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Holly's Pledge

Page 16

by Anh Leod

  “More a reminder of how easily I might return to Hades’ realm, I think.”

  Holly stepped back. “You need room to get out of your pants.”

  He grinned at her and them so he could shove them down his legs. Then he looked down at himself. “I guess Hades goes commando, as Cherokee called it.”

  Holly’s cheeks hollowed as she sucked in a breath. “If he has equipment like yours in his slacks I can see why.”

  Glaukos was gratified by her admiration. He put his hands on his hips and thrust them forward ever so slightly. The pose might have been more heroic without the black socks so he quickly toed them off and posed again.

  Holly’s gaze moved back to his eyes. “I’ve missed you, you know. It’s been a long two weeks since you disappeared.”

  “It was longer below.” He paused. “At least it seemed that way.” With no one but an enraged Torc for company. They’d been given minimal light and furnishings, no food or entertainment. They had argued and physically fought for hours each day. Perhaps if they’d been forced together for years they’d have come to some kind of rapprochement but in that time together neither had done more than rage.

  “I’m so sorry. If I could have gotten you out sooner I would have.”

  He clasped her by the shoulders. “It was not your responsibility. I was only here to do a task. Thirty days maximum.” He was surprised to see tears in her eyes.

  “But you didn’t get anything near thirty days and you were hurt so badly. And you didn’t even get to come the last time we made love.”

  “And?” he prompted, knowing there was more.

  She swiped at her damp eyes. “I fell in love with you. It only took one night but you gave me back myself. I loved what I saw in your eyes, what you made me feel, how brave I became. I loved that Holly and Glaukos.”

  “Love?” he whispered. How long had it been since he’d felt love for any living being.

  “Love,” she agreed, falling to her knees and taking his cock in her mouth.

  When the sensation of her warm tongue laving the underside of his cock as she swallowed him deep really hit him, he swayed on his knees, only staying upright because of his spread-leg stance. He felt her moistness, her heat, smelled her desire, the sweat and perfume still clinging to her skin from the club. Oh gods did he feel her. Her hands stroked up and down his legs, making the hair there feel electrified. His mortal skin was trembling and tender everywhere she touched.

  Her lips parted and she slid backward on his turgid flesh then she took him down again. His buttocks clenched as he met her heat. He tried to control his urge to thrust into her willing mouth, knowing she’d taken all of him she could.

  But he was wrong. Inch by inch she took him in, her tongue sliding closer to his sac, which she manipulated in one warm palm.

  “If you keep this up I’ll be unable to pleasure you,” he said.

  Her eyes met his though her mouth kept busy. He pulled back.

  “There are other ways for you to pleasure me,” she said with a sexy smile then took him deep again.

  I am lucky. He repeated the thought aloud, “I am lucky!”

  His cock was buffeted by new sensations as she laughed while keeping him in her mouth. Control was no longer an option. He sank onto the edge of the bed, knees too weak to keep him upright, gently holding Holly’s head to guide her as he sat. Her curls tempted his fingers and he played with the springy mass while she loved him. Tension built until his body was rigid, his entire focus on moving his hips against her swollen mouth. Holly moved one hand behind his sac, toying with the soft area behind. It felt exquisite. With a final thrust, he exploded down her willing throat.

  After he caught his breath, he looked down at her pretty, flushed face. “You know, that was the best I’ve ever had.”

  “It was?”

  He nodded. “It is good to know things can keep getting better.”

  Holly got off her knees and sat down next to him. “What is it like to exist for so long?”

  “I worked in the Underworld court but it is the same judging of lives in any court. People do not change, only the technology and fashion. Life in the Underworld for those who do the work is pretty dull. Not so different than any office job from what I have seen on television shows. Things have perked up a bit since the invention of radio, television and computers. It used to be all you had to look forward to were parties on Olympus and that was mostly the same beings over and over again.”

  “Do you have a twenty-four-hour schedule there, like here?”

  “Yes, because we were once mortals and that is what our minds find comfortable. But the work is seven days a week.”

  “So you haven’t had a vacation for thousands of years?” Holly’s hand drifted to his cock and she began idly stroking it.

  “Just the feasts and my visit here.”

  “I guess any change of scenery feels wonderful,” Holly said.


  “It’s growing again!” Holly exclaimed. “Are you sure that body is mortal?”

  Glaukos rolled her onto her back and pushed up her gown. “More or less.” He licked her ear and when she turned, kissed her lush mouth until it parted. When he’d finished supping from her there, he moved to her neck, then her throat. Now her gown was in the way. She helped him take it off so his lips could move to her breasts. He toyed with each nipple until it was rosy and the size of a dime. She gasped and moved restlessly on the crisp sheet. He toyed with her bellybutton for a while then nibbled at the soft flesh around it before dipping beneath her line of curls to taste her feminine heat.

  She was just as delectable as he remembered.

  “Don’t take your time,” she murmured. “I want you inside me. I want it hard and fast.”

  He looked up. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’ve been so worried and now I’m so happy. Take me, Glaukos.”

  What could he do but comply? He made quick work of the condom and covered her with his body then he grabbed a pillow and pushed it under her hips.

  “I am going deep,” he warned.

  “Do it!” Her eyes were wide and liquid. “Even if it hurts. I want it all. Every inch.”

  He found her channel and thrust. His lips stretched back from his teeth as he pressed in as far as he could go. He shuddered from the sheer pleasure of feeling her hot sheath around him. The orgasm before hadn’t curbed his desire in the slightest.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “You’re perfect.”

  “Yes,” he agreed, pulling back and thrusting again with the force of the perfect body Hades had given him.

  Her legs went into the air, spread. The new angle helped him to surge deeper.

  She gasped.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. More!”

  He grabbed her hips, forcing her to stay in place as he thrust.


  The woman was blessedly insatiable, Glaukos decided twenty minutes later as again, Holly’s hips matched his in their joining. This new body may have the stamina of a seventeen-year-old but it wasn’t giving up his second orgasm quickly. He could feel his balls beginning to tighten but nothing yet.

  They had rolled together on the bed but this time he flipped them over so she was on top. She moved to flip again but he put his hands on her knees and pulled them forward.

  “Ride me,” he urged.

  She sat up, straddling his hips and allowing him to take her rose-tipped breasts in his hands. He squeezed the engorged nipples as she moved on him. Her pussy tightened in this new position and five minutes later he was ready to explode.

  With another flip, he had her pinned under him again. She laughed as he drove into her.

  “I am coming,” he warned her. “Ready?”

  She screwed up her face in concentration. “I’ve been holding back. Fuck me like there’s no tomorrow!”

  * * * * *

  Greg saw the light shining under the door and cracked it open. He saw his girlfriend entwin
ed with Glaukos and was amazed to feel no jealousy, just a kind of peace at seeing how happy she was, not to mention his pride in knowing they’d actually gotten what they desired from an actual Greek god. He hadn’t told Holly but three sets of his great-grandparents had emigrated from Crete in the 1920s during a period of unrest there. Glaukos was a character from his own ethnic mythology. A prince of his people, used to the highest class of women. And yet there he was, very real and making ecstatic love with his girlfriend. Their lover. It gave Greg a rush of pride.

  Holly’s skin was so beautiful in the light of the one lamp glowing beside her bed. Her peaches-and-cream skin took on a golden hue that mingled with Glaukos’ darker skin. They were a beautiful, sexy contrast of opposites. Greg felt some song lyrics coming on. Something about red and black, peach and olive, day and night lovers. It wasn’t working yet but it would come to him.

  Glaukos looked so young. Any bar would card him unless he became a celebrity. Cherokee had assured Greg he’d take care of paperwork and they’d have to find something for the prince to do with his days. Holly couldn’t support him. She shouldn’t have to.

  Holly looked younger than her years too. Greg could easily visualize the two of them rolling around in an October corn maze or in the backseat of a car, or on one of their parents’ pool tables, to resurrect a few scenes from his misbegotten high school sexual experiences.

  He grinned as Holly screamed out profanity. She was really gone. Unable to resist, he stepped closer and trailed a finger up her leg.

  Holly’s closed eyes popped open. “Greg,” she moaned.

  “I’m here, baby. Come for me, I want to watch.” He made swirls down her leg and began to massage her foot.

  Holly’s eyes unfocused but she left them open as she panted.

  “Now,” Glaukos urged.

  His voice was hoarse. From the sweat on his back and flanks they’d been at this for a while. Greg stroked Holly’s leg again.

  “Now,” he echoed the prince.

  Glaukos breathed out a long, strangled line of syllables in a language Greg didn’t understand as he came. Greg watched Holly’s back arch and her facial expression change from tense to one of sheer bliss.

  When her body relaxed, Glaukos slid to the bed behind her and pulled up the sheet so she wasn’t exposed.

  “Don’t worry,” she said dreamily. “Greg has seen it all before.”

  Greg gave them a moment while he went to get them some water. He brought back two glasses, handed them over and sat down at the edge of the bed. “The sight of you together was something else.”

  “You missed a lot when you were on stage but Hades didn’t exactly fight us.” Holly’s hand waved. “It was just poof and then Glaukos was there, wearing Hades’ suit.”

  “His magic suit.” Glaukos folded his arms behind his head and winked at Greg.

  “Magic, huh. We like that.” Greg grinned at Holly.

  “If you get naked you can get in bed with us,” Holly invited.

  “I need a shower. I came straight from the club after we played.”

  “A shower,” Glaukos said dreamily. “We didn’t have those in the dungeon.”

  “C’mon,” Greg said. “There’s probably room for two. Not three though. Sorry, Holly.”

  “It’s my bathroom,” she said dreamily. “I know how small it is. We have a strict rule. Only Dylan and I can live here. One night guests only, otherwise the place gets entirely too crowded. Only my mother gets to stay longer and we both have migraines after she’s been here a couple of days.”

  “Is she visiting soon?” Greg asked.

  “Back for Christmas from her mobile estate in Phoenix. Then she’s going on some kind of New Year’s cruise down to Panama.”

  “What about your father?”

  “Cancer took him about ten years ago. Dylan dropped out of high school and got his GED so he could work to save for college. That’s why he’s so driven.”

  “That must have been hard,” Greg said.

  “Yeah. My mom had her hands full. I didn’t give her much of a break but she was working two jobs so we were on our own a lot. Anyway, that was a long time ago.”

  “It brought you and your brother close together,” Glaukos said.

  Holly struggled to her elbows. “Exactly. That’s probably why I respected you avenging Acalle. If anything happened to Dylan I’d hunt the asshole who killed him to the end of the earth and beyond.”

  Glaukos slid across the bed. Greg admired his grace. Must be from having jumped all those bulls.

  “Was there really a minotaur?” he asked.

  Glaukos clapped him on the shoulder. “Oh yes.”

  They matched gazes for a long moment. Greg had the sense he was being measured and found to fit the clan.

  “C’mon,” he said after a moment. “Let’s find that shower.”

  Glaukos followed him into the small, tidy bathroom that looked like something out of his grandparents’ era with its tiles and old-fashioned sink. He reached for fresh towels and placed them on a rack above the bathtub as Greg fiddled with the water faucet in the tub.

  He couldn’t help comparing their bodies as he stripped. Glaukos was compact and muscled, with an obvious scar at his neck and more subtle bruising on the rest of his body. “You were beat up recently?” Greg asked.

  Glaukos turned. “It is how Torc and I amused ourselves in the dungeon,” he said.

  Greg touched one of the yellow bruises on Glaukos’ arm. “They are fading fast.”

  “Yes. Holly did not notice them.”

  “Or she didn’t say. She doesn’t like people to be in pain. You should have seen her at the club after you went away. Our friend’s sister almost died and she did all she could to save her life.”

  “I’m sure you did the same or she would not love you.”

  Greg stared at this man, this prince of legend. “I tried.”

  Glaukos clapped him on the shoulder. “That is all you can do. Let us bathe quickly so we can join our woman.”

  Greg stepped into the tub, followed closely by Glaukos. He rinsed himself then moved out of the way so Glaukos could do the same while he soaped up. When the prince was using the bar of soap, he asked, “You don’t mind about me, right? I realized that I had to be with Holly the night you went back to the Underworld. I know she missed you but we found something special together and we are in love now.”

  Glaukos put his hand on Greg’s cheek. He held his ground. While he was used to showering with other men in the gym, it had been more anonymous than this.

  “Kinsman,” Glaukos said in his accented English. “We all share a bond.”

  He leaned in, tilting slightly to match Greg’s height. Greg swallowed but held his ground. Glaukos made his kiss gentle and sweet. Greg found it enticing and figured that was a good thing, though he didn’t respond with his own caress. Who knew what the future would hold between them? For now it was enough to share Holly.

  Chapter Eleven

  Holly was waiting for them in her bed. A bead of water at her throat told Greg she’d found a place to cleanse herself as well.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he told her.

  She grinned. “And you aren’t, my perfect men?”

  Glaukos sank to the bed next to her. Greg noticed the man already had an enormous erection. He looked down and realized his cock was hard too. Why not, given that their lady’s breasts were on display and they’d just been kissing? He crawled to Holly’s other side.

  “I’m a little unsure of the choreography here,” Greg said, ready to go but not sure how to make it happen.

  Holly put an index finger to her mouth. “I had this dream, with both of you. It’s a little hazy but I took both of you at once. I’d like to try it again.”

  Greg’s breath strangled in his throat.

  Glaukos’ lips curved. “You are adventurous, rodi, but tight.”

  “But we already made love once and you guys are so hot. I know I’ll enjoy it.” Holly squeez
ed a male thigh in each hand. “Do you want to?”

  Greg was on his knees before he realized it. “How do you want me?”

  “You were behind,” Holly reported. She moved into a kneeling position and tilted her face to his. After a long tasting of lips and tangling of tongues, she added, “But up my ass this time, not pussy.”

  Greg squeezed her hips. His balls were already tightening. “I don’t know how long I can last in that tight little hole of yours.”

  “It’s all but virgin,” she assured him. “I’m going to be really, really tight.”

  Greg felt his cock grow another inch when she wriggled against him. “Lots of lube.”

  “Mmmm,” she said, reaching between them to squeeze his cock. “Yummy man.”

  “Where do you want me?” Glaukos asked.

  “I think my dream logic was a little off,” she said. “But I think you sit on the edge of the bed and I straddle you, then Greg comes in from behind.”

  “He is quite tall, rodi. I am not sure of that.”

  “I could sit,” Greg said. He already had lube in his hand. “Then Holly could be on my lap and Glaukos could lean over you.”

  “Let’s try it,” Holly said. “My bed is a little low.”

  She took the bottle of thick lube and applied it to Greg’s aching cock. He sat with his feet firmly planted on the floor. Glaukos turned her to face him, kissed her and rubbed his fingers between her legs while Greg gently played with her soft pucker until he entered her with a well-lubed finger.

  “Do you want more?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” Holly moaned. “Oh Glaukos, I can hardly stand with you doing that to me.”

  “Wait,” Greg cautioned, gently inserting another finger. It entered easily. Holly really wanted this. “Okay, let’s get into position.”

  Holly laughed but it was a sound of desperation. He could feel her legs trembling. “You’re in charge. I’m just the vessel here.”

  “Love,” Glaukos said. “A vessel of love.”

  Greg palmed Holly’s freckled hips and gently pulled her toward him until his cock was touching her sweet spot. Slowly, she spread around his cock, whimpering with pleasure.

  “That feels so good,” she gasped.


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