The Life, Love, and Death of Adara Marshall

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The Life, Love, and Death of Adara Marshall Page 6

by Phoenix Williams

  I moved with the ease and efficiency of a trained killer. My limbs shifted before my mind could even process where the threat was coming from. I was in the middle of dodging bullets when I heard my name. My head whipped towards the trees.


  Panic seized me. He had to get out of here. He was going to be killed.

  A bullet pierced my arm, and I screamed in agony. My eyes connected with Alonzo, pleading with him to leave. I couldn’t focus if he were here. Everything inside of me would want to protect him.

  My pleas went unanswered.

  He ran to the field, amber eyes practically glowing in the moonlight.


  His words tapered off into a feral roar. To my horror, his body began to shake. The sound of popping and breaking filled the air, combining with the schwing of my blade and the boom of guns. I watched in equal amounts fascination and fear as Alonzo, the man I loved, burst into a lion.

  Holy shit!

  The men in the field screamed. I would have too if the massive lion were chasing after me. I dropped to my knees as I watched him maul, maim, and kill. In less than two minutes the battle was over.

  My katana slipped from my hand, and I tried to apply pressure to my wounds. My vision began to fade as the lion approached. He was beautiful. Golden fur with silver scars down the length of his body. A colossal mane that was slightly darker than the rest of him. He had to be around ten feet from nose to tail and six feet at his shoulders. A soft purring sound vibrated the ground surrounding him.

  Staring into his amber eyes, I felt no fear. This was Alonzo. I had nothing to be afraid of.

  “You were right,” I whispered. “Our monsters match.”

  And then there was darkness.



  Pain woke me up from a deep slumber. My eyes adjusted to the muted sunlight peeking out between heavy gold curtains. My brow furrowed in confusion as my fingers gripped the chocolate and tan comforter. Rising from the plethora of pillows supporting my head, I winced as fire blazed from my arm.

  Taking a deep breath, I knew exactly where I was. Alonzo’s bedroom.

  As much as I would have loved to stay wrapped up in his comfy bed surrounded by his scent, I needed answers first.

  Slowly, I kicked my legs off the edge of the bed. It was then I realized I wore only one of Alonzo’s White Sox jerseys. The hem hit me at mid-thigh, and the sleeves reached my elbow.

  I padded into the bathroom, decorated in the same chocolates and golds, and freshened up. Looking into the mirror, I eased the t-shirt up over my body. Someone had done an excellent job of piecing me back together. I peeled off the bandages, desperate to see the damage.

  A breath of relief rushed out of my lungs. Bullets had grazed my torso, but no real damage was done. My arm had the most injury, but I still had use of it, so I was blessed.

  After making use of the shower, toilet, and extra toothbrush, I left the bedroom wrapped in a fluffy brown towel. As I reached the last stair leading to the main level, I heard the sounds of power tools coming from the backyard. I slid open the patio door, my mouth watering at the sight laid before me.


  Dressed in nothing but a pair of khaki shorts, sweat dripping down his tattooed chest, muscles flexing as he cut a plank of wood, I was immediately turned on.

  His nostrils flared and his head whipped in my direction. My body temperature rose as his eyes traveled down the length of my frame. Turning off his equipment, he strode towards me with confidence in each step and eyes flashing fire.

  “You’re awake,” he growled when he was within six feet of me and…boy, was he coming in fast.


  Four feet.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “A little sore but nothing that I haven’t dealt with before.”

  Two feet.


  His lips crashed into mine, and I was immediately lost. Sweeping me in his arms, I groaned as his tongue infiltrated my mouth. Passion, hot and all-consuming, pounded through my system.

  My towel became a distant memory, and I cried out as his hot skin touched mine. Everything else was non-existent. My parents. Sora. My need for vengeance. Everything became secondary to this moment with this man, my monster, that I was falling in love with.

  Dishes and small appliances clattered to the floor as Alonzo made room to set me on the cold granite countertop. Full lips kissed down my neck until they encased my hardened nipple. My breath caught in my chest as he spread my legs wider and his lips and tongue created a trail of fire that moved lower.

  A loud purring sound rattled his chest, filling the air as I moaned.

  My monster.

  “Yours. Only yours,” he purred, replying to the words I didn’t realize I had spoken aloud. “And, you’re mine.”

  “Yes,” I gasped as his tongue swirled into my belly button.

  As much as I was enjoying this foreplay, my body craved him. I needed him inside me. Now.

  With strength I didn’t even know I possessed, I pulled him up and captured his lips with my own. My eager hands pushed down his shorts and boxers. He licked up my jaw, and I arched my neck to give him better access.

  “Brave mate,” he breathed against my skin. “Giving a predator her neck without fear.”

  “You’d never hurt me.”

  Holding my cheeks between his palms, he searched my face. “How do you know?”

  “Because you love me.”

  The words slipped from my mouth before I could stop it.


  “I do,” he admitted

  “Of course you do. Did you see me last night? I was fucking badass out there. I was knocking them down one by one.”

  “Hmmm,” he moaned. “That’s true, but I do remember coming in the nick of time to save your sexy ass.”

  “Well, that explains why I don’t have any grazes against my ass,” I laughed.

  Easing back, Alonzo’s eyes landed on my wounds as his fingers grazed around them.

  “As long as I live, every breath in my body belongs to you. I’ll always have your back. Even if it is against fifty men with guns and all we have are your swords and my lion.”

  “I like those odds,” I quipped. A loud rumble filled the air, and I chuckled. “Sounds like your lion does too.”

  Speaking of which, I had a lot of fucking questions. My body arched as his fingers slid through my wet folds.

  “Listen, Simba,” I moaned as his thumb circled my clit.

  “Simba,” he snorted. “I’m no singing cub, love. I’m a full grown lion.”

  “I have questions.”

  “Later, baby.” Anticipation seized my mind as he dropped to his knees. “I’ll answer all your questions later.”

  And, then, there was ecstasy.



  God, it felt like I had waited for this moment forever.

  My woman.

  My Mate.

  She was right here, laid before me like a fucking feast as I leaned against the wall. Smacking my lips together, I could still taste her sweetness coating my lips.

  “Why are you staring at me?”

  Her voice had that sexy drugged up sound to it that women got when they had one too many orgasms. Not surprising since I had my head between her thick thighs for the last forty-five minutes. Now, in my bedroom, I felt my hunger for her rising.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  She snorted, and I shook my head. I meant every word I had said. Lying naked in my bed, long legs tangled in my sheets, hair spread out amongst my pillows, and her eyes shining with adoration and happiness, she had never been more gorgeous.

  I could have argued with her but what was the point. I had a lifetime to convince her that she was everything.

  To others, and to herself, she was all jagged edges and broken pieces. To me, she was a mosaic. Adara Akam
e Mashall was art…meant to be admired but rarely understood.

  I loved this woman from the moment I laid eyes on her. That was just how it was for shifters. The animal picked its mate, and the human had to go along with it. Lion huffed, and I grinned.

  You did good, Lion. She’s perfect.

  He snorted indignantly, and I bit back a laugh.

  Arrogant beast.

  Focusing back on Adara, I let my eyes trail up her perfect frame. No other man had seen my woman’s body, tasted her flavor, or heard her moans of pleasure. I had quickly figured that out in my kitchen.

  The fact that I was going to claim this woman in every way had my blood pounding through my veins as it headed south.

  “I have questions, Simba,” she purred, a coy smile gracing her full lips. Lion and I both grunted. “Please?”

  Her eyes wide and pleading, I knew right then I would never deny this woman anything as Lion purred loudly.

  King of the jungle my ass. Fucking pussycat.

  Stepping closer to the bed, I knew my eyes were glowing based on how her eyes were locked on them. Lion was at the surface, watching her intently as I prepared to unleash Hell Fire Valley’s secret.

  “In this town, there are six main families.” I watched as her eyes lit up. “But, I have a feeling you already knew that, huh?”

  I snapped the button on my khakis, and Adara moaned. Fucking moaned. Pretty little monster was looking to get claimed.

  “Yes,” she sighed, eyes locked on my hands.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I know of the families.”

  I rewarded her correct answer by pushing down my shorts, boxers included. Her sharp intake of air was music to my fucking ears. Arousal, both hers and mine, perfumed the air, making me dizzy with each breath.

  “Name them,” I demanded, stalking her as I ambled closer to the bed.

  “There are the Clawsons,” she muttered as I jumped over the edge of the bed.

  “A Murder of Ravens.”

  “Get the fuck out of here!”

  A bark of laughter fell from my lips before I could catch myself. I gripped her slim foot, and my hand began massaging the soles, relishing the feel of her skin against mine.

  “Giant birds that caw out a death chant for those who have crossed them. Good job, princess.”

  “Princess?” she scoffed. “I’m a fucking queen.”

  Canting my head to the side, I studied her. Lion’s ears were perked and his purring increased. “A queen who walks fearlessly among the beasts.”

  “Because the beasts know that I’m the biggest monster here.”



  God, she’s perfect.

  “Next family, queen.”

  “The Tieris.”

  “A Den of Foxes…cunning little bastards. Well, not that little but you get what I’m trying to say.”

  My hands moved up her smooth limbs. Her breathless pants bounced off the walls as I laid between her legs, my face between the apex of her thighs. Pants turn to moans as my breath feathered over her pulsing folds. As much as I wanted to taste her, my need to claim her was more significant.


  “The Leones family,” she breathed, body undulating.

  I had already decided that I would tell her the full truth. She was my mate. I would never lie to her.

  “Hell Fire Valley’s very own Lion Pride. We’re the one family no one crosses. Everyone from the Alpha to the cubs is bloodthirsty.”


  “Yep,” I quipped. “You gained the fealty of a Pride of monsters.”

  “The Bayers.”

  “The Bayers are a Bear Clan. Absolutely massive beasts.”

  Peppering kisses along her lower belly, I fanned my fingers over her perfect breasts. Adara gasped as my length grazed her thigh.

  “The Farrells.”

  I paused at the mention of the Farrells. Sliding up her body, I looked her directly in her beautiful chocolate eyes. I was no fool. I had ears all around this town.

  Word on the street was that Daniel Farrell was missing an eye thanks to my mate. He had gotten off light if you asked me. I had plans for that motherfucker. Rule number one in Hell Fire Valley…never hurt the humans.

  He hadn’t physically hurt my mate. No, he had done something much worse. He made her wary of any man that came her way. Others may not have noticed it, but I wasn’t other. I was the man meant to belong to her.

  So yeah, I had Rio watching Daniel’s every move for the last several weeks. I spent that time easing my way into Adara’s life. I wanted her to trust me. Even if my father bitched over the amount of money, we were losing while I fixed up Mashall land. But, as the old bastard said, I didn’t belong with him anymore. I belonged with her.

  “The Farrells are a feral Wolf Pack. Stay away from them at all costs.”

  For the first time since she woke up, she slid her gaze away from me. “But, Daniel…”

  Kissing her lips, I swallowed the rest of her words. I didn’t give a fuck about that one-eyed sonofabitch, and she shouldn’t spare a single thought about him. I was going to kill that man.

  My hands roamed her body, and I groaned as the stiffness left her. Her body moved like liquid against me. Nails sliced my back, and I growled.

  Perfect mate, marking me already.

  God, I wished I could do the same. I wanted her bearing my mark, letting every man—human and shifter—know that she was spoken for. That she was mine.

  I would give Adara anything she asked for. My money. My name. My soul. My last breath. But never my mark. I would never bite her.

  Grasping her thighs, I wrapped them around my hips.

  “Alonzo,” she breathed against my lips.

  “Relax baby, I’m not going to hurt you.” Positioning myself at her dripping entrance, I groaned as her heat enveloped me. “I’m just going to make you scream my name.”


  “That Mashall girl has stirred up trouble. The monsters have risen, and the biggest one hasn’t even awoken yet.”

  The older woman glanced at her young protégé to make sure that she had her full attention. As always, the younger woman was hanging on to every word.

  “You’re talking about Adara, right?”

  “Of course,” the older woman sighed. “That battle the other night was child’s play compared to what is to come. It’s time you got a crash course in history.”

  “I’m more of a science nerd,” the younger woman complained.

  With a roll of her eyes, the older woman snorted. “Too bad.” She stood and went over to a large easel. “Since the dawn of time, shifters have existed. Back in the Stone Age, it was for survival. Every human on this planet has shifter DNA. There are no exceptions. As humanity evolved so did the shifter genes. Now, there are four categories.”

  Picking up a marker, she wrote the number one on the blank sheet.

  “One: the full blooded. Full blooded shifters are born with their animal. They are able to shift at around three to eighteen months old, depending on the animal.”

  She flipped the page and wrote the number two.

  “Two: shifter kin. These are the majority of people. They have shifter DNA but were born without the animal. They have to be Turned with a bite. When they are bitten, they will become the animal from which they received the bite.”

  Again, she turned the page.

  “Three: the buried. About a quarter of the population is what we called buried shifters. They are a hybrid of groups one and two. They have an animal inside them, but because of genetics, it’s buried deep within them. Some of them can hear their animal talking to them, but because they don’t know what it is, they are labeled as mentally ill.”

  “So,” the younger woman interjected. “Those three categories…I got it.”

  “Well,” the older woman stalled. “There’s one more--technically two, but we don’t have time to talk about that. The most important thi
ng to know is that the Shifter Kin and the Buried don’t always survive the bite. There is only a 50% chance that the animal will fully take.”

  “Those odds suck.”

  “True but that isn’t the only risk. The Buried can be killed by their suppressed animals.”

  “I don’t understand,” the younger woman muttered.

  “Depending on the animal, and the human, the animal will sometimes be able to break free of the suppression. It takes many years, but once the animal is free, it immediately tries to take over the human. I’ve seen these battles for dominance last up to two weeks with the person switching back and forth between human and animal constantly. 98% of them die.”

  She flipped the sheet of paper and wrote down six names. She went through the history of the Bayers, Tieris, Farrells, Leones, and Clawsons.

  “And, finally, the Mashalls. The wild cards,” the young woman stated.

  “The Mashalls are completely and utterly human but...there’s something in their bloodline. Something that makes every Alpha in this town listen to them. They are the peacemakers, the mediators, the diplomats. They are what keeps this town from going to war. One Mashall from each generation has been able to keep a tight leash on the shifter families in this town. Until Sophie Mashall died. There was no one to take her place. Her son was…well, we don’t speak of him. Since Sophie’s death, the balance of power has been tilted. Then came Adara.”

  “And she hasn’t restored the balance,” the younger woman uttered.

  “Yeah, she didn’t restore the balance, and now she's broken the cardinal rule for Mashalls.”


  “Never mix with the shifters.”


  “My specialty is lacerating flesh. Anyone interested in experiencing it first hand, step right up.”


  “Attack On Titan”




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