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The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2)

Page 16

by Claire Merrington

  Jane went over to speak to the lead crime scene technician who promised to keep Jane very much in the loop with all information as fast as they could process it. They still had quite a lot of the grounds to check over but they had planned to start ferrying the already collected information back to the lab to start the processing quicker. It was also to help prevent the over flooding of work on the lab technicians.

  “Ok guys lets get back to the station we have still got loads to do and so much information to look at and collaborate.”

  Jane and her team made it back to the station where they were greeted with a scene of grand pandemonium. There were ambulances, fire engines and a flurry of people crying and running. Jane was uncertain to what had happened but whatever it was it couldn’t be good. Jane went over to enter the station and find somebody with details when a waiting police officer and fireman at the door stopped her.

  “I’m sorry Detective but you can’t re-enter the station yet it’s not safe to go in.”

  “What the hell has happened here?”

  “I’m sorry you haven’t been informed it’s all been a bit of a flurry. A package was sent to the station it didn’t have a specific name on it just the address. So Alan opened it like normal and well the package it exploded. It’s quite bad Alan is, Alan is…”

  “It’s ok you don’t need to continue with that I understand. Has anyone else been hurt?”

  “A few minor burns, some small cuts and abrasions from the shrapnel inside the explosive device but nothing as major as the loss of Alan. The bomb unit has been informed they are going to come and collect the fragments of the device for analysis.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt I am the chief Fireman on duty at the scene. The structural integrity of the station seems to all be intact. There is some damage to your reception area, the blast of the device was quite localised. Once we have finished clearing the scene we can let everyone back in.”

  “Yeah the whole station for now has been evacuated.”

  “Ok I can’t believe this. I should have foreseen this. There should have been protocols put in place from when we knew Thaddeus was capable of building devices but I never dreamed he would send one to the station. I take it no one has managed to tell the Superintendent either?”

  “Not that I know of mam.”

  “Ok well I should try calling through to him to let him know before he arrives back to this scene of mayhem. Excuse me.”

  Jane stepped away from the immediate scene of the carnage. There were police officers and station workers all standing in the street in a state of shock and upset. There were several police employees in the back of open ambulances receiving treatment for their wounds. Amy and Ian were checking on as many of them as they could. Jane tried to call the Superintendent but could not get through. All Jane could think on was having to walk past the reception area of the station everyday and never seeing Alan again. The thought was beyond unbearable Alan had worked on the stations front desk for as long as Jane could remember. He was part of the furniture. It was also unbearable because Jane had the knowledge that something should have and could have been put in place to prevent such an outcome. When Jane tried her Superintendents phone again he still did not answer but Jane realised it was because he was driving. Jane quickly thought of trying him on his car radio.

  “Superintendent Andrew Walden?”


  “It’s Detective Jane Sparrow speaking Sir how far away from the station are you?”

  “Why what’s the emergency Jane?”

  “I’m sorry Sir but there has been an explosion at the station.”

  “Were make it back to you in five minutes.”

  Jane was anxious for the re-arrival of her Superintendent she knew there were so many things she wanted to say to him and so many questions she wanted to ask. But her overwhelming anger had spiked a bit more since learning of the loss of Alan. The Superintendent and Perry pulled up back at the station within the five minutes. They must have blued and twos it all the way from where ever they were.

  “What has happened here? Someone give me the update please?”

  “A package arrived at the station no name just the address. So Alan opened it like he does all the mail but it contained a device. We lost Alan. Some other minor injuries and there was a small amount of damage to the station. It was quite a localized blast.”

  “I can’t believe this. We should have had protocols in place to protect the staff of outcomes like this. I feel so stupid for never thinking of it.”

  “I know sir I feel the same. I need to speak to you in private as well at some point before we exchange any new or more information.”

  “Ok Detective is there something wrong?”

  “Let’s wait to discuss anything until we can get back inside the station. Were probably going to have to do a press conference about this explosion.”

  “Yeah I suppose we are.”

  The Superintendent carried on eyeing Jane suspiciously as she walked away. He was obviously concerned by the fact that she wanted to talk to him on his own but Jane couldn’t deal with that now. She had developed more of an armed following that trailed after her every move just in case Thaddeus was lurking in a corner somewhere watching his handiwork unfold. Getting off on watching all the scared people in the crazed scene that he had created. Jane was in search of Perry who had gone off to check in with Ian, Amy and Eric. Perry had obviously picked up on the tension that was flowing of Jane aimed at her Superintendent.

  “Hey Perry there you are. Are all the guys ok? Are you ok?”

  “Yeah they are all a bit shaken up by the situation. It has been such an unusual day and to come back to this scene was quite scary. How was your day?”

  “Interesting and unusual.”

  “What’s going on? I was picking up on a lot of tension between you and the Superintendent. That’s why I came to check on the others. Give you two some space in case you wanted to hash it out.”

  “I don’t think this is going to be something that we can just hash out I’m afraid. But that can all wait until we can get inside the station. This day has been exceptionally strained for all of us. I’m going to go check in with some other members of station staff and then I’ll get a quick update from the fire department as to when we can get back into the station.”

  “Ok I’ll follow if that’s ok?”

  “Sure I can always do with a Perry shaped shadow.”

  Jane tried to muster a smile for him, trying to offer a sign of encouragement that she was going to be ok but Jane didn’t have it in her. Luckily Perry must have understood how disheartening this situation feels for her. After having her home desecrated by Thaddeus, leaving his victim’s body on her doorstep, the station had become her safe haven from him. The one place that Jane felt like she was safe and home. But seeing the carnage that Thaddeus had caused here on another one of her doorsteps that again had cost her a life of a colleague, a man that had worked at the station for what felt like a lifetime, was all too much. Jane could no longer feel safe anywhere.

  Chapter 16

  Jane checked in with all the members of staff that she could. Everyone was in such a state of shock. The explosion and the loss of PC Alan Henchman had caused a momentous scene of panic. Jane found the chief fireman and what appeared to be once again for that day the chief of the bomb disposal unit talking.

  “Excuse me sorry to interrupt I am Detective Jane Sparrow we met earlier Chief Graham Phelps and sorry I didn’t catch your name earlier you’re the Chief of the fire department. I was just wondering as to when I could get back in my station? And what exactly happened here?”

  “I am the Chief of the Fire Department. My name is Andy Steele. It’s nice to meet you I’m sorry it’s under such circumstances. As far as the fire department is concerned you are all set to start moving back in the building. But I do believe the bomb squad wants to do a sweep so Chief Graham Phelps can fill you in on that. As far as the station building goes
the structural integrity of the building wasn’t compromised. All building damage is cosmetic. The bomb expert would probably be better explaining again as to what happened here. My guys and me are going to be heading back to our station now as there is nothing further for us to do. I suppose it is safe to assume you are going to want a copy of our incident report for your investigation?”

  “If you could that would be great. Thank you for all your work and help here.”

  “Not a problem I’ll have that faxed over to you as soon as my guys and me have composed the report. Take care now.”

  “Hi again Graham. Sorry we seem to be keeping your team so busy at the moment. What can you tell us?”

  “Yeah I have got to say myself and my team are very much looking forward to this guy not being out there anymore. As for this device the particulates and the fragments that we have found are suggesting a rudimentary trigger pipe bomb attached to the opening of the package. As soon as your officer opened the package it pulled the trigger and set the device off. The device itself was smaller in blast capacity than the rest that Thaddeus has made. It’s why the damage was more confined in an area and thankfully while the casualty list is smaller than what could have been expected. I’m very sorry for the loss your station has sufficed but I am partially thankful as it could have been a lot worse.”

  “Yeah I appreciate that it could have been worse. Were the same types of explosives used in this device?”

  “As far as we can tell for now yes. Just in smaller quantities. We will run a full analysis on the particulates and I’ll let you know. My team are just doing a final sweep on the rest of the building and on the rest of the mail. Once that is all cleared you will be able to move your people back in.”

  “Thanks Graham.”

  “Hi there sorry to interrupt. I just have a quick question. I am Perry Fierce I am working as a consultant with the police on this case. I have just come back from the prison after speaking with the man that taught our guy about bombs and it has raised a few questions. Now we know that Thaddeus uses the same type of ingredients that Kyle McManus, our teacher, used to use it was a concoction of nitro-glycerine, sawdust and sodium carbonate right. And we learnt today from Kyle that Thaddeus learnt how to arm and set the different types of devices but he mentioned nothing about Thaddeus actually being able to build the devices himself. He actually gloated on that fact. Could there be anything on or in the device components that could be tied to a separate builder?”

  “Well one thing we haven’t looked at as we just assumed it was Thaddeus himself doing all the building. We could send some of the larger fragments of the outer casings to a finger print specialist and see if they could pull a print off say the cap end of the pipe bombs. Where it would have been screwed up.”

  “Ok that sounds like a plan.”

  “I’m pretty sure we have an idea who it could come back to. It’s an associate of Kyle McManus that is still in the area that could have helped him, but confirm with prints.”

  “Sure thing. The station is all clear for you to move back into.”

  “Thanks for all your help Graham. Let us know on any updates.”

  “Will do take care.”

  Jane started funnelling all the people back into the station. Several members of staff that had suffered minor injuries had been cleared to go home. A few that had suffered burns had to be taken to hospital for dressings. Everyone else was left to clear the mess. As Jane herself was walking back into the station she bumped into the one member of staff she would of rather not have seen, especially with the mood that she was in. It was the snotty nosed, rude, antagonistic, egotistical lap dog from the offices upstairs. Whom to Jane still held god knows what position that left her feeling entitled and above her as a Detective.

  “I take it you guys in your fancy offices will be taking care of the damage to the station. And may I suggest some extra security equipment for the station to scan our packages with for the foreseeable future.”

  “Yes you can suggest it. And yes it will be dealt with. Now if your team could just get a handle on catching this maniac we will all feel better.”

  “I’m sure we will.”

  The look on the ladies face, as she clattered away in her heels improved Jane’s mood none. It was a look to suggest that her team did not have a handle on it. And it conveyed that there were all senses of doubt that Jane and her team could not catch Thaddeus. And Jane hated to admit it that feeling at the moment felt very accurate.

  “Ok guys take a seat. I understand and trust me I feel it as well. This was a giant scare for all of us and not something that I would ever care to see repeated. But for now there is nothing we can do about the way the station looks or the loss of Alan. The family notification is being dealt with so I can only make the same suggestions and offer the same advice that I did at the loss of Jack. We must honour our fallen co-workers. We must fight to preserve what they lived and died believing. It is our duty and our responsibility to uphold the law. And to do so with honesty and integrity and never forgetting that we are the shields that protects humanity from those that beseech upon it. So heads up and stay focused lets serve them justice.”

  Rather embarrassingly it was more than just her team that was listening to Jane’s little speech. The whole station had been eerily quiet why she was talking listening to her words to inspire them and hopefully lift their spirits. Jane found herself standing in the middle of the room why the station applauded her.

  “Well said Jane.”

  “Well let’s get down to business. We are going to release a press statement. We are not holding a conference. There will be no questions. Just a quick summary of what happened here today and that we believe it to be an isolated incident but an investigation will be carried out. Ian if you can get in touch with the local media stations and have them here in say an hour and then I will deal with that. Amy can you call through to the coroner and the evidence lab, see if you can track our evidence and when we can expect results. Eric if you make a start on the photos the rest of the team will help when they can. If you could all fill Perry in on the happenings of our day and Perry if you share your information as well that would be most appreciated. Sir if you would care to follow me please. I would like that talk now.”

  Jane led the Superintendent through into one of the interrogation rooms and shut the door. He looked suitably anxious. Jane herself was shaking with anticipation and nerves. Jane hoped that her self-righteous speech about holding up the law with honesty and integrity was weighing on the Superintendents conscience. At the mention of there fallen co-workers even more so. Jane was finding herself more dubious and cautious upon approach. She did not know how this was going to go or the best way to approach it with a calm manor when she was feeling so angry and betrayed.

  “Sit down.”

  “May I remind you detective that I am the superior here in this room. And I am at right to an explanation as to why you are making me feel like I am under arrest?”

  “Sit down. I think you know why. So why don’t you tell me what I could have learned today and what that evidence may be suggesting on your part?”

  “Detective I don’t know what you think you have found out.”

  “Don’t even start to lie to me Superintendent.”

  “Whatever you have found it certainly won’t be the whole story. I need time to explain. I need to make sure it’s the right time.”

  “How about I explain and you stop me when I go wrong. You gave my phone number to Thaddeus. You gave him my address. You gave him the key to the house that you yourself requested back from chain of evidence. You gave him copies of the photographs that were taken of me while he held me captive. As well as giving him a taser from your own station and surveillance photos of me when he couldn’t’ watch me himself. How am I doing because you haven’t stopped me yet? Is that all the help that you have given Thaddeus?”


  The Superintendent hung his head in shame but so he should.

  “Just one thing Sir, why?”

  “You don’t understand it’s complicated.”

  “Understand what sir? What is so complicated? All I understand at the moment is how your actions have compromised our investigation. Put two innocent women and myself in jeopardy and cost us the life of two upstanding officers. So please sir explain it to me?”

  “He has been watching my wife. He sent me surveillance photos of her. He has been watching her every move. He sent letters to my house describing what he would do to her if I didn’t help. He threatened to kidnap, rape and murder her and only return her to me piece by piece. He threatened to send her home finger, by toe, by eyelids and tongue. He was going to carve up my wife. I had no choice.”

  All the steam and anger had been knocked out of Jane at the sight of her crumpled boss as he sat there crying. The once strong man that she had respected was defeated and dejected.

  “You could have said something. You could have asked for help. You used to believe in this system. We could have put you and your wife into protective custody while we fixed this. Instead you chose the coward’s way. Instead you chose to save your own skin and sacrifice the lives of innocent people by helping a maniac instead of doing the right thing. Instead of doing your job. Honestly sir you could of done anything and it would have been better.”


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