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Lost Girl (The Lost Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Lantz, Kristen

  “Tada!” He announced as he pulled out her surprise from behind the long he had been sitting on. He held out a colorful, beautifully woven tribal dress. It looked just like the ones all of the other girls wore. It was white and turquoise and coral.

  “Peter! I love it! Thank you so much.” Lily squealed with delight. She launched herself in his arms and gave him the biggest hug, He just hugged her back and smiled.

  “I’m glad you like it.” He replied. “Go get dressed. It’s almost time for everyone to gather.”

  Lily ran off to Heather’s tent to change and show her the new dress.

  Peter watched Lily almost skip off. He was so glad she liked her dress. He had always wanted a sibling. He had never been very particular about whether it was a brother or sister. Just someone to share this life with and have adventures. Lily was everything he could have wanted in a little sister. He just needed to help her learn how to be a kid. She had spent so much time learning to be a lady and run a house that she had never learned to just have fun. He remembered the stories she would tell the moon about her adventures with Thomas, but even those sounded like a grown up just trying to appease a child. Once they were done with their new home, he would show her just how much fun she could have.

  Chapter 12

  Lily gasped at how beautiful Azalea looked. Her hair was left loose and there were flowers spread throughout. Her dress was beautiful and colorful, like Lily’s but so much more elegantly made. Lily had always thought the oldest of Tiger Claw’s daughters was beautiful, but she exceeded even her own beauty today. Black Eagle puffed up with pride when he saw her. He certainly was the luckily man in the tribe. Lily was certain he would have still married her if she had been ugly, she was after all the oldest daughter of the Chief, her beauty was just an added bonus.

  Lily couldn’t understand a word of the ceremony. It was done in a language she didn’t speak. She didn’t even recognize it. Spending time in Boston you were always surrounded by world travelers speaking their own language, but this was something new altogether. Lily knew it was over when the crowd cheered and Sage wiped a few tears from her eyes. The crowd worked together to transition the center of the village into a party. Food was passed around to all of the logs, used as benches. Everyone took their share and passed the rest on.

  Drums and a flute started to play and the fire was lit and began to crackle. Sage, Azalea and the other daughters of Tiger Claw got up and did a ceremonial dance. When the music changed, everyone else got up to join them. Lily watched for a while, trying to learn the dance. Once she felt like she had mastered it, she joined in with everyone else.

  Tiger Claw called for silence and the crowd became still. Then two men carrying a cooked pig entered the circle and the crowded cheered again, ready for the main course. Like with the food before, the meat was passed around, everyone took their share and continued it down the line. When the chicken got to Lily she gagged and sent it past her. After plucking them, she had no taste for them. She was sure it would be a while before she ate chicken again.

  A group of young men got up and danced a traditional looking dance, similar to the one that the women had done before. Peter had gotten up with them. He stuck out of the crowd in his torn up brown trousers and green button down shirt. Lily laughed and clapped while she watched him dance. He had clearly performed this before, his clothing and sandy brown hair were the only indicators that he didn’t fit in. This was another one of those instances where Peter actually looked like a boy, instead of a worried old man. Lily laughed to herself at the thought of that. He really did worry a lot.

  The entire evening was filled with food, music and dancing. Lily danced for hours straight with her new dear friends. She and Heather held hands and spun around and around until they fell to the ground from dizziness and giggled the whole way down. Lily was so tired after that, she needed to sit down. Her ankles had never been so sore. She sat by a fire and watched her new friends enjoying the party. Tiger Claw came and sat beside her and silently watched his daughters with her.

  “My girls have really enjoyed getting to know you.” He said without looking at her. “You have even brought a smile to my dear wife, Sage. She has been so sad for so long that it warms me to see her happy.”

  Lily wanted to ask why Sage was so sad, but couldn’t find the courage.

  “I’ve loved getting to know them as well. I have never had sisters before. I have never really had a mother before either. I appreciate you including me in your celebrations.”

  Tiger Claw looked down at the sad, lonely little girl. Her dark silky hair glistened in the fire light. His heart ached for the lonely little girl she must have been. He couldn’t imagine any of his own daughters every knowing that kind of sadness. He was glad she was here. She never had to be lonely again.

  “Would you dance with me?” Tiger Claw asked.

  Lily looked up, surprised.

  “Yes, of course.” she replied.

  She was always so pleased and surprised by what a gentlemen he was. He could have been right out of the finest parts of Boston, with all of his manners. She took his hand and they joined the crowd. They danced around themselves, for several minutes and then joined the other girls. Lily looked around for Azalea, realizing she hadn’t seen her all night. She spotted her in the far corner of the celebration circle with Black Eagle. They were whispering to each other and looked so happy.

  It was so late that Lily swore she could see the sun coming up again. Or would that make it early? Either way, she was exhausted. Rose Bud and Marigold were asleep against a log. Heather and Dahlia we spinning around, giggling, almost delirious from lack of sleep. Bluebell was sitting on a stump, looking annoyed by the still constant activity of her younger sisters. And Iris was engaged in a rather serious looking conversation with Sage. Every now and then Tiger Claw would turn around from his place in front of them, say something and then turn back around to his conversation with an older man whose name Lily didn’t know, Peter and the medicine man. She was curious about what kind of serious conversation they would be having in the middle of a wedding.

  “Hey,” she heard behind her and jumped, startled.

  She turned around and saw Peter standing behind her. She had been so engrossed that she hadn’t even seen him get up and walk over to her.

  “What’s going on?” She asked with a yawn.

  “Are you ready for bed?” He asked.

  “Most definitely,” She replied.

  She ran over to her friends, gave them hugs and headed out of the village with Peter. He helped her up the tree, she situated herself and began to close her eyes. She suddenly feels tiny claws on her arm and opens an eye. Sweet Plum was making her way up her arm. She settled into Lily’s hair and tweeted her goodnight. Lily scratched her tiny head, looked at the upcoming sun and closed her eyes for what she hoped was the last night in this tree.

  Chapter 13

  Lily awoke to the afternoon sun on her face. She couldn’t believe how late she had slept. Although, considering it was dawn when she went to bed, it wasn’t that surprising. She looked down at the village. Even there, there wasn’t much activity. Most of the tribe appeared to be sleeping in. Peter wasn’t there. He usually wasn’t when she woke up, but that was usually early in the morning. Plum was still sitting with her, but was completely wide awake.

  “You must hungry” Lily said to Plum.

  The bird chirped back.

  “Let’s get you something to eat.

  Lily made her awkward descend to the ground, where plum waited for her. Then she started into the forest while Plum flew beside her. They travelled a mile or so when Lily saw a fistleferp bush. It had become her favorite fruit since she had been in Neverland, so she was excited to find some so quickly. She offered some to Plum, who refused at first. Lily knew Plum’s favorite were plums, but she had none and she knew the little bird was hungry. She offered her some again and Plum reluctantly accepted.

  They sat next to a tree and ate and
listened to the forest. A squirrel approached them, curious about what they were doing. Lily offered the squirrel some fistleferp and it happily accepted. Lily laughed at the difference in the levels of excitement between Plum and the squirrel. While it ate, the squirrel sat on Lily’s lap. Plum sat on her shoulder, refusing to eat next to the squirrel. While it ate, Lily noticed 3 white dots under each eye, almost like freckles. She had never seen that on a squirrel before. Then again, she had never seen a squirrel in Neverland before either.

  The trio ate happily and basked in the sun that peeked through the branches. Plum chirped happily between bites and her new squirrel friend made himself quite comfortable lunged back on her leg.


  Lily leaped back and hit her head on the trunk of the tree. Peter laughed.

  “It’s not funny.” Lily demanded. “You frightened me.”

  “Aww I’m sorry.” Peter insisted. “I was just having some fun with you.”

  Lily pushed him over and laughed.

  “You can make it up to me by helping me finish my house.” She said.

  “That might be kind of difficult.” Peter explained with a stone face.

  “Why?” Lily panicked.

  “Just follow me.” Peter suggested.

  Lily scooted the squirrel off her lap and stood, with Plum still on her shoulder. If it had been possible, Lily was sure that Plum would have stuck her tongue out at him.

  Lily walked as fast as she could behind Peter. Her heart had sank when Peter had said that. She could only assume the worst. Something terrible must have happened to her new home. But what? There weren’t any big storms. Are there other tribes? Maybe an enemy destroyed it? It could have been animals. But they had been so careful to secure it so that animals couldn’t get in. Lily tried to control her thoughts. They would be there soon, there was no reason to let her imagination run wild and make her crazy. They would deal with the mess if it came to that.

  From the thinning of the trees, Lily could tell that they were approaching the clearing that her tree bordered. She took in a deep breath to brace herself for whatever was coming next. She passed the last tree blocking her view and gasped. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Nothing in the world could have prepared her for this. There was her beautiful home, completely finished and more amazing than she could have ever hoped for.

  “Peter, it’s beautiful!” She squealed and leap at him. They both tumbled to the ground.

  “I’m glad you approve.” Peter laughed.

  He got up and then offered a hand to help Lily.

  “Let me show you around.”

  As they got closer Lily could see all of the fine detail that he had put into her house.

  The exterior was white washed with red shutters. It gave it a country house feel. Peter pulled the rope and brought down a new ladder. The one from the ship had been old and had rotting wood, this one had been recently made. They climbed up the ladder, into a great room. There was a table in the corner with benches around it and a small pot with fresh flowers. There were curtains in the windows from material that Lily recognized as one of the blankets she had found. Next to one of the windows was a rocking chair. Near the far wall, hanging from the ceiling, was a hammock. Lily assumed that was her new bed. She loved it. Anything was better than sleeping in that tree.

  “Come this way.” Peter suggested and she followed.

  They went through a small corridor and entered into a tiny room with a tiny bed. On the bed, was a folded blanket, it was one of the blankets that she had found at the beach. She picked it up and hugged it. She could smell that it was fresh and had been cleaned. A tear slid down her cheek and Peter furrowed his brows.

  “You don’t like it?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “No no, it isn’t that. It’s the most wonderful place I’ve ever seen. It’s my very our room in my own house. I have never had my own house. I have always lived in someone else’s house. With someone else’s family. Now I’m in my home with my family. Peter you are the best family I could have ever asked for. You’ve given me so much more than I could ever deserve.”

  Peter just smiled and drew her in for another hug.

  “I do have one more thing to show you.” He said,

  And he pulled her over to the chest that he had brought from the ship. He opened up the latch and exposed its contents. Out she pulled Toodles marbles and her mother’s handkerchief.

  “I thought I had lost these.” She said confused. “They were left back at James’ ship.”

  “I grabbed them before I came and stopped you from becoming crocodile food.” He explained.

  “So that’s what took you so long.” She said, realizing that Peter had been trying to make sure she had everything she needed before he exposed himself to James and they had to make a quick exit.

  “I wish I could have gotten your father’s watch for you.” He said, with his head down.

  “The crocodiles have it now. There is no way you could have gotten it without losing a hand or your head. I have everything in the world that I need.” She assured him.

  Peter took her back down the ladder.

  “I have some more things to show you.” he said, practically jumping up and down from excitement. He led her to a stump and she looked at it, confused. But if she had learned anything these past few days it was that Peter never let her down with anything. He stepped on a rock beside the stump and the stump popped open, exposing an opening in the ground. Lily just looked at Peter with a huge, questioning smile.

  “It’s a tunnel, leading to another part of your house.” He explained.

  And then just leapt in. Lily jumped in after him and rolled a ways before she crashed into the floor. She sat up, brushed off and stood. Inside she found a large room with fishing supplies, extra blankets, wood, food, and so many other things for them to have adventures and live their life here in this forest.

  “Peter, it’s all so amazing!” she squealed. “How in the world did you ever get it done?”

  “Half of the tribe got up at dawn with me and helped. I would have never gotten in done in time if they hadn’t.”

  Lily felt an overwhelming sense of love that she had never felt in her life. Not only did she have Peter, her new family, but she had entire village of people who cared about her. It was more than she could have ever imagined deserving.

  They climbed back out of the tunnel and looked over their house again.

  “Well,” Peter started, “what would you like to do first?”

  Lily thought for a moment. There were so many things that she wanted to do, one there was one thing that seemed more important than anything.

  “Let’s go fishing.” She suggested.

  Peter laughed and nodded in agreement.

  Let’s do it.” he agreed and dove back into the tunnel, emerging with their new poles.

  They walked about a mile when they came to a lake. Lily hadn’t seen this lake yet. The more she explored the island, the bigger she realized it was. Any island that had more than one lake, was huge. They sat down on the side of the like bank and cast their lines.

  Lily and Peter sat in silence for a while. It was a comfortable silence. After some time, Lily felt a nudge on her shoulder and looked over to realize that Plum had joined them. Her little beak was dripping purple juice. Lily knew she must have just had some lunch.

  “Peter, do you mind if I look around a bit? I’m still trying to become acquainted with Neverland.” She asked.

  “That’s fine. I’ll watch your pole.” he replied.

  Lily walked around, surveying the area with Plum in tow. In the distance she saw another herd of deer, but they were headed the other direction. So she continued venturing off. She came upon another tiny, fairy sized village. She looked into to each house and admired all of the tiny furniture. It all looked like the dollhouses she had always wanted when she was little. Now at 9, she was way too old to play with a dollhouse. But of course she could stil
l admire it. She wondered where all of the fairies had travelled to. She also wondered if they had discovered any answers to what was happening. Everywhere you looked you could see evidence of the decaying. Although Lily felt like it didn’t look quite as bad as she had noticed over her first day. Perhaps it just hadn’t spread as bad this direction. Lily felt bad that she had gotten so caught up in the fun she had been having and her own desire to stay here that she had almost forgotten about the promise she had made Peter. She was determined to help him figure out what was going on. She would ask him for all of the details after dinner. That also reminded her that she had been dying to know why Sage was so sad and why Chief Tiger Claw had been so grateful for the smile she had brought to Sage’s face.

  “Any luck with the fish?” Lily asked as she walked back to where Peter was fishing.

  “Not a bite.”

  The second the words exited his lips, there was a jerk at Lily’s pole.

  “I spoke too soon.” Peter laughed.

  Then there was a second, much bigger jerk. Lily had to dive to catch her pole before it went into the lake. She caught it in time and started to pull. The fish must have been huge. She pulled and pulled but she couldn’t get it to budge. Peter came over to her and grabbed onto the pole, just farther down than her own hands. They pulled and pulled for what seemed like forever. Lily was ready to give up.

  “I think the fish may be too big.” she shouted.

  “On the count of three, let’s give it one more big jerk.” Peter suggested.

  Lily nodded.

  “One...two….three.” Peter called.

  And they both pulled with all of the strength they had left. It was enough. The fish broke through the surface of the water and landed on the shore, next to where they had been sitting. Peter pulled a hooked piece of wire from its mouth. Lily surveyed their catch.


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