winery in Livermore, California. The Fenestra wine makers are the good guys of the wine world. They make my very favorite wines, and they graciously helped me understand how a winery works. Any inaccuracies about winemaking or how wineries operate are mine.
Thank you to my writing partners Lori Ryan and Lisa-Marie Cabrelli for the weekly butt-kicking,
and for your incredible generosity with your time and knowledge.
Un milone grazie to Traci Andrighetti of
Lemon Lit for the Italian translations.
I am eternally grateful in every language.
Thank you Tammi Labrecque of Indie Pub Intensive. Uncompromising Badass, Fierce Protector, Cussword Ninja, and Sister of My Heart.
Thank you for your keen eye,
Jennifer Jones, you gorgeous genius.
Once again, your wisdom has saved my ass.
Thank you Jami Albright, Alyssa Archer, Michelle Hart, Claire Taylor, and Amy Teegan, for letting a California hippie into your Texas posse, and for keeping me sane and making me laugh every day. Right in front of my salad.
Thank you Mark Leslie and Liz May of Spirits Untapped, for sending me to a haunted brewery, and for listening to me whine about it afterward. It was exactly what I needed to jump start the book. Thanks for being good sports and letting me put you in a much more ridiculous scenario than you put me in. I fucking love you two, and I'm not even drunk.
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Thank you Phantom Carriage Brewery, for not kicking me out when I suggested you start showing Colin Firth movies. You are the most terrifying brewery with the most excellent beer in Southern California. For that I am extremely grateful and also taking Pumpkin Spice Xanax.
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Thank you Joe Strauss, the hero of my favorite love story, for being the only person I really care to impress.
About the Author
Julie Strauss lives, reads, writes, and cooks with her husband and four children in Southern California.
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If that’s too much togetherness, I feel ya, sister.
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Thanks! I’m totally pouring you a glass of wine right now.