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A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1)

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by Vanessa Lee

  Her face flushed pink as she recalled that yes, she did sleep well last night, after he had...Nick laughed out loud at the mortified look on her face.

  He rose from the bed and walked over to the wash table. Erica watched him go with awe. Nick's entire form was muscular and toned. Her husband was such a pleasure to look at. He came back to the bed and she appreciated his front view, as well. Her hands longed to touch his rock hard chest and then maybe move down further. She looked up at him when he reached the bed to find him grinning at her once more. He knew what she had been thinking.

  Sitting down on the side of the bed, he gently pried her knees open. She saw that he had a wash cloth in his hand. Her face flamed bright red in embarrassment when she realized that he was intending to wash her himself. She tried to close her legs, but he wouldn't let her. "No Nick, please don't!" She reached for the washcloth in his hands. "I can do it," she said, desperately trying to take the cloth from him.

  Holding it out of her reach, Nick denied her. "No, I am your husband. This is my right." He placed the wet rag against her and said, “And also my pleasure.”

  Erica turned her head, completely mortified by what Nick was doing to her. He moved the washcloth between her legs and gently washed away the remnants of their lovemaking from the night before.

  When he was finished, Nick kept his hand on her, stroking her pink nether lips with his thumb. "How are you feeling this morning, wife? Are you sore," he asked softly. She knew he was asking about the part of her that he was touching, and while yes, she was a little sore, his thumb was sending warm waves of pleasure over her.

  "Yes, husband," she moaned, losing herself to his caresses. He removed his hand. "Well, in that case, I will let you be." Her breath caught as he moved in close to her face, his mouth hovering just over hers. "But know this, love. The very next time I take you, there will be no pain, and I will take you time and again, until you can't see straight." His mouth crushed down on hers to seal his promise against her shocked mouth. Breaking off the kiss, he gave her one last smoldering look before he dressed. Opening the door, he turned and gave her instructions.

  "Moira, your new maid, will come to you now. Once you are bathed and dressed, you will see to the household while I am in town. You will let Moira know if there is anything you need.”

  Erica was thrilled to be running her own home. She would show Nick just how good of a wife she could be. He would never regret marrying her. Erica asked, "What shall I have prepared for supper?" "Whatever you like," Nick answered, his mind clearly on the day ahead.

  Keeping the covers tight against her chest, Erica wondered if today was the day that Nick and her father were going to start working on their business merger. “Are you going to pay my father a visit today?”

  She saw Nick's quick smile as he adjusted his necktie in the mirror. Erica knew that this arrangement was a good thing for everyone. Her father desperately needed good ideas for his business. Linnus had the business connections who would be more than happy to work with him, once he figured out what direction he wanted to move in. She knew that Nick had some ideas that he had run by her father before. Hopefully, Nick's ideas to grow a shipping empire would save them all. Kissing the top of her head, Nick turned and left to begin his day.


  Throwing off the covers, Erica rose from the bed and dressed in her robe. When Moira entered the room moments later, she had water for washing and a freshly pressed dress for her to change into.

  After Erica had washed and dressed, Moira helped her with her hair. “Moira, we must prepare a nice dinner for the Duke this evening. It is my first evening as mistress of this house, and I would be so happy if his lordship had his favorite foods to dine on. What are some of his favorite things to eat?”

  “Oh, his lordship is most fond of stuffed goose and butter boiled potatoes, milady,” Moira answered.

  “How lovely. Well, then that is exactly what we shall have prepared for tonight's dinner.” “Very well madam. And I would just like to say, it's a pleasure, it is, to have you hear with us.” Erica looked at the kindly old woman. “Thank you Moira, it is my great pleasure to be here.

  Although, I didn't really have a lot of time to prepare. Everything happened so quickly.”

  “Now there, don't fret,” Moira said. “You may have been brought here more quickly than is usually done. But the master has made a fine choice with you as his bride. All will be well, you will see!”

  Erica brightened at the maid's encouragement. “I do hope you are right.”

  Patting Erica's hand, she said, “Aye, I am right. It's seldom that I'm wrong about these things.”

  “Oh?” Erica asked. “What relationships have you been right about?”

  “Why the master's family, of course. His own parents gave us a good run for our money, back in their day.”

  Erica smiled. “Did they also have an unconventional beginning of their marriage?”

  “If you consider winning your bride in a game of cards unconventional, then yes, they did!” Moira cackled at the memory.

  Laughing along with her, Erica asked, “Oh no, Moira, surely the Duke's father did not win his wife in a game of cards?”

  “He certainly did,” Moira confirmed. “Edward Wellington was playing poker against Phillip Cadwell, the father of the late missus, God rest her soul. When her papa ran out of money, he bet her hand in marriage! This of course, being quite alright with the master. Hannah Cadwell was a beauty!” she laughed.

  Stunned that the late Duke had actually won his bride in a poker game, Erica shook her head in amazement. “I didn't think that anything could top the way that Nick and I came to be married.”

  “Yes, yes,” her eyes glowing with the memory, Moira continued the tale. “Gave him quite a fit, she did! The missus flat out refused to marry him at first. But a bet's a bet, and the former master, God rest his soul, could be quite persuasive. He had the girl seeing things his way, in no time,” Moira winked at her.

  Erica imagine that the former Duke had won the woman over very quickly, especially if he had been anything like Nick. “Is Nick anything like his father?”

  “Yes and no,” Moira replied. “Both Nick and his father have a gentleness about them, a refinement that is a testament to their breeding. But old Edward, he did like to gamble. Unfortunately, he spent more time gambling, than he did keeping an eye on the business end of things.”

  This gave Erica pause. Perhaps that is how Nick got to be so driven and determined. In addition to having been put in the position to regain their fortune in the first place, Nick probably was trying to compensate to make up for the man who was likely responsible for their demise. His own father.

  Erica worried her lip while she pondered this new revelation. She felt badly for Nick, and wondered what kind of childhood he'd had.

  “Moira, how old was Nick when his parent's died?”

  “Oh, his father only died recently, about a year ago, right before the master's 28th birthday. Sickness of the liver. Edward did like to drink.”

  “And his mother?”

  “She died of colic when Nick was only 16. The poor boy, it broke his heart.”

  Erica hadn't known until now how old her new husband was. “Has Nick always been involved in the family business? Did he know what was happening with the money?”

  Moira shook her head. “No, the young master didn't know the entire situation. Edward liked to keep his bank notes close to his chest, so no one would know just how badly things were. He always thought that something, some new opportunity, or what have you, was going to come along for him to take advantage of. While Nicholas as out and about taking care of the properties and dealing with the minor business issues, his father had lost just about all they had.”

  Shaking her head again, Moira said, “I will never forget the look on the young master's face when he had found out that his father had all but bled them dry. The disbelief and the betrayal he felt. He had trusted his father and the old Duke had
dealt him this hand.”

  Moira's face brightened. “It made us proud, it did, when we saw the young master buck up, and vow to earn back every penny that had been lost. And then add some more.” Her smile dimmed when she said, “When he saw that they had next to nothing left to their name, the master's younger brother,

  Darren, took off for the colonies to make a new life for himself.”

  Surprised, Erica asked, “Nick has a younger brother?”

  “Oh aye,” Moira answered. “Though I'm not surprised at all that you weren't aware. It upset the master something fierce when his brother took off, to leave Nick in this mess all by himself. The poor master, he couldn't decide whose betrayal was worse; his father's or that of his brother's.”

  Erica's heart went out to her husband. He had certainly had a difficult life. She admired him all the more for picking up the pieces and trying his best to make a good life for himself.

  Looking around Nick's room, she said, “The furniture in the bedroom looks older. But also very grand, at the same time.”

  “Yes, milady, the furniture was commissioned by the Duke's grandfather, Langston Wellington.

  Such fine pieces they were, when they first arrived.”

  “Oh, you have been here since that long Moira?”

  “Longer,” she said with a smile. “This has been home to a great many of us for more years than we can remember. We saw the place in all its glory. And I don't care what anyone says. I still believe this place can return to that state, once more.”

  Erica was warmed by the vehement speech of the faithful servant. “I believe everyone is hoping for the same, Moira.”

  “Aye,” the old servant stood. “It was a great pleasure talking with you milady, but if you'll excuse

  me now, I've got to see to the washing.”

  Erica smiled at her new maid, very glad to have a companion in the woman. “The pleasure was all mine, Moira. Thank you.”

  Left her alone with her thoughts, Erica considered what she had just learned about her new husband and his family. It was very fascinating, indeed.

  Chapter 6

  Nick relaxed in his carriage on the ride home. It had been a long but satisfying day. The first part of it had gone well enough, he recalled with a smile. He had greatly enjoyed waking up next to his beautiful new wife. She had been endearingly bashful with him after their night of passionate lovemaking. He was certain that before long, she would not be so shy. He didn't think he would be able to make love to her again tonight, because she had to be sore. But there were other ways of pleasing his wife that he would show her.

  The second part of his day is what was still weighing heavily on his mind. He and Linnus had made great progress today. Nick had presented his updated proposal to Erica's father, and the man, God bless him, had finally seen the wisdom in his plan. Now that they had a clear idea of where they wanted to take their business, it was time to reach out to Linnus' connections. They would arrange to have meetings in the hall in downtown London, where Linnus always conducted his business. Linnus had made it clear that this was a gentleman's outing; no women allowed.

  Nick did not like the idea of leaving Erica alone. He trusted his staff entirely. But because they were newly married, he just wasn't comfortable with leaving her. His trip to London meant that he would also not be sharing his bed with her, which didn't sit well with him at all. The thought of not seeing his beautiful wife for days set him on edge.

  When the carriage pulled up in front of his home, he got out and strode up the path to the house. Erica was waiting for him in the foyer. She smiled at him and rushed up to greet him, kissing him on his cheek, and saying, “Welcome home, husband.”

  Nick enjoyed her display of affection. It still wasn't enough for him. “Thank you wife,” he responded. Holding her steady by placing his thumb on her chin, he tilted her head up to him once more. Keeping his eyes on hers, he lowered his head and kissed her. It was a hard, warm kiss that made promises of things to come.

  When he had raised his head, she asked, “What was that for Nick?”

  He smiled at her, “I believe I missed you today.”

  She smiled back at him and said, “I missed you, too.”

  A motion in the doorway to the kitchen caught her eye. Turning, she saw that Moira was carrying the stuffed goose to the table. “Oh, you are in for a surprise tonight, Nick. Moira told me about your favorite foods, and she prepared them for you tonight.”

  Pleased with her thoughtfulness, Nick replied, “Then let us go enjoy the feast.”

  He offered his arm to her and guided her to his dining table. After pulling out her chair and seating her in his mother's old spot, Nick took his position at the head of the table.

  Their manservant, Jacob, served them their food, before retiring to stand against the wall.

  Erica gazed across the table at Nick. His handsome face looked tired and drawn, but underneath his fatigue was satisfaction. “How was your day, husband?”

  Nick looked up at her and smiled as he told her his good news. “Your father and I have come to an agreement on how we want to run the business and what ideas we want to implement. Now, we will be going to London to meet with advisers and potential investors.”

  Delight flowed through her as she clapped her hands together and beamed at him. She was so happy for Nick and her father. “Oh Nick, that's wonderful!”

  Then she considered the part where he said he would be leaving. “When do you go to London?”

  Buttering his bread, Nick answered, “We leave tomorrow.”

  Dismayed, Erica echoed, “Tomorrow? So soon?”

  “Yes. We must arrive before everyone else to arrange accommodations and prepare our presentations.” He looked up at her. “I don't like leaving you.”

  “I could come with you.”

  “This is a gentleman's outing, Erica. No women are permitted to attend.”

  She raised her eyebrow. “Oh? Why is that, I wonder?”

  Nick laughed. He knew there would be drinking and gambling. Definitely the smoking of cigars, which women hated. “Gentleman bond over activities that women aren't so fond of.” Now she frowned at him. “Activities? Such as prostitutes?” she inquired.

  Eyes twinkling at her, Nick asked, “My dear, what do you know about prostitutes?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and tilted up her chin, “I know that my husband had best not hire one.”

  Nick couldn't help it, he laughed once more. How his new bride amused him. She looked like she wanted to throttle him.

  “I will not hire a lady companion while I'm away. You are the only woman I want in my bed.”

  Her eyes held his and he saw them soften. Good, he didn't want her angry tonight. He wanted to enjoy this last evening with her, before his long week away. He was going to make love to her in ways that would not hurt her. But he was going to love her repeatedly.

  Erica captured his attention once more when she said, “Nick, may I stay on with the Madison's while you were gone?”

  Nick felt relieved at the idea. He wouldn't be so distracted by worrying about his wife if she was being entertained by Abbie while he was away. It would likely be just the two women at the Madison's home. His rival, Randall, would probably make his way to London, trying to get word on Nick and Linnus' plans. Not if he could help it, Nick thought.

  “You may. I will have Bentley arrange for a carriage to bring you over there in the afternoon. We will send word to Abbie in the morning that you are coming.”

  Smiling at him, she expressed her gratitude, “Oh, thank you Nick! You are most wonderful, husband.”

  He got up from his chair and wiped his mouth with his napkin. He went to stand beside her chair. Holding out his hand for her to take, he said, “I'm so glad you think so. Come wife, let us retire for the evening. You can show me your appreciation at length.” He grinned down at her.

  She placed her hand in his and stood. “If you insist.”

  He lifted her into
his arms and turned to walk up the stairs. “Oh, but I do.”

  Erica reveled in his strength as he carried her up the stairs. His hard muscles bunched under her back and tender thighs. Held firmly against him, she pressed against his chest, loving that she could feel his heart beat against her cheek.

  When he reached their bedroom, he set her down next to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and drew her between his thighs. Turning her around, he unbuttoned the back of her dress, then lifted it over her head. “I will play your maid tonight, love,” he said, as he kissed the patch of skin above her corset.

  Erica shivered at the touch of his warm mouth against her skin. Nick continued to undress her, undoing the laces on her undergarments, next. He took them off of her, one by one, showering her back with kisses in their wake. When she was left in just her stockings, he turned her around to face him.

  Drawing her in close to him, he placed his hot, wet mouth against her flat stomach. She jumped and quivered at his intimate touch. He kissed her hotly, passionately all over her torso. Making his way up to her chest, he kissed a path over to her right breast, laving the nipple with his tongue. Over and over he kissed her and suckled her breast. Erica moaned and writhed, loving the treatment he was giving her.

  He turned his attention to her left breast and continued to drive her out of her mind.

  Moving up to her neck, Nick kissed her and lightly bit her, raking her skin with his teeth.

  Continuing upward still, he reached her lips. He took full possession of her mouth, his tongue entering to play with hers. He crushed her against him, running his hands up and down her body, until she was shaking with desire.

  Nick lifted her and gently laid her back onto the bed. Reaching for him, Erica tried to pull him down on top of her. Denying her, he pulled her to the edge of the bed and spread her legs. Settling himself between them, he put his mouth on her core. His tongue lapped at her and suckled her, over and over, until she thought that she would burst.


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