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Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7)

Page 12

by Cheyenne McCray

  “I control when you come.” His voice was low and sexy as he rose above her, but right now it was maddening too. “Don’t want you climaxing too soon.”

  She moaned again, pulling against her bonds. “Dan…please…”

  “My helpless lady,” he said as he moved so that his lips were above hers. “You look so good there, so beautiful and sexy. How do you like being helpless, turning over all control to me?”

  “I love it.” She had a hard time speaking. “I love how you take control.”

  “Good.” He brought his lips to hers and kissed her, drawing out the kiss then letting his lips linger over hers. “I like you just like this.”

  She sighed into his mouth.

  His voice deepened. “Show me how badly you want it.”

  A tear of need dampened the nylons covering her eyes. “Please, Dan. Please let me come.”

  He gave a soft laugh. “Since you beg so prettily,” he said before he eased down, his broad shoulders between her thighs again.

  The press of his mouth against her almost had her coming up off the bed. He started licking her and sucking her harder than before.

  It took mere moments. She came with so much force that her hips bucked and her body jerked. She screamed and saw sparks in the darkness behind the blindfold and then she shuddered from the incredible pleasure.

  As she drifted down from the high, he moved up her body and kissed her. She tasted chocolate. His mouth moved over hers sensually, as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Would you like a little more chocolate?” he murmured.

  She licked the sweet taste from her lips. “Yes, please.” She heard the sound of him removing the lid from the jar and then waited for him to slide his finger with chocolate on it into her mouth.

  Her lips parted. Instead of his finger, he pushed his cock inside her mouth. Surprise went through her followed by pleasure and an excited thrill through her belly. As he eased his erection in and out, she licked and sucked the chocolate from his cock and heard his harsh intake of breath and knew she was giving him pleasure like he’d done for her.

  He pulled off the blindfold and she blinked away the light and focused on him. He studied her as he watched himself move in and out of her mouth and she saw the pained expression that told her that he was close to coming. She sucked the rest of the chocolate sauce off the head of his cock and he pulled out of her mouth.

  He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a foil packet that he tore open with his teeth before removing the condom. She watched as he rolled the condom down the length of his cock and her belly flip-flopped, knowing that he would be inside her within moments. He grasped his cock and positioned himself at the entrance to her core.

  With his teeth clenched he drove inside her. A cry escaped her and she found herself struggling against her bonds as he took her. Every movement she made, every struggle, made it feel even more exciting.

  Even though she had already climaxed, she was crazy with need and near desperation to come again. He felt so incredible inside her that she almost couldn’t take it. She wanted more and more yet it was almost too much.

  He plunged deep, taking her hard and fast, like nothing she’d ever experienced before. It was mind bending how she felt with this man.

  Every thrust brought her closer to orgasm. His groin pressed against hers with each stroke. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist but her ankles were tied, leaving her helpless and unable to do anything but take him.

  Her mind spun with every sensation that slammed into her. She gave in to the sensations and let herself fly as she came hard.

  Her cry was even louder than before. She would have been glad there were no neighbors to hear if she really cared. Right then all she did care about was the man inside her and how he made her feel in her heart and soul as well as her body.

  He shouted out as he climaxed. His strokes were long and hard as he rode out his orgasm.

  When he stopped he braced himself over her and met her gaze. His breathing was harsh and his hair damp with sweat. Perspiration coated his skin and his muscles bulged as he held himself up.

  He rocked back on his knees and undid the ropes binding her ankles, carefully rubbing each ankle where the rope had chafed her. When he finished with her ankles, he untied her wrists then kissed the inside of each one.

  She smiled up at him and he pressed his mouth to hers, giving her a soft and lingering kiss. He moved beside her on the bed and drew her into his arms. She rested her head on his biceps and they held each other’s gazes.

  He stroked a still damp tendril of hair from her face in a gentle caress. In his eyes she saw a depth of caring she’d never experienced before. It made her chest feel warm and a feeling of contentment settled throughout her.

  She wondered if she should allow herself to feel such bliss but pushed the doubts aside.

  For now she would enjoy every moment she had with Dan. For now she wouldn’t question anything.

  Chapter 16

  Twilight was settling over the land and Renee found herself looking out the window, checking to see if Dan was home from work yet. She always felt more than a twinge of concern for him when he was working. It seemed like there was so much danger near the border with drug running and the Mexican cartel as well as other law enforcement matters that could be just as dangerous.

  Maybe she worried too much about him. He was a lawman and he knew what he was doing and had been doing it for a long time.

  The days had slipped by and before she knew it, she’d been staying with him on his ranch for over a week. Time had flown by so quickly that it made her head spin. It was so comfortable staying with him and they’d had so much fun together.

  While Dan was working, she’d gotten to know his part-time ranch hands, Carter and Bill. She’d spent time in the barn with the horses and watched the men as they handled the day-to-day running of the ranch. It reminded her of living on the Cameron ranch when she was a little girl and had watched the cowboys there.

  She’d insisted on having dinner ready for Dan every night, and if he worked late she kept it warm in the oven for him. She’d decided that if she was going to stay with him on the ranch for a while, she should be doing something in return.

  The nights had been incredible. The sex was amazing and she loved falling asleep in his arms. Usually he was gone by the time she woke up—he went to work early and made it home in the late afternoon if there wasn’t some problem he had to take care of as sheriff.

  It had been so easy to fall into a routine with him, but at the back of her mind she’d known she had to make a decision. She had her house, friends, and a life back in Philadelphia. Here in Arizona, she had friends who were like family, along with Dan…and she could make a life and even buy a house in this area.

  She moved away from the window and returned to the kitchen that smelled of fresh baked cornbread and chili with beans. She went to the stove and stirred the chili, not really seeing it as her mind turned things over and over.

  Philadelphia seemed so far away right now. She had found herself missing some things from the city that she didn’t have here in the country. Movies, shows, museums, historical monuments, galleries, parks, and every kind of store a girl could want to go shopping in. She had friends she hadn’t kept in contact with since she came to Arizona, and she missed spending time with a couple of the people she knew well.

  And she’d had her independence—she’d lived alone for a very long time. She didn’t have to rely on anyone and no one relied on her. There was no one to have to make decisions with—all of her decisions were her own. That was something she wasn’t ready to let go of.

  But she could have that here, too. She could buy her own place, do whatever she wanted to do with her time.

  Even though she’d been independent, she’d also been vulnerable and had fallen for a man who had stolen from her and had started verbally abusing her. Just days ago it had turned physical the one and only time he’d hit her. She w
as smart enough to walk away from physical abuse, but obviously the verbal abuse was another story. How could she not have seen it for what it was? Thank God she hadn’t moved in with Jerry like he’d wanted her to.

  She knew deep within that she’d never have to worry about anything with Dan. He was someone she could trust with anything and everything.

  And she loved him. Loved him with all her heart.

  The thought sent a rush of warmth through her. When had she realized she was in love with Dan? Was it too soon to fall so head over heels for a man?

  Apparently not, because when it came to Dan Cooper, she was a goner.

  She heard the front door open and close and she set the wooden spoon down on a spoon rest. A rush of excitement always shot through her, an electrical feeling, when he arrived home. Today was no exception. When he walked into the kitchen and smiled at her, she melted. He had that effect on her every time he came home.

  He reached her, took her into his arms, and kissed her.

  A happy sigh escaped her and she smiled when he drew back. She could get used to this in a hurry. She already felt spoiled from the attention he gave her when they were together.

  Her smile faded as she met his gaze. “What’s wrong?”

  He settled his hands on her waist. “We can talk about it after dinner.”

  She studied him. “Okay.” She turned, slipped on an oven mitt, and picked up the cast iron skillet she’d made cornbread in. Earlier she’d taken it out of the oven and had set it on the stove. She took a hot pad and put the cornbread on the kitchen table. “Why don’t you wash up for dinner while I set out everything?”

  While he washed up, she grabbed another hot pad, put it on the table, then set the pot of chili on the pad, the whole time wondering what was bothering him. After she put a medium-sized bowl of salad on the table, grated cheese, and fresh chopped onion, she set out the bleu cheese dressing that they both preferred.

  She’d poured two glasses of iced tea before setting the glasses on the table along with sweetener and a plate of lemon wedges. She’d already set the table with plates and silverware.

  He returned and seated himself after she took her chair. He made an effort to keep conversation going, asking her how her day was and telling her that dinner was great. Still, she could sense that something wasn’t quite right.

  When the dinner dishes had been washed, dried, and put away, he put his arm around her shoulders and they walked into the living room. They sat on the smaller couch and he removed his arm. He sat so that they were facing each other.

  “Nelson was released from jail today.” Dan’s jaw was tight, his expression angry. “Prosecutor said there wasn’t enough to pursue a case of resisting arrest and with no domestic abuse charges filed, there was nothing to hold him on any longer.” Dan squeezed one of her hands. “I’ll be damned if he’s going to touch you again.”

  Cold swept through Renee at the news. She’d expected Jerry to be locked up longer than just over a week for resisting arrest. He was supposed to have been in jail for at least two months. Maybe she should have pressed charges after all.

  No, everything would be fine. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the sudden edginess she felt. “Like I mentioned before, I made a deal with Jerry—stay away and I won’t press charges or go after him for taking my money. He’s not going to bother me.”

  Dan dragged his hand down his face. “I don’t trust the man one damned bit.”

  “It’ll be fine.” She squeezed Dan’s hand. “Don’t worry about him.” She paused a moment. “I want to talk with you about something, too.”

  He held her gaze. “All right.”

  “I’ve been thinking a lot about moving to Arizona.” She moved her hand from his and toyed with the end of her braid. “It hasn’t been an easy decision because I have built a life in Philly.”

  He waited for her to continue, studying her.

  She took a deep breath. “I’m going to do it. I’ve decided to find a house to rent in Patagonia and I’m going to make the move out here.”

  A grin curved the corner of his mouth. He stood and swept her up and spun her around with him and she found herself giggling.

  “That’s the best news I’ve had all day,” he said. “Hell, it’s the best news, period.”

  When he set her on her feet, he kissed her hard. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. It was like neither one of them wanted to let go.

  After a long moment, he raised his head and smiled. “How about moving in with me?”

  She braced her hands on his hard biceps as she looked up into his eyes. “I—I don’t know. I need time to think about it.”

  “Take all the time you need,” he said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  The mood in the air had changed considerably, although she had a feeling his concern was still there when it came to Jerry being out of jail.

  “I’ll take a flight back to Philly and arrange for my house to be sold,” she said. “I think I’ll sell most of my furniture and buy new things here. Then I need to schedule movers to ship the things I want to keep. I’ll donate the rest.”

  He took her hands in his. “Have you made any plans yet?”

  “I will over the next few days.” She pushed her braid over her shoulder. “I’m not sure how I’m going to juggle selling my house in Philly along with my belongings, and moving what things I keep.”

  “I have that big barn out back that you can use for storage,” he said. “Plenty of room.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  Excitement bubbled up inside her now that she’d made up her mind. It was a good feeling… Like she was finally home.

  Chapter 17

  Jerry narrowed his eyes as he looked around the piece of shit motel room in Nogales, near the Mexican border. Without Renee’s money he couldn’t afford to sleep anywhere nicer than this crappy place with its cracked and chipped paint, cheap thin mattress on an old metal frame, and scuffed junk furniture.

  At the thought of the bitch, he gritted his teeth. Now that he was out he was going to have to deal with her. Thanks to her, he hadn’t been able to buy that shipment and make a fucking killing. Now he’d lost that opportunity.


  She’d left him in jail and if he hadn’t gotten out on a technicality, he’d still be there. She owed him in more ways than one.

  Rage burned through him like wildfire. He barely managed to keep his anger from exploding. His body tensed as he held back from putting a hole through the wall with his fist. He lashed out with his shoe and kicked the leg of the metal bedframe. Pain shot through his foot but he welcomed it. Let it feed his anger.

  Luis had given him all of the information he needed about the sheriff. Jerry had also learned that the bitch was with that fucking sheriff. Now he knew where the sheriff lived and what his general work schedule was like.

  And he had a plan.

  The plan included a gun that he’d purchased through one of Luis’s contacts, the serial numbers filed off the weapon so that it couldn’t be traced.

  Jerry walked to the window, pushed the curtain aside, and looked out into the parking lot. His rental car was parked directly in front of the door to his room. It was getting dark. Later tonight he’d do what he’d been dying to since the moment he’d met Sheriff Cooper.

  He moved away from the window and to the old bureau where he took his wallet and keys off the top and stuffed them into his pockets. His cell phone he left on the bureau. He knew law enforcement retraced a suspect’s cell phone signal history through the provider’s logs. If law enforcement wanted to retrace his steps, they’d think he’d been in Nogales while everything went down.

  A loud knock caused him to give a hard smile. It had to be Luis. He walked the two steps to the door and opened it to find the man standing on the concrete walk. Jerry took a step back and let Luis into the motel room.

  Luis closed the door behind him. “What job do you have for me?”

nbsp; “I need to get to the woman who was with me at the café when we met with Juan,” Jerry said. “The bitch moved all of her money.”

  “How do you plan to get it from her?” Luis asked.

  “Renee is staying with the sheriff at his home,” Jerry said. “All we have to do is kill her and the money will be mine.”

  Luis frowned. “How will you get the money if she’s dead?”

  “I tricked her.” A feeling of satisfaction went through Jerry. “I had her sign multiple financial documents and slipped one in that amends her will. If she dies, her money comes to me. I’m her beneficiary.”

  “Very good,” Luis said. “But how are you going to get past the sheriff and get to her without getting caught?”

  Jerry smiled. He didn’t plan on getting caught. He would make it look like he was in Nogales the whole time. He planned to wear gloves so he didn’t leave prints as well as wear larger shoes than his own so that law enforcement would think the killer’s feet were bigger than his actual size. They couldn’t pin it on him if he was in Nogales and they didn’t get anything that pointed to him.

  “I’ve got it all figured out.” Jerry acted casual as he watched for Luis’s reaction. “We’ll kill the sheriff and then there’ll be nothing between us and the woman.” He wanted the sheriff dead regardless. “That’s who I planned to have you kill when I talked to you about taking out a problem.”

  “No way, man.” Luis shook his head. “If we kill someone like the sheriff it will bring law enforcement down hard on everyone. I’m not killing a cop.”

  “When the job is done I’ll pay you fifty thousand,” Jerry said.

  “No.” Luis didn’t waver.

  “A hundred grand.” Jerry didn’t have the money but he didn’t plan on Luis coming out of this alive.

  “Not worth it.” Luis stroked his goatee. “But I know the sheriff is not home on the last Thursday night of the month for a town hall meeting. That’s tomorrow. The woman should be alone. We can go then.”

  Jerry studied Luis. “How do you know that?”

  Luis shrugged. “Like I’ve told you before, we make it our business to keep tabs on ICE and Border Patrol officials, and of course the sheriff. We have all the sources we need for that.”


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