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The Standing Dead sdotc-2

Page 46

by Ricardo Pinto

  As Osidian lifted his gaze, Carnelian felt the Elders quail but it was Ravan who spoke.

  'Why are you armed, my fathers?'

  Crowrane and the others regarded the spears in their hands with a kind of surprise.

  'Is it perhaps because of the emergency that made you light the signal fire?'

  The Elders had fallen silent, their gaze focused on Ravan.

  'What is it that made you light the fire, my fathers and mothers?'

  Kyte spoke up: The Master is a danger to the Tribe.'

  Ravan affected surprise. 'A danger? Did he not save us from the Bluedancing and the Woading? From famine? Did he not free our children from the tithe?'

  'But why has he done these things, my son?' said Akaisha.

  'He seeks power,' said Harth.

  To make war first on the tribes and then the Standing Dead,' said Ginkga.

  'He's ravener possessed,' cried Crowrane.

  Ravan smiled. 'It seems to me it is you who are possessed.' He pointed at Crowrane's spear. 'You were going to spill his blood here, on the sacred floor of our mother's bones.'

  Many of the Assembly cast down their eyes, ashamed.

  Carnelian stepped forward. 'Listen to them, Ravan, everything they're saying is true.'

  'You have already betrayed the Master once and now you try to do so again.'

  Carnelian felt Osidian's gaze and was drawn to meet his eyes. Expecting hatred, he was shocked to see there nothing but an amusement that chilled him to the core.

  Ravan stepped towards the Elders. 'You fear the Master because he does what you cannot do. You disgust me. Is there anything you would not do to keep your bony grip on power?'

  Akaisha leapt to her feet in fury. 'Be silent.'

  'I will not, mother.' He regarded the old with sad contempt. 'You are few and we, the young, are many. You cling to the old ways and cannot see the new world we are making. You are unfit to rule and so, reluctantly, we shall have to rule in your place.'


  Slaughter is the mother of new worlds.

  (from the 'Book of the Sorcerers')

  The Tribe will not let you rule,' cried Harth.

  The young men will,' replied Ravan. He smiled. 'Without us the Tribe will have no water and the Koppie will be exposed defenceless to our enemies.'

  Ginkga looked aghast. 'You're prepared to threaten your own people?'

  'It is the men who shall protect them from all want, as we have always done.'

  Crowrane stood forward. 'We are the protectors of the Tribe.'

  Mossie was crying. 'Our children will not turn away from us.'

  Ravan opened his arms wide. 'Ask them.'

  The Elders did, all at once, some petitioning, some threatening their grandsons. The youths standing behind Ravan went paler, but they held their place and nodded.

  As they fell silent, Akaisha raised her voice. 'You, Ravan and this gang of boys might be prepared to betray your people, but we shall see how many of the rest will support you.'

  Ravan glanced at Osidian then looked back at his mother. 'You should consider carefully before doing anything that might lead to bloodshed.'

  Akaisha blinked and stared at her son as if she was seeing him for the first time. Around her, the other Elders seemed to sag and age before Carnelian's eyes.

  'Go now,' Ravan said, harshly. 'Prepare the people for the new world.'

  Some glared at him through their tears, but even they obeyed him. As they filed past, Carnelian felt ashamed. Akaisha looked at him, but he could not bear to see her face and turned away. He kept his gaze averted as they shuffled past him. Finally, the curtain fell and the gloom returned.

  'Are you sure, Master, they will not raise the Tribe against us?' whispered Ravan.

  They will do nothing,' said Osidian. 'Now go and steady the men.'

  Ravan gazed at him for some moments, before he too left.

  Left alone, Carnelian looked at Osidian. Their eyes met.

  'If they do nothing it is only because they love their people.'

  Osidian smiled. That, of course, formed a part of my calculations. Come, Carnelian, are you not even a little relieved I have survived this attempt on my life?'

  Carnelian was not sure what he felt. He himself had been given back his life, but at what price? There was triumph in Osidian's beautiful face. Carnelian became possessed by a need for light and air. He pushed past Osidian and out from the room of bones. The Tribe in turmoil at his feet was receiving the first of the Elders into their midst; panic already spreading.

  Armed youths did not stop him reaching the steps. On the ground, the crowds parted before him and he moved swiftly into the shadow of a mother tree. He picked up speed, until he was almost running down a rootstair, his gaze fixed on the brightness of the ferngarden. He did not look to either side until he had left the cedars behind and was walking waist-high through rusding ferns, dizzy in the sun.

  He went down to the Eastgarden where the Bluedancing were working among the fires and tresdes. He allowed himself only a glance over to the Killing Field with its heaps of bones. When he neared the Blooding Ditch, his pace slowed. He crossed another bridge into the inner ferngardens and, from the shade of the Old Bloodwood Tree, regarded the Grove where the Elders were spreading the news of their overthrow. His eyes ranged over the delicately shifting cedar canopy. There lay what he now called home and yet he had allowed it to be destroyed as he and his father had allowed the Hold to be pillaged by Aurum and Jaspar. Was he cursed to be involved in the destruction of everything he loved?

  He imagined Akaisha's pain and wanted to go and beg forgiveness for what he had brought upon them.. He looked up at the cedar hill and his stomach churned. He overcame shame, fear of the rejection that might await him, and forced himself to begin walking towards it.

  People turned away from him as he climbed the hill; from fear or hatred, Carnelian could not tell. He did not allow himself to hesitate when he came within sight of Akaisha's mother tree. His hearthmates were there, under her branches, gathered near the hearth. Approaching, his spirits lifted as he saw Poppy gazing at him and Fern alive and well.

  'You can stop pretending now, Master,' Fern said.

  The tone as much as the form of address wounded Carnelian.

  Fern turned to his mother, it's clear now that this one's been working with the Master all along.'

  Akaisha looked at her son with puffy eyes, confused. 'But he betrayed the Master's schemes to me.'

  'Wasn't it that very betrayal that led the Assembly to make the decision which more than anything made the men give the Master their support?'

  Fern turned on Carnelian with hatred in his eyes. 'Did you imagine us too stupid to work it out?'

  Poppy pushed between them and glared at Fern. 'You leave Carnie alone.'

  Carnelian vaguely tried to calm her, shook his head, i don't know what… it can't be…'

  'How else could the Master know the Elders were going to try to kill him today?'

  Appalled, Carnelian tried to imagine another explanation.

  Sil's eyes widened. 'You're not denying it, Carnie.'

  Carnelian felt Poppy's little hand slip into his and gripped it. 'If this is true then the Master used me. I swear on my blood I acted in good faith.'

  Fern snorted. 'You Standing Dead are better at using people than keeping promises.'

  Poppy cringed at every word.

  'How could the Master persuade so many of our people to turn against us?' said Whin, still in shock from what had happened in the Ancestor House.

  'For two moons he has filled our minds with the proofs of his invincibility,' said Fern. 'Many have come to believe he will make the Ochre feared and respected among the tribes. After all, did he not win the battle against the Bluedancing, against the Woading? Did he not bring us the meat he promised?'

  Carnelian felt sick as Fern's words forced the pieces to form a mosaic in his mind. He saw it all. How easily he had allowed himself to be manip
ulated. He shook his head, trying to disbelieve it. 'I thought he did it from spite, but it was policy, calculated to break up the cohesion of the Tribe.'

  Fern frowned then continued. 'He chose to site his earthwork camp near the lagoon at the best crossing into Woading territory. I believe he only burned the Bluedancing mother trees to frighten and provoke the Woading and our other neighbours. He judged that our absence during his heavener hunt would give the Woading a chance to explore the earthwork.' He regarded Carnelian through slitted eyes. The Master knew very well that every Woading who had done his service in the legions would recognize it to be a military camp. Frightened we meant to strike against them, they struck first and when they did, he was ready for them.'

  He looked at Akaisha and Whin. 'When we saw your signal, he claimed the Skyfather had come in a dream to warn him; jealous of his successes, fearful their power would pass to the warriors, the Elders had determined to treacherously murder him.' Fern's face showed disgust. 'Ravan dutifully stirred up the men by listing all the Master had done for us; instilling fear of the revenge the Woading would take once they knew we no longer had him to lead us.'

  Whin ignited. 'You knew all this yet didn't act.'

  Fern confronted her. 'What could I do alone against the others? My great mistake was to have faith in the wisdom of the Elders.'

  The people round about gasped. Poppy's second hand joined the first and held on to Carnelian's fingers. Fern ducked an apology to his mother, then to Whin who seemed to subside.

  'I can't deny we acted foolishly.'

  'Can it be true that the Skyfather spoke to him?' said Fern.

  The glance he gave Carnelian was filled with misery.

  Akaisha was gazing at her son, aghast. 'I no longer know what is true and what is not.'

  Whin gave her a look of concern. 'Go and rest, dear. I'll handle this.'

  Akaisha nodded and Whin sent one of her daughters with her. The hearth watched the two move away with dismay. Carnelian understood. Like them he had come to rely on Akaisha's strength.

  Sil regarded Carnelian tearfully. 'If you have betrayed us, Carnie, then there is no hope, for you have seen how weak we have become.'

  Reaching out with his free hand, Carnelian clasped Sil's hands and looked her in the eyes. 'If it is all as Fern says, then I have been a fool, an instrument in the Master's hand.' He let her go, freed himself from Poppy's grip and spun round looking at every face. 'He made you slaughter heaveners; can you not believe it possible / could be used without my knowledge?' . Carnelian saw with relief that even Fern was no longer certain of his guilt.

  'Do you still believe the Master intends to attack the Standing Dead?' asked Whin.

  'I'm sure of it, my mother.'

  'You believe he cannot win?'

  Carnelian considered the changes Osidian had wrought upon the Ochre. 'I have only one certainty; if he is not stopped, the Master will bring disaster on the Tribe.'

  'How do we free ourselves from him?' said Sil expressing the general feeling. She caught a look in her husband's eyes and her face grew pale. She grabbed him.

  'He'd kill you!'

  Fern pulled himself free.

  Carnelian understood. 'Listen to her, you'd never get close enough.'

  Fern grew enraged. 'What do you suggest?'

  Examining his friend's eyes, Carnelian knew there was only one way. 'I'll do it.'

  Fern narrowed his eyes, judging him.

  'What will you do, Master?' said another voice.

  No one had noticed Ravan approaching. People looked at each other, fearing he had heard everything. Ravan frowned, sensing a conspiracy.

  'Why've you come?' Whin asked, coldly.

  'Because the Master wishes to see this one here.' He indicated Carnelian with his chin.

  Fern gave his brother a look filled with contempt. 'I thought it was the young who now ruled the Tribe?'

  Ravan found he was enringed by his scowling hearth-mates. He blushed and walked away. The Master doesn't like to be kept waiting.'

  Carnelian saw Poppy forgotten, crying. He pushed her towards Sil. Receiving nods of encouragement, he went after Ravan.

  Carnelian quickly caught up with Ravan. As he fell in beside him, the youth moved his head to one side but did not look at him.

  'Now we have the power, everything will be much better. The Tribe will soon come to see we were justified in what we've done.'

  'Your mother doesn't see it that way.'

  'She's an old woman and should be glad to be free of the burdens of rule.'

  Carnelian watched Ravan from the corners of his eyes. 'Fern was right, it is not the young but the Master who now rules.'

  'What if it were true? The Master will make the Ochre great among the tribes.'

  'You fool yourself, Ravan. You must know by now he cares for nothing but himself: Plainsmen are nothing more to him than savages. If it suited his purposes, he would care no more about the Ochre than he did the heaveners.'

  Ravan turned on him, eyes flaming. Though you look like him, you're nothing alike. You don't know what he cares about. Because you've betrayed him do you expect everyone to be as treacherous as you?'

  That barb struck home. Carnelian found he was remembering the love he had had for Osidian; the part he had played in bringing him to the Earthsky. He suppressed all guilt. Now he had to steel himself to murder him.

  Young men standing with spears at the foot of the Crag steps moved aside to let Ravan and Carnelian climb them. Reaching the summit, Carnelian pulled his uba up over his nose so that only his eyes were exposed to the withering sun. Ravan led him across the burning rock to where Osidian stood massive, shrouded black with Krow and some other guards.

  'Go and make the preparations for immediate departure,' Osidian said.

  Krow gave a nod. As he passed Carnelian on the way to the steps, they exchanged grim greetings.

  Osidian gave the iron spear he was holding to Ravan and beckoned. 'Come, my Lord.'

  Carnelian fell in beside him and they walked together in silence. He was aware Ravan and the others were following. He watched Osidian gaze out over the plain and saw how close he was to the edge of the Crag. A lunge, then a push and he would be over.

  'Have you nothing to say, Carnelian?'

  Carnelian looked up and was immediately transfixed by Osidian's jade eyes. Was there sadness there?

  'I betrayed you.'

  'Yes, you betrayed me.'

  Carnelian had expected anger, dissimulation, but not this sadness which struck at his heart. 'Stop pretending. I know you manipulated me as you have everyone and everything since we came here.'

  Osidian looked up into the sky. 'Did your barbarian friends help you work that out?'

  The contempt stung, but it was fear for Akaisha, Fern and the others that possessed him. To protect them, he must kill Osidian.

  As Osidian walked away, Carnelian followed.

  'The overthrow of the Elders has been an exercise which the Wise would probably consider trivial. Still, I have never presumed to achieve their level of mastery, though I have gleaned many techniques from their treatises on statecraft.'

  Carnelian's mind was fixed on getting Osidian between him and the edge. He spoke hoping to disguise his manoeuvring: The Elders have wisdom of their own.'

  'Whatever wisdom the old may have pales before the beauty, the youth and vigour of the young. This fracture is present in all peoples but cuts deeper into the tribes of the Earthsky than most. It was not overly difficult to hammer some wedges in and so cleave the young from the old.'

  Carnelian clutched at one last hope to delay the act of murder. 'People? You concede then that they are people? They love each other, their children, as the Chosen do; suffer pain similarly, loss. Even they have pride and beauty and honour.'

  Osidian turned fierce eyes on him. 'I have borne this predilection you have for these savages long enough! I cannot understand why you are unable to overcome the deficiencies of your upbringing.'

  Anger rose in Carnelian. 'Do you still delude yourself they believe us angels? They have seen we become weary, that we sleep, that we bleed as they do.'

  Wrath set Osidian's eyes alight. 'We do not bleed as they do. Forget your blood if you wish, but I will not allow you to forget mine. In my veins, blood runs infused with holy fire.'

  Seeing him there unrepentant, Carnelian was about to run at him, not caring that they would tumble together from the Crag when, shocked, Osidian moved away from the edge. 'You would slay me?'

  He pulled the uba from his face and stared, gaping. 'I cannot believe…' He motioned Ravan and the others away when they began voicing their alarm.

  Osidian's desolation struck at Carnelian's heart. Osidian moved further from the edge, never taking his eyes off Carnelian.

  'Have you forgotten when I said to you that my blood ran in your veins?'

  Carnelian recalled the night when they had made their vows of love to each other. It was the same night they had been captured in the Yden, just before they were cast into the outer world. He saw the long agony of time that had brought him to this rock where he wished only to see Osidian dead.

  Osidian looked close to tears. 'Never once has my love for you wavered.'

  Carnelian hardened his heart. 'Do you believe that excuses what you have done?'

  He saw Ravan's shadow moving in the corner of his eye.

  ‘I tested your love, you know?' said Osidian.

  'You mean you baited a trap for me!' Carnelian spat back.

  'It was your choice to take the bait.' Carnelian was seeing him through tears. 'What else could I do?'

  Osidian shook his head again as if he could not believe what he was hearing.

  'What would you have done if I had said nothing to the Elders?'

  Osidian shrugged. The truth is, I never for one moment doubted you would betray me.'

  Tears were running down both their faces.


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