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Saving Our Hearts

Page 25

by Velvet Reed

  After I close and lock the front door, I check in on Cooper and go in search for Cole. Finding him in our bathroom splashing water on his face, I can’t hold back my laughter any more. “I swear to God, if I could bleach my eyes out, I would!” he exclaims and has me doubled over in hysterics.

  “It’s not funny, Gracie. I just saw my dad’s cock! What parents have sex, or whatever they were doing, in their kids' house? In their kid’s kitchen for fuck’s sake. I’m never going to be able to eat in there again.”

  Walking over still laughing, I wrap my arms around him. “They’re still in love, Cole. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  He scowls at me. “They can be in love in their own kitchen where I don’t have to see it. Jesus!”

  “Come on. Let’s go to bed and you can show me your own cock. Will that make you feel better?” I tease.

  Cole watches me a moment and the next thing I know I’m in his arms, and he’s carrying me to our bed. “Yeah, it will. I’ll just stare at your body and try to erase what I saw,” he says, removing my dress then my panties. “Then we’ll get some sleep because tomorrow we have a wedding to plan.”

  “Yes, we do, Doctor Tierney, yes, we do,” I reply on a breathy sigh as he kisses his way up my body. When he finally makes it to my lips, I give myself to him completely and lose myself in all that is Cole, knowing tomorrow we’ll plan our happily ever after.

  “I love you, Gracie,” Cole whispers against my mouth.

  “I love you, too, Cole,” I sigh.

  Chapter 33


  “Dirty Dancer” by Enrique Iglesias and Usher is playing throughout the club, and Sam is behind me, his front pressed to my back. He has one hand on my hip while the other is splayed across my stomach. It’s a possessive and slightly erotic position, even more so with the pressure of his hard dick pushing in to me.

  “Ash,” he says, his warm breath tickling across my damp skin. I know what he wants, and I want it too. God knows I’ve fantasized about having sex with him constantly, but I’ve been reluctant to take that final step; reluctant because I know once I do, that will be it. If I make love to Sam Evan’s, he’ll own me and that scares me to death.

  His lips wander across my shoulder, and then he’s turning me around and claiming my lips almost desperately. I don’t hold back and return his kiss with as much need and enthusiasm as he’s giving me.

  “I want you, Ashley,” he declares when we part to catch our breaths.

  Staring in to his eyes, I can see an array of emotions. They’re hooded and filled with unbridled desire. I want him too, and I know he has strong feelings for me but is he falling in love like I am? I can’t be sure.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him closer and kiss him again, totally avoiding his words. He kisses me back, but not with the same desperation as before. Breaking the kiss and spinning me back around so my back is to him again, we continue dancing, but this time our bodies aren't as connected.

  When the songs finished, Sam takes my hand and leads us back over to the table where Allison, Charlie and April are. Gracie and Cole left about an hour ago, while we all decided to keep the night going.

  “Who wants another drink?” Sam asks gruffly and worry creeps its way into my mind.

  “Just a water for me thanks,” I mumble, and everyone gives their orders too.

  “Be right back,” he says and walks away without a backward glance.

  Needing a breather and to gather my thoughts, I ask, “I’m going to the bathroom. Anyone need to go?”

  “We just went while you were dancing, Ash, but we’ll come if you want,” April replies.

  I shake my head because I’m not a lost cause. I can go alone. “Nah, I’m good. I’ll be back.”

  Weaving my way through the crowd, I stop and say hi to a few people I’ve met here before when Gracie and I used to visit regularly. It was great seeing her let her hair down tonight and enjoying herself after so many months of stress. It’s also been hard to get some alone time with her. Even when I stayed there while Cole was in Seattle, there was always someone else around which didn’t make girlie talk easy.

  The line to the bathroom is short, so I’m in after only a few minutes wait. I do my business and wash up before touching up my make-up. As I’m looking at my reflection in the mirror, I think about Sam. I think I may have hurt him by not responding to his ‘I want you’ comment.

  I want him. There’s no doubt in my mind about that, and I know I’m falling in love so why shouldn’t I take the next step. He has told me many times he has feelings for me, and I know he cares. We’ve been spending so much more time together, and each one ends in a hot and heavy make-out session, but I always stop it before it goes too far. I guess the question I need to ask myself is would I regret not being with him if he walked away. Would I look back and wonder if I had made the move and gave myself to him would it have turned in to something so much more?

  Taking my lip gloss out and applying a fresh coat, I make my decision. I’m not going to wait any more. I’ve played it safe for too long, and now I’m going to jump in with both feet. I’m going to let go of my fears and show Sam the depth of my feelings for him. I’m going to make love with him, and I’m going to do it tonight.

  With a deep breath, I steel my resolve as I put my lip gloss away, grab my clutch and make my way out of the bathroom. I almost make it back to our table when I’m stopped. “Hey there, gorgeous. How about a dance?” I turn and come face to face with a slightly familiar face. My head tilts to the side as I try to place where I know him from. Obviously, my confusion amuses the guy because he starts chuckling, “You don’t remember me, do you?” he says.

  “There’s something familiar about you, but I just can’t place where I know you from sorry,” I admit.

  “I was good friends with Charlie Rivers in high school. You and Gracie used to annoy the shit out of us, wanting to tag along when we were going out,” he laughs again.

  I take a second and cast inquisitive eyes over him. Black boots and dark jeans cover the lower half while the black button-down shirt is snug against broad shoulders and chest. The sleeves of the shirt are rolled to his elbows showing muscled forearms that are covered in tattoos. Next is his face, ruggedly handsome with short buzzed hair, a slightly crooked nose, and warm brown eyes that seem to be laughing at me. When he smiles and his dimples appear, it clicks.

  “Oh, my God... Tanner?” I squeal, because wow, I haven’t seen the guy since I was sixteen years old when Gracie and I had the hugest crush on him.

  He nods and takes a swig of his beer. “Looks like you two grew up into a couple of hotties. I saw you both singing earlier. Who knew you had such a great voice, Ashley.”

  Heat creeps across my face. “So I heard you’re working at the garage now with Charlie and Bryan.”

  “Yep. I figured ten years in the marines was long enough, and with the garage a mechanic short, I jumped at their offer to work there.”

  “Well, they’ve been through a lot, so it’s good they have someone they trust working there. Charlie’s here you know; you should have joined us.”

  “Yeah, I know. I didn’t want to intrude on your group,” he says with a shrug.

  I shake my head, smile, and then grab his hand. “Now, that’s just stupid. Come over and say hi, and meet the others.”

  His hand tightens around mine, and he allows me to drag him over to our table. I slide in to the booth next to April and Tanner moves in beside me. “Hey, Charlie boy, look who I found.”

  The surprise on Charlie’s face is hilarious; he’s had a few drinks and is quite the happy fellow. “Tanner!” he shouts louder than necessary. “What are you doing here? Have you met everyone?”

  Looks like Charlie’s had more to drink than I thought. I go through a quick introduction with Allison and April, and it’s only then I realize that Sam isn’t here. “Where’s Sam?” I ask no one in particular.

  “He hasn’t come back from g
etting those drinks yet. We’re dying of thirst over here, and he’s taking his damn time,” April gripes.

  Geez, he’s been gone a long time. I’ve been to the bathroom, ran in to Tanner, yet he’s still not back.

  “I think I’ll go see if he needs a hand,” I say, and Tanner moves out to let me by.

  Working my way over to the bar, I cast my gaze over each person waiting, searching for Sam. It isn’t until I get to the far end of the bar that I spot him, and my steps falter. At his side, with a bright red-nailed hand resting on his shoulder, is Nurse Barbie, the chick he brought to Gracie and Cole’s New Year’s Eve party.

  She’s leaning right into him and batting her eyelashes while biting her lip, then she suddenly tosses her head back and laughs at something he obviously said. As annoyed as I am, I try to ignore her flirting but when the guy next to them moves, and I see Sam’s arm is wrapped around her waist, I’m overcome with hurt and anger. Here I am finally deciding to take the next step in our relationship, and he’s is all over another girl and letting her flirt with him. Well, screw that!

  Spinning on my heel, I storm back over to the table. “Tanner!” I screech and have everyone’s heads snapping in my direction. “How about that dance?” I don’t wait for a response. I grab his hand dragging him to the dance floor just as “Scream” by Usher starts to play.

  I throw myself into the dance and move my body seductively against Tanner’s; he hesitates at first and then gets into the song and the moves I’m doing. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer, our rhythm in sync. A war is raging in my head and my heart, wanting to hurt Sam by dancing like this with Tanner and knowing it’s wrong at the same time.

  Realizing I need to stop what I’ve started because I shouldn’t use Tanner that way, I start to move out of the circle of his arms when a hand grips my elbow and pulls me backward.

  “Get your fucking hands off my woman,” Sam roars.

  Stunned by the attack, Tanner puts his hands up in surrender. “Hey, man, it’s cool. Ash asked me to dance, so I was just obliging her. No harm done.”

  Sam’s face is alight with fury. “The harm was done when you said yes.”

  Tanner shakes his head and turns to me. “Thanks for the dance, Ash, but I don’t need this guy's shit. I’ll catch you around.”

  He walks away with Sam shouting after him, “Like hell you will.”

  Spurred on by my own anger at Sam’s double standards, I round on him, “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  If I thought, he was angry before, the fire that ignites in his eyes changes that idea. “I’m your fucking boyfriend, who found his girlfriend practically humping another guy.”

  You have to be kidding me! I shake my head, turn my back on him and walk away.

  “Ashley! Don’t walk away from me.” he demands, grabs my elbow and pulls me into a small alcove away from the pounding beat of the music.

  When we’re alone, I can’t hold back and scream, “Go back and have your fun with Nurse Barbie, Vagina Man. Funny how you can have your arm wrapped around some whore while she’s draped all over you, but I can’t dance with an old friend.”

  His eyes widen is realization. “She was drunk and almost fell over. I put my arm around her to steady her, Ashley, but what you were doing was so much more.”

  I have a second of doubt. “And I’m supposed to believe that.”

  He shakes his head and his anger dissipates. He reaches up and places his hands on my face holding me captive by his gorgeous green eyes. “If I wanted her, I could have her, Ashley,” he says arrogantly and I try to pull away, but he doesn’t let me. “Just listen to me, damn it.”

  I wait for him to continue, my mouth in a mutinous line.

  He sighs heavily. “As I was saying, if I wanted her, I could have her, but I don’t. I’ve tried to hold myself back, Ashley, but every time I’m with you, I end up wanting you more and more.”

  “But you pulled away before and hardly acknowledged me,” I retort.

  He smiles at me and shakes his head again. “I pulled away, Ash, because I had a raging hard-on, and you were moving that sexy little body against it. I don’t fancy the idea of coming in my pants like a fucking teenager. That would be more than a little embarrassing.”

  My mouth drops open as his words sink in and I flush with embarrassment. I feel like such a fool. “I thought you were angry because I didn’t respond when you said you wanted me,” I mumble.

  “I want you more than anything, Ash, and sure I’d take you right here, right now, if I could, but I know you’re not ready. I’ve been waiting, Ash, and I’ll keep waiting until you want to take that last step and let me make love to you. There’s no one else, Ash. You’re the only one I see.”

  My eyes tingle and I tears are threatening. The look in his amazing green eyes and his beautifully sincere words, have my doubts taking flight and my decision reaffirmed. “I'm ready,” I confess.

  He wastes no time in claiming my lips, licking and nipping at them. I open to him and allow the kiss to deepen, showing him I want it all. Our tongues meet and move together, stroking and caressing tenderly.

  I’m not sure how long we stand there in our dimly lit little oasis, but when we pull apart and our gaze meets again, something between us has changed. Something indefinable but significant.

  With a chaste kiss, Sam takes my hand and twines his fingers around mine. “You ready to go home?” he asks.

  “I’m ready,” I repeat, hoping the double meaning of those two words become abundantly clear. I’m ready to go home, and I’m ready to give myself to Sam completely.




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