Stake Out... (Studs & Steel Book 5)

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Stake Out... (Studs & Steel Book 5) Page 12

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  “Hey! Denny!” Harley grinned as he walked into the locker room, “I was hoping to find you here – are you coming on Saturday night?”

  I nodded, “Sure.” I agreed.

  He and Alfie had been coming around to my place to see me a few times while I was recovering and now that I was pretty much healed and the physiotherapist was pleased with the progress I was making, I’d been given the all clear to go back to normal duties – I was therefore supposed to be partnered back up with Blaine but I just couldn’t do it. I’d requested to be put with Adams until they could process my redundancy and then I was out of there...

  “You’ll be back on normal duties come Monday – you might as well make your last weekend of relative freedom a good one.”

  I rolled my eyes and chuckled, “I guess I could...”

  I really didn’t want to go back to walking the streets at all if I wasn’t going to be with Blaine, but I was so sick of the desk job. I’d also been seriously considering the way I could spend the rather attractive redundancy package on offer. I had an idea of how I could use the money for a whole new career but even doing that alone held little appeal.

  Blaine had been put with a temporary replacement partner. Her name was Andrea Marney and she was a pretty girl. Just the type he usually dated. Blonde, blue eyed and she had big boobs too. I pretty much hated her...

  “See you Saturday then.” Harley winked and disappeared.

  Great. I’d have to go now...


  When you want time to pass quickly it always seems to slow down. Now that I wanted Saturday to take forever, it was upon me before I could even blink.

  I was stood in front of my bedroom mirror. I looked okay. My hair was messily chic and my eyebrows were perfect. I’d had my eyebrows and lashes dyed only two days before so they looked incredible and I’d got some really good lip balm that made the most of my full mouth.

  I wasn’t looking to hook up with anyone but neither could I hang around waiting for Blaine forever. If I met someone, I met someone... Blaine would never be able to have an out in the open relationship with me, anyway. Sneaking around in the cabin was fine and dandy but really, I knew all along it couldn’t last. It was pathetic of me to think that it ever could.

  I grabbed my phone and my car keys and headed down the stairs before I could change my mind. If I didn’t go now I’d definitely bottle it.

  Chapter 29 – Sorting it out...


  I checked my appearance in the mirror. Dad poked his head around the lounge door, “Going somewhere?”

  I nodded, “I’m going to Harley’s and Alfie’s stag night. Well, one of them anyway – they’re having a full on weekend of it.” I grinned. They were so damned cute together.

  Dad chuckled, “Anyone else going?”

  I shrugged, “Denny might be there...” I trailed off. The truth of it was that I was totally banking on it. We hadn’t seen each other to speak to properly since I’d told him I loved him more than anything in the world and he’d still taken it that I’d meant as friends. I was running out of ideas.

  Dad had been right though – I really needed to tell him and leaving it, hoping that it would miraculously work itself out wasn’t really working out for me...

  I couldn’t stand things the way they were. I wanted him back. I wanted him to be my partner at work and I wanted him back in my bed. I just wanted him... Fuck it all to hell. I was in love with him.

  I got to Studs and Steel at around nine-thirty. The party was being held there and the place would be heaving in another hour or so once people started drifting there from the pubs. My heart lifted. Regardless of whether I made things up with Denny, I could have a dance and a drink. It wouldn’t be so bad...

  I said hello to Buzz and Franz who were stood inside the door. Buzz was the bouncer and Franz was his pocket-sized boyfriend, who was as cute as a button and totally wrapped around his bear of a boyfriend. I was instantly jealous of their relationship. I wanted Denny wrapped around me like that.

  I made my way through to the bar area. There was Seth, looking totally loved up with a woman behind the bar. I guessed she must be Siobhan, his girlfriend, since I’d heard quite a lot about her and I couldn’t see him being the cheating sort. She pinched his bottom, making me laugh as he almost went into orbit with surprise. She reached behind him for a bottle of beer for one of the guys and they both laughed as he whispered something in her ear. My heart stuttered. Why the fuck did everyone seem to be in love with someone who was happy to be with them, except me?

  My eyes swept the crowd of men at the bar. There was River and Jodie, Simon was, as usual, alone and Thai was stood alone too. I wondered why they’d never hooked up with each other but it was really none of my business. Just because they were both gay and single didn’t make them attractive to each other – hell, I didn’t fancy either of them...

  My eyes settled on a young man with dark, untidy hair. He was wearing a navy blue and white checked shirt over a tight, white tee shirt and dark navy skinny jeans. He had a pair of black trainers on his feet and one of those feet was propped back against the bar, as were his elbows as he stood flirting with the guy who had his back to me.

  I froze. The guy he was quite outrageously flirting with was Denny. No fucking way...

  I didn’t even think about the way it looked to any of the other guys. No thought whatsoever as to what Harley and Alfie might think – whether it would ruin their party – I made a beeline for Denny and grabbed his shoulder.

  He yelped with surprise – and probably pain, since it was the shoulder he’d been shot in – my bad...

  Spinning him around I glowered at him, “A word.” I growled, “Outside.”

  Denny stuck his chin out, “What if I don’t want to go outside?”

  I grabbed his hand, “Come on.” I wheedled, “Please.”

  He rolled his eyes dramatically, “Fine.” He said and followed me to the doors. “We’ll be back in a minute.” I said to Buzz as we passed them.

  He put a hand up to acknowledge that he’d heard me before he clamped it back on his boyfriend’s arse and continued kissing him passionately.

  Once we were outside I pulled Denny around to the back of the building.

  “What?” Denny asked petulantly, “I was talking to someone.”

  I nodded, “Yeah, I saw.” I grunted.

  He shook his head, “You’re jealous?” he asked incredulously, “It was only Harley’s kid brother, dude – we’ve known each other forever – he’s... flirtatious – and besides – he really fancies Seth.” He snorted, “You should have seen him trying to order a drink without getting tongue tied. It was so fucking cute!”

  I scowled at him, “You’re not on the market.”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Excuse me?” he said incredulously, “That’s not your decision to make – you’re my friend, nothing else. And you’re straight. We had sex for a couple of weeks and then you went straight back to your ex.”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes – possibly just as dramatically as Denny had done not five minutes before, “You want to learn how to listen, Denny boy.” I said.

  He looked at me blankly, “Uh?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t want to put a label on things... I’m not really comfortable saying that I’m homosexual because I’m not really sure what I am. But I am sure of one thing.” I paused, gazing at his beautiful face, which was currently scowling at me rather menacingly, “and that’s the way I feel about you. So before you go and get your rocks off with Harley’s younger brother, I just wanted you to know that I know exactly what I’m feeling – I’m in love with you Denny. I don’t really know when things changed from us just being mates to falling in love with you – all I know is that it did happen. I’m in love with you – and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  He stared at me for the longest time before he finally spoke and when he did I was torn between wanting to hit him and kiss him, “What?”

  I smiled, “You heard me.”

  With a bit of a strangled cry he threw himself into my arms, “Oh, God, Blaine. I love you too. So damned much.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into me, “Oh, God. I’ve missed you baby.” I whispered.

  He lifted his face up to mine, “Missed you too,” he said with a little sigh, “Kiss me.”

  I didn’t need any further encouragement. I lowered my face and captured his lips in mine. They were soft and warm and they fit perfectly against mine. No surprise there – Denny had always been my perfect fit in life...

  “We should go back inside.” He murmured against my mouth after we’d been kissing each other for about ten minutes.

  “Mm-hmm.” I agreed, “We should.”

  Denny pulled away from me, his mouth red and looking slightly swollen from our kissing. I expect mine looked about the same. I smiled. He looked good with thoroughly kissed lips, “Come on then.” He said, planting another little kiss on my lips and making me smile, “We’ll stay for a while – but then we’re going back to yours.”

  I grinned, “Mr Denison.” I said, “Are you trying to seduce me?”

  He winked, “Yes, Mr Blaine,” he said, “I most certainly am.”

  Chapter 30 – Where I’m meant to be...


  We managed another twenty-two minutes before Blaine asked me if I was ready to go.

  I nodded, “I thought you’d never ask.” I murmured, running my fingers up his leg and making the hairs on his arms stand up.

  He chuckled, “You’re such a handful.” He said.

  I winked, “Yeah I am – a big handful too.”

  He grinned, “Oh, I know that, baby.”

  Since I still wasn’t drinking, I drove us back to his place.

  I stopped the car and switched off the engine. Jumping out of the passenger seat, he ran around the car and opened my door for me, “I’d have preferred to have driven you back, but at least I can escort you to my door.” He grinned at me.

  I chuckled. Blaine was turning out to be the most attentive boyfriend... “Thanks.” I said, taking his offered arm. “This really isn’t necessary, though – I’m kind of a sure thing where you’re concerned.”

  He smiled, “Likewise.” He said and leaned in to kiss me, right there, in front of all of the neighbouring homes. Wow. I guess he really was serious about being in love with me.

  He opened the front door and ushered me inside.

  Once inside, away from all of those potential prying eyes I couldn’t keep my hands off him any longer.

  I pushed him up against the wall and fastened my mouth onto his. I slid my tongue into his mouth and pressing my body up flush against his.

  I could feel his erection hard against my stomach. I groaned, “Oh, God. You feel amazing. I want you inside me, Blaine.”

  He nodded, kissing my neck and throat and snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me into him, “Can you feel that?” he murmured, “That’s all for you, baby. All for you.”

  “Oh, God,” I moaned against him, “That feels so good, Blaine – you’re so fucking hard.”

  He nodded, sliding his hand down my body and cupping the bulge in my jeans, “Yeah,” he agreed with a grin, “So does that.”

  I grinned back at him and then he pulled me up the stairs to his bedroom. We tumbled onto the bed together, but Blaine was totally taking charge tonight.

  He rolled me over and straddled me pushing my arms above my head as he kissed and licked my neck again, “You smell amazing and you taste incredible.” He murmured, making my skin break out in goose bumps, “I could just spend all night licking you all over.”

  “Have you got anything with you?” I whispered.

  He pulled away and looked at me with one eyebrow raised, Do you really think I’d bring you back here if I had nothing?” he said, “I’ve got condoms, I’ve got lube – in three flavours. I’ve got toys in case you want things to get playful – and I’ve got my cuffs.” He winked.

  I laughed, “Sounds like you’ve thought of everything – what toys have you got?” Suddenly I was totally intrigued. Blaine had never mentioned wanting to play with toys before...

  He blushed, “Uh, I got you a couple of dildos, a butt plug and some other shit that the woman in the shop thought we could try.”

  I blinked, “Fuck,” I said, “Did you say it was for you and your boyfriend?”

  He nodded, “Of course I fucking did.” He said, “I’m a new man.”

  Yeah, he was...

  “Right,” I said, “Let’s play with the dildo...”

  He looked at me blankly, “Don’t you want me inside you?”

  I nodded, grinning, “Oh, yeah.” I said, “But I was thinking that I could ride you, and you could fuck yourself with the dildo at the same time.” I shrugged, “Only if you want to...?”

  He grinned and nodded, “You’re full of good ideas.”

  I nodded, “Oh, yeah I am.” I said.

  He grinned, “We need to be naked.”

  We quickly shed our clothes and then he knelt between my spread legs and ran his hands up my inner thighs, sending shivers through my body and little electrical impulses right to my groin. Stopping just short of my balls and leaving me in a state of gloriously agonising anticipation, he licked his lips really slowly and grinned again, “I’ve really got a taste for you tonight – so I’m going to start by licking you – all over.” His voice was gravelly with emotion.

  I closed my eyes, “Oh, God.” I groaned. “You are the sexiest man on the planet.”

  He lowered his face and nuzzled my balls and then, just as promised, he started licking me all over. Working his way down, his tongue fluttered around my hole and then back up again, sucking in first one ball and then the other, then he sucked my cock deep into his mouth as his fingers found my hole and he started to finger me gently. Eventually, when my cock was as hard as steel and dying for some action, he’d worked his way all the way back to my face. His face was inches away from mine, “Now I’m going to kiss you.” He said, “And you’re going to kiss me back and then I’m gonna get that dildo and you can fuck me with it and then I’m gonna fuck you.”

  I nodded, “Okay.” I whispered.

  His mouth came crashing down on mine, showing me that he wasn’t quite as in control of himself as he sounded.

  He licked into my mouth, exploring and tasting me, “Denny.” He whispered, as he trailed kisses all over my face and neck, “I love you so much. We’re perfect together.”

  “We are.” I agreed as I watched him kiss all down my stomach until he’d gotten back to my cock, “I’m totally where I’m meant to be.” Watching myself disappearing into his mouth was almost enough to have me coming and we hadn’t even gotten started yet. I watched, fascinated as his lips engulfed my cock.

  Uncontrollable pleasure began to build and erupt inside me. Electrical pulses shot down my spine and straight to my balls, making them tingle. There was no way I wasn’t gonna come with the way he was sucking and slurping around my cock as if it was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted. I was so close to coming and completely unable to stop him from what he was doing… “Babe – you’ve gotta stop,” I panted, “I’m gonna come and we haven’t....”

  He put his hand up. Clearly he wasn’t going to stop. Oh, fuck that was such a fucking turn on. He wanted me to come in his mouth. He was totally into it, his eyes closed, one hand working my cock and sucking me deeply into his mouth. “Gonna come,” I panted, “Gonna come.” It felt so damned good and watching him taking me right down his throat was too much for me. He looked up at me, his eyes dark with passion, his beautiful lips around my cock, his cheeks flushed. I’d never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I gripped onto the headboard as my orgasm hit me with force.

  Blaine didn’t stop, sucking and swallowing all the way through my orgasm, never breaking eye contact with me. He carried on licking and sucking until I could hardly bear it. “Please,
” I whispered, “Please stop I can’t... I can’t...”

  Finally, he stopped, slipping off my cock with a bit of a messy slurp. He smiled at me as he wiped his mouth, “You are so fucking awesome.” He whispered, “That was great.”

  He leaned in to me for a kiss. I could taste myself in his mouth, fuelling my desire for him. I reached down and stroked his hard cock, “You have to let me do the same for you now,” I murmured in his mouth.

  He nodded and crawled up the bed, straddling my chest he eased his cock into my mouth gently, I sucked and licked him, getting used to the size before he started to thrust a little. I could taste his tangy pre-come already and his breathing had quickened. It was a heady feeling knowing that I was totally in control of making him come and I knew he was getting close. I pulled back a little to take a breath of air. Once Blaine started coming, I wasn’t going to let him pull out and I knew I wouldn’t breathe again before he’d finished. I sucked him in as deeply as I could without gagging. He felt utterly perfect in my mouth, slick and smooth and as hard as steel, “Oh, God.” I heard him gasp, as he fell forwards slightly and braced himself against the headboard, his hands over mine, “I’m coming.”

  The first jet of come hit me in the back of the throat. It always took me by surprise and I always gagged a little before gaining control and swallowing.

  He slowed his thrusts as I milked him through his orgasm. Finally he pulled away from me and sat astride me.

  I let go of the headboard and manoeuvred us so that we were lying together, facing each other, “That was amazing,” I said before he leaned in and captured my mouth in his. Pulling away he gazed into my eyes, “You are where you’re meant to be,” he said, smiling at me lovingly, “Right where you’re meant to be – with me.” I smiled back at him and leaned back in. We kissed for what seemed like hours...

  Chapter 31 – Good old-fashioned policing...



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