The Life, Love, and Death of Adara Marshall

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The Life, Love, and Death of Adara Marshall Page 7

by Phoenix Williams

  Indecisive would never be a word that I would have used to describe myself. Then again, I had never really had to make decisions outside of the battlefield. Now, everything was different.

  I was sitting in my usual spot, on the porch stairs. The stars dotted the dark sky, and the woodland creatures had apparently gotten used to my presence judging by the way they scurried across my land. My home was quiet, save for the smooth sounds of Louie Armstrong.

  Alonzo was two towns over, finishing up a construction project. He’d be back in two weeks. Even though it felt like a vital part of me was missing, I needed the space to collect my scattered thoughts.

  With shaky fingers, I dialed the only person I knew could help me find clarity.


  “Tsunade-Sensei,” I sighed.

  Tears filled my eyes. God, I missed the old woman.

  “You sound troubled.”

  Her words were spoken slow and methodically as her mind translated her Japanese to English. I had told her on many occasions that we could converse in Japanese, but she insisted we speak my native tongue unless she was teaching me to speak hers.

  “I am, Tsunade. I know Sora wants me to return to Japan but…I don’t know if I want that anymore.”

  “Then stay where you are.”

  I laughed before I could stop myself.

  “It’s not that simple. There are people here that I…care about. I don’t want them hurt by Sora or my parents.”

  “Then come back.”


  “You make life harder than it should be, Adara-chan. What is here for you? More blood. More death. More scars on your body. More marks on your soul. Is that what you are ready to come back to?”


  “Tell me, what is there for you?”

  “My home. My memories. My Alonzo.”

  “You love?”

  “Yes,” I sighed.

  I, the woman who had nothing but darkness and sorrow for the last decade, had tasted the sweetness of love and was slowly becoming addicted to it.

  “Then your decision has been made. You stay there with your love.”


  “No buts. You stay. Indecision and yearning hearts do not belong here. You do not belong here. I will miss you, my sweet Adara-chan. But, you were never meant to be here. You have the destiny of beasts. You belong there, in Hell Fire Valley, with your love.”



  I should have been happy. I had made my decision to stay in Hell Fire Valley after my conversation with Tsunade two days ago. I was in love with a man that made my blood catch fire and my soul peaceful. And, word on the street was that the trucker with severed hand told the police that he didn’t know his assailant. I should have been happy.

  Instead, I was enraged!

  The crisp May air did nothing to cool my fury as I sped through the downtown streets. My grandaddy’s car skidded to a stop in front of a two-story brick building. Climbing out the car, I stormed into the place.

  All heads turned to me as I marched through the doors, blades bouncing against my hip and back. My eyes scanned the room, and I felt myself slip into the mindset I swore I would never go to again. The assassin.

  Gaze locked on my target, I slipped between patrons as I made my way to the back of the room.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Miss Ice Princess.”

  Without saying a word, I drew my blade and held it at Daniel’s throat. Chairs scraped against the floor of the Thirsty Howler. I felt the body heat of one, two, five, six…yes, six men behind me. My left hand clutched the handle of the katana on my hip.

  Blood would be spilled tonight.

  “Stay the fuck away from me, Daniel.”

  He leaned back in his chair, head tilted back as if he didn’t have a care in the world. My hands itched to slide my blade across his exposed Adam’s apple. But, even through my rage, I knew that decision wouldn’t end well for me.

  In the past, I wouldn’t give two shits. Now, I had something to live for. Two somethings. I refused to die until I figured out who murdered my grandmother and until I was able to grow old with Alonzo.

  “What are you talking about? I haven’t been near you since you tried to murder me.”

  “You tried to rape me.”

  I watched as Daniel’s nostrils flared and low growl rattled his chest. The air was heavy and thick. Some of the men behind whimpered in discomfort. Being around Alonzo prepared me for this. Daniel throwing around his Alpha dominance didn’t even phase me, a fact that seemed to anger him.

  “You smell like cat.”

  “Better than smelling like a dog, right?”

  “You gave the lion what was meant to be mine?”

  “I’m not here to talk about my mate—”

  “Your what?” he hissed, dark eyes glowing.

  If I hadn’t known before, I would have definitely guessed now that Daniel was a something other than human

  “I’m here to talk about you keeping your life,” I continued.

  “You threatening my Alpha, bitch,” the man to my left spat.

  “Every night for the last several days,” I began, ignoring the asshole who had interrupted me. “I haven’t gotten any sleep. You know why?”

  “Alonzo’s not fucking you right. Shoulda picked a real man.”

  Laughter surrounded us as the wolves encouraged their Alpha.

  “Howling. At first, it was about fifteen miles away. Then ten. Then five. Last night, it was in the woods outside my house. Now, I’m no animal expert, but I’m pretty sure wolves aren’t indigenous to Hell Fire Valley.”

  “I’m pretty sure you’re right,” Daniel drawled.

  “Let me make myself perfectly clear,” I spoke. “Stay the fuck off my land. Stay the fuck away from me. Stay the fuck away from my mate.”

  “Or what?

  “Or I’ll take more than your eye.” Leaning closer, I looked him square in the eye. “I’ll destroy your entire world. I’ll burn your pack of dogs to the ground and piss on the fucking ashes. I’ll make sure that there isn’t a single family member left to carry on your psychotic genes. Do. Not. Push. Me.”

  And, in the most significant sign of disrespect to a shifter, per Alonzo, I turned my back to the deadly Alpha. Sheathing my blade, I felt the stares of Daniel and his entire pack on me as I walked through the doors.

  “You should go back and apologize.”

  Fishing my keys out of my tight jeans, I glared at Trevor as he leaned against the trunk of my car. “Shouldn’t you be in there soothing your brother’s ego.”

  “Adara, this isn’t a joke.”

  “Do you see me laughing?”

  Brushing past him, I tried to get into my car, but he placed a hand gently on my arm.

  “You don’t understand,” he whispered hurriedly.

  Logic told me to get the fuck away from the wolf, but everything inside of me told me I could trust him. Glancing back at the bar, I let out a sigh.


  Tugging at his locs from the roots, he growled deeply. “Daniel is my brother. My alpha. My responsibility.”

  “Then you need to handle him,” I interrupted.

  “I’m trying!” Linking his hands behind his head, he took a deep breath. “I’m trying, Adara.”

  “Try harder.”

  “This isn’t just my problem, Adara. A Mashall is supposed to assist.” Now that had me confused. What the hell was I supposed to do? I asked as much. “Your grandmother didn’t tell you?!”

  “Nope and it doesn’t matter. I’m not helping Daniel with anything.”

  Eyes glowing brightly, Trevor bit back a growl. “God, I miss Sophie.”

  “Not as much as I do,” I hissed. “I’m not sure what it is my grandmother would have helped you with, but I’m not her.”


  Stepping around him, I got in my car. “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”

nbsp; “It’s your duty,” he said through clenched teeth, his grip on my door preventing me from closing it.

  I looked into his blazing eyes without fear. They were as bright as the moon hanging in the sky. “No, it’s not. Keep your brother away from me before you become an only child.”

  “Do you want a war?”

  His voice carried notes of trepidation. I could understand his fear. Daniel was deranged, and I had just provoked him. If he had left me alone, I wouldn’t have come looking for him. This wasn’t on me. This was on Daniel Farrell.

  “Want it? No.” I closed the door and looked at him through the open window. “Look forward to it? Abso-fucking-lutely.”



  Kisses against my spine woke me from a deep slumber. I would have immediately reached for my katanas if I hadn’t heard the loud purring bouncing off my bedroom walls. Keeping my eyes closed, I stayed still in hopes of getting more of Alonzo’s affection.

  “I know you’re awake.”

  “How’d you know?” I asked, sighing as his tongue licked up my bare back.

  “Your scent.” I sniffed my arm and smelled the honey-scented body wash I always use. “Your sleep scent is different than when you’re awake. It smells like,” he paused, inhaling deeply. “You but more peaceful.”

  “Hmmm,” I moaned. I didn’t know what any of that meant, but as long as I could wake up like this every morning, then he could smell whatever he liked. “You sound like a creep.”

  “I know what you did.”

  That made my eyes pop open. “And?”

  “I’m pissed.”

  “About me taking on Daniel?”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I tried to catch his eye. His face was unreadable.

  “You put yourself in danger. You walked into the middle of the feral wolf pack and challenged an unstable Alpha.”

  “He was antagonizing me, stalking me while you were away. Keeping me up all night.”

  Alonzo flipped me over to my belly and laid his naked body on top of mine. The heat of his chest pressed against my back had me groaning aloud. My nails scraped against the crisp sheets as I spread my legs.

  “I understand that. But,” he paused, entering my prone body. Screams of ecstasy tore from my lips, and I trembled. “You just declared war on the most ruthless beasts in this town.”

  “That wasn’t my intent.”

  “But that was the result.”

  His hips rolled into mine, and I arched my back, scrambling to get closer to him.

  Manners, girl. Use your manners.

  “I’m sorry,” I moaned as he picked up speed. “For worrying you…Not for what I did.”

  “Never apologize, Adara.” Shoving his hand in my hair, he pulled until my neck was arched back and my lips were inches from his. “My woman. My mate. My Queen.”

  His eyes rolled back in his head as our bodies crashed into each other. Alonzo once said he’d give me his last breath. Now, I knew I’d give him mine. Loyal monster going to war with the wolf pack without the protection of his Pride.

  Odds were stacked against us, but I had been in worse situations. I’d be damned if we both didn’t make it out of this alive.

  Capturing my lips with his, Alonzo swallowed my moans and shut down all train of thought.

  Today, I’d focus on reuniting with my mate.

  Tomorrow, we’d prepare for war.


  From the day the older Seer was able to understand thoughts and language, one Prophecy was on a continuous loop throughout her mind. For years, she struggled to make sense of it. As she learned to follow the threads of fate, she was able to fully see what was to happen. Each thread led to the same destination.

  And, now she would share it with her young pupil.

  “There are ten lines,” the older woman began. “Ten for five. Five for ten. Either way, it equals the same.”

  The younger woman’s heart pounded in her chest. The air was thick with tension. Speaking prophecies always had this effect. It clogged the atmosphere with ghosts from the future. More than the usual ghosts that haunted the young woman.

  “You ready?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The older woman closed her eyes, hands outstretched and head arched back.

  “Five deaths. Fifteen royals. Twelve constellations. In groups, they arrive at the field of Bluebells.”

  The older woman’s body began to shake, and the younger one’s palms became clammy.

  “Black and blue air quiets the raging beasts. The night sky comes alive with flashes of brightness.”

  Tears streamed down the younger woman’s face as the air became harder to breathe.

  “Five deaths scream for vengeance. Blood curdles in veins, destroying bonds that stretch generations. Either way, the earth will burn. But only when five becomes one will the war be won.”

  The older woman opened her eyes slowly and pinned the younger woman with a stare. “Follow the threads,” she demanded.

  With her throat clogged with fear, the younger woman did as she was told. Less than a minute later her eyes popped open, wide and wet with tears.

  “What did you see?”

  The younger woman clutched her hand to her mouth to quiet her sobs. The older woman waited, used to the images.

  “I saw…death.”

  “Whose death?”

  The younger woman closed her eyes and whispered one word, “Everyone’s.”



  Swirling thoughts chased me from my bed. Alonzo was dead to the world, unconscious to the fact that I was no longer in my bed…our bed.

  As soon as my man returned from his trip, he denounced his position in the Leones Pride and moved in with me. Now, we were a pride of two. That suited me just fine.

  Alonzo’s brother, Keenan, was next in line for Alpha and had taken over all of Alonzo’s former duties. Though, Alonzo still planned on heading up construction projects but only as a contractor.

  I didn’t want any bad blood with his family, though Alonzo told me there wasn’t any. So, we were having a barbecue in five days. It would be my first time meeting the pride, and I was nervous. But, that wasn’t the reason I was standing on my front porch at two in the morning, wearing nothing but one of my man’s t-shirts.

  No, I had a call to make.

  The mid-May air whipped around my body as I dialed the number, my heart pounding in my chest.


  The cold voice and not the wind caused me to shiver.


  “It’s been over two months, Adara. Why are you not here?”

  The sweet and calm manner in which he spoke did not fool me. I knew this man. He was furious.

  “I’m not coming back—”

  “Are you serious?” he interrupted.

  “I’m only calling as a professional courtesy.”

  “Courtesy?” he asked. “COURTESY?!!”

  “Sora, look…”

  “No bitch, you look! I made you. I created you. Your own parents didn’t want you, and I took you in. This how you repay me?”

  “I owe you nothing. We both know that you need me more than I need you.”

  “I’ll destroy you, Adara.”

  I took a deep breath. I would not allow myself to be baited by this man.

  “I don’t want that life anymore. It was never what I wanted.”

  “I gave you money. I gave you purpose. I gave you everything you needed.”

  My hands gripped the banister so tight that I broke a nail. Fire and rage that I didn’t understand were threatening to consume me, but I beat it back.

  “You gave me a cage with windows and called it freedom.”

  Silence filled the line, interrupted only by his heavy pants.

  “If that’s what you want, fine. Your parents will not be happy.”

  “It’s time that I started worrying about my own happiness, Sora.”

  His s
nort rang through the line, and I shook my head. Cold and callous men like Sora would never understand.

  “Don’t say you weren’t warned.”



  My father’s words finally made sense.

  You no longer belong on my land. You belong on Mashall land with your mate.”

  As I watched her in the backyard, I finally understood.

  Backyard may not have been the best word for the space. It was a large clearing with wildflowers, mainly Bluebells decorating the grass. In the middle, about two city blocks from the house was a large patio that I had built by hand over the last few weeks.

  Multicolored bricks led from the house to the patio that was done in the same colors. I built the circular structure smack dab in the middle and an outdoor kitchen to the left of it, separated by a waist-high wall that doubled as a bar.

  The fire pit in the middle of the patio was surrounded by handmade wood furniture that I had to beg Andrew Bayer to let me buy off him. The grumpy bear made me pay double. He called it “the love tax.”


  Most days, I’d stand out here and admire my handiwork. But today, my attention was focused on Adara.

  I watched in equal amounts lust and awe as she glided through the grass, her sword slashing through the air. Her muscles rippled. Her limbs bent. Her face was serene. Her body was slick with sweat as she moved through the clearing. Weighted bands were strapped around her ankles and arms, but the extra two hundred pounds didn’t hinder her movements.

  It was as if she was dancing and I was her captive audience.

  Walking towards her, I felt my chest expand with pride. My mate was strong and fierce, preparing for war every spare moment she had. It was commendable but unnecessary.

  The hands of my mate would no longer be covered in blood. I wanted her as far from the battlefield as possible. When the wolves came, I would handle it. It wasn’t that I doubted her abilities. No, I had complete faith in Adara. I just didn’t want any additional black marks against her soul. I wanted her time of killing to come to an end.

  That was my goal as her mate. To make every day more peaceful and filled with love than the last, that was my life’s mission.


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