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The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Ashley Drake

  Powerful witch or not, she’s still a sixteen girl.

  After Blaze and I dropped Jaycee off at her car I decide to take him for a little walk at the park. It was still very cold, but the sun was out and it was a beautiful day. That’s North Carolina for ya- one Christmas we’ll have six inches of snow, the next Christmas it will be sixty degrees.

  After one quiet peaceful lap, my phone vibrated. Great, it was Megan.

  If I ask you something, will you keep it between us?

  Absolutely. Daniel and Jaycee don’t count, besides, I couldn’t imagine where this was going.

  Did you really believe me when I told you about Mikah?

  Every muscle in my body tighten. Yes.

  Why? She asked.

  I wasn’t about to open that can of worms. Has something else happened?

  Yes. It’s getting worse.

  I should have thought of that. I should have known the demon would take his anger out on her. But why? To get to me? Wouldn’t someone that I actually liked be a better choice?

  I pushed the thought out of my mind. I didn’t want him to go after my family or friends.

  Megan, I will help you if you’ll let me.

  Why would you help me?

  Because it’s the right thing to do.

  Several minutes had past, and I has already made another lap, before she text me again.

  Thanks. My family and are in Tennessee visiting my grandma. We will be back on the 26th. I’m afraid it will follow me.

  Hang in there. I will see you on the 26th. I put the phone in my pocket, then pulled it out again. I had to add one more thing.

  And Megan, you don’t deserve this, nobody does. I can and will help you.


  And just like that, I saw in my mind the two of us back in elementary school. I was at the top of the slide behind Megan, who was afraid to slide down. I told her she wouldn't get hurt, and with such trust in me she asked the same thing- promise?

  I promise.

  “One more lap, Blaze, then we have to go. I have some planning to do.” Blaze looked up at me, and I swear it was as if he understood what I said. “We have an old friend, turned bi-otch, to save.”

  Chapter 15

  “It’s Christmas Eve! Come eat breakfast, your dad cooked a large spread. We have a busy day planned.” Mom made her announcement and went back into the kitchen.

  I love Christmas; the gatherings, the magic in the air, the meaning, and, of course, the presents. But this year I feel that it’s more of a distraction than anything else. We should be preparing for what’s to come and for helping Megan.

  Megan. That was a huge argument with Jaycee last night on the phone. Well, more of a disagreement really. I felt like we should help Megan, and Jaycee felt like Megan should jump off a cliff. Daniel, on the other hand, didn’t need any convincing. He said it would be killing two birds with one stone. We would be helping Megan while hurting the Triune, by weakening one of its demons. Or, hopefully destroying Mikah once and for all. Are we ready for that? We haven’t even found the other two yet.

  “Hannah, the food is getting cold.” Dad yelled from the kitchen.

  Blaze and I walked through the kitchen, and out the back door so he could do his business. So far this was the only downside of having a dog- cleaning up after him. I made sure I had plenty of plastic grocery bags tucked away outside to use to pick up after him. Heaven forbid if Mom stepped in it, I think she would go ballistic. And if it got tracked inside? Oh well, the earth would fall off it’s axis and the world as we know it would no longer exist.

  Boy, I’m in a foul mood this morning. “Shake it off, Hannah, it’s Christmas Eve.” I told myself.

  We went back inside and I made sure Blaze had food and water, before washing my hands, and making myself a plate.

  “How are things progressing with Jaycee and the research?” Dad calls my planning for the battle, research. I know he does it to make himself more at ease with the whole situation, so I play along.

  “Slowly, but good. Jaycee has gotten to where she can come up with a decent spell at the spur of the moment without side effects… so far. And just yesterday she was able to make her headache…”

  I suddenly became interested in my food, and stuffed my mouth with a forkful of eggs. How, I don’t know, seeing as my foot was already in there.

  I was stunned when both of my parents snickered.

  Mom got up to refill her coffee. “Hannah, we know Jaycee showed up the other night, drunk. And we also know that you took care of her and made sure Carol knew where her daughter was so she wouldn’t worry. You are a good friend.”

  “You guys aren’t mad?”

  “You did the right thing and we know that’s not normal behavior for Jaycee. So, no, we are not mad. We are, however, curious to know why she did it.”

  “She told Mike that she’s a witch.”

  “Uh-oh.” Dad said as he handed Mom his cup, along with a playful smile that begged for a refill. She took the cup and tried to look stern, but the humor in her eyes gave her away. Dad blew her a kiss before turning back to me. “I’m guessing that did go over so well.”

  “No, it didn’t. But they will work it out, I feel it.”

  “I agree. Mike’s a good kid, he’ll come around. Not to change the subject, but your mom brought up the fact that you haven’t had any visitors lately.” He was referring to living impaireds.

  “I’ve noticed. I think I’ve gotten better at blocking them, with a little help from my necklace, or they are staying away because they know the Triune is here. Either way, I’m glad. I don’t think I would have time to help pass someone over right now.

  “Dad, is the number twelve really a powerful number?” My mind was jumping from one thing to the next. I couldn’t shake this feeling that something was about to happen..

  “It is. So are the numbers three and seven. Some say the numbers five and nine are too.”

  “But why?”

  “Jeez, kid. You really want to get this deep on Christmas Eve?” He only had to look at my face for the answer. “Okay, the number three is powerful because three o’clock in the afternoon is said to be the time Jesus was crucified. So the opposite, the anti, would be three o’clock in the morning. When evil, is said, to be at it’s strongest. Seven, well, you have the seven seas, seven days of the week, seven continents, seven wonders of the world, and the seven colors of the rainbow. I don’t really know about the number five. A star is a powerful symbol, and it has five points. And the number nine, well, I think again it has to do with anti. The number six six six is notorious with evil. So, the opposite would be nine nine nine. I’m sure there are more reasons than these, I just don’t have then.”

  “Thanks for the help. I think I can work with that.”

  He laid his hand over mine. “You will find the others when you are meant to, Hannah Banana.”

  Mom started clearing off the table. “Alright you two, enough of that. We need to get ready. We have to be at Aunt Elena's by two. Then we have to go to Aunt Fran and Uncle Ryan’s at four.”

  The fun never stops. Yay me.

  Dear Diary, I don’t think I have ever ate so much in my life. Or been hugged, kissed and had my cheeks pinched as much as today. But I had fun seeing my aunts, uncles and cousins that I don’t get to see regularly. Grandma fussed at Mom and me for not coming around like we should. Which made me feel guilty, she’s the only one I have left. I promised I would, and I will as soon as my life gets back to normal. Whatever that is. Tomorrow is Christmas and I have decided to put all thoughts of the upcoming battle, and this feeling of dread, out of my mind and just enjoy the day with my family. But tomorrow night Daniel, Jaycee and I are going to try to find time to get together and figure out how we are going to help Megan be free of Mikah once and for all. I have some ideas that I am not quite ready to share just yet. Wish me luck.

  I closed my journal and tucked it away for the night. I wasn’t in a writing mood. There has been som
ething, just under my skin, all day today. Antsy isn’t the right word to describe the feeling. Anticipation, that’s it, that’s the word. I still felt like something was going to happen soon, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  Blaze was curled up beside me on my bed, looking like he was ready to call it a day.

  “You’re such a good boy.” I praised as I rubbed his head. ”I know you are going to be with me for the battle, I can feel it.” Blaze raised his head and stared at me. I’m more and more positive he can understand everything I say. “Jaycee is going to make a charm to put on your collar for protection. I want you to be safe.” This time he stood, leaned over and licked the side of my face.

  “Do you need to go outside?” His long, gray ears perked up. He jumped off the bed and ran out of my room. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I put on my slippers and followed him out.

  When we came back inside I kissed my parents good night and retreated back to my room. I was going to put my pajamas on and go to bed, but had a change of heart. I couldn’t ignore this feeling, that had made it’s way to the pit of my stomach, anymore. After giving it some thought, I decided that I could- using Daniels words- kill two birds with one stone. I was going to find the root of this feeling while exercising my gift.

  I sat on my bed, with my legs crossed, and tried to clear my mind. I envisioned a white light, filled with goodness, entering me from the top of my head. As the light made it’s way down and throughout my body, I spoke inside my head. If there was a demon snooping around, I didn’t want it to know what I was up to.

  I’ve been given this feeling for a reason. Please show me who or what it’s for. If there is something I need to do, light the way. I know I’m not a witch, but it felt right to ask for the answer.

  I searched within myself and received my first answer. It was a who. I brought into focus the faces of my parents, it wasn’t them. Next was Daniel, I lingered just a bit on his smile and dimples, it wasn’t him either. As soon as Jaycee’s face entered my mind, my stomach tightened. It was her.

  I can do this. I will just get into her mind. I get into people’s minds all the time, just not at this far of a distance. I kept my eyes closed, with the picture of Jaycee in my head, and started repeating a chant.

  She’s a part of me. I must see, I need to be with Jaycee.

  I didn’t realize at first what I was doing. When I did, something from my conversation with Dad floating through the back of my mind. Three and five are powerful numbers. So, I repeated my chant in a cycle of three, for five times. It was worth a shot.

  My bed started to shake, my first thought was an earthquake. It could happen. Imagine my surprise when I realized it was coming from within me! Working it’s way, from the inside out, was an uncontrollable vibration. I refused to freak out and break whatever this was going on. I put my trust in the light, and remained focused.

  “Hannah? What the… how did you get here?”

  It can’t be. I opened my eyes at the sound of Jaycee’s voice. Sure enough, there was Jaycee and Mike standing at the old barn behind Jaycee’s house. The big shocker being that I was too!

  “Stay strong, Hannah, you asked for this. Trust it, believe in it.” I whispered to myself before my knees had a chance to buckle.

  “Hannah, what are you doing here?” Mike asked.

  I noticed something different about him, something wrong. It was hard to explain. It was Mike, but it wasn’t. How has Jaycee not seen it?

  Be careful, play along.

  This time it was my own voice inside my head coaching me.

  “Sorry to scare you guys. I was looking for Jaycee so she could give me some advice. You know, girl talk.”

  “No, seriously, where did you come from? One minute…”

  I cut Jaycee off. “I guess you were too involved with Mike to notice me walking over here from your house.” I changed the subject while trying to study Mike. “I’m glad to see you two talking again. Have you worked things out?”

  “We could if you would leave.”

  Chills ran down my spine, literally. That was not Mike. Correction, it was Mike, but he’s not in the driver's seat if you know what I mean.

  “Mike, be nice.” Jaycee gave him a puzzled look. “We are trying. He believes me at least, but wants me to give up my powers for him. Hannah, maybe you can talk some sense into him. Tell him about…. you know. Make him understand that I need to keep my powers.”

  I have to get her away from him and closer to me. “Well then, let’s just show him. Jaycee, come stand by me.” I was still in the same spot I was when I first got here. Which was about fifteen feet away from them.

  Jaycee turned to Mike. “Stay right there and watch this.” She smiled as she walked to me.

  With all my power and all my might I screamed at Jaycee from within, praying she would hear. Please Jaycee hear me! That is not Mike, he is possessed. We have to save him, without hurting him and ourselves, all at the same time.

  The smile on her face dropped. She heard me, and God bless her, she ran to my side. She didn’t even have time to think about it, she just listened to me. Her trust in me was so strong.

  Something inside of me stirred, awakened. Maybe it’s was my fear that caused it, or Jaycee’s belief in me. “Kindergarten, you dumb bastard, our bond has been forged since kindergarten. You will not touch it, or her!” I threw my hands out, all on raw emotional instinct, slinging pain into his head. Thick, syrupy, pain attaching itself to every crevice of his mind. “Rhyme, Jaycee! Get that demon out of him!”

  Mike feel to his knees and screamed out in agony. “You bitch!” He quickly formed a fireball in each hand and sent them straight toward me.

  It went right through me! I’m not here, my body is not here!

  Jaycee started her spell and I knew I had to join in.

  “Out of sight,

  out of mind,

  Mike Bentley is no longer yours to find!”

  “Really? That’s it?”

  “Just repeat the damn spell.”

  And so we did, three magical times.

  Instead of seeing the demon leave Mike’s body like before, we felt it. The air suddenly was easier to breath and Mike’s aura had lost it’s dark glow. We waited about half a second to run to his side.

  “Mike, please Mike, be okay. Speak to me.” Tears ran down Jaycee’s face and onto Mike’s shirt.

  “What was that...that thing inside of me? What happened?”

  “You remember?” I was shocked. I couldn’t help but wonder if the man from the gas station’s bathroom remembered what he had done too.

  “Yeah, it was like watching through my eyes without having any control over my body. Jaycee,” he grabbed her hand, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t believe you before, but I do now.” He sat up and grabbed her into a kiss that was box office worthy.

  Then, nose to nose and eye to eye with her, he cupped her face. “If you are a witch that has to fight that thing…”

  “A demon.” Leave it to Jaycee to interrupt a moment.

  “Whatever. I’m with you. I won’t let my girlfriend do this alone.”


  “Umm, hey, guys.” I felt my body pull for me.

  “What the hell?”

  Mike’s last words were the last I heard until I was back safely in my own body. Then, before I had a chance to open my eyes, I heard the sounds of panting.

  It was Blaze. My strong protector was standing over me. I’m talking two paws on one side of me, and two paws on the other.

  “It’s okay, Blaze, I’m here. I’m back.”

  He whimpered and whined while licking my entire face.

  “I’m glad to see you too. Can I get up now?”

  He jumped off the bed and waited for me.

  I knew it! I knew he could understand me.

  “We will save that talk for later, right now I think I need to throw up.” I was only half kidding, my stomach was still doing flips. “Thank you for protecting me.” I hugg
ed him tight. “I think we both have earned a treat.”

  My cell phone rang, without looking to see who it was, I answered. “I’m okay, Jaycee.”

  “Freakin’ astral projection! And just when were you going to share that little tidbit of info? I wanna do it.”

  Chapter 16

  “No really, I’m good. But thank you for your concern.” My response was filled with sarcasm.

  “Well, you already said you were, didn’t you? Where are you?”

  “At home, in my room. How’s Mike?”

  “He’s shaken up, and rightly so. He has a few blister on his hands from the fireballs. But, overall, he’s taking it better than you’d think. I told him the whole thing, I had to with what he saw.”

  “That’s okay. I kinda figured, after what just happened, that you would have to.”

  “Hannah,” her voice softened, “that was dangerous for you to do. It could have messed you up, or worse. How did you do that? How did you know?”

  “I didn’t know, it just happened. I’ve had this feeling all day of dread. It’s hard to explain it. I concentrated on you and said a little chant in my head, and boom, I was there.”

  “So, you said a chant, a spell, and astral projected. Han, you know that’s a witches power right? A high level one at that.”

  “I’m not a witch. There has to be another explanation for it. Maybe since one of my abilities is that of a seer, it let me see what I was looking for.”

  “Maybe.” Jaycee didn’t sound convinced.

  “We can talk about this in more detail tomorrow night with Daniel.” I looked over at the clock. “Make that tonight with Daniel. Merry Christmas, it’s well after midnight.”

  “Merry Christmas. I will talk to you tomorrow. And, Han? Thanks for tonight. You were amazing, but the best jaw-dropping part was when you glowed.”

  “What? I did not. When?”

  “You did. When you told that butt munch demon off, and raised your arms to send him pain, you glowed. From head to toe you glowed a bright, white, light all around you. Like I said, amazing. I think your powers are progressing.”


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