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A Shot in the Dark (Dark #1)

Page 16

by J. G. Sumner

  “I’ve heard about that. There was that patient years ago. She was in a vegetative state and her family fought to remove her from life support.”

  “Yes, Terry Schiavo. She was on life support for many years, and there were court battles between her husband and her parents to remove her from the life support or keep her alive.”

  “Is that what is going on here? Is Skyler in a vegetative state?”

  “I don’t believe so. According to his EEG results, his brain is functioning normally. I don’t have an explanation as to why he’s not more responsive. My only thought is that he needs more time to recover.”

  “So how much more does he need? When is he going to wake up?”

  “I don’t have those answers. We’re just going to have to take it day by day.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “When is he going to get the test to see if he is paralyzed?”

  Josh sighed. “I think Skyler is stable enough to do it today. We should have the results within a couple of hours after it is performed.”

  Rebecca looked at her son. She kissed him on the forehead and then sat down next to his bed.

  “I’m sorry. It just seems that for every step we take forward, we take three steps back. I just want him to get better.”

  Josh knelt next to Rebecca. “ICU patients tend to have multiple peaks and valleys. This means when they have peaks, they are doing well. The valleys mean they aren’t. Many times they start with more valleys than peaks. Slowly, the trend switches in the other direction. That’s usually when the patient is well enough to move out of the ICU. Skyler has come a long way in a very short period of time. You know your son, and you know what he’s capable of. Just believe in him. You two will get through this together.”

  “You’re right. It’s just so hard sitting here and watching his body lie lifeless day in and day out. I feel so helpless. I can’t do anything for him.”

  “You’re doing so much for him right now. Just being here with him helps. I know he senses your presence. That alone can help his recovery time significantly.”

  “Do you think so?”

  “Absolutely. I think we’ve all seen more than once how he responds to you. Embrace it and continue to talk and encourage him. He’ll get better. You’ll see.”

  Rebecca gave a half-hearted smile and looked over to Skyler.

  “I wanted to discuss my plan with you over the next couple of days.”

  “Okay.” Rebecca glanced back at Josh.

  “Today we’re going to get him the CT of his spine to see if there are injuries. Assuming that there is nothing life threatening, we’ll begin weaning him off the ventilator tomorrow. My goal would be to have him breathing on his own the following day.”

  “Is that too soon? Do you think he’s ready to do that?”

  “The answer is yes. He should be able to unless the CT scan shows a spinal injury in the high cervical region of his neck,” Josh pointed to his neck at the base of his skull. “Then we’ll have to reevaluate our plan. However, I think it’s very unlikely he has a cervical injury since he’s moving his right arm. He wouldn’t be able to move if he had an injury that high.”

  “He’ll be able to talk to me in a couple of days?”

  “That depends on Skyler waking up and interacting more. If he continues to be like this, I don’t see him talking to us. That’s where you come in. You need to continue to engage Skyler in conversation and talk about things that are important to the two of you. Hopefully, that will help him come around.”

  “Thank you for the encouraging words. Do you think it would help if his friends come in and see him?”

  “At this point, I don’t think it would hurt.”

  “I’ll call them.”

  “There’s one more thing.”

  Rebecca looked up at Josh, her eyes concerned.

  “I’m going to have to do surgery on his left arm. Remember that it was broken badly in several different spots? Because he was so unstable in the OR, I haven’t fixed it yet. Now that better and the swelling in his arm has gone down a bit, I need to get him back in there to fix it. The surgery itself will take several hours and will require him to be sedated and on a ventilator. That could prolong his recovery time and make it so there is a delay in waking him up. However, it’s very important I get him back in there in the next day or two.”

  Rebecca nodded. “I’m relieved it’s only surgery. When do you think you’ll do it?”

  “I have to call the OR and see when I can get a room scheduled. Optimally, I’d like to do it today before we take him off the breathing machine. If I’m unable to, then I’d like to do it first thing tomorrow morning.”

  Rebecca paused. “Could he die?”

  “There’s that chance with any surgery. However, this is a pretty low-risk one. His biggest risk is for infection, but he’s already on antibiotics from his last surgery. We’ll continue to give him some prophylactically to help minimize the risk.”

  “Let’s get this done. This seems like it’s another step in the right direction.”

  “Yes. The fact he’s stable enough for surgery is a good sign.”

  Rebecca squeezed his hand. “You haven’t let me down yet. I know you have Skyler’s best interests in mind.”

  “I do. Once I find out when I can get the surgery scheduled, I’ll let you know. In the meantime, I’ll be in the hospital for the next several days. If there is anything you need, just have one of the nurses page me. I’ll continue to check in periodically. As soon as I get his CT results, I’ll come by and let you know.”

  “Thank you so much. I don’t plan on leaving the rest of the day. I’ll be waiting for you to come back.”

  “I have one question for you. Have you slept in your own bed since Skyler has been here?”

  “No, why?”

  “I think it would do you some good to get a good night’s sleep in your own bed. Skyler is doing better. He’ll still be here in the morning. Just think about it. It may give you a fresh perspective”

  “You’re probably right. I just don’t think I can leave him.”

  “Again, that’s up to you. But in my opinion, I think it would do you both some good.”

  Rebecca nodded. “Let’s see how the day goes, and I’ll think about it.”

  Josh stood up. “I’ll be back later to let you know the results of the CT.” Josh headed out to the nurses’ station to get everything in order for Skyler. As he was inputting orders, Josh glanced up just as Stephen Miller was about to walk into Skyler’s room.

  “Officer, do you have a minute?”

  Stephen turned toward Josh.

  “Yes, of course. How can I help you?”

  Josh got up from the desk and motioned for the police officer to follow him around the corner. Once they got out of earshot, Josh spoke. “Has Laney called you today?”

  Officer Miller looked slightly perplexed. “Laney…You mean the nurse in the emergency department?”

  Josh had to keep from rolling his eyes. “Yes.”

  “No, I haven’t heard from her. Why?”

  “Apparently someone has been leaving her flowers and notes on her doorstep for a few days. She didn’t think anything of it and actually thought they were from me. I found the most recent one this morning when I was leaving. This one had two dead roses and the note was threatening.”

  “So, you and Laney are an item.” Officer Miller seemed surprised. “What did the note say?”

  Josh was grinning like a little schoolboy. The officer now knew he and Laney were together. “It was juvenile. But Josh felt victorious in announcing Laney was his. It said, ‘Roses are red, violets are blue, and that man can never be with you.’”

  “It sounds to me like it is a threat more toward you and not her.”

  “If it’s a threat toward me, why would that person leave them on her doorstep?”

  “Perhaps so you will find them and stay away from her. Do you know what the other notes said?”

� Josh recited the poems.

  “It sounds to me like this person knows Laney and, quite frankly, is fascinated with her. Does she have any idea who would be sending these?”

  “She claims she has no idea. Laney says she hasn’t dated anyone in several months and has never brought a guy to the apartment she’s living in right now.”

  “So that means this person has been following her.”

  “That’s my feeling exactly.”

  “Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot I can do about it. The guy hasn’t threatened any harm to her. What area does she live in?”

  Of course he couldn’t help. This was a waste of Josh’s time. “She lives in the Sabre Springs area.”

  “That’s out of my jurisdiction. She would need to file a report with San Diego Police Department. Then at least there would be a paper trail started if things continued to escalate. They can also increase surveillance in that area and maybe catch the person.”

  “Do you have any contacts with San Diego PD we could talk to?”

  “Actually, I do have a friend who would probably help her out. Call the department and ask for Ed Neal. He’s a detective. I don’t know the next day he’s working, but I’ll give him a call so that he can have a heads up.”

  “Thank you. I really appreciate it.” Maybe Stephen wasn’t so bad after all.

  “No problem. I’d advise Laney to keep her doors and windows locked and try not to go out at night by herself.”

  “Well, I told her not to go anywhere by herself. Who knows what this guy is capable of?”

  “Does Laney live alone or does she have a roommate?”

  “She lives alone. I’m going to have her stay with me tonight.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to assist you. I’m sorry I can’t be more help.”

  “No, I really appreciate your advice. We’ll definitely call your friend in the department.”

  “Sounds good.” Stephen began to walk away and then turned back. “Take care of her. You’ve got a good one.” He smiled at Josh.

  “Don’t I know it?” Josh mumbled as he turned to go round on his other patients.



  When Stephen Miller walked into Skyler’s room, Rebecca looked up from her laptop and gave him a welcoming smile.

  “If it isn’t my favorite officer. How are you this morning?”

  “I’m good. How’s Skyler doing?”

  Her smile vanished. “He opened his eyes—that’s the good news—but he’s not responding. Dr. Stone is worried that he might have some paralysis since he’s only moving one side of his body and not his legs. He ordered a test that’ll let us know if there is any injury to his spine.”

  Stephen frowned. “How soon until you know the results?”

  “We should hear by this afternoon.”

  He shifted his gaze to Skyler. “Then what?”

  “We’ll take it day by day, I guess. I know that I should be really happy he made it through the accident, but I just want him back the way that he was. I don’t know if I’d be happy with Skyler being a fraction of the person he was before. And frankly, I don’t think he would be either.”

  “I can’t even imagine.” He paused. “Can I get you anything? Coffee?”

  “No, I’m good. Dr. Stone is trying to get me to go home for the night. He thinks I could really use a night in my own bed.”

  “He’s probably right. You’ve been here almost nonstop for days.”

  “I need to find out the results from the test before I can make up my mind about that. Dr. Stone wants to take him back to the OR in the next day or two to fix his arm.”

  “Oh?” Stephen pulled a chair next to her.

  “Yeah, he said that he would let me know when it’s going to be.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” Rebecca paused as she watched Skyler’s chest rise and fall. “So, is there any news on the sponsor guy?”

  “Well, I have issued an arrest warrant for him since I can’t seem to get hold of him. I’m hoping to have him in custody in the next couple of days.”

  Rebecca stared at the floor. “I see. So, it sounds like the guy is guilty if he’s avoiding you.”

  “It looks like that’s the case to me too. However, I still have to go through the proper procedures to have him in custody.”

  “I understand. It’s just frustrating. Just like waiting here to find out what’s going to happen with Skyler.”

  He put a hand on her leg. “Keep in mind it’s still just an investigation. This might be a dead end.”

  “Or he could have been trying to murder my son.” Her voice faltered. She put aside her laptop and stood up.

  Stephen stood up next to Rebecca. “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this in front of Skyler. This couldn’t be good for him hearing you like this.”

  She walked over to Skyler’s bed and touched his arm. “You’re probably right.” She began rubbing her son’s arm and singing “Itsy-Bitsy Spider.” Then she put her hand in his, and Skyler squeezed it. He opened his eyes and turned his head toward her before putting his other hand on his stomach

  Rebecca stopped singing in midsentence and squealed, “Skyler! You moved your other arm!” She leaned in and hugged his chest.

  In response, Skyler put his right arm around her and lightly squeezed her.

  “He’s hugging me. He’s doing it on purpose! He’s hugging me! Look, Stephen!”

  “I’m going to grab the nurse and let her know that Skyler woke up.” The officer hurried out.

  Rebecca continued to focus on Skyler. “You came back to me. Oh thank God!” She could not stop hugging him. She finally let go and gazed at Skyler and saw Skyler he had tears in his eyes too.

  He reached for the breathing tube. Rebecca pulled his hand away. “No, you can’t touch that. It’s helping you breathe.”

  The expression on Skyler’s face changed and the ventilator began making a shrill noise.

  “It’s okay. You’re going to be fine. Just try to take some deep breaths.”

  Using his right hand, Skyler pointed to his legs. He shrugged and looked inquisitive.

  “You were in an accident. You crashed during your race and got hurt really bad. Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine. We’re going to get through this.”

  The ventilator alarm was still going as Jamie came running into the room with Stephen not too far behind her. Jamie looked at Skyler, obviously startled when she saw he was looking back. She silenced the alarms and looked at him again.

  “My name is Jamie. I’m your nurse. This is your breathing machine. I know that it’s scary to try and breathe through that tube. It feels like breathing through a straw, right?”

  Skyler nodded.

  “I need you to focus on taking slow, deep breaths. If you can do that for me, I’ll call the doctor and see if we can get that tube out so that you can breathe on your own. Do you think you can do it?”

  Skyler nodded again.

  Jamie made some adjustments on the ventilator and looked back at Skyler. “You can’t talk while you have that tube in. It’s going straight through your vocal cords. I can get you a piece of paper and a pen for you to write with. But you need to stay calm and not get worked up. Is that a deal?”

  Skyler nodded.

  Jamie turned to Rebecca. “Try to keep him as calm as possible. Maybe even encourage him to go to sleep for a little bit. If he gets too stressed out, his blood pressure could get elevated and we would have to sedate him. That would delay the breathing tube coming out and slow down his progress.”

  “I’ll make sure to keep him calm.” Rebecca winked at Skyler. “When do you think we’ll be able to get that thing out?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m going to page Dr. Stone right now and let him know that Skyler is awake and ready to go. I would hope in the next few hours.”

  “Will he be able to talk once the tube is out?”

  “Technically, yes. But we like patients not to talk for the first couple of hours to give the vocal cords a chance to recover from the tube being in them. Also, he’ll most likely have a really bad sore throat so he probably won’t even want to.”

  Rebecca squeezed Skyler’s hand and smiled. “This is great news. You’ve come such a long way. Let’s be a little more patient and listen to the nurse so that we can get you out of here sooner.”

  Jamie smiled at Skyler and turned to Rebecca. “If you don’t have any more questions, I’m going to update Dr. Stone.”

  “I think that you answered all of them. Thank you.”

  Stephen put his hand on Rebecca’s back. “I’m going to give you two some time together. I’ll come back tomorrow to see how Skyler is doing. If he’s up to it, maybe I could ask him some questions.”

  “That sounds good. Thank you so much for stopping by and for everything you’ve done.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m sure you two have a lot of catching up to do.” Stephen squeezed Rebecca’s shoulder and smiled as he left the room.



  Josh entered Skyler’s room. “What do we have here? I heard you were awake. I have to say, even though I’m looking at you with my own eyes, I can hardly believe it.”

  Skyler smiled and turned his head toward Rebecca.

  “That’s Dr. Stone. He’s the one who has been taking care of you. He saved your life.” Rebecca squeezed his hand and rubbed his arm. Skyler turned his attention back to Dr. Stone.

  “Why don’t you tell me what happened when Skyler woke up?” Josh sat down next to Rebecca.

  “I was having a heated conversation with Officer Miller. We acknowledged we shouldn’t have had that discussion here. I sat down next to Skyler and began singing ‘Itsy-Bitsy Spider.’ Next thing I knew, he had both arms around me and he was making eye contact.”

  Josh turned his attention back to Skyler. “I don’t know what it is with you and that song, son, but it’s saved your life.”

  Skyler smiled and nodded.


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