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The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Ashley Drake

  “You are more than that, Hannah. Much more. There is a paranormal battle coming and you will be in the center of it, but you already knew that.”

  Did I? I suppose on some level I’m not shocked. I mean I’ve faced a demon, I have powers, my boyfriend moves things with his mind and talks to animals, my best friend is a born witch, and I’m standing here talking to a dead guy. So why not a paranormal battle?

  He continued. “Your witch will need this.” He pointed toward the back of the display case, at a beautiful tear shaped crystal pendant.

  “I can’t afford that.” I didn’t see the price tag but I knew that it was much more than the forty dollars I had left in my wallet.

  “Just ask Karen to see it. She will know what to do.”

  He laid the palm of his hand on my forehead and I could have sworn I felt the touch along with heat radiating from his skin. That has definitely never happened before with a living impaired. He said a chant in what sounded like maybe his native tongue before speaking to me again.

  “I have hope that this time will be the last since they have you now.”

  When I started to ask him to elaborate he only raised his hand and turned to leave. I guess that was his way of letting me know that was all I was getting from him.

  “Oganatoga?” I totally butchered the pronunciation of his name. “Thank you for your help.”

  He smiled. The lines on his face, that showed the years he spent on this earth, deepened. ”You are most welcome great one.”

  He gave me a slight bow. How cool was that?

  “I will share one last thing before I go. Your witch has been given a name of a woman who might be able to help. It would be wise to give her a visit. Be safe.” He didn’t disappear, he merely walked back through the same doorway Karen came through.

  I turned to get Daniel’s attention only to see Karen standing behind the counter in front of me. “I take it you have found what you need.” She gave a meaningful look.

  “Um, yes, that pendent in the very back on the left.”

  She took a black velvet cloth and carefully picked up the crystal and placed it in my hands. As soon as it made contact with me it started to glow a beautiful bright blue. In total amazement, I looked from the crystal to Karen.

  “What’s happening?”

  “It’s telling me that it needs to go with you. That you know where it belongs.”

  “Daniel look!” I handed it to him so easy, you would think I was handing off an infant.

  “Wait, stop…” Karen grabbed the velvet cloth then paused, in awe, as she watched it glowing in Daniel’s hand too. “You have been chosen too.”

  “Chosen? Because it’s glowing?” I asked.

  “No, because it’s not burning blisters into his skin. That is why I use this.” She held up the black cloth then handed it to me. “Wrap it in this. When you give it to the person it is meant for, tell them to place it on a necklace that holds meaning for them, and to wear it always.”

  “Can she…can she put a protection spell on it?” Daniel questioned.

  “No, you must not try to alter it. It will protect her and more.” The door chimed announcing the new customers walking in. “Wrap it up and keep it safe.”

  “How much do I owe you?”

  “Just defeat it this time. Good luck, Hannah.” Did I tell her my name? “May God be with you child.”

  I waited until we were back in the car before I took the wrapped crystal out of my purse to examine it again. Holding it with the cloth barrier, it looked like a regular, gorgeous but regular, crystal. It was when I picked it up bare handed that it showed it’s magical form.

  “I’m so giving this to Jaycee and claiming it as my birthday AND Christmas gift to her.”

  “Who were you talking to in there?”

  I looked at the time on the dash. “I’ll tell you on the way to our next stop.” I reached over and kissed one of his delicious dimples before finding his lips. “We will never be able to say that we have a boring relationship.”

  “Not if you keep kissing me like that.”

  Our next stop was to the Cherokee Museum. I can’t describe the joy that I had just watching Daniel explore the history of his heritage. In all actuality it’s mine too, even though I’m only one eighth Cherokee. Or is it one sixteenth? Either way I wouldn’t be here had it not been for my Cherokee ancestors. The log cabin feel to the museum only added to the experience. It was filled with ancient artifacts, artwork, hand carved life size statues, and dioramas- which I learned were miniature 3D scenes. We ended up spending over an hour in there and now I’m off of the time table I had scheduled out for the day.

  It was a beautiful December day. The temperature was fifty two, so instead of going to a restaurant like I had planned, I decided to hit up a drive thru burger joint and take it to the last stop on my list, the park. It wasn’t just an ordinary park, the scenery here was breathtaking. It was a panoramic view of mountains with rushing water, white tipping over large rocks, at its feet. I placed my purse with the crystal in it securely in the trunk of my car, making sure the keys were in my pocket before shutting it.

  Daniel grabbed the blanket from my backseat. Instead of sitting at a picnic table, he laid it down on the grass. “After you.” Daniel held his arm out toward the blanket.

  “What a gentleman.” I joked.

  We ate in content silence, taking in the spectacular view. There is no other place like North Carolina. Not only is it, in my opinion, the prettiest state but it also has the friendliest people. Plus, you can go from the mountains to the beach without ever leaving it.

  Daniel broke the silence. “Thank you. This has been the best birthday gift ever.”

  “I doubt that.” For some reason I don’t take compliments well. It makes me feel self conscious.

  “For real, I’m serious. Not only did I get to spend the day with my sexy girlfriend, but you took the time to plan this out for me. You’ve made me feel special...loved.”

  Wait, what? Cause I missed everything after sexy girlfriend. A little song from a movie, my mom made me watch with her, started singing in my head. You think I’m sexy, you want to date me, you want to love me, you want to kiss...

  “I love you Hannah. No matter what happens between us in the future, always know that I’m grateful to have known you. And that I’m lucky that you were my first, and hopefully last, love.”

  “Wow.” After that heartfelt speech THAT was the best I could come up with? I know that I have always, secretly, said I was saving myself for Harry Styles, but right now Harry doesn’t have anything on this guy in front of me. Of course, Jaycee would add that it’s a good thing since Harry doesn’t even know I exist. I wonder if I’m the only one that has the stupidest thoughts running through their head, or if I should get mine checked.

  “I don’t know what to say. That is the sweetest, most romantic thing you could have ever said to me. You know I feel the same way right? Every night when I say my prayers I thank God for you.” I scooted over closer to him and took his face in my hands. “And you can forget about all that talk about not knowing what’s gonna happen to us in the future, cause you’re stuck with me birthday boy.” Using my lips, I traced down his jaw line to his neck, then back up the other side.

  “Ummm Hannah, are you trying to kill me?”

  I backed off instantly. “What did I do?” The embarrassing puppy dog look on his face told me everything. Jaycee has told me that guys can get aroused when the wind blows. I’m not convinced that is true, but I get the meaning. One part of me felt guilty for putting him in that situation but the other part was overjoyed that I had such an affect on him. Now would be a great time to change the mood and give him his present. Crap, his present.

  “I’ll be right back.” I got up to run back to my car.

  “Ok good. I’ll just sit right here for a little while.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re not very convincing.”
r />   That only made me laugh more. “Well I am, a little bit sorry.” I ran back to my car and opened the trunk, took the little white box out of my purse, and ran back to Daniel. “Feeling better?” I asked.

  “You’re such a comedian, you should do stand up.”

  Him saying stand up after what just happened, just hit me funny. I started giggling so hard my side hurt.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You said stand up.” Was all I could get out between trying to catch my breath.

  “You think that’s funny huh?” He grabbed me and started tickling me.

  “I give! I give!” He stopped but kept his hands around my waist. “Will this make me forgiven?” I handed him the box.

  “Hannah, you didn’t have to get me anything. All of this is my present.”

  “I want you to have it. It made me think of you and now every time you look at it you will think of me.”

  “As if I need any help. I think about you all the time.” He lifted the lid and stared at it. “I love it.” He took the bracelet out of the box to take a closer look. “The detail is amazing.”

  “That’s what I thought. Here, let me put it on you.” I placed it around his wrist and clasped it. “It looks good on you. You really like it?”

  “No, I really love it.”

  We're so mushy. Isn’t it wonderful?

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  “Coming from you there is no such thing as a personal question. You are my girlfriend, you can ask me anything you want.”

  I suddenly felt very awkward. “Have you ever… you know, had sex?”

  He looked down at his bracelet then back at me, in that moment he looked like a shy little boy. “No I haven’t.”

  “Me neither.”

  “I know.”


  “Easy, you said I am the only person you have ever been in love with. I know that you wouldn’t be with someone you didn’t love.”

  He can make me feel so special without even trying. “Thanks for saying that.” I hesitated. “I feel like I can ask or tell you just about anything. So please don’t think that I’m trying to hint for you to make a move or anything, cause I’m not. I’m just curious about...stuff. Like do you ever think about it? With me I mean.” I felt incredibly stupid.

  There was that shy little boy again, but this time he had a mischievous look in his eyes.

  “Have you seen you? Do you remember when I came over to your house after your pool party and you were in that black little bikini?” I nodded. “Do you know that I had to take a cold shower for three days after, trying to get that image out of my head? Which didn’t work by the way.”

  Is it possible to feel embarrassed, flattered, flustered, and enjoyment all at the same time? Yes, yes I think it is.

  “Now it’s your turn to be in the hot seat. Do you ever think about what it would be like to be with me?”

  My hormones were screaming in my head- ‘Tell him hell yes! Look at him and all his hotness. Tell him let’s stop wondering what it would be like and let’s start finding out!’ My mouth had suddenly went very dry, but I had to say something.

  “Ummm, Yes, I have thought about it. Many times actually, which isn’t like me at all. I have never really given it much thought, until I met you. And right back at’cha with the ‘have you seen you’ answer. But I’m…”

  Daniel placed his finger over my lips. “I know you’re not ready. Hannah, I will never make a move on you or try to talk you into it. I won’t even ask or beg.” I couldn’t help but laugh, I knew that he was trying to break up all the seriousness. “When you are ready, you will tell me. As far as I’m concerned, I’m gonna be right here for a long time, I can wait.”

  “I’m not saying I will be able to, but what if I decided to wait until I’m married?”

  “As long as it’s to me, I’d be fine with it. But I will draw the line at our wedding night, I’m afraid I will have to beg then.”

  He was about as close to perfect as anyone could get. “If it makes you feel any better, you make it really difficult for me to try and be a good girl.” I kissed him knowing what was on both of our minds. I felt a little naughty, I liked it. “We better get going.”

  Daniel grabbed the blanket and started to fold it. “Hey, next time we talk about this, can we go into detail… with lots more adjectives? Oh hey, maybe we could bring a pencil and paper and you could sketch out a scene for me.”

  I played along. “I am a pretty good artist.”

  “Is that a yes?”


  “Perv? I’ll show you a perv.” He chased me all the way to my car.

  I might not be anywhere near ready to have sex with Daniel, but I know that when I am it will be amazing because it will be with him.

  Chapter 7

  “Ok, the next gas station I see, we are stopping. I’m about to bust to pee.” There was a faint ringing in my ears. I’m thinking positive that it’s just an aftereffect from the crystal shop, or the park. “There’s one, finally.” I pulled into the convenience store. “Are you coming?”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  “Oh my gosh, do you have a five gallon bladder or something?”

  “I so love your sophisticated vocabulary.”

  “Ha-ha. Bite me.” I teased.


  I only gave him a quick grin before getting out of the car and headed for the side of the building. I went into the double stall bathroom and picked the one that looked the cleanest. ’Never sit on a public toilet’ has been drilled into my head by my OCD mom ever since panties replaced my diapers. I chose the handicapped stall, I know I shouldn’t but it’s not like I plan on camping out in here. I was about to squat over the toilet when the bathroom door opened. Immediately my stall door jiggled.

  “Occupied.” It was always embarrassing to have to say that.

  The door continued to shake, to the point that the entire metal wall partition was moving.

  “Someone is in here.”

  By now I had forgotten that I needed to pee and already started pulling my pants backup. My eardrums felt like they would bleed from how high the pitch the ringing had gotten. With no where to go, I tried to get as far away from the door as possible. “Please go away and leave me alone.”

  I tried to get into her mind to see what was going on, only to be blocked.

  The stall door busted open. It was not a woman standing in front of me but a man. A tall, stocky man who looked to be in his fifties. I’ve heard my dad talk about how he could tell a patient has gone mad by their eyes. I never understood that until right now. This man’s eyes were wild, glossy and staring a hole right through me.

  He moved so fast that I never had a chance to get past him. Before I knew it he had me pinned against the wall. I tried to hit or as least scratch at his face, but he was too strong for me. With one hand he pinned both of mine over my head.

  “You won’t be as powerful, bitch, when I’m done with you.”

  I didn’t have a chance to button my pants when I pulled them up, so he started pawing at me and pushed them down.

  “Please stop! Don’t do this!” I cried.

  “You had your chance to back off, you were warned. Now you need to be taught a lesson.”

  The sound of him unzipping his jeans sent waves of nausea and hysteria throughout my body. I sucked in as much air as possible and held my head back to scream, but he was one step ahead of me and put his hand over my mouth.

  “I may not be able to kill you, but if you scream I will make you wish you were dead you…”

  His words were cut off as he went flying through the air, hitting up against the back wall beside the toilet. It was Daniel! The power and energy filled the entire bathroom with his presence. His beautiful purple aura had turned so dark, it was almost black.

  “Daniel!” I could have jumped with joy.

  He took one look at me and then lunged for the man. With his left hand,
Daniel pulled the man up by his shirt to a sitting position. I heard the sound of breaking bone when his fist made contact with the man’s face. He didn’t stop with one punch, it was a rapid fire of hit after hit.

  “Daniel stop, you’re gonna kill him!” He ignored me and continued swinging. “Daniel, please. I’m so scared.” He stopped immediately and let go of the unconscious man.

  As soon as the man’s limp body hit the floor he started shaking. I thought he might be having a seizure, that was until thick black smoke started oozing out of his body. It looked like it was sweating out of his pores. The black smoke floated into the air, formed into a black blob, and disappeared through the ceiling.

  A deep imbedded respect of good hygiene was the only thing keeping me from collapsing onto the dingy gray tiles. Instead, I gave into the shakes. I had a random thought of when I was nine and we went to the beach one week in April. Even though I had been warned of the cold ocean water, I still went in. I came out jerking from head to toe waiting for Mom to bundle me up in a beach towel.

  Daniel turned around to examine me. He carefully walked to me and bent down to pull up my panties and pants that I had forgotten were still down around my knees. Like the perfect gentleman that he was, he kept his head turned until he had them up and buttoned. Only then did he look at me for half a heartbeat before wrapping me in his arms and buried his face in my hair.

  “Hannah...did he…”


  I felt the sob escape from his lungs. He took a moment to compose himself before pulling me back, cupping my face in his hands. “Are you hurt?” He didn’t ask if I was okay because he knew that I wasn’t.

  “No, just a little sore. I’m sure I will have bruises though.”

  “We need to get out of here before this poor man wakes up. Hopefully he won’t have any memory of what happened.”

  “What? Shouldn’t we call the police?” I didn’t get it. Daniel was beating him half to death not two minutes ago, and now he’s calling him ‘poor man’.


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