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Darcy & Elizabeth: Hope of the Future: Darcy Saga Prequel Duo Book 2

Page 16

by Lathan, Sharon

  * * *

  Guest bedchambers had been assigned for each Bennet to rest in while the kitchen prepared dinner and they awaited the arrival of Mr. Bennet.

  Mounting the stairs behind Georgiana and Jane, Lizzy looked back at Mr. Darcy where he stood talking to Mr. Bingley. He smiled at her, his blue eyes warm and peaceful. Then, just as she reached the upper landing, he mouthed I love you. Giddy, she returned the sentiment, his grin widening as he marched toward the corridor leading to his chambers.

  Neither Lizzy nor Jane had thought ahead to the evening dinner plans, a belated realization causing some embarrassment. Georgiana, bless her sweet heart, waved her hand dismissively as she assured, “We are enjoying setting a casual table, to be honest. No need to dress fancy for dinner tonight. But, the servants will brush the dust from your gowns while you rest, and if you do not mind sharing, I have plenty of garments, jewelry, and accessories to fit for evening attire.”

  They could certainly not refuse such generosity. With swift efficiency, the maid helping Lizzy had her undressed down to her shift and comfortably settled in a beautifully decorated bedchamber in no time at all. Once left alone, Lizzy stood in the middle of the room and examined her surroundings.

  The huge bed beckoned, so she climbed onto the incredibly plush mattress covered with a fluffy, down-stuffed duvet. Five minutes later, she bounded up from the bed. There was no possible way she could lay upon a bed without thinking of William. Vividly! Napping, or even relaxing, was utterly out of the question.

  Giving up on that idea altogether, she explored the bedchamber, the tiny sitting room attached, and the small water closet hidden behind a folding screen in the far corner. Every item was of the finest material and exquisitely crafted. Ordinarily, her curiosity would have taken hold, but she simply could not stop thinking of him.

  What was he doing, right now? Sleeping? Changing his clothes? Bathing?

  Any of those possibilities involved some degree of nakedness and were a bit too intimate for her to imagine without worsening her jitters.

  The speculation did lead her to ponder the location of his bedchamber relative to the one assigned to her. Rapidly analyzing the townhouse layout in her head, she concluded his suite might be almost directly below.

  Dashing to the rear, alcove window, she jerked the curtains aside. It turned out her calculations were only partially accurate. Indeed, the master suite was below her, but farther to the right than she figured. In fact, if not for the light shining outward through what she assumed was a glass door, the low-walled stone patio would not have been visible at all in the darkness.

  Sighing rather pathetically, Lizzy leaned her forehead against the glass. The cold was soothing to her skin. She closed her eyes and ever so slowly forced the coiled energy to ease out of her muscles. Relaxation took hold, and the prospect of falling asleep for the hour that remained until she needed to dress for dinner finally felt possible. Opening her eyes, she released a second sigh before lifting her head from the glass and starting to turn away.

  Just then, the light down below flickered, and a tall shadow waved over the stones. Instantly she was alert, eyes wide and face pressed into the cold glass.

  Please, let it be him!

  Seconds later, William walked out the door. The distance, shadows, and thick vines twining over a trellis obstructed her view, but she noted a tumbler in his right hand, and that he wore only his shirt and trousers.

  This time her sigh was closer to a whine of longing.

  Grasping onto the window latch, a crazed vision of throwing the window wide and shouting his name, as if a whimsical Juliet to his Romeo, whipped through her mind. Next came the insane notion of scaling the wall, climbing down the conveniently located trellis, and dropping half-dressed onto his patio. Covering her mouth to stay the giggles threatening to burst forth at such ridiculousness, Lizzy removed her hand from the latch as rationality slowly reasserted.

  No. It is much preferable to enjoy this small gift of an intimate peek at the man I love.

  For some minutes, she unashamedly watched from her cozy vantage point.

  William stood in the middle of the patio with one hand on his hip, gazing into the sky as he sipped from the tumbler. Twice he glanced in the direction of her window, and each time her hand was halfway to the latch before she stayed the unconscious movement. The light inside his chambers illuminated him, whereas she was hidden in the window alcove behind thick curtains shielding the lone candle she had left by the bed. Knowing that he was thinking of her was enough for now.

  Tossing back the last swallow of liquid, William returned to his bedchamber, at which point Lizzy accepted she would not be able to sleep. She called for the maid, requesting water and necessities for her toilette. Scrubbing her face and cleaning her teeth was amazingly invigorating. The maid returned with Lizzy’s cleaned gown, and an armload of clean shawls, fichus, petticoats, footwear and stockings, over-dresses, and other accessories selected by Miss Darcy. The servant laid them in perfect order atop the bed, then moved to the mirrored vanity table prepping the array of items for dressing Lizzy’s hair.

  In a daze, Lizzy ran her fingertips over the costly fabrics lying on the bed, dreaminess flowing through her body as her thoughts swirled.

  Very soon, this will be my life.

  An army of servants to attend to her needs. Elegant and expensive furnishings wherever she looked. Garments of the finest quality and latest fashion professionally tailored. Days upon days of leisure, parties, and entertainment. A way of life foreign, for the most part, from her modest existence thus far.

  I will have a husband who loves me and fills me with immeasurable joy.

  Ah! The real treasure. She would become accustomed to the changes in her elevated status, especially with William beside her.

  Less than a month away!

  Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes and savored the dreamy happiness. Submitting to the maid’s skill, within fifteen minutes the woman styled Lizzy's hair into an arrangement impossible to manage herself, and she then transformed the simple day-dress into an elegant dinner ensemble.

  Sincerely amazed, Lizzy thanked the servant for her excellent service, which seemed to surprise the young woman, and then politely dismissed her. There was still nearly thirty minutes until dinner at eight o’clock, and Jane had said she would come to her room so they could descend the stairs together. But, surely someone was in the parlor already. Had her father arrived? Was Mr. Darcy downstairs awaiting his arrival?

  Might he be alone?

  Decision made, she inspected her reflection one last time, adding a final pinch to her cheeks and dab of perfume to her neck. That should be sufficient, she deemed. Giggling and with an eager smile curling her lips, she turned away from the mirror. At that second she heard a faint tap on the hallway door in the adjacent sitting room, followed by the nearly inaudible creak of the door opening.

  Stifling a groan of disappointment, she stepped toward the room while calling aloud, “I’m coming, Jane! You are early, but I am ready. We can head down—”

  Lizzy froze on the threshold, the shock of seeing William, not Jane, immobilizing her tongue and limbs.

  “I am early on purpose, am relieved to see you dressed or this risk might prove more than I can handle, but was rather hoping you were not overly eager to head down quite yet.”

  Laughing, she hastily dashed into his arms, gave him a hug, and emphatically assured, “I was only eager to see you, my love.”

  “Were you? A man can live on such sentiment. Dare I hope you wanted more than merely to see me?”

  “Tease! I suspect you are not here merely to see me either. Who shall collect their prize first?” Rising onto her tiptoes, stretching to lessen the unwanted gap, Lizzy answered her question. “Honestly, I no longer care who won the game or claims their prize first. I just want to kiss you, William.”

  His smile was nothing short of radiant. He did not comment, bending his head until his lips were so close to her
mouth she could feel the emanating warmth. Eyes closed and lifted lips parted, Lizzy was taken by surprise when his mouth pressed against the edge of her jaw. From there he traveled to the tender flesh below her ear, planting a series of firm kisses along the way.

  “Remember, these do not count. Only kisses to your lips.” Whispered huskily, he followed with an earlobe kiss. “Now, turn around.”

  If not for his hands on her upper arms guiding her into a pivot, her delirious brain never would have translated his verbal command into action. Then, with his hard chest in contact with her backside and his soft lips grazing over the nape of her neck, coherency rapidly disappeared until sheer sensation remained.

  Perceptions which were raging, wild, and fiery!

  Sensations that drove away interfering rationality but were alive and vivid. Lizzy felt, heard, and smelled with sharp clarity—the aroma of his musky cologne, the fibers of his jacket and the round buttons on his waistcoat, the slight rasp of his whiskers and lightly calloused fingertips, the rush of air with each increasingly harsher breath.

  As had happened with their previous passionate interludes, pointless realities like the time or location no longer registered. Lizzy counted every kiss and touch, cataloging and storing for future retrieval when alone yet could not have said with certainty whether his exploration of her neck and shoulders lasted a minute or ten times longer.

  Somewhere in that indeterminate span of time, his hands slid slowly down her arms, reaching her hands and entwining their fingers. For unknown minutes, he held her hands together with both of his—the brushing kisses ongoing and thorough in their quest to explore—and then, almost lazily, he transferred their grip into only one hand. His newly freed hand languidly stroked up her right arm, fleetingly brushed over her breast—an electrifying sensation eliciting a gasping moan—and across her chest until caressing the left side of her neck and jawline.

  Helplessly, blissfully, she relaxed fully into his body. Her head fell back onto his shoulder, and with the hand splayed firmly over her face he tilted her head to the side. For a second their eyes met, his dark with raging desire, and hers, she hoped, expressing the same. Then he bent his head, eyes slipping closed, and captured her mouth in a gentle kiss. The angle was odd, and for a moment rather awkward, yet amazingly, they quickly adjusted to what was, for her certainly, a unique experience which escalated to euphoria when his left arm tightened, securing her in place as he deepened the kiss.

  Whiskey. That was the liquor he sipped on the terrace. The taste was on his tongue, the flavor mingled with a hint of mint and the savory sweetness uniquely him.

  The Biblical words from the Song of Songs flashed through her mind: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine.” Was it possible to exist on nothing but a lover’s kiss? Perhaps not, technically, although her hunger pangs had stopped. More than willing to test the theory, she nearly burst into tears when he ended the kiss.

  They were still standing in the middle of the small sitting room, William supporting her body with one strong arm as he stroked her neck with the other hand. He didn’t immediately open his eyes, and Lizzy felt the tension in his body that was indicative of his struggle for control. Understanding, she gazed into his face and waited, fighting her own rushing passions. An infinitesimal relaxing of his muscles and a low groaning exhale indicated the shift, and he opened his eyes.

  “On second thought, collecting one kiss at a time may be a wiser plan.”

  His smile was a tad strained and his voice rough, the comment half-tease and half-serious. Lizzy knew he was probably right. She simply did not care.

  “You have collected one kiss, William. Now it is my turn to collect.”

  Twisting in his arms, she surprised them both at how easily she broke free of his grip. Clasping his face, she paused only long enough to be sure he saw her determination and ardency—of that there was no doubt. His eyes widened, then dropped to her mouth, and he inhaled sharply. The hands spanning her waist clenched almost painfully, then drifted upward, the action involuntary, until resting just under her breasts. His reactions, spontaneous and instant, fueled the fire within her.

  Just a kiss. A simple kiss.

  But the first she would deliver of her own initiation. Lizzy did not count her precipitous kiss in his office three days ago. Now, unlike then, she was thinking clearly—as much as possible, that is, when held in his arms—and while completely likely her control would be fast overwhelmed, she intended to prove she could be bold and take the lead.

  Smiling, she slowly lifted onto her tiptoes, hands gliding to encircle his neck and twine into his hair. Perhaps comprehending her purpose, or maybe out of amazement, she was not sure, he held still, not even lowering his head.

  For a fraction of a second uncertainty sliced through her. After his clever embrace and novel kissing position, a straightforward exchange seemed rather blah. Playing the seductress sounded easy until put to the test.

  “Just one kiss,” she murmured encouragingly, not aware she spoke aloud until he released his held breath and nodded.

  Closing the small space to his mouth, she pressed her lips lightly against his—a gentle pressure maintained for several seconds before parting her lips. Yet rather than proceeding as typical, she touched the tip of her tongue to his upper lip, a glancing touch before delicately pulling it between her lips.

  Galvanized by the increasing pitch of his breathing and squeeze to her ribcage, she repeated the action to his lower lip using a bit more intensity and drawing out the final sucking nibble. Then, a leisurely sweep of her tongue over the entire surface of his lips, mingled with feathery busses.

  Truly, she had no clue what she was doing or whether a particular maneuver made sense. She was driven by instinct, whatever remote idea popped into her mind, and what she found pleasing. Bumbling as her kissing procedure may have been in her own estimation, it was absolutely crystal clear it had a dynamic effect on William!

  His hands trembled, and a shudder ran through his body. The muscles in his neck and jaw clenched under her palms. Still, he allowed her to continue the lead, his mouth soft and responsive but not assuming control, even when she slid her tongue past his parted lips, delving into the crevice by his teeth and slick inner lip. At this, he moaned—a guttural growl, really—emanating deep in his chest, and the reflexive squeeze of his hands was painful.


  The word floated through her mind as if riding on a gentle breeze. Not a shout of command or scream of warning. No accompanied embarrassment or fear. Only a softly whispered advisement.

  Wait, the still voice hummed. Be patient. Now is not the time.

  Lizzy understood. Whether her own conscience or a divine message, she did not know, but the voice was correct. The fire between them, the passionate desire inspired by their love, was wonderful and beautiful. It was as God designed and therefore nothing to be ashamed of—but full enjoyment was meant for after they were married.

  Obeying, she ended her claimed kiss as tenderly as she began, then pulled away. William opened his eyes sluggishly, the heat of his aroused state visible within the smoky-blue depths, as well as wonderment and profound adoration. They stood as they were, bodies touching and faces barely an inch apart, for several minutes. A million words passed through her mind, yet none of them felt as right as the honesty of silent contemplation.

  Gradually, he relaxed, his hands slipping down to her waist and his breathing normalizing. When he spoke, however, it was mumbled through a tight throat.

  “I’m certain my sister did not envision this when she suggested the prize for today’s game. She better not have, I should say, or she has serious explaining to do!” He laughed, a hoarse barking sound, and swallowed before continuing, “On the other hand, I am beginning to believe innocent ladies have far greater imaginations and inborn gifts than we males give them credit for.”

  “Perhaps we are mysterious creatures blessed with unfathomable talents waiting to
be discovered. Or possibly it is mere luck.” She hesitated, then whispered, “Dare I presume that was a compliment for my kiss…for me?”

  He frowned, cocking his head to the side, and peered closely into her eyes. After a seemingly endless span of intense scrutiny beginning to make her squirm, he shook his head, laughing with uncontainable mirth.

  “Sweet Lord, Elizabeth, you nearly brought me to my knees! If that kiss was mere luck, then I am assured my wildest dreams will be fulfilled far beyond my feeble imaginations when your talents are let loose upon me. And I am not complaining in the least, trust me. The hunt of discovery will be highly enjoyable, my love. Of that I am sure.”


  Sensational Revelation

  For the subsequent two days, the Bennet sisters barely had time to breathe, let alone sleep.

  The day of touring portions of London, while a welcome break from whirlwind shopping, , had been as exhausting as it had been fun. Friday consisted of more shopping and the final wedding gown fittings. On Friday evening Mr. Bennet and Mr. Gardiner, in collusion with Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy, surprised the women with an evening at Vauxhall Gardens for a symphony performance.

  The four young Gardiner children loudly expressing their dissatisfaction at spending so little time with Jane and Lizzy dashed any hope of relaxing on Saturday. The women happily consented to pass the day with their adored young cousins doing whatever their wee hearts desired. By unanimous agreement, the Royal Menagerie at the Tower of London was the choice, as much a thrill for Jane and Lizzy, who had never been, as it was for the children. While the women were occupied viewing wild beasts, the gentlemen, including Colonel Fitzwilliam, gathered together for the day. They visited White’s Club, amongst other manly pursuits.


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