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Marry Me For Money: A Billionaire Fake Fiance Novel

Page 36

by Ali Parker

  “No! It was before we got to any of that.”

  “Wow. I can’t even. I don’t know how much money we’re talking, but I’m guessing it is more money than I would ever see in three lifetimes. He must truly love you.”

  “I think he does. This will prove it to me.”

  “You don’t think it’s a bit much to ask him to give up his inheritance—his birthright?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. In a way, yes, but just think of how much good that money will do. If we do get married, which I’m pretty sure we will, my income and his income is more than enough to keep us in the upper one percent. We don’t need that much money.”

  She leaned down and hugged me. “You are so generous. I hope a little of your generosity wears off on him. I also hope he understands how good your heart is and doesn’t hold your demand against you.”

  I leaned back and looked at her. “I hadn’t thought of that. What if something horrible happens and the company goes under? He’ll resent me forever.”

  She shrugged a shoulder. “Then I guess you better make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “On Friday, we have to go in for an interview with an investigator his horrible Uncle Lance hired,” I said.

  “An investigator? For what?”

  “His uncle is trying to prove our engagement is a sham just so Terran can’t inherit. The investigator is basically going to test us to see if we really love each other,” I said.

  “How does that work? Is he going to polygraph you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Are you ready? I mean, do you think you can pass his test? I’m sure it’s going to be based on how well you know each other and stuff like that. Wasn’t there a game on TV about that?”

  I laughed. “Yes, there was, and I assume that’s what the interview will be like. He’s going to want to know if we know each other’s favorite foods or who’s allergic to what. At least that what I think he’s going to ask.”

  “Do you know those answers?”

  I nodded. “I think so. We spent the entire weekend together, talking and sharing details of our lives.”

  “Do you think he’ll pass the test?”

  I grimaced. “I don’t know. I guess we’ll see if he really knows me.”

  “I have a feeling you will do fine. If you don’t pass, he doesn’t get the money, so I guess it doesn’t really make a difference if you do or don’t,” she pointed out.

  “He loses the company if we don’t pass,” I reminded her.

  “Oh. You better study up.”

  I gave a nervous laugh. “I’m more worried about that stupid interview than I am about the movie. And trust me, that movie set is going to be very intimidating with everyone wanting to be the first one to stab a dagger in my back.”

  She burst into laughter. “I don’t know how or why a woman as kind as you are has put yourself into not one, but two of the most cutthroat industries there is. You are a glutton for punishment.”

  I giggled, brushing my hair out of my face. “I like a challenge.”

  “I’d say so.”

  There was the murmur of little voices, and I knew we were about to get swarmed by kids. “What group is it?”

  “Your favorite,” she said with a smile as the door opened and kids filed in.

  “Hailey!” my name was shouted, and I quickly stood up, ready to embrace the kids I hadn’t seen in a couple weeks. Melissa clung to my leg, and I was so glad to see her.

  “Hi little one.” I leaned down farther and hugged her tightly. “You doing okay?”

  “Better now,” she said, her sweet voice melting my heart.

  I gave her one more squeeze and turned my attention to the other kids, having brief conversations about who was doing what. They always made me feel better, and I hoped like hell that somehow, I made them feel better too.

  “I better get going,” I told Mandy after a little while. I gave her a quick hug before I slipped out the door.

  On my drive home, I thought about what she said about the interview. I was feeling the pressure. If I screwed up, Terran would lose his company. I hated being the one in control of his future. His uncle was a real jerk. Terran had told me all about the visit yesterday and his uncle’s attempt to bribe him. It was disgusting.

  I went home, preparing to see Terran later that evening. We were going to try and study up for the interview—and do other things, of course. I couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 59


  Nerves tore through me over the interview, but I had a feeling we would both pass with flying colors. Jim would be meeting us at Lance’s attorney’s office where the interviews would be held. My stipulations for doing the interview were still being protested. I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to give Lance everything he wanted. Agreeing to do the interview in the first place was all I was willing to concede to.

  I knocked on Hailey’s door, heard her yell to come in and went inside. I was really going to have to talk to her about her security, especially now that she was going to be a far more public figure. I wanted to ask her to move in with me. My building was safer and had better security. I was going to wait until after I knew how things were going to work out before I asked her. I could very well lose my condo.

  “Please tell me you’re dressed,” I said, walking through the door.

  “I am, just finishing my makeup,” she hollered from the bedroom.

  I walked to the door and watched her brush on the mascara. “You’re beautiful,” I said with a smile. She had on a pretty, flowing dress that was an understated bright blue. It was very respectable while being attractive.

  “Thank you. And, I’m ready,” she said turning around to face me, her usual minimal makeup on.

  “With both shoes on, five minutes early. I should write this down,” I teased.

  “Ha. Ha. Let’s get this over with.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  She shrugged. “Not really. I feel ready. What about you?”

  I nodded my head. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Then let’s do this,” she said, giving me a quick kiss as she walked by.

  I swatted her on the butt as she passed, earning a quick, playful glare before she grabbed her purse.

  “You better do that again later,” she said in a sexy voice.

  I felt the familiar jerk in my groin. “I plan on it,” I said and winked.

  I walked her to the car, barely able to keep my hands off her. The way the skirt flowed around her thighs, giving me little peeks at her creamy skin was making me crazy.

  I got behind the wheel of the car and reached over to grab her thigh, sliding my hand upward while looking her in the eyes.

  “You’re killing me in that dress,” I said.

  Her eyes dropped to where my hand was under it. “It’s completely respectable.”

  “It is, which is turning me on even more.”

  She gasped when I brushed my fingers over the satin fabric covering her center.

  “We’re going to be late,” she whispered.

  I rubbed her one more time before leaning over and giving her a smoldering kiss. “Until later,” I promised.

  I managed to slow my libido and drive us to the meeting. When we walked into the law offices, I saw Lance and his attorney in the waiting room and immediately went on guard. I grabbed Hailey’s hand and stopped her from walking any further.

  “What the hell is this?” I said, looking at the men staring at my fiancée and ogling her.

  Jim walked toward me, shaking his head, holding a hand up. “Wait,” he said.

  “I’ll turn around and walk out of here right now. I told you I will not be in the same room with him, and I will definitely not expose Hailey to that man or his attorney. They walk, or we do,” I said firmly.

  “It’s fine. I’ve made it very clear they are not to be in the room. They’re of course putting up a fight, but I told them you will not budge. He’s too desperate to try
and prove you’re a fraud to give up the interview altogether. They’ll be sitting out here, and I will make damn sure they don’t weasel their way in,” he promised.

  I looked at Lance, then Jim. “Fine.”

  “It’s going to be okay. The investigator understands the terms as well.”

  “Good. Thank you. Is he ready for us? Are we doing this together?”

  Jim nodded his head. “Yes. They wanted two hours, I gave them one hour with the two of you together.”

  I smiled. “Well hell, Jim. You’re not a bad lawyer after all,” I teased.

  “Very funny. You must be Hailey,” he said turning to face her.

  “I am. It’s nice to meet you and thank you for fighting for us. I appreciate it,” she said, shooting me a glare.

  Hailey was a kind woman and hated when anyone was not treated nicely. Jim looked at me and grinned. “I think I like your fiancée better than you.”

  I shrugged. “I have a feeling you aren’t the only one.”

  “If you’re both ready, I’ll take you in,” he said with a friendly smile.

  “We are. We want to get this done. The sooner I get that man out of my life, the better,” I said.

  As we passed Lance and his attorney huddled together on the couch, I smiled and winked. I loved being able to stick it to them both. Lance looked as if he would spit nails. I loved that my lawyer had put his foot down. I owed Jim a nice bottle of scotch when all this was said and done.

  We were introduced to the investigator and made comfortable at a table with bottles of water for each of us. Jim left us to it, assuring us he was right outside if we chose to exit the interview.

  The investigator was a decent guy, not friendly, but he got right to the point. Hailey and I easily answered his questions. I was surprised by how easy it was. I hadn’t been truly worried, but somewhere in the back of my mind, there was a little niggle of doubt we would mess up. I didn’t know how that would be possible considering we were in love, but I didn’t know what the guy was looking for. He was intimidating.

  He stopped asking questions and went silent as he jotted down notes on a piece of paper.

  “Anything else?” I asked, wondering what was running through the man’s head.

  “I think we’re good,” he said, closing the file he had in front of him.

  “Already?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yes. I don’t have any more questions.”

  “Well, thank you for your time and respect,” I said moving to shake his hand.

  He looked at it, then me. “I was hired to do a job. Period.”

  I smirked. “Okay, then. Thanks.”

  I stood, grabbed Hailey’s hand and we turned to leave, meeting Jim in the lobby.

  “How’d it go?” he asked nervously.

  “Good. How do you think it went?” I asked Hailey.

  “Piece of cake,” she said with a smile.

  I leaned down and kissed her. “I thought so too. I can’t believe he thought he was going to trip me up with this. The man is tenacious, I’ll give him that.”

  “When do we find out? Is there a scorecard? I mean, how does he decide?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “His gut instinct, apparently.”

  Jim smiled. “I think we should wait and see what his verdict is.”

  The investigator came into the lobby, gesturing for all of us to return to the small conference room. We all took a seat at the table, Lance shooting glares at both of us the entire time. His lawyer kept putting his hand on Lance’s arm, trying to calm him down.

  “Mr. Maddox,” he began, Lance and I both answering to the name.

  “He’s talking to me,” Lance hissed.

  I held up both hands. “My apologies,” I said sarcastically.

  “Lance, I believe this is an engagement that is as real as it gets. These two know more about each other than some married couples,” he said in a monotone.

  Lance’s mouth dropped open. “No! They’re lying! They tricked you! You can’t believe them. They are only doing this to get away with the money.”

  The man shrugged. “I’ve been doing this for forty years and been married forty-two. In my professional opinion, I did not believe there was any deception. You can get a second opinion if you feel you must. That’s your prerogative. I’ve given you mine.”

  “Thank you,” I said, turning to face Jim.

  “I think we’ve done our part. We’ll be leaving now. I trust you’re satisfied and will leave my client and his fiancée alone?” Jim said, looking at Lance and then his attorney.

  The attorney gave a swift nod of his head. “Yes.”

  “They can’t get away with this!” Lance protested.

  Jim walked with us to the downstairs lobby of the building. “I’ll get with Bob and get the papers drawn up. I think we can put this all to rest now.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that,” I told him, clapping him on the shoulder.

  “No problem. You two enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “We will,” I said with a grin.

  “Want to grab dinner?” I asked her.

  “Maybe we can order in.”

  “That sounds good.”

  I looked over at her and smiled. I had been impressed with how much she knew about me. A lot of stuff the investigator asked were things she could only know by being around me. Knowing I didn’t like pepper on my food, was one of the things that had taken me by surprise. I couldn’t remember ever saying I didn’t like pepper. It was one of those things I just did. She’d noticed.

  “You’re amazing,” I told her.

  She looked over at me and smiled. “Thank you. We really killed it in there.”

  “Yes, we did. Thank you for doing that. I know you didn’t have to.”

  “Terran, I want you to keep your company. I really like the people you work with and the companies that have hired you to put together their campaigns. I don’t see why everyone has to be punished. I understand what your father was trying to do. I think he had good intentions, but they were somewhat misguided,” she said gently.

  I let out a long sigh. “I know. I’ve been mad at him. I understand it. I really do, but he could have gone about it very differently.”

  “I agree,” she said leaning her head back against the seat.

  I pulled into the parking garage, opening the car door for her and escorting her through the lobby. “What are you in the mood for?” I asked her.

  She looked at me in a way that told me exactly what she was in the mood for. I pushed the button for the elevator and waited.


  “Too spicy.”



  “Hailey, we need sustenance. I have a feeling I’m going to be a very hungry man later,” I said in a husky voice.

  She nodded her head. “I’m hungry now.”

  When the elevator doors slid open, I stepped inside and pushed the button for my floor. The second the doors slid closed, she was on me. Her soft body pressed against mine, pushing me against the wall. Her hands moving over my chest, untucking my shirt as her mouth slammed against mine. Her hands were on my belt, then undoing my button before sliding the zipper down and sticking her hand beneath my underwear and grabbing my dick.

  I groaned, growing hard almost immediately. The doors slid open. She didn’t stop what she was doing.

  “Hailey,” I murmured against her lips.

  I pushed her out of the elevator, walking her backward to my door, her hand still gripping my cock, making it very difficult for me to focus on unlocking the door. I managed to get through the door before she attacked me in earnest.

  Chapter 60


  I wanted to eat the man alive and knew right where I was going to start first. I pushed him against the wall, dropping to my knees, pulling his pants along with his boxers down as I went. I heard the door slam beside me and knew he had closed it.

  “Hailey,” he growled as I use
d my hand to cup his heavy balls before gently tugging on them.

  My mouth pulled his dick inside, lapping at it before sucking hard, running my hand up and down the length before cupping his balls again. I was so hot, I could feel my panties growing damp without him even touching me. I reached my hands up, grabbing his ass and squeezing hard. I heard the growl a second before his hands were reaching for me, pulling me up and bodily spinning me around, pushing me against the opposite wall.

  “Don’t move,” he growled against me.

  “Never.” I whimpered and listened to him move around. He had to be after a condom. Such a good guy. My body tightened at the very thought.

  He moved back behind me and put one of his hands over both of mine, holding them to the wall while his other moved under my dress. He surprised the fuck out of me by pulling my thong down and ramming his thick shaft inside me. I screamed as he abruptly invaded my body, pushing me against the wall.

  “Is that what you want?” he snarled near my ear.

  I moaned in response. “God yes.”

  “Harder? Is that what I heard you groan?”

  I gasped, going up on my tiptoes as he slammed into my body over and over. I couldn’t catch my breath as he drove me up that precipice. I heard myself whimpering with my cheek pressed against the wall, his hand still holding mine flat against the same wall.

  I exploded into a million pieces as he pummeled my body with his. I could hardly breathe, gasping for air as he released my hand, wrapping his arm around my waist and anchoring me to him. He stepped back, pulling out of me before turning me to face him, his mouth slamming over mine. I felt him kick off his shoespants, and boxers before lifting me up. I rubbed myself against his slick cock, moaning as his tongue plunged in and out of my mouth.

  I felt a hard surface under my ass and realized he had placed me on the dining table. Excitement ran through me as I realized what he was about to do. He scooted my hips forward before guiding himself inside me.

  I moaned, throwing my head back.

  “You have too many fucking clothes on,” he snarled, lifting the dress high on my waist before yanking it over my head. His movements jerked his cock around inside me, tickling nerves and sparking wild sensations.


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