Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle)

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Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle) Page 11

by Alara Branwen

  Cleave looked Tarka and Krug in the eyes. They didn’t say anything but they all knew what the other was thinking. This was some kind of setup. The merchant and his store were protected by three guards. There was no reason for him to be nervous.

  Soon no customers came through the door for over an hour. The store was quiet but the silence tore at Cleave’s eardrums. Tarka’s ears were perked up and Krug rested his hand on his warhammer.

  A few minutes later five halflings came in dressed in leather, each wearing a symbol of the city on their shoulder. Like the time with the book dealer, a halfling male with thick auburn hair, asked to inspect the wares.

  The halflings stayed close together and any time Krug or Tarka made a move hands slipped to the halflings’ swords. The guard moved around the shop together to inspect the wares and then came back into the lobby.

  “Sir, we received reports that you’ve been cited for selling illegal jewelry. Were you aware that selling this merchandise was illegal?” The lead halfling said after he finished with the inspection.

  “Of course. I received special permission from the mayor to continue selling this merchandise. Tomorrow I have a large shipment of local wares coming in and they will be replaced at that time.”

  “The mayor didn’t tell us about this, sir. He received reports of your illegal activities and has ordered us to confiscate all of your jewelry. Now, please comply with the law.”

  “What? That is preposterous. I got permission from the mayor himself. I’ve agreed to sell what I have left at the end of the day to a ship captain who will take them far out of the city. I need the money that I’m getting from the sale. Please don’t take my jewels. I’ll go out of business if you do.”

  “I’m sorry sir, but we must uphold the law.”

  Cleave couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the bad acting on both sides. The ploy was so obvious to him they might as well have announced this was a trap.

  The halfling drew his mace and moved like he was about to smash the case. Tarka rolled her eyes. Cleave smiled. Apparently she knew this was all a farce as well. Still, she stepped up towards the guards threatening the merchant. “Sir, we can’t allow you to do that.”

  The lead halfling turned to her. “Ma’am, please stay out of this, this doesn’t concern you.”

  “We’ve been hired to guard this shop and everything in it,” Krug’s performance was uninspired. “We can’t let you take anything from the shop.”

  “Sir, if you or any of the guards here impede with the law, we will be forced to take action.”

  Krug drew his warhammer and placed it in the way of the halfling’s mace.

  “We’re being attacked,” the leader screamed.

  The other halflings scrambled forward and drew their weapons. Krug swung his warhammer at them and backed them away.

  Cleave’s feet went into action. He charged not at the guards, but the merchant. The merchant drew a crossbow he’d been hiding behind the counter and aimed it at the elf.

  Cleave threw his frying pan at the elf and ducked behind the counter. The throw was quick and before the merchant could pull the trigger the pan’s metal connected with his head and he fell to the ground.

  The elf crawled around the counter and watched as four halflings in leather came through the back door wielding bows. The fanned out and fired. Cleave ducked behind the counter and all of the missiles missed their intended target.

  The bow wielders knocked arrows and waited for another shot. Cleave looked back at Krug and Tarka. The half-giant swung his warhammer in arcs in front of him. The halflings would dodge away and try to come in for an attack, but the kobold darted out and pushed them back with swordplay.

  Krug swung again and the halflings got out of the way, they charged and Tarka quickly worked her sword to push them back again.

  They continued this cycle, neither side gaining the advantage. Two of the halfling bowmen hopped up on the displays and fired their bows at Krug as he was in mid swing. One arrow grazed his shoulder and the other barely missed his ear. The giant felt the pain but kept up the attack.

  His friends would be doomed if those halflings continued firing their arrows. Cleave took off his pack and held it on one shoulder. He reached out for one of the displays along the wall and saw an arrow miss his arm by inches. He grabbed a table leg and pulled. The table and the display attached to it fell to the floor. Broken glass scattered on the floor when the display made contact.

  Cleave turned the display toward the halflings and and jumped from behind the counter to behind the table. Two arrows flew at him and sank into the velvet bottom of the display case. He gripped two of the legs and quickly slid along the floor, keeping the display case in front of him.

  He charged for one of the bow wielding halflings. The two halflings standing on the display fired their arrows at him. One sank into his pack while one found his side. He gritted his teeth as liquid fire poured into him from his wound.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 25% (-15%)

  Stamina: 81%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  The halfling he charged for hopped out of the way and fired his bow into the shoulder of his armor.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 20% (-5%)

  Stamina: 73%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  The elf’s vision was grew hazy but his determination held him together. He grabbed for the halfling’s bow and yanked forward. The guard stumbled and the elf pulled the guard to his chest and turned his body. He kicked himself backward as another arrow landed at his feet.

  Cleave held the squirming halfling tightly and slid beneath one of the displays a halfling bowman was standing on. He gripped the guard he held beneath his armpits and tossed him at the wall. His head connected with a watery crack and he rolled limply to the side.

  Cleave placed his feet on the display. The other halfling that was on the ground walked over to where he was and drew his bow. He kicked the display downward and the halfling that was standing on it hopped to the one beside it. The arrow the other halfling fired bounced off the falling table.

  The elf quickly placed his hand on the display beside it and pushed it down. The halfling wasn’t as fast this time and he toppled to the floor, dropping his bow.

  Cleave drew his sword and held his pack in front of him. Another arrow sank into it. He lashed out with his sword and it cut into the halfling’s face. The halfling grabbed at his wound. The other that fell turned with is bow but the elf sliced his hand and the shot skidded across the floor.

  Another arrow sank into his back.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 15% (-5%)

  Stamina: 32%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  The world was fuzzier and his vision spun. Determination set on his face. The halfling laying at his feet tried to knock another arrow but a quick stab into his throat ended him.

  Cleave held his pack in front of him and charged the last halfling standing on a display. His arrow sailed over the elf’s head. He threw himself at the guard.

  The halfling moved aside but Cleave reached out and grabbed a handful of his hair. Another arrow was fired at Cleave and hit the lower abdomen of his breastplate.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 10% (-5%)

  Stamina: 22%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  There was a loud artificial heartbeat in his ears and he saw red. He punched the halfling with the pommel of his sword and pulled the guard in front of him.

  The halfling whose face he cut fired another arrow. It buried itself in the head of the guard he held.

  Cleave heard ringing in his ears and there were black tendrils reaching for him at the edge of his vision. He dropped the limp halfling and ducked under a display. Another arrow came and the elf pulled his knees up to keep th
e sharp bite of the arrowhead from his knee.

  He kicked the display down and charged it toward the last halfling. The halfling ran to the side and launched another arrow at Cleave. The elf pushed himself between the legs of the table and the arrow sank a few inches away from him. The halfling guard backpedaled near the back door and knocked another arrow.

  Cleave looked to the side and saw the crossbow the merchant dropped. The halfling fired again and a split second slide from the elf kept the arrowhead out of his neck. He dropped his sword and grabbed the crossbow during the roll, firing it at the guard.

  The bolt sank into the guard’s armor and he doubled over. Clawing agony tore into his body as he pulled himself up. The halfling drew a dagger from his boot and charged the elf.

  Cleave used the crossbow to knock the dagger blow aside and brought his knee up into the halfling’s chin. The halfling fell back and the elf jumped on him. The elf grabbed his throat and slammed his head against the floor until he stopped moving.

  The elf drug his body over and grabbed his sword. He was afraid to see how the battle was going with Krug and Tarka, but to his delight, they were still at a stalemate.

  The half-giant was backed against the corner and unable to swing his warhammer well. Tarka was fighting off to the side, gaining little headway against the two halflings that’d turned to fight her.

  Cleave was worried but then he saw Krug smile. He pushed forward and let go of his weapon and shield. The halflings backed away and the warhammer and shield clattered to the floor.

  Krug took hold of one of the displays against the wall and brought it down on the halflings. The backed away. He grabbed the legs of two tables and roared as he threw them forward. The halflings and Tarka scattered as glass and jewelry scattered all over the floor.

  The half-giant picked up his warhammer and shield and went after the disorganized halflings. With them spread apart, it was easy for him to pin them down and squash their heads with his warhammer.

  Tarka took advantage of their confusion as well and used her expert swordplay to outclass and slay her opponents. In a matter of a minute, the remaining guards were dead. Their bodies disappeared and blue flames shot up to the sky. Cleave chuckled in self-depreciation. One of those flames could have been him.

  The party looked to the door and were surprised to find no one else at the shop.

  “Cleave, are you okay?” Tarka asked, seeing the arrows sticking out of him.

  “I’m alive, but all I’m seeing is red.”

  “Crap, you’re close to death. Is anyone else alive?”

  “I think the store owner is,” Cleave swayed where he stood.

  “Krug, grab the store owner, and make it quick. We have to get out of here as fast as possible.”

  Krug did what he was told. The party rushed away from the jewelry shop and walked discretely as they could toward the High Tide in as dusk was settling over Clearwater.


  Tarka nervously looked around as Krug carried an unconscious Ferramin over one shoulder and Cleave over the other, careful not to press the arrows sticking out of him deeper into his body.

  The kobold just knew they would be stopped by the guard, or somebody, and be questioned about the halfling or Cleave, but no one said anything. There were curious or suspicious glances passed their way, but no one stopped them.

  They suffered many questioning glances as they walked through the common room of the High Tide. Tarka sat Cleave down on a chair and worked on getting the arrows out of her friend while Krug placed the merchant on the bed.

  Cleave placed a hand over his mouth and screamed as Tarka worked the arrows out of him. His armor kept them from going in very deep, but it didn’t stop the liquid fire from spreading through his body as she dug them out of him.

  Ferramin woke up on the bed and hopped up. He reached into his waistcoat but Krug placed his massive hands on the halfling’s shoulders and held him down.

  He struggled against the half-giant’s might but quickly gave up. Fear was in his eyes.

  “They made me do it. They said you’d die quick, but I guess they were wrong.”

  “Who made you do it?” Krug said.

  “I won’t tell you.”

  “I’m going to take a wild guess, was the group behind this called the Crimson Kingdom,” Tarka said as she dislodged the arrow in Cleave’s thigh. The elf screamed into his hand again.

  “I don’t know who that is,” Ferramin smirked, “but the people after you will see you dead. Them and all those worthless elves.”

  “What do you have against the elves?” Krug said.

  “Same thing everyone else has against them. They’re ruining our lives. They’re closing down our businesses and pretty soon they’re going to ruin our city. That’s why we have to stop them and filth like you that help them.”

  “We’re not in league with those ass holes. I hate the elves too,” Tarka looked at Cleave, “well, most of them. They’re complete pricks.”

  “I’m sure. Maybe that’s why they saw you making nice and visiting them. Probably getting instructions for your next spy mission.”

  “I don’t know how you know about us visiting the Lren, but we were there for a purpose completely unrelated to what’s going on in the city,” Krug said.

  “A likely story.”

  “It’s the truth. Now, who put you up to this.”

  “I told you I won’t tell. I’ll die first.”

  “I would hate to do this, but I will torture you if you don’t tell us who did this.”

  “You can’t do shit to me. I’ll be dead and respawn where you can’t find me.”

  Ferramin moved his lower jaw forward and bit down on something. It crunched and his body went into spasms. In a few seconds, he was limp on the bed.

  Krug cursed and turned to Tarka. She dislodged the last arrow in Cleave and unfastened his armor so she could dress his wounds.

  The half-giant sighed. “Ferramin killed himself. I think he had some kind of poison in his mouth.”

  “Figures,” Tarka said as she wrapped bandages around Cleave’s shoulder, “makes sense they’d have some safeguards in place.”

  “Wonderful, that means we don’t know anything.”

  “We do know people are trying to kill us,” Tarka said sarcastically.

  “I think we do know something,” Cleave said shakily.

  “What might that be?” Krug said.

  “He said whoever is after us saw us talk to the elves. Who do we know was following us when we went to talk to the Lren?”

  Tarka blew a raspberry. “Of course: Padwin.”

  “We don’t know that, not technically,” Krug said. “If we could prove it, it would go a long way in figuring out what’s going on in the city.”

  Cleave clenched his teeth and his body seized up. The artificial heartbeat in Cleave’s ears grew louder. The tentacles at the corners of his vision became thicker and looked like they were trying to close around him. The room began to spin and he felt himself falling out of his chair. He shivered as a chill came over him. Cold burrowed deeply into his body.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 10%

  Stamina: 12%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status

  Wound Complications (Warning: Possibility of Death)

  “Oh shit,” Tarka said. Her voice sounded watery to the elf.

  “What’s wrong?” Krug said.

  “I think he’s bleeding out or something. I have to do something about this.”

  “Give him some healing herbs.”

  “Don’t have any. Guess we’ll have to do it the other way.”

  Cleave was delirious. Tarka was phasing in and out of his vision. Do it the other way? Tarka started pulling Cleave’s pants off and his body immediately knew the answer.

  Tarka was about to get down and dirty with him and their friend was in the room. Cleave’s member swole as he thought about the giant watching them have sex. Krug had been in the
same room before while they had sex but his attention wasn’t on the elf and his partner specifically.

  “Dirty fucking kobold,” Cleave murmured, “you’re gonna screw me with our friend watching?”

  “Cleave, this is no time to be a perv,” Tarka said as she took off his black leather cod piece, exposing his expanding member.

  Cleave was about to reply but his words were cut short when he felt Tarka’s maw on his member. The kobold gripped the shaft of his cock and gently twisted her hand as she bobbed her head down on his member.

  In Cleave’s fading visage, he saw Krug’s dark eyes go wide looking at them. Yeah, that was it, watch his sexy little kobold girl go down on him.

  The slight dips of Tarka’s maw under the giant’s gaze sent explosive bursts of energy through his limbs. The kobold’s tongue was liquid lightning, pouring over the head of his member. His cock fully expanded in the kobold’s maw. He angled his legs outward and leaned his body against the table.

  The head of Cleave’s dick became exceptionally wet. Her tongue slithered beneath the crown lighting up the nerves there. Her other hand gently grasped his ball sack and massaged it. His testes puffed up and the head dribbled pre.

  Tarka’s tongue ran laps around the mushroomed head. His clear precum mixed with her saliva and was spread around the circumference of the surface area of the head.

  Cleave moaned and brushed his fingers across Tarka’s ears. She giggled and tightly gripped his member. She tilted her head side to side, creating a small bit of excitement inducing friction that quieted the fake heartbeat hammering into his ears. His vision slowly returned and the red he saw lost its hue.

  The kobold closed her eyes and slid her thin lips down the throbbing member. Heat seeped into Cleave’s member and slowly spread to the rest of his body. She moved with increasing speed, teasing his nerves, flicking and stabbing her lithe tongue.


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