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Seraphina: Initiation

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by Sheena Hutchinson




  The Seraphina Series

  Book Two

  Sheena Hutchinson

  Copyright © 2014- Hutchinson Publishing

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Sheena Hutchinson except in the case of brief quotations embodied in a critic article or review.

  ASIN: B00NE4Q7J2

  ISBN-13: 978-1502319609

  ISBN10: 1502319608

  Cover art by Andy Garcia

  For more information visit


  This book is dedicated to people who are struggling, encountering obstacles at every turn and beginning to lose faith. Just know that you are going down the right road when you encounter opposition at every turn. The Devil doesn't want you to succeed;

  This is your Initiation— Prove him wrong!

  Chapter 1: New Beginnings

  Loading the last box into the trunk of my car, I turn to lock eyes with my mom. She’s been trying to hold back tears all morning. I would have left by now, but she insisted on making brunch for me. Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen her make crepes before. Her curly auburn hair is wrapped around the reading glasses on the top of her head, but I don’t have the heart to tell her. My dad comes onto the porch to put his arm around her comfortingly. I close my eyes taking a mental picture of this moment. This, I want to remember forever.

  “Well, that’s the last of them,” I state out loud closing the door of my trunk as I pretend to wipe dirt off my hands.

  “Call us as soon as you get there,” mom yells at me as I’m walking around to the driver’s door.

  “Yes mom,” meant just to amuse her.

  “Are you sure you have everything?” she calls again.

  “Mom where do you think I’m moving? Hong Kong? I’m sure I’ll be back soon! Geez!” as the sarcasm escapes my mouth I find my mind wishing it were true. I start the car pausing to take one last glance at them, they are standing there arm in arm waving goodbye to me as I struggle to hold back tears. I take a deep breath and wave an excited goodbye before pulling away and wiping the escaping tear off my cheek.

  Driving down the long winding road to Nate’s house I finally have time to myself to think. I haven’t had much time to myself since I came to this epiphany. After Lucifer appeared in my mirror and threatened all that I love, I came to the decision it was time to move in with Nate. Nate, my overprotective fallen angel –I guess “boyfriend” is what he can be called now. Have I mentioned I only met him a week ago? Good thing I told my parents I was going to live with a ‘friend’ they didn’t question me further because they know my only friend is Amanda.

  Speaking of Amanda, I can’t help but crack up when I picture her face as I told her that I’m moving in with Nate. I had gone over to her apartment, Chinese food in hand, to explain in person the decision I came to. I don’t know how I actually found the words to explain to her all that has been going on. I mean yeah, she knew about Nate and the car accident when he stepped over the line while being my Guardian Angel, but I didn’t tell her my “heightened senses” are pretty powerful and people want me for all the wrong reasons. After the initial shock wore off and she was able to pick her jaw back up off the floor, in typical Amanda fashion—She bombarded me with a zillion questions. From: Can I read minds? Can I fly? Am I crazy for moving in with a stranger? –to have we hooked up yet? Are we sleeping in the same bed? Good thing I planned on sleeping over because that’s how long it took me to answer her slew of questions. I don’t think we went to bed until the sun came up. God, I’m going to miss those nights. I shove back another tear as the lump in my throat doubles in size.

  Moving out is hard for me, I’m not going to lie. I’ve spent the last twenty-five years of my life in the same Easter-egg-purple room. To leave it all behind except for a few frames and keepsakes and of course my clothes, was hard for me. Yeah, I shed a few tears sleeping in my bed last night. But, when I woke up this morning I promised myself not to dwell on the past, only to focus on what the future holds. Dwelling in the past will only make you crazy thinking about all the would-haves and could-haves, the present that is what you have the ability to change. Honestly, I think moving on is a part of life. That’s not the part I’m upset over. It’s the unknown that scares me, the fact that my presence alone is dangerous. Then there’s also the fact that I don’t know when I will get a chance to see them all again is the one thought that finally makes the tears fall.

  I make the final turn onto his endless curving driveway as I wipe the remainder of my tears. Excitement begins to flutter up to the surface. I have a confession to make, I never told Nate I was coming. I knew he would already know. By the time I pull up to Nate’s log home of perfection a huge smile crosses my face. I don’t know why, but there’s just something about him that makes my insides do backflips.

  Climbing out of the car, I don’t even have to shut the door before I see the large, solid front door of his handcrafted house, open. I glance up to see Nate standing there, shirtless, hair still wet from a shower, with his arms crossed, and he’s wearing nothing but jeans that show off his perfect physique. In his hands appears to be a hot cup of coffee because I can see the steam spiraling up against the cold December afternoon.

  “You knew I was coming, didn’t you?” he smiles jumping down the steps towards me. His eyes never leaving mine as he walks up to me with his chestnut hair glistening under the sun, his blue eyes shining with happiness, combined with the smirk on his face finally makes the butterflies inside me take flight. He stops in front of me and stretches his hand out to put a stray hair behind my ear before handing me the cup of coffee as he kisses my forehead in greeting.

  “Head inside, make yourself at home,” he suggests opening my trunk and begins to unload my boxes.

  “I’m not a wimpy human anymore, ya know! I can carry a few bags!” I fire back as I open the door to the back seat and throw a backpack over my shoulder. Closing the car door, I take a deep breath admiring Nate’s house once again. It’s just as magical as I remember with the high pitched roof with glass panels. I guess it can be considered our house now. Walking through the front door into the high vaulted foyer, the smell of freshly crafted pine makes its way to me and I can’t help but feel like I’m at home. I let out a sigh of relief because I somehow know deep in my soul I made the right decision. I turn and climb the large staircase on the right slowly admiring Nate’s gorgeous crystal chandelier dangling over the foyer. Once I reach the landing I open the door on the right, which I remember waking up in a few days earlier. Dropping my bag down in the middle of my new room, I place my coffee cup down on the mantle of the fireplace as I take it all in. It’s just as I remembered with the four-poster mahogany bed draped with white linen, the endless bookshelves, comfy green chair in the corner that looks like a replica of my spot in the coffeehouse, and of course the roaring stone fireplace. I really want to make this place my own, but as I glance around I come to find that there isn’t any piece of furniture I would move. It’s perfect.

  Accepting the fact that this room only needs a few homey touches, I spin around to tackle the closet. Opening the double doors of the closet, I stand back in shock when my eyes adjust to the light. It’s huge, almost the same size as my room. He also fully stocked it with clothes, shoes, and jackets. There isn’t a single spot for me to put anything I brought. I don’t know whether to be flattered or offended. The back wall is a solid unit holding a store-sized amount of shoes and combat boots I never thought I would need. Along the sides are drawers and co
untless shirts assorted by color dangling from hangers. In the middle of the room sits a long dresser with drawers for more intimate clothing and situated on top is a round mirror and some hand crafted jewelry boxes. I mindlessly walk deeper into this magnificent closet when my eye catches on a bureau with two doors at the far corner. My curiosity wins the best of me as I walk over and open it. Opening one of the double doors apprehensively, not knowing what to expect. I’m happily surprised at what I find inside, it’s a black suit. Reaching out to touch it, I notice it’s made of a durable yet breathable material that feels almost like that of a bullet proof vest. On the backhand side of the double doors are knives, daggers, as well as a bunch of weaponry I have only seen in movies.

  “You like the closet?” Nate’s question snaps me back to reality and I jump a little as I turn to face him standing in the doorway of my closet.

  “Are you kidding?! This must be what Heaven looks like!” I twirl around joking without thinking. Watching his reaction, I see slight humor before the sadness creeps over. Seeing that I have unearthed some underlying pain I quickly respond, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to...”

  “It’s fine,” he mumbles while walking toward me, cupping my face in his hands before continuing, “This is my Heaven now,” he softly states kissing me on my forehead before turning back towards the door. I’m processing what he said while I watch him walk away from me. I notice how his back flexes without his shirt on with every step he takes. Biting my lip, my heart begins racing and I can feel my skin flush with heat as I think, if he keeps it up I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off him.

  “Sera…” he pauses in the doorway to my closet and turns to face me before continuing, “I may not be able to read your mind, but I can sense your emotions.” With a flirtatious grin, I turn to my left and look over at him from the corner of my eye as I turn a knob to a door on the opposite wall and disappear inside.

  Switching on the light, I’m shocked by how bright it is. It’s a bathroom, but I seem to forget where I am because it’s completely different from the rest of the house. There is no visible wood craftsmanship, it’s all white tiles and white marble. I have a huge double marble sink with drawers underneath, a wall length mirror that fills the gap between the sink and the ceiling. Turning to the other wall I notice a standing shower and a separate tub. It’s the bathtub that really grabs my attention. Situated in a little nook with three paneled windows with a more vertical view of the cliff and winding river below, it’s large and all marble. Leaning over, I notice it even has jets! On the ledge of the tub is a basket over flowing with bath supplies including my favorite lavender blossom shampoo and cucumber body wash, how thoughtful. I twirl around in disbelief biting my nails as I continue to admire my new bathroom until something catches my eye. It’s a vase on the sink with the most gorgeous flowers I’ve ever seen. Call me strange, but I’ve never really had a favorite flower, all I’ve ever received from guys were roses. These flowers are hands down the most gorgeous arrangement I’ve ever seen, if I had to pick a favorite flower this would be it. They are pink and orange with open petals like a lily, but multiple layers like a rose. They are the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. My fingers reflexively extend to touch them and I’m surprised to find that they are real, fresh even. He definitely knew I would be coming today. I lean in to smell them and they have an intoxicating scent like sweet perfume. Leave it to Nate to know my favorite flower even if I don’t know it myself.

  I can’t help the ridiculous smile that is all over my face as I make my way back through my closet to my bedroom. I see Nate drop the last few boxes on the ground when a thought hits me, it’s crazy that twenty five years of my life is packed away in these seven little boxes. Sensing my sadness, Nate approaches me and pulls me into a hug. How does he always know what to do?

  “You want help unpacking?” he asks into my ear trying to change the subject.

  “No, I can handle it.” I really want to make this place my own, plus I don’t even want to think about Nate handling or even seeing my undergarments…yet.

  “Okay, I’ll leave you to it,” stating over his shoulder as he heads for the door, only when he reaches the doorway he turns around to add, “You made the right decision, Sera, you know that, right?”

  “Yea, I know,” I reply as I pick up a box and head into my gorgeous closet. I drop the box down on the closet floor as I look around for a place to put all the clothes I’ve brought. I run my fingers over the clothes on the hangers before I open a drawer and pull out a pair of cargo pants. I suddenly realize, the clothes I brought are from my old life—they aren’t going to cut it anymore. I’m no longer going to be lounging around the coffee house, I’m going to need training clothes. That’s what this was all about, he knew I would need a different wardrobe. Glancing down at the box I brought into the room, I come to the decision to just throw them out. The old Sera is dead, I remind myself. I have to start anew.

  I’m kicking my box back out into the bedroom when I hear my phone chime with an incoming text. Jumping over the last of the boxes, I grab it out of my book bag and sit on the edge of the bed as I read it.

  Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! … Which is pretty much nothing so- use protection! No Angel Babies until after you save the world! Amanda’s text can always put me in a good mood. I begin to crack up, I have to admit below the sadness was a little bit of nervousness that I’ve been avoiding. Nervous about training, about living with Nate, but laughing about it always makes me feel better.

  I moved in with a boy—I win. I type back, It’s true that’s something she has never done. Oh, and if you must know we have special holy water blessed condoms.

  OOOHHHH OWNED! Lol. My phone displays her reply before another pops up, I guess you turned out to be more spontaneous than we all thought.

  She’s right. I have no response to that. Instead, I decide to text my mom and tell her Godzilla interrupted my trip to Hong Kong so I had to take a detour, but I eventually made it. (Again that classic Cross-Sarcasm screaming through with every word) I don’t wait for her reply, instead I kick my shoes off and dash into the closet to try on all my new clothes.

  Chapter 2: The Man Behind the Angel

  I think I tried on every outfit in my closet and send the best ones selfie-style to Amanda to approve. She would always make some comment like I look like Combat-Barbie. But I know she found this just as funny as I did, I mean I was always the last girl picked in gym. When I actually went, most times I would play hookie in the nurse’s office until the period was over, the bell would ring, and I’d magically feel better. To say I wasn’t the most athletic girl is a huge understatement. I’m the type of person that would rather diet than have to do any form of physical exertion. To be dressed up like I’m going through army boot camp is a sight to behold.

  “Knock, Knock,” I hear called into my room. I look around at the piles of clothes lumped all around me and panic. I pick up a pile and try to shove it into a drawer, but I can’t get it to close. “Sera?” Nate calls again and I give up. I hop over the pile by the door and shut it closed behind me just as he’s entering my room.

  “Yea, sorry I was in the closet…”

  “I brought you dinner,” he states holding out the pizza box in front for me to see. I didn’t think anyone would deliver so far out here. But I’m distracted from asking when my stomach begins to scream with excitement at the smell of the fresh pizza. He piles a few boxes on top of one another and puts the pizza on top of it. I drop to my knees in front of it like a child waiting for the big reveal as my mouth waters. Nate comes to sit beside me as he opens the top of the box revealing a whole pie of peperoni pizza, my favorite. I smile over at him in a wordless show of appreciation before I dive in for a slice.

  “I thought you were unpacking…” he points to my unopened boxes still where he had left them only a few hours ago.

  “You didn’t leave me much room,” I joke in between bites, “But it’s okay, I think its time fo
r some spring cleaning.” I reach in for another slice.

  “But it’s December?” he questions obviously not totally caught onto human lingo.

  “It’s just a phrase, never mind.” I don’t have time to explain as I shove another bite of pizza in my mouth. I’ve recently gotten used to the amount of food I can consume, I think it’s because I burn so many calories now throughout the day.

  “So, Nate-aroni, tell me about yourself,” I ask with a mouth full of pizza waiving my crust in his face for emphasis.

  “What would you like to know?” he guardedly continues as he reaches over for another slice of pizza. I smirk when I realize I’m already on my third.

  “Is Nate your real name?” I randomly blurt out as I pop crust into my mouth.

  “Actually, God called me Nathanael, but it didn’t seem right to use it… afterwards.”

  “Nate, tell me about Heaven,” I inquire, intrigued at the insinuation of Heaven.

  “What would you like to know?” he asks again not wanting to give anything crucial away.

  “Is it as beautiful as they say?” I ask tilting my head to the side.

  “More,” he gets out before taking another bite.

  “More beautiful?” I stare off into the corner of the room as I try and piece it all together.

  “You can’t even humanly imagine,” that just intrigues me more and I try to picture everything I’ve ever read about it, “The ornately sculpted pearly gates are just the entrance, the way the river of life pulses it’s as if it has a heart beat of it’s own. Then there’s the chanting, the way it calls to you… soothes you to your very core.” He shakes his head as he stares at the pizza box between us, “There’s nothing like the feeling of Heaven, the peace it brings. You never want, never need, there is no hunger, no pain just love and harmony. I don’t seem to realize my eyes are closed as I picture Nate’s words until they come snapping open at the last image. It was as I pictured walking along the river of life, feeling the pulsing through my feet when I look up and see Nate walking along side a gorgeous female Angel, their robes slightly touching as they walk along together.


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