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A Curse Awakened: A Weird Girls Novella

Page 9

by Cecy Robson

  Leader A pureblood werebeast in charge of delegating and planning attacks against the evils that threaten the earth.

  lone A werebeast who doesn’t belong to a clan, and therefore is not obligated to protect the earth from supernatural evil. Considered of lower class by those with clans.

  master vampire A vampire with the ability to turn a human vampire. Upon their creation, masters are usually killed by their Grandmaster for power. Masters are immune to fire and to sunlight born of magic, and typically carry tremendous power. Only a master or another lethal preternatural can kill a master vampire. If one master kills another, the surviving vampire acquires his or her power, wealth, and keep.

  mate The being a werebeast will love and share a soul with for eternity.

  misericordia A plea for mercy in a duel.

  moon sickness The werebeast equivalent of bloodlust. Brought on by a curse from a powerful enchantress. Causes excruciating pain. Attacks a werebeast’s central nervous system, making the werebeast stronger and violent, and driving the werebeast to kill. No known cure exists.

  mortem provocatio A fight to the death.

  North American Were Council The governing body of weres in North America, led by a president and several council members.

  potestatem bonum “The power of good.” That which encloses the earth and keeps demons from remaining among the living.

  purebloods (aka pures) Werebeasts from generations of were-only family members. Considered royalty among werebeasts, they carry the responsibilities of their species. The mating between two purebloods is the only way to guarantee the conception of a were child.

  shape-shifter Evil, immortal creatures who can take any form. They are born witches, then spend years seeking innocents to sacrifice to a dark deity. When the deity deems the offerings sufficient, the witch casts a baneful spell to surrender his or her magic and humanity in exchange for immortality and the power of hell at their fingertips. Shape-shifters can command any form and are the deadliest and strongest of all mystical creatures.

  shift Celia’s ability to break down her body into minute particles. Her gift allows her to travel beneath and across soil, concrete, and rock. Celia can also shift a limited number beings. Disadvantages include not being able to breathe or see until she surfaces.

  solis natus magicae The proper term for sunlight born of magic, created by a wielder of spells. Considered “pure” light. Capable of destroying non-master vampires and demons. In large quantities may also kill shape-shifters. Renders the wielder helpless once fired.

  surface Celia’s ability to reemerge from a shift.

  susceptor animae A being capable of taking one’s soul, such as a vampire.

  Trudhilde Radinka (aka Destiny) A female born once every century from the union of two witches who possesses rare talents and the aptitude to predict the future. Considered among the elite of the mystical world.

  turn To transform a human into a werebeast or vampire. Werebeasts turn by piercing the heart of a human with their fangs and transferring a part of their essence. Vampires pierce through the skull and into the brain to transfer a taste of their magic. Werebeasts risk their lives during the turning process as they are gifting a part of their souls. Should the transfer fail, both the werebeast and human die. Vampires risk nothing since they’re not losing their souls, but rather taking another’s and releasing it from the human’s body.

  vampire A being who consumes the blood of mortals to survive. Beautiful and alluring, vampires will never appear to age past thirty years. Vampires are immune to sunlight unless it is created by magic. They are also immune to objects of faith such as crucifixes. Vampires may be killed by the destruction of their hearts, decapitation, or fire. Master vampires or vampires several centuries old must have both their hearts and heads removed or their bodies completely destroyed.

  vampire clans Families of vampires led by master vampires. Masters can control, communicate, and punish their keep through mental telepathy.

  velum A veil conjured by magic.

  virtutem lucis “The power of light.” The goodness found within each mortal. That which combats the darkness.

  Warrior A werebeast possessing profound skill or fighting ability. Only the elite among weres are granted the title of Warrior. Warriors are duty-bound to protect their Leaders and their Leaders’ mates at all costs.

  werebeast A supernatural predator with the ability to change from human to beast. Werebeasts are considered the Guardians of the Earth against mystical evil. Werebeasts will achieve their first change within six months to a year following birth. The younger they are when they first change, the more powerful they will be. Werebeasts also possess the ability to heal their wounds. They can live until the first full moon following their one hundredth birthday. Werebeasts may be killed by destruction of their hearts, decapitation, or if their bodies are completely destroyed. The only time a were can partially change is when he or she attempts to turn a human. A turned human will achieve his or her first change by the next full moon.

  witch A being born with the power to wield magic. They worship the earth and nature. Pure witches will not take part in blood sacrifices. They cultivate the land to grow plants for their potions and use staffs, amulets, and talismans to amplify their magic. To cross a witch is to feel the collective wrath of her coven.

  witch fire Orange flames encased by magic, used to assassinate an enemy. Witch fire explodes like multiple grenades when the intended victim nears the spell. Flames will continue to burn until the target has been eliminated.


  There are three people whom I wouldn’t be here without: my editor, Sue Grimshaw; my agent, Nicole Resciniti; and my husband, Jamie. Sue gave me this opportunity. Nicole worked to make it happen. Jamie believed in me from the very first pages I typed. I’m so blessed to have them in my life.


  The Weird Girls Series

  A Curse Awakened: A Novella

  The Weird Girls: A Novella

  Sealed with a Curse

  A Cursed Embrace

  A Cursed Moon: A Novella

  Cursed by Destiny

  A Cursed Bloodline

  CECY ROBSON is the New Adult author of Once Perfect, Once Loved, and Once Pure and the award-winning author of the Weird Girls urban fantasy romance series. A self-proclaimed professional napper, Cecy counts among her talents a jaw-dropping knowledge of useless trivia, the ability to make her hair big, and a knack for breaking into song despite her family’s vehement protests. A full-time writer, registered nurse, wife, and mother living in the Great Northwest, Cecy enjoys spending time with her family and silencing the yappy characters in her head by telling their stories.


  The Editor’s Corner

  Did you know August is Romance Awareness Month? It give us the perfect excuse (as if we needed one!) to immerse ourselves in some wonderfully romantic stories. And we have just the perfect ones. So wind down the dog days of summer with these great Loveswept reads.

  We’re incredibly excited about New York Times bestselling author Ruthie Knox’s steamy new contemporary romance series set in New York City—if you haven’t yet experienced a Ruthie Knox book, you need to get Truly ASAP! You won’t regret it. Laura Drewry also returns this month with the witty and tender romance Prima Donna, which features a sexy love-shy doctor. Sidney Bristol proves that desire can be the most dangerous drug of all in her erotic tale of sensuality and suspense, Committed. And speaking of hot—have you seen the cover for Ashlyn Macnamara’s What a Lady Craves? It’s positively sizzling and the story is too—it’s a delicious tale of two souls torn apart by circumstances and reunited by fate. Then we have Vonnie Davis’s fantastic novel A Highlander’s Obsession, where two wandering souls discover that true love needs no words. And if you haven’t yet discovered Cecy Ro
bson’s sensational Weird Girls series—or just want to return to where the magic first began—pick up a copy of A Curse Awakened, the prequel novella about four sisters coming to grips with their unique supernatural powers.

  Lastly, don’t miss the newest Flirt title, Cassie Mae’s The Real Thing, which features best friends whose feelings suddenly become more than platonic.

  Don’t keep these to yourself! In honor of Romance Awareness Month, spread the word and let your friends partake in some of the romance!

  ~Happy Romance!

  Gina Wachtel

  Associate Publisher

  Read on for an excerpt from

  A Cursed Bloodline

  A Weird Girls Novel

  by Cecy Robson

  Coming soon from Loveswept

  I continued to stare at the tiny heartbeat on the screen. “How did this happen?” I asked stupidly.

  “Have you been sexually active, Celia?”

  Dr. Belman’s voice was soft and surprisingly patient. I thought about all the times Aric and I had been intimate in the last few weeks. “Um. Yes.”

  “Did you use birth control?”


  He raised his eyebrows.

  “It’s true,” I insisted.

  I had started back on the Pill when Aric and I resumed our relationship. Dr. Belman pointed to the screen. “Every time, Celia?”

  “Well, no. But it was only one night.” That was the truth—sort of. Granted that one night we’d made love four times, but that didn’t matter, right? I looked back at the little beating heart. I guess it does … matter.

  Tears streamed down my face. Although I was completely freaking out, I couldn’t help smiling. Aric and I are having a baby.

  Dr. Belman removed the internal monitor, the same monitor I had insisted he use to disprove the pregnancy test results. I had thought he was just in obstetrician mode when I explained my symptoms and he had me give a urine sample. Extreme fatigue and nausea could have been related to anything I might have contracted on my recent international trips.

  “Are you all right, Celia?”

  I sat up and wiped my trickling tears. “Yes. No. I’m not sure, but I will be.”

  “Do you feel the young man responsible will be supportive?”

  Don’t you mean the young werewolf? “In time. Aric is just going through a lot at the moment.” You see, Dr. Belman, he was severely burned and disfigured three days ago trying to save the world from a seven-headed fire-breathing demon.

  “Regardless of what challenges he’s facing, if he’s worth keeping, he’ll make you and his child a priority.” He sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder. “I apologize, Celia. I know it’s not my place to speak to you like this, but you are a nice young lady and deserve a good man.”

  “I appreciate your concern, Dr. Belman, but Aric is a good man.” He’s just hurting.

  Dr. Belman tapped my arm and regarded me thoughtfully. “If you say so, I believe you.” He helped me off the exam table. “So, miss, the plan is you will stop taking birth control at once and you will see me in four weeks. Here is a prescription for some prenatal vitamins.”

  I pushed my long wavy hair from my face and stared at the script. Somehow the piece of paper officially announced I was becoming a mommy. Another tear escaped my eye. “Thank you, Dr. Belman.”

  On the way home, different scenarios of Aric’s reaction played in my head, and I wondered how to tell him. He hadn’t called, though he said he would. It was rare for him to not stay true to his word, and even more rare for him not to check on me.

  My head spun with worry. The demon hadn’t just marred Aric physically, he’d brutalized his self-esteem. I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel and entertained my options. I couldn’t call his Warriors. If Aric’s Pack Elders found out, his friends would surely be punished and so would Aric. I also couldn’t involve my sisters. They would suspect something, and in this case, Aric should know my news first.

  Will you be happy for us, Aric?

  Four days ago, I wouldn’t have asked myself that question. I would have known based on the depth of our feelings, and the intimate moments in our past. I remembered one day in particular when we first began living together. We lay in bed facing each other. Aric traced my jawline with his finger as he spoke. It tickled and made me smile. “I wanted to talk to you about something,” he said.

  “What is it, love?”

  He returned my smile. It made him happy whenever I used that term of endearment. “I’ve noticed you haven’t had your cycle. Do you think you could be pregnant?”

  My fingertips playfully danced against his muscular chest while I tried in vain to suppress my blush. “My periods are irregular. They only come about every nine weeks. Don’t worry, I should be getting another one soon.”

  “I wasn’t worried,” he’d replied. At the time, I could have sworn he seemed disappointed.

  Another time I recalled, Aric and I had run into a family whose baby I’d delivered when I was still a nurse. We each took turns holding the baby and exchanged heartfelt glances. Although neither of us had articulated our feelings, I knew we’d wondered about starting our own family one day.

  Well, it looks like the day has come a little sooner than expected.

  I was stopped at a light when my phone buzzed. My heart clenched when I read the incoming text.

  I’m sorry. I need some time alone. Aric

  The obnoxious car horn behind me snapped me from my stupor and made me drop the phone. It was just as well—I probably would have crushed it had I held on to it. Damn it, Aric. Don’t do this … not today.

  I drove to my house in Dollar Point to gather some personal items following my doctor’s appointment. I was about to take a walk along Lake Tahoe to clear my head when someone knocked on my door. Anara waited on my doorstep, holding a charm similar to the one Genevieve had given me to pass through the wards. My hackles instinctively rose. “What are you doing here, Anara?”

  A long vicious growl rumbled through his chest. “I’m here to tell you that if you ever see Aric again I’ll—”

  “You’ll what? Kill me?” I was livid. How dare he come to my home and threaten me!

  Anara just laughed. “No, you stupid woman. I’ll kill him.”

  His response incensed me. I crouched and readied myself to attack. “Not if you’re already dead.”

  Anara threw out his hand as if batting a fly, sending me slamming into the portrait-filled wall. Glass from the frames cut into my skin, stinging and piercing my flesh like the jagged teeth of a shark. Warm blood trickled down my back and soaked through my thick cotton sweater. He held me a few feet off the floor with just his will. I jerked my shoulders, trying to move, to kick—anything to break from his hold. My limbs failed me. I reached into my tigress for strength, but Anara’s power caged her within me.

  He walked inside, slamming the door behind him. Invisible fists struck my face with each step he took. He broke my nose and bloodied my face without ever lifting a finger. My ears rang from the jolts and from the eerie call of howling wolves.

  “Do you think me merely a vampire or a Tribemaster you can so easily defeat?” he spat. “I am an Elder. I can summon the power of the pack and use it to my liking. I can kill Aric and anyone I wish from miles away. No one can stop me—and no one can help you!”

  He lifted his palm and squeezed his fingers, choking me slowly from where he stood. Spots speckled my vision. I thought he would kill me, until he dropped his hand and released the pressure burning my throat. He paced in front of me, rubbing his jaw, seemingly pleased with the amount of magic at his fingertips. I spit out blood and tried to speak. “Why Aric?” I croaked.

  His hot breath stirred against my face. “I will not allow you to taint his bloodline. He is a king among wolves and you are nothing but a whore. I’d rather see him dead than with an abomination like you!” His stare traveled the length of my body with the deepest of loathing. He lifted the edge of my sweater
, before yanking it down with disgust. “I never understood what he saw in you,” he scoffed.

  Anara’s hold continued as he stalked away. “My followers are everywhere, Celia. I can manipulate them to do my will, just as I did Virginia. I will know if you see him, I will know if you speak to him.”

  The full import of his words struck me like a thunderbolt and washed my bleeding form with cold dread. He was the one who believed me the key to his destruction … and the destruction of all those he led.

  Anara stopped at the door, the muscles of his back tightening until they bulged against his red shirt. “If you dare tell anyone about this, your sisters will share Aric’s fate.”

  As a testament to his power, Anara didn’t release me until about an hour after he left. I crashed to the floor coughing and shaking. The only thought racing through my head was the need to protect Aric, my sisters, and the baby growing inside of me.

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