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Saving Our Hearts

Page 11

by Velvet Reed

  The room goes silent before all three of us burst into hysterical laughter. Calming ourselves down, we head for the Physical Therapy Department wiping tears from our eyes. We’re all lost in our own amusement until Olivia says, “Don’t worry, Gracie, you forget I have a daughter. I’m an expert at doing braids. I’m sure armpit hair wouldn’t be too hard to work with.” And that sets us off again, only this time people stare at us all the way through the hospital as our laughter echoes through the corridors.

  If ever I need someone to brighten my day, Olivia Tierney is the first person I’d call.

  Chapter 15


  The casts are off and Gracie’s first physical therapy session went well. My dad has arranged for his friend, Kevin Sergeant, to be Gracie’s therapist so we’re kind of getting special treatment. He’s a great guy, really easy going and all the staff love him, but I noticed during Gracie’s session, that he won’t take crap from his patients. He pushes them while being encouraging and emphasizes the fact that the pace of their rehabilitation and long term success depends how determined they are to get well.

  Gracie exuded enthusiasm during her session and I could tell Kevin was impressed. When her time was up, she wanted to keep going, even though I saw the strain on her face and the weariness in her body. It was that enthusiasm that had Kevin explaining to her that there was a fine line between effective rehab and pushing too hard and fast, which would only cause more problems.

  Still, Gracie came out of the session having walked a few feet with the aid of a crutch and a smile of accomplishment on her face. Her strength astounds me. The way she has come through the accident and Cooper’s early birth could have sent anyone into a state of depression, and although she’s had her moments, Gracie hasn’t let the last six weeks get her down.

  My mom has gone off to spend some time with Cooper now since Gracie and I are on our way to see Sam for Gracie’s postnatal check-up. A few people have asked me if I feel weird about Sam being my girlfriend’s OBGYN and seeing parts of her no friend should ever see, but I don’t. Yes, he’s my best friend, but he’s also a doctor and a damn good one at that. What people don’t understand is that as a doctor, the patient is just that... a patient. Vaginas, penises and breasts become just another body part.

  I know Gracie was getting irritated with me earlier but I’ve been impatiently waiting for this appointment with Sam. I need him to give her the all-clear because I need my woman desperately. Even with her limbs encompassed in plaster over the last few weeks, Gracie turns me on like no other. She has no idea how even the littlest things that she does can set me off.

  Helping her bathe for so many weeks has been the worst kind of torture. I’m a man after all, and while seeing the breasts of the woman you love causes a reaction, lathering up those gloriously full and supple breasts on a daily basis means major discomfort in the downstairs department.

  Her injuries and not being able to have sex has meant the few times we have allowed our hands to wander, although providing a small amount of relief, hasn’t even taken the edge off the pent up need I have for my Gracie.

  My leg bouncing up and down obviously becomes too much for her. “You need to stop, okay? This fidgeting and total impatience you have going on is driving me insane. What the hell is wrong with you?” she snaps.

  Do I tell her the truth and come off like a horny bastard or do I lie and save face?

  I stop the leg bouncing. “I just want to know everything’s fine, baby, that’s all.” Yep, I’m a horny coward.

  Gracie stares intently at me, and God I hate when she does that because I swear she can see right into my soul. Then she smirks and shakes her head. “What?” I innocently ask.

  “You’re such a liar, Cole.”

  Again, I play innocent. “What am I lying about?”

  She raises her eyebrows and leans closer to me, lowering her voice, “You’ve had a distinct bulge in your pants all morning, babe, and since you haven’t let me give you a blow job since I’ve been home, I think it’s safe to assume that the few times I’ve heard you getting off in the shower this week hasn’t done the job.”

  My jaw drops to the floor and I’m in wide-eyed shock at Gracie. I can’t believe those words just came out of her mouth.

  “You’re dying for Sam to give me the all-clear so we can have sex, aren’t you?”

  Well, hell, if she’s going to be blunt, then so am I. “You bet I am. But can you blame me considering all the times I’ve had to run my hands over this gorgeous body of yours while washing you. Thinking about that is exactly why I’ve had this semi all day,” I say, pointing to me crotch. “And as for the events in the shower, I guess unless you wanted me to die of blue balls, then I’d say it was necessary.”

  Gracie’s trying not to laugh at my confession and so I continue, “And of course, I wasn’t going to ask you for a blow job. Number one, you haven’t been in any physical condition to do it, and number two, I thought it was only fair that if you were missing out then I should too. I’m not selfish, Sweet Cheeks, but I can assure you that once Sam gives us the go-ahead, you better clear your calendar, because when we’re at home, I plan to reclaim what’s mine.”

  Her cheeks flush, her lips part and her eyes are hooded as she stares back at me. There’s no doubt in my mind that Gracie has been waiting to have sex again just as much as I have. The look in her eyes tells me she’d strip naked and jump me right here in Sam’s waiting area if she could. Caressing her cheek with my hand, I run my thumb across her bottom lip. “I can’t wait to make love to you again, Gracie. To feel you, hold you and just be together.”

  She expels a small sigh and closes her eyes briefly. “I can’t wait either, Cole.”

  “You two ready?” Sam’s voice comes from across the room.

  I continue looking at Gracie as I reply “Yeah, we’re ready.” That little sentence having so much more relevance than to the appointment or even sex. We’re ready.

  The checkup goes pretty fast. Since Sam is around Gracie so much, he knows how she’s been but he keeps his professional position and is as thorough as he would be with any patient.

  “So everything appears to be as it should. Just be mindful that when you have sex to take it easy for a while, not only because of the C-section, but because your ribs are still healing as well.”

  I smirk at his advice, but I’m really impressed with his professionalism.

  “Thanks, Sam,” Gracie says.

  “There’s actually something else I wanted to discuss with you,” he says and I’m intrigued because he hasn’t mentioned anything to me.

  Gracie looks a little thrown so I take her hand in mine.

  Sam clears his throat. “Gracie, when you first came to me when you found out you were pregnant, you said that you were diagnosed with Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome when you were younger, correct?”

  “Yes that’s right.” Gracie answers and I can hear the nervous quiver in her voice.

  “Well, after I performed the emergency C-section and delivered Cooper, I did the usual examination of your uterus. It’s standard procedure. What surprised me is that there was no scarring, or any evidence of either condition.”

  “W-what do you mean?” Gracie asks.

  “I’d like to do another ultrasound now that you’re not pregnant, and if what I saw during the procedure matches with what I think the ultrasound will reveal, my guess is that you were misdiagnosed.”

  “How the hell could someone misdiagnose two conditions?” I question, because no doctor worth his doctorate would make such a blunder.

  “I really don’t know, Cole. All I can tell you is that Grace’s uterus looked perfectly normal.”

  I watch Gracie think about what Sam has just told us. I know exactly what this means, but I’ll wait until Gracie realizes the implications of his words. It only a takes a minute before tears fall and I know she understands.

  “I’ve always been able to have children. I can have more c
hildren.” She’s not asking a question but stating the facts out loud.

  I don’t hold back the joy I’m feeling and neither does Sam. His smile is huge when he says, “It definitely appears that way, darlin’. I do want to go ahead with that ultrasound, but at this point medically speaking, you can have as many babies as you want. Well, as long as I’m their godfather that is.”

  We all chuckle and then I have my arms around my beautiful woman, peppering kisses all over her face. Even with her weak left arm, she reaches up and cups my face with both hands. “We can give Cooper brothers and sisters,” she whispers.

  My heart beats hard at the thought of Gracie being pregnant with more of my children. “Four sounds like a good number, don’t you think, Sweet Cheeks?”

  Gracie’s eyes bulge and then she laughs heartily. “Four sounds like the greatest number in the world.”

  Tears of joy and laughter filled with happiness overtake us before we share a kiss that speaks of a love which has overcome many obstacles and will continue to endure whatever is put in its path. A love that will last forever.

  When we finally make it up to the NICU to see Cooper, Gracie and I are both on cloud nine. This has to be one of the best days we’ve had since the accident. My mom walks out just as we arrive. “Looks like you two received some good news.” She winks then moves her eyebrows up and down in the universal gesture that implies sex.

  Nothing can dampen my mood, not even mom’s innuendo. “Hell, yes we did. I can make love to my woman again and get to work on making you some more grandchildren,” I reply.

  The teasing look has gone and her brow furrows in confusion. “What are you talking about?” she asks.

  “It appears Gracie was misdiagnosed all those years ago, and according to Sam, we can have as many kids as we like.”

  She squeals. My mother actually squeals before she grabs Gracie in the biggest hug, not even thinking about any of Gracie’s lingering injuries. “Oh, honey, that is the best news ever.” She kisses Gracie on the cheek repeatedly. “I’m so happy for you. I’m so happy for me.” She laughs. “There’s going to be so many Tierney babies running around I won’t know what to do.”

  My mom’s thoughts are right in line with mine and this new piece of news just cements my resolve to make Gracie mine officially and become our own little family.

  When she finally calms down, Mom tells us Cooper needed to use the feeding tube again. While it ensures he’s getting enough nourishment, it’s pretty much the only thing that’s stopping him from coming home. Once our little man conquers the task of having all feeds from a bottle, we’ll have him all to ourselves.

  Mom heads off to have a late lunch with my dad while Gracie and I visit with Cooper. It’s during the quiet time when Gracie has a real cuddle with him, since she can use both her arms, that I start thinking about the fact that I have to go back to work at the start of next week. I’m not looking forward to it at all after six weeks off. I’ll be leaving my mom to take care of Gracie and help her with everything as well as bringing her to the hospital for her rehab sessions and visiting Cooper. I’m going to miss them like crazy. I can only be thankful that the board is allowing me to come back on a half schedule, so I’ll only be working three days a week.

  “I’m so happy right now, babe,” Gracie says out of nowhere, but I couldn’t agree more.

  “I feel exactly the same way, Gracie.”

  The energy in the car on the drive home is charged. The moment we got in the SUV at the hospital, the sexual energy crackled to life, awareness and aching need warring with the time frame of getting home.

  It starts with Gracie putting her hand on my thigh, and although her muscles are weak, the light rubbing actions sparks bolts of arousal straight to my cock. It’s a bold move by Grace, who after three weeks is relaxing more and more each time we get in the car but is still not completely over the anxiety that accompanies the experience.

  Concentrating as hard as I can on making sure we get home in one piece, I try to think about something non-arousing, and funnily enough Gracie’s hairy leg and armpit after the casts were taken off come to mind.

  When I finally pull into the driveway and turn to the gorgeous woman beside me, the desire emanating from her eyes undoes me. I scramble out of the car, race around her side forgoing the wheelchair, whip her door open and lift her into my arms. As I fumble with the door and carry her into the house, she wraps her arms around my neck and places soft, wet kisses anywhere she can reach.

  Kicking the door closed behind me, I proceed straight to the bedroom where I lower Gracie to our bed, after struggling to pull the comforter back. She lays watching me, her eyes fluttering periodically, while I undress her. I take in every inch of the woman I intend to spend the rest of my life with, and use my index finger to trace the pink scare from her C-section. “So beautiful” I murmur and Gracie wriggles on the bed.

  Bending down, I place a slow, sensual kiss to her lips. She smiles up at me as I straighten and begin to undress myself much faster than I did her. We haven’t even started anything and I’m hard as a rock, and even though I told Gracie I wanted to reclaim what was mine, tonight isn’t the night for that. I know I’m not going to last long and I know I need to be careful with Gracie’s body, so I’ll take it slow and let Gracie guide me.

  Climbing on the bed, I lay beside her propped up on my elbow so I can look down at her beautiful face. Her right hand finds its way to the back of my neck and she’s pulling me down into a kiss. The sparks fly as soon as the contact is made and we both lose ourselves. Her taste is intoxicating, but I remember it... I savor it.

  Our hands begin to wander. As we caress and explore each other, our bodies getting reacquainted, my mind flashes back to a similar moment in time when we experienced each other again after our break up. Isn’t it funny how you can make love to someone so many times, but the ones that remain distinct memories are the ones that have a deeper meaning, a deeper importance than the rest?

  Both our movements and kisses become more urgent, so I pull away to grab a condom out of the nightstand and quickly roll it on. I position myself above her, hovering to keep my weight off her while leaning down to continue kissing her senseless. “Please, Cole,” she begs her voice raspy with need.

  Slowly, I guide my cock to her entrance, and with tender care, I enter her silken depths. I groan at the sensation, at the sheer pleasure the contact is creating. “Oh, God,” I growl as her channel grips my cock tightly.

  Focusing, I see her wince and stop my movement. “Am I hurting you?” I ask. “If I am, we’ll stop. It might kill me, but I’ll stop.”

  Gracie shakes her head. “It’s a little uncomfortable, but I’m fine. Please just keep going. I need you, Cole.”

  Sliding my tongue across her lips, I begin moving again. Each stroke forward becomes less constricted as Gracie’s muscles relax and accept me fully into her body. “I love you, Gracie,” I whisper passionately before kissing her with more force and desperation than before.

  The long, languid strokes I make with my cock have Gracie moaning louder and moving in sync with me. The tingling in my spine builds and my balls begin to draw up tightly. I’m so close and I feel that Gracie is too, so I reach down between us and find her bundle of nerves. Applying some pressure as I rub the sensitive nub in a circular motion, it sets Gracie of and her walls tighten around me as her release consumes her. A few more forceful pumps and I’m following her over the edge into pure bliss.

  Ensuring I keep my weight off Gracie, I flop down beside her and remove the condom. We’re both still catching our breaths as I pull her closer to me. Moving a few stray tendrils of hair from her face, I simply look at her. I take in all her features and marvel at the fact that something so beautiful, so perfect, could be placed her on earth just for me.

  “Thank you for being so gentle, babe. That was just... exquisite.”

  “Every time with you is amazing. I’ve missed making love to you so much, Gracie.” I smile.
  “It really was perfect, and, Cole...”

  “Mmm,” I mumble, suddenly feeling replete and deeply relaxed.

  “I love you so much.”

  “Love you too, sweet.” Exhaustion sweeps me away and I’m not sure if I’m confusing my dreams with reality when the magical words, ‘I’m ready to be your wife.’ float through my mind.

  Chapter 16

  Today’s the day.

  Gracie will receive two gifts. Both are a declaration of my love.

  There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.

  She’ll see how beautiful and pure my love for her is.

  The kid’s still in hospital, so maybe Gracie will leave the little bastard there when I bring her home with me.

  Once Tierney is out of the picture, she’ll be free from the fucker and we can start our lives together.


  Today, she’ll thank me, love me and promise me she’ll always be mine.

  So long Tierney, you cock sucker.

  You tried to take what’s mine and now you’re gonna pay.

  I win.

  You lose.


  Chapter 17


  The last week and a half has been crazy. Cole had to go back to work and I’ve had to work out a new routine with Olivia, so I can visit Cooper and go to my physical therapy sessions. It’s been frustrating for both Cole and me, but we’re adapting.

  He’s hated going back to work. Hated that he had to leave me when I’m still recovering and hated not seeing Cooper as much, but he’s lucky that the board has allowed him to return only three days a week.

  At least, my therapy sessions have been going well. No more wheelchair because I’m walking with crutches now for support. My arm has grown stronger, and I can actually shower myself and wipe my own ass; people should never undervalue the chore of wiping one’s own ass. I have my independence back and I’m able to do a lot of things for Cooper myself. When I can’t, Olivia is right by my side helping me, and I couldn’t be more grateful.


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