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Stake Out... (Studs & Steel Book 5)

Page 6

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  I was trying my damnedest to act naturally around him, but I couldn’t stop watching his every move. I was always very aware of him but now it was like all of my senses were super heightened towards him.

  “Nothing going on down there.” He said putting the binoculars down and turning towards me.

  I smiled, “And they’re not talking about anything interesting either. That kid they’ve got with them does nothing but sleep – do you think we should break cover and go and bust the place? What if the poor kid dies from losing too much blood?”

  Blaine shook his head, “He’d have already died wouldn’t he?” he asked, “Surely the fact that he was up and about yesterday proves that he’s at least sort of okay?”

  I shrugged. I had no idea. I wasn’t medically trained... “Dunno mate,” I said, “Let’s hope the fucking creeps mention something soon that allows us to go in. I’m sick of waiting for them to put a foot wrong. The sneaky bastards have got away with stuff for too long.”

  He nodded, “Yeah, ditto.” He muttered, “Shall we go for a walk in the woods? We can leave everything recording for a little while...”

  I brightened. We should stay put but it was so damned boring just watching and waiting all day long and we’d been given the option of getting out for ten minutes or so as long as we were careful, “Sure – sounds great.” I headed to my room to get my trainers.

  I came back out to find him waiting for me at the door, “Ready?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  We walked up through the woods, following the well worn path used by dog walkers and ramblers. It was a truly beautiful setting and we could hear birdsong all around us. Blaine held his hand out to me to help me over a fallen log and didn’t let go once I’d gotten over it. We walked hand in hand after that.

  “This is such a beautiful place.” He murmured, “And it’s even better being here with you.”

  I nodded, “Yeah,” I agreed, “It’s pretty much perfect.”

  He stopped and turned to me, “I’m not sure what’s happening between us, Denny – it’s freaking me out a bit.”

  I nodded, “I know.” I said, “Let’s not think too hard about it, huh?” I said, “Let’s just stay in the here and now.”

  He smiled, “Cool,” he said, “Shall we head back?”

  I nodded, “Better had – if we’ve missed something, Chief’s gonna go nuts.”

  We made our way back to the cabin. I put the kettle on to make us both a cup of tea and Blaine played the recordings back. We’d missed nothing but an argument over the music they were going to listen to and Daryl checking that Hendrix was still breathing – they were so uncaring about the kid it was disturbing.

  “I’m gonna report that Hendrix isn’t in particularly good health and ask for an opinion from a health professional.” Blaine said with a frown.

  I nodded, “Good call.” I said as I handed him his tea. Our fingers brushed together and I shivered slightly at his touch.

  We spent the next couple of hours catching up on emails and talking to the chief. He updated us on a few things and then we went back to the surveillance. It was tedious work but it was necessary.

  After a while it was clear that Lenny and Daryl had gone out again – presumably leaving Hendrix sleeping since there was no noise from the apartment.

  “Well, we could play on the PlayStation for an hour or so...” Blaine looked at me, his cheeks were slightly pink. Did he really want to play on the PlayStation or was that becoming a code word for something else?

  Immediately horny, my dick twitched at the idea of it being code for wanking off with each other. I nodded, “Sounds cool.” I said, “Pass me a controller.”

  He passed one in silence as I sat down on the sofa next to him.

  We started to play the game. My dick was as hard as steel and feeling damned uncomfortable in my jeans.

  I glanced at his crotch and found that he was suffering in exactly the same way. Swallowing hard and trying my best to keep my voice as level as possible I spoke up, “Or we could stop pretending that we don’t want to wank off together and actually just do it.”

  He nodded, tossing the controller to the side he reached for his zipper, “Fuck, yeah – let’s do that.” He muttered, “I’m so fucking horny I can’t think straight.”

  I chuckled as I got my own cock out, “Me too.” I admitted, “I haven’t been able to think of anything else.”

  I watched him as he leaned his head back, closing his eyes as his hand moved up and down his impressive length. My mouth watered. God, I wanted him in my mouth...

  Closing my eyes I started to work myself. Seconds later I was really close. Just being with Blaine was stimulation enough to have me hard most of the time. Being able to actually do something about it was incredible. “Oh, God.” I panted, “I’m gonna come.”

  His eyes flew open, “Me too.” He managed before his cock erupted.

  I watched as my own did the same less than a second later, “Shit.” I groaned as I looked at my tee shirt, “Didn’t think this through.”

  Blaine laughed, “We really need to wear less next time.”

  I stared at him. Had he really just said that? “Sounds like a plan.” I murmured, imagining him deliciously naked and hard for me, as I headed for the kitchen for some kitchen towel. Bringing it back I peeled a couple of sheets off the roll and tossed it over to him.

  “I’m kind of tired now.” He said.

  I nodded, “Me too.” I flopped down next to him, “Lend us your shoulder mate.” I leaned against him.

  He took my hand in his and threaded our fingers together, “That was great.” He said, “I love being with you.”

  I nodded, a lump forming in my throat, “Me too,” I whispered.

  The rest of the day passed without any further developments at the house – but the same couldn’t be said for Blaine and I. Things were really beginning to develop between us, but frustratingly, I still didn’t really have a clue where I stood with him romantically...

  Chapter 12 – No going back...


  I’d fought against my true feelings for so long that it was a bit scary to face them head on like this. But I was drowning in a sea of emotional overload. I was falling head over heels in love with Denny and I really didn’t know what to do about it.

  Was he feeling the same way? I didn’t really dare ask in case the answer was no.

  I wouldn’t know what to do if he said it was just a bit of fun to pass the time.

  I’d wholeheartedly believed him – probably because it was the easiest thing to do – when he’d told me he was straight and that it had just been experimentation when we were younger. But what if he’d been being honest? I’d have outed myself and I couldn’t go and hide back in the closet once I’d come out...

  Yes. I was really enjoying myself with him. I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock whenever he got it out and I so wanted to suck him off it was hard not to just dive on him but it was also fair to say that I was shit scared about what we were doing because it had stirred up something real deep inside me – something I’d never felt before – I was in love for the first time in my life and it was scaring the living shit out of me...

  It was late in the evening. Nothing was happening down in the valley and we’d guessed they’d all turned in for the night. We’d heard a couple of conversations that we’d reported to the chief and it was really time we got ourselves some sleep – but neither of us were tired.

  “Shall we...?” Denny murmured after a while of us both pretending to be interested in what was on the TV.

  I nodded and reached for my jeans button, “Yeah.” I said and pulled my semi hard cock out of my boxers.”

  “Take them off,” Denny said, “No one’s watching us, “we could walk around naked all day if we wanted to.”

  I groaned, “Oh, man, stop it.” I said, “That’s just too much.”

  He smiled, “Are you enjoying thinking about me naked?” he asked. />
  I nodded, all pretence of not finding him the most attractive thing in the whole world forgotten about, “Yeah, baby.’ I said, “Get naked and let me look at you.”

  He peeled off his tee shirt and I stared at his nipples, “I love your piercings.” I murmured, “So fucking sexy.”

  He raised his eyebrows, “You think?” he asked, looking down at them and touching one. He pulled it slightly, making my semi go instantly hard, “Yeah, I guess they are – I was toying with the idea of one a little lower.”

  My jaw dropped, “You’re gonna have your cock pierced?”

  He shrugged, “Nah, probably not.” He said, “But I thought about it.”

  “Fuck.” I muttered, wondering if he’d make me come just by talking about it, “So fucking sexy.”

  He grinned, “Am I turning you on?”

  I nodded, “Yeah.” I said, pulling my tee shirt over my head and pushing my jeans down my legs. I felt a little exposed showing my naked body off to Denny but it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen me completely naked before. I actually quite liked it. It felt liberating...

  He stood in front of me, completely naked too and started to work his cock. “I could come all over you from here.” He said, “Would you like that?”

  I gazed up at him and nodded, “Yeah.” I said, “maybe you could do that later, come and sit down with me.”

  He moved and sat next to me, his thigh right against mine, “Is this okay?” he asked.

  I nodded. I was openly watching him playing with his cock now. There was no point in pretending that I wasn’t. He knew I was into him and I knew he was into me...

  He looked down at my hand working my cock and cleared his throat, “ Do you, uh, want me to give you a hand with that instead?” Denny murmured, his voice all deep and gravelly.

  I nodded, “Oh, God, yeah.” I agreed, “We could give each other a hand or...” I trailed off, feeling my face reddening at my suggestion.

  Denny’s big grey eyes blinked slowly and I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed, “or what?” he whispered.

  I shook my head, my face on fire. I had not just had that thought. I hadn’t... “Nothing,” I said, “forget it – giving each other a hand job is fine.”

  He laughed nervously, “Oh, fuck.” He whispered, as his hand closed around my shaft, “This feels so weird.”

  “It does,” I agreed, watching his hand working my cock as I wrapped my hand around his cock too. “But it feels so damned good.”

  He nodded, gasping a little as I started to move up and down his shaft, rubbing my thumb over the end of his cock and using his pre-come to lube him up a little.

  We worked each other. I was getting close and I knew he was too because his breathing had changed. He was breathing heavier and his balls were tightening.

  “Gonna come.” He panted, “Oh, God...” He came, spurting hot come all over my hand and up his stomach.

  Without even thinking about it I put my hand to my mouth and licked it. I eyed his stomach and leaned forward but Denny shook his head, “Let me make you come, baby.”

  My heart melted when he called me baby. I leaned back against the cushions and closed my eyes, revelling in his touch. Seconds later my cock jerked in his hand and I came.

  “I’ll get us something to clean up with.” Denny said getting straight up. I watched him walk to the kitchen. Got he had the sexiest backside... he was lean and muscly with really beautifully sculpted legs. Gorgeous...

  He came back into the lounge, “I think next time we should go to one of our rooms first.” He said with a chuckle, “Or this lounge is just gonna stink of sex.”

  I grinned, “Yeah,” I said, “Good point.”

  He’d already cleaned himself off and he came over to me and wiped up my stomach. “I can do that.” I said, feeling embarrassed that he was cleaning me up.

  He shrugged, “I like being able to do stuff for you – you’re always looking out for me.”

  I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. “Thanks.” I said.

  He shrugged, looking pleased, “You’re welcome. Come on – let’s go to bed.” He held his hand out to me and I took it eagerly,

  “Your room or mine?” I asked as we got to our bedroom doors.

  He raised an eyebrow, “Seriously?” he asked.

  I nodded, heart in my mouth, “Yeah.” I said.

  He grinned, “Mine.” He said pushing his bedroom door open. “Back in a second.” He said and headed for the bathroom.

  He appeared a couple of minutes later, in just his boxer shorts and sporting a boner to be proud of.

  I was lying on his bed, completely naked again and playing with my hardening cock. There was no point in pretending that I didn’t still want to fool around.

  Denny looked at me for a second before letting out the sexiest growl I’d ever heard in my life. The next second he’d launched himself onto me, straddling my thighs and crashing his mouth against mine, his tongue delving in and kissing me messily.

  I let go of my cock as I found myself responding eagerly to his kiss, even though I’d spent the last eight years convincing myself that I wasn’t hopelessly in love with my best friend. Who knew that just one kiss would be all it would take...?

  We kissed for ages. Time seemed to stand still while we kissed. I wasn’t actually aware that my hand had found its way back around my cock until he knocked my hand away and then slid his body closer to mine and started to rub his cock right against mine. Ohhh, God. That felt so good.

  “Oh, my God.” I groaned, “What are you doing to me?”

  Denny smiled and rubbed his nose against mine, “Well, I was kind of hoping that I was turning you on.” He murmured.

  I leaned a little closer and captured his lips in my own again, “You’re definitely doing that.” I whispered between kisses, “I’ve never been so turned on in my whole life.”

  Denny smiled, “I can remember one time.” He whispered back to me, “Can you remember that summer?”

  Could I remember that summer? Of course I could remember that summer – like it was only yesterday. I nodded, “Yeah.” I agreed. “I remember that summer like it was yesterday.”

  “I, uh, I have condoms.” He whispered, “And lube.”

  I swallowed, “Okay.” And you want me to do what? Fuck you? My heart started to beat wildly in my chest as all sorts of images flew through my mind.

  He smiled, going very red, “I wasn’t assuming anything... I just... hoped that we could... maybe... Not necessarily tonight...”

  I stared at him. He really did want me to fuck him. Wow... He stared back at me, his eyes massive in the low lighting and looking so vulnerable. His honesty about his feelings for me were so raw and out in the open. He was the polar opposite of me when it came to talking about his feelings. I was worse than useless at this – I was totally still in the closet. Denny wasn’t obviously out either but he hadn’t seriously tried dating women in years.

  “How many guys have you had sex with?” I asked.

  He blushed, looking at me like a deer caught in headlights, “Why do you want to know? Why does it matter?”

  I shook my head, “It doesn’t matter.” I said, “But you’re my one and only.” That summer... Best one of my life.

  Sadness flashed in his eyes, “I wish I could say the same,” he muttered, “But there’ve been a few.” He shrugged, “I couldn’t wait around for you to decide if you were going to come out – but I’ve never...” He trailed off and looked up at the ceiling.

  “You’ve never what?” I asked.

  He took a deep breath and wouldn’t look at me, “I don’t let men fuck me, Blaine – you’re the only one who ever has.”

  I stared at him, “What?” Really? Wow...

  He shook his head and looked at his hands, still not looking at me, then. Interesting... “I’ve never wanted that sort of intimacy with any other guys,” his eyes flickered to mine and then back to his hands, “so I top them but I don’t l
et them top me.”

  I frowned, “And how does that work out for you?”

  He shrugged, “Well, some guys prefer bottoming, so it’s fine.”

  “But for those who don’t?” I felt as if my frown was etched into my forehead.

  He smiled and shrugged, “They don’t stick around. But that’s okay because I don’t have feelings for any of them anyway.” He raised his eyes finally and looked at me, really looked at me – and I couldn’t have looked away if my life depended on it. This was heavy stuff... “I love you, Blaine. I always have.”

  I swallowed. Fuck. He was so damned good at this love thing. I was a total amateur. I’d been hiding my feelings for fucking years. Dating girls in a bid to deny my real self... I had to be honest – but I didn’t know how to be... “I don’t know what to say... I-I’m not sure how I feel...” Liar. You fucking love him right back. Tell him! Tell him!

  Denny sighed and stroked my nipple with his fingertip. “I know,” He said, making my heart drop in my chest like a stone that I’d never been honest about my feelings for him, “I know you don’t feel the same – I know you’re straight... and that sucks for me but it is what it is. I’m happy to take whatever you’ll give me while we’re here. How about it? Will you have sex with me, Blaine?”

  I looked at him. He was so much braver than me – having the balls to ask for what he wanted. I needed to pluck up the courage to tell him how I felt – I just wasn’t there yet... “You’re such a tart.” I teased, pulling him in for another one of those incredible, filthy kisses, “But yes. I’d love to have sex with you.”

  He smiled against my lips before delving his tongue inside my mouth, licking and tasting me for all he was worth. I’d never been kissed like this before and it was absolutely mind-blowing. Oh, God... I was in serious trouble now.

  He started to trail hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses down my neck, sucking hard when he got to the dip of my shoulder blade and making me gasp. “What the fuck are you doing to me?” I gasped, “You can’t give me a love-bite, man – someone might see it!”


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