Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle)

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Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle) Page 12

by Alara Branwen

  She slurped down the searing skin of Cleave’s cock and fondled his balls. Each bob of her head sent a little pulse of life into his body. Soon the warmth returned to his extremities, it spread up into his stomach and chest.

  Her maw moved faster, twisting and sucking inward when his cock head reached the back of her throat. Her motions sparked action in the elf’s hips. He gently thrust his member into Tarka’s mouth as she moved along with him.

  His motions began to get faster and soon he was overtaking her. Tarka stopped moving and Cleave reached out to take hold of her ears. He moved her head down on his member while thrusting upward.

  The kobold slurped loudly as her mouth was being used. She moaned around his member and ran her palms over her breastplate as the elf took his affections out on her. Cleave clenched his hips and bucked upward with strong force into her. The kobold’s eyes popped as his pulsating cock touched the back of her throat.

  After a few more thrusts Tarka grabbed Cleave’s wrists. He stopped moving and she leg his reddened phallus drop from her mouth. She looked up at cleave with a little smirk on her muzzle. “I think I know something that you’d like. You want me to show Krug how good I am with my mouth?”

  Cleave’s cock jumping was all the answer she needed. She looked over at the half giant who watched them bashfully.

  “Hey Krug,” Tarka cooed, “could you come here for a moment?”

  Krug blushed and looked away. “I don’t know if I should.”

  “Come on Krug,” Tarka said firmly. “The guy is on death’s doorstep, give him a break.”

  Krug grinned and began removing his armor. Tarka did the same and soon her naked body was facing Cleave. He’d seen her diminutive frame countless times with her thin waist and surprisingly large hips. But each time he laid eyes on her, he wanted her more.

  Tarka climbed onto Cleave’s hips and turned herself around to where her ass was facing him. She raised her tail and moved her butt from side to side, giving him a clear view of her ass and dripping pink womanhood.

  “This is what you like isn’t it? You like looking at my ass.”

  Cleave reached out and smacked her ample butt. Tarka eeped and giggled. She lowered herself down on his molten, rock hard member. He moaned through closed lips as the rod sank deep into her moist pussy. The elf pulled her tail and she gasped.

  Krug shyly walked up to Tarka and proffered her his gargantuan member. Her pussy clenched down on Cleave’s cock. The velvet vice sent a pleasured shiver through his limbs.

  The kobold lightly ran her claws across Krug’s cock. It jumped under her touch. She raked the claws of both hands carefully over the skin. She formed a small circle and slid her hands down and back up, tracing little lines over the shaft.

  Tarka squeezed the elf’s member each time her claws reached the crown of the half-giant’s cock. The spongy flesh kept Cleave’s dick yearning for another one. Each clutch of those wet walls brought a ball of heat into his stomach. The tantalizing touch was becoming almost unbearable.

  Krug’s face tensed as the claws travelled over his sensitive skin. He stood on his tiptoes as the kobold’s small fingers ignited flames of pleasure in him.

  It was getting so hard to stand. He wanted to start plowing the kobold and make her scream, but seeing her teasing his friend brought its own pleasure. Seeing the look on his friend’s face and the pleasure Tarka got from teasing him made it worth resisting the dull ache in his stomach.

  The ache slowly sharpened until it overtook his senses. It made his limbs heavy. Shaking hands took hold of Tarka’s hips. She clutched his cock again and a sensual fury took him over.

  Tarka looked back at Cleave and smiled. “Guess you want it now.”

  “I do,” Cleave said, “but I want you to start sucking his cock.”

  Tarka pulled on the half-giant’s member and he stepped toward her. She placed her mouth around it and looked at Cleave as she started to suck it.

  “That’s right, suck his cock. I want you to stuff his cock so far in your mouth that I can’t hear you moan.”

  Cleave roughly bucked his hips into Tarka’s snatch. She uttered a muffled moan into Krug’s member.

  Tarka sucked in and eagerly took in a portion of the half-giant’s enormous dong. Cleave pumped his hips into the kobold. The head of his cock drilled straight into her and sent shivers through her body. He clutched her tail and used it to steady himself as he pumped in her.

  Tarka slowly increased the intensity of her ministrations, reaching down to fondle the large ballsack swaying beneath the half-giant’s cock. Krug grunted and stroked her ears as she delivered her treatment. She took every titanic thrust into her pussy and whimpered. The sound was barely heard.

  The chair beneath Cleave slid against the floor as he furiously pounded into Tarka. As she increased her pace, the elf matched it. She exercised the remainder of the gargantuan member not in her mouth and sucked deeply on the rest.

  The elf slammed harder into her bountiful ass, squeezing her hips, and pulling her tail, trying to get her to lose focus. But she kept her stride. She accepted pleasure from both ends and returned it twofold to the other males.

  Tarka tightened her pussy around Cleave’s dick and bounced her hips into his thrusts. Her expert fingers triggered the little nerves in the giant’s cock, rubbing small circles into the surface of his wide shaft while taking as much as she could into her stretched maw.

  Krug and Tarka were in pure bliss as they performed. Cleave wanted the moment to last but he ache in his stomach ballooned to proportions he couldn’t control. His body fidgeted uncontrollably.

  His mind was in a frenzy. Colors, sights and thoughts blended together. There was a ringing in his ears, but this wasn’t generated by the game to let him know he was near death. It was a much more pleasurable sound, one that made his thoughts melt away.

  Cleave’s body jerked and the chair slid out from under him. He caught himself on the table as several shots of cum detonated into Tarka’s waiting cunt.

  The elf held her as she squirmed through her own orgasm. Her head moved rapidly on the end of the half-giant’s dick. She squeezed the shaft and Krug let out a growl as a massive load of sticky fluid entered her mouth.

  Tarka was still in the throes of her orgasm and sputtered the bitter ejection. Rivulets of gooey white drooled down her maw as she came down from her climax.

  Cleave held her while swallowed and wiped her lips. He put her down on the ground and she smiled up at the elf. Cum was still smeared across her maw.

  Cleave checked his stats.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 20% (+10%)

  Stamina: 12%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  “Yeah,” Cleave huffed, “I think I’ll live another day.”


  Clint spent a good portion of his next three work days with the writer, Cooper, from Bonnie’s department. He showed Cooper a lot of the little tricks he used to solve help requests from his coworkers. He made some headway in getting the three reports he had to finish but he still wasn’t done. Two more reports came in and a large amount of accounting work came in. He hustled himself as fast as he could while still trying to take care of his help requests and other daily work that cropped up, but he fell further behind.

  Many of the higher ups on vacation sent him an email asking him where the reports they asked him to complete. He told him of his activity during the day and the mountain of work he had to do.

  He received an angry email from his boss telling him that if he didn’t get the five reports he now had completed by tomorrow he’d be “severely disciplined.” He even went on to say that he was disappointed in Clint’s performance and that he should start working harder like he had a few months ago.

  Clint blew a raspberry when he saw a picture in the signature of his boss’s email showing his boss lounging on a cruise ship.

  He reached out to a few of his coworkers for hel
p, and while many stated they were too busy, a few said they’d “see what they could do.” They weren’t too effective, but they did manage to help put a dent in his seemingly insurmountable amount of work.

  At seven in the evening on the third day, Clint rose from his desk. Around two hundred help requests floated around his workspace. It made the area so bright he thought he was at some kind of rapid fire laser light show.

  Exhaustion clawed at his eyes. He wanted so badly to just curl up and go to sleep, but he and his party were on a mission. They had to find more information on what was going on in Clearwater.

  Clint hurried up to his apartment and logged into the game. He logged in as Cleave, and found Krug and Tarka waiting on him. As they waited for him, he envied them being able to log onto the game at a decent hour.

  “Hey Cleave,” Tarka said.

  “Hey,” Cleave tried to keep tired frustration out of his voice.

  “You sound like how we’re feeling right now,” Krug said.

  Cleave sighed, “Sorry, it’s work again. I’m working on something to make my job easier but when I think I’m taking a step forward I end up taking two steps back.”

  “Sounds like our investigation in the town,” Tarka said.

  “You guys not able to find out anything interesting while you’ve been online?”

  Krug ponderously shook his head. “The only thing we’ve been getting is requests to work as guards. No hard evidence.”

  “You figure after a while they’d figure out we’re onto them,” Tarka said.

  Cleave and company had been hired three more times to guard stores in the outer sections of the city where almost no shops remained. They took the jobs in hopes of capturing one of the guards alive so they could get more information. All three times they were attacked by guards and each time the store owner turned on them. All of the ploys were as unoriginal as the first. The only difference was that the store owners were of different races: an elf, a dwarf, and a human.

  He was fortunate not to take much damage during the fighting. But that was mainly because Krug and Tarka pulled a lot more weight than he had during the fights. Cleave offered to give them some of the pay they received for their “services” to make up for this, but his friends refused.

  They did manage to capture one person from each of those fights, however each of those people used the same tactic to off him or herself before the party had a chance to ask questions.

  “Have we been visited by the guard?” Cleave said.

  “Not once,” Krug said. “I’m beginning to think the city doesn’t care much for its soldiers. Either that, or the people behind all this doesn’t want whatever they’re trying to do get out.”

  “While I was out, I heard a spokesperson for the mayor decrying the evils of elven crafts and items and how they were ruining the economy. There were even halflings dressed in black passing out leaflets to the listeners. I got a look at one and it was all about ‘how the elves are hurting you.’ It was like something you’d see out of an old propaganda movie,” Tarka said.

  “So much for the mayor not having anything personal against the elves,” Cleave said.

  “I don’t know how the elves could hurt them. I’ve been going around the city and I haven’t seen a single elven merchant. A couple of dwarves and a human but that’s about it, other than halflings,” Krug said.

  “That is curious. So how should we proceed from here? Walk into another trap or try to capture a guard from the street?” Cleave said.

  Krug shook his head. “I don’t think taking part in guard duty again would be very wise.”

  “I already ran the idea of just capturing a random guard past Krug,” Tarka said, “but they run around in groups of four or more. Besides, we don’t know if this is a city wide conspiracy or if it’s just a small number of the guards. We might capture one and it turns out he’s actually a straight up person who could send us to jail for kidnapping.”

  “I don’t see how we can proceed then,” Cleave said.

  “None of us do,” Krug said.

  There was a knock on the door. Tarka answered it and saw a dirty faced halfling boy no older than ten who introduced himself as Dermont. He held out an ad Tarka placed on a bulletin board and asked if he could hire them for their services.

  Cleave and Tarka weren’t in the mood to walk into another trap, but Krug asked him to explain his proposition.

  His family owned a farm just outside the city walls. For the past two days, people had been sneaking onto the farms and stealing their animals. Based on the pattern of the thefts, his mother guessed they’d be attacked next and sent him and his sister out for help.

  Dermont reached into his pocket and pulled out five copper. He told them he’d give them his life savings if they would help him, and that if their family lost their animals, they wouldn’t have enough money to keep up payments on the land.

  The plea was sappy and the party knew it, but the face of the halfling boy tugged on their collective heartstrings and they agreed.

  The party told the halfling to keep his money and gathered their gear. As they were leaving the city, they feared being stopped by the guards for the many they’d killed, but the halflings at the gate waved them past.

  The halfling child led them down a road that encircled the city and out by a tree line toward a community of farms separated by wooden fences. They passed one fence and entered a barn where nine halfling men and women in roughspun and dirty tunics and breeches sat on bales of hay. Behind them were several pigs, kept in a pen, in the back of the barn.

  They weren’t trusting of Cleave at first. One of the farmers told him that he saw an elf among the animal thieves that struck his farm.

  The party asked if they noticed anything strange and the farmer said that one of the pigs was fighting the thief. It’s eyes were green and there were strange things coming from its back. It broke free from the thief and ran into the woods.

  This revelation surprised the party. The magic from the wands the Crimson Kingdom made from the dryad essence from their last adventure had the same effect on a wild animal they used it on. There was no question now, the Crimson Kingdom definitely had something to do with what was going on in the area.


  The thumbnail moon and twinkling stars provided little light as Cleave pressed himself against the roof of the barn. Nothing moved and there was little sound, save for the occasional cricket and the soft wind in his ears.

  The party was in the barn below, hiding among piles of hay. They planned to surprise the thieves if any enemies entered the shed. Since Cleave was hurt, everyone decided to have him serve as a lookout.

  During the meeting, he and his party told the farmers not to be afraid of any magic that turned the animals wild. Cleave worried that they might be wrong, and that there was more magic out there that could turn an animal into a monstrosity like those wands the Crimson Kingdom had. Assuming the Crimson Kingdom was involved in all this. He hoped he wasn’t wrong. He didn’t want he and his party to be responsible for allowing the farmers going nuts from strange magic.

  There was movement to the right. There were a few figures in black cloaks, seven by his count, skulking toward the shed. Cleave kicked on the barn roof three times to alert his friends below. Some of the figures stopped when they heard the noise. After a few seconds they continued toward the barn.

  All of them were about man sized. They would be surprised and outnumbered when they were in the shed.

  There was more movement from the right. He looked and there were more people in black cloaks watching from the next farm over. There were five of them, standing silently. Four were short and looked to be about the size of halflings. The other was two feet taller.

  Marching down the main road were a few travelers. The elf strained his eyes and could see that they wore bulky clothing. No, it wasn’t clothing. It was armor. There were ten of them, all man-sized, moving in formation.

  This couldn’t be good.
The group marching down the road stopped outside of the farm gate and waved to the first group of cloaked figures walking toward the barn.

  This was really, really bad. If everyone Cleave saw attacked the barn, then it would be a massacre.

  Cleave kicked on the barn door and screamed. “Everyone, get out, get out. We’re outnumbered, get out.”

  The people on the road opened the gate and ran toward the barn. The ones from the next farm over pointed to the barn and ran toward them. Wonderful, more enemies.

  A couple of the cloaked figures encroaching on the barn fired arrows at Cleave and he flattened himself in order to not get hit. The first group of cloak figures and those from the road met the farmers at the barn door. A farmer thrust a pitchfork at one of the invaders, but his adversary dodged it and thrust his sword into him.

  The large group rushed into the barn and there was a sound of battle. Two figures fired arrows at Cleave that missed wide and rushed to join their colleagues.

  The second group of black clad people moved quickly. The one in the lead, the tallest, moved her hand to her mouth and let out a cry. A dozen more halfling sized people sprang from hiding places and charged with maces and short swords in hand.

  There were already seventeen people attacking the barn, didn’t they think they had enough? He couldn’t leave his friends to die like that while he stood by. If they were going to go down, he would go down fighting with them.

  He leapt from the barn and landed on his feet. He crouched and pressed his hand against the ground to balance himself. He looked up and saw the cloaked figures coming toward him.

  Well, guess it was a good a time as any to die. Cleave drew his sword and took a battle stance.

  “Go into the barn, I’ll take care of this one,” the leader said.

  The leader rushed toward Cleave and drew a sword from beneath billowing robes while the others, who were indeed halflings, ran into the barn.

  Their swords met with a loud clash. Cleave snarled and threw as much ferocity into his attacks as he could muster. The robed figures attacks were much more powerful. The elf fought to hold his ground but he found himself stepping back against the force of strong blows.


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